1 edited


  • uspace/lib/net/include/nil_local.h

    r404dbae r14f1db0  
    2727 */
    29 /** @addtogroup libnet
    30  * @{
     29/** @addtogroup net_nil
     30 *  @{
    3131 */
    3636 */
    38 #ifndef LIBNET_NIL_LOCAL_H_
    39 #define LIBNET_NIL_LOCAL_H_
     38#ifndef __NET_NIL_LOCAL_H__
     39#define __NET_NIL_LOCAL_H__
    4141#include <ipc/ipc.h>
    4545 * Is called by the module_start() function.
    4646 *
    47  * @param[in] net_phone The networking moduel phone.
    48  * @return              EOK on success.
    49  * @return              Other error codes as defined for each specific module
    50  *                      initialize function.
     47 * @param[in] net_phone The networking moduel phone.
     48 *
     49 * @return EOK on success.
     50 * @return Other error codes as defined for each specific module initialize function.
     51 *
    5152 */
    5253extern int nil_initialize(int);
    54 /** Notify the network interface layer about the device state change.
    55  *
    56  * @param[in] nil_phone The network interface layer phone.
    57  * @param[in] device_id The device identifier.
    58  * @param[in] state     The new device state.
    59  * @return              EOK on success.
    60  * @return              Other error codes as defined for each specific module
    61  *                      device state function.
    62  */
    6355extern int nil_device_state_msg_local(int, device_id_t, int);
    66 /** Pass the packet queue to the network interface layer.
    67  *
    68  * Process and redistribute the received packet queue to the registered
    69  * upper layers.
    70  *
    71  * @param[in] nil_phone The network interface layer phone.
    72  * @param[in] device_id The source device identifier.
    73  * @param[in] packet    The received packet or the received packet queue.
    74  * @param target        The target service. Ignored parameter.
    75  * @return              EOK on success.
    76  * @return              Other error codes as defined for each specific module
    77  *                      received function.
    78  */
    7956extern int nil_received_msg_local(int, device_id_t, packet_t, services_t);
    8158/** Message processing function.
    8259 *
    83  * @param[in] name      Module name.
    84  * @param[in] callid    The message identifier.
    85  * @param[in] call      The message parameters.
    86  * @param[out] answer   The message answer parameters.
    87  * @param[out] answer_count The last parameter for the actual answer in the
    88  *                      answer parameter.
    89  * @return              EOK on success.
    90  * @return              ENOTSUP if the message is not known.
    91  * @return              Other error codes as defined for each specific module
    92  *                      message function.
     60 * @param[in]  name         Module name.
     61 * @param[in]  callid       The message identifier.
     62 * @param[in]  call         The message parameters.
     63 * @param[out] answer       The message answer parameters.
     64 * @param[out] answer_count The last parameter for the actual answer
     65 *                          in the answer parameter.
     66 *
     67 * @return EOK on success.
     68 * @return ENOTSUP if the message is not known.
     69 * @return Other error codes as defined for each specific
     70 *         module message function.
    9371 *
    9472 * @see nil_interface.h
    9573 * @see IS_NET_NIL_MESSAGE()
     74 *
    9675 */
    97 extern int nil_message_standalone(const char *, ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *,
    98     ipc_call_t *, int *);
     76extern int nil_message_standalone(const char *, ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *, ipc_call_t *,
     77    int *);
    100 /** Pass the parameters to the module specific nil_message() function.
    101  *
    102  * @param[in] name      Module name.
    103  * @param[in] callid    The message identifier.
    104  * @param[in] call      The message parameters.
    105  * @param[out] answer   The message answer parameters.
    106  * @param[out] answer_count The last parameter for the actual answer in the
    107  *                      answer parameter.
    108  * @return              EOK on success.
    109  * @return              ENOTSUP if the message is not known.
    110  * @return              Other error codes as defined for each specific module
    111  *                      message function.
    112  */
    11379extern int nil_module_message_standalone(const char *, ipc_callid_t,
    11480    ipc_call_t *, ipc_call_t *, int *);
    116 /** Start the standalone nil layer module.
    117  *
    118  * Initialize the client connection serving function, initialize
    119  * the module, register the module service and start the async
    120  * manager, processing IPC messages in an infinite loop.
    121  *
    122  * @param[in] client_connection The client connection processing function.
    123  *                      The module skeleton propagates its own one.
    124  * @return              EOK on success.
    125  * @return              Other error codes as defined for the pm_init() function.
    126  * @return              Other error codes as defined for the nil_initialize()
    127  *                      function.
    128  * @return              Other error codes as defined for the REGISTER_ME() macro
    129  *                      function.
    130  */
    13181extern int nil_module_start_standalone(async_client_conn_t);
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