1 edited


  • uspace/lib/ieee80211/src/ieee80211.c

    rcde999a r193d280c  
    514514 * @param fun NIC function.
    515515 *
    516  * @return EOK if succeed, error code otherwise.
     516 * @return EOK if succeed, negative error code otherwise.
    517517 *
    518518 */
    728728 * @param ddf_dev       Pointer to backing DDF device structure.
    729729 *
    730  * @return EOK if succeed, error code otherwise.
     730 * @return EOK if succeed, negative error code otherwise.
    731731 *
    732732 */
    768768 *                        interface operations.
    769769 *
    770  * @return EOK if succeed, error code otherwise.
     770 * @return EOK if succeed, negative error code otherwise.
    771771 *
    772772 */
    847847 * @param ssid          Probing SSID or NULL if broadcast.
    848848 *
    849  * @return EOK if succeed, error code otherwise.
     849 * @return EOK if succeed, negative error code otherwise.
    850850 *
    851851 */
    914914 * @param ieee80211_dev Pointer to IEEE 802.11 device structure.
    915915 *
    916  * @return EOK if succeed, error code otherwise.
     916 * @return EOK if succeed, negative error code otherwise.
    917917 *
    918918 */
    964964 *                      or NULL for open networks.
    965965 *
    966  * @return EOK if succeed, error code otherwise.
     966 * @return EOK if succeed, negative error code otherwise.
    967967 *
    968968 */
    10541054 * @param ieee80211_dev Pointer to IEEE 802.11 device structure.
    10551055 *
    1056  * @return EOK if succeed, error code otherwise.
     1056 * @return EOK if succeed, negative error code otherwise.
    10571057 *
    10581058 */
    12381238 * @param mgmt_header   Pointer to start of management frame header.
    12391239 *
    1240  * @return EOK if succeed, error code otherwise.
     1240 * @return EOK if succeed, negative error code otherwise.
    12411241 *
    12421242 */
    13241324 * @param mgmt_header   Pointer to start of management frame header.
    13251325 *
    1326  * @return EOK if succeed, error code otherwise.
     1326 * @return EOK if succeed, negative error code otherwise.
    13271327 *
    13281328 */
    13531353 * @param mgmt_header   Pointer to start of management frame header.
    13541354 *
    1355  * @return EOK if succeed, error code otherwise.
     1355 * @return EOK if succeed, negative error code otherwise.
    13561356 *
    13571357 */
    16291629 * @param buffer_size   Size of buffer.
    16301630 *
    1631  * @return EOK if succeed, error code otherwise.
     1631 * @return EOK if succeed, negative error code otherwise.
    16321632 *
    16331633 */
    16931693 * @param buffer_size   Size of buffer.
    16941694 *
    1695  * @return EOK if succeed, error code otherwise.
     1695 * @return EOK if succeed, negative error code otherwise.
    16961696 *
    16971697 */
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