Changes in uspace/srv/hid/display/window.c [0d00e53:2e0a2e7] in mainline
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r0d00e53 r2e0a2e7 1 1 /* 2 * Copyright (c) 20 24Jiri Svoboda2 * Copyright (c) 2019 Jiri Svoboda 3 3 * All rights reserved. 4 4 * … … 44 44 #include <memgfx/memgc.h> 45 45 #include <stdlib.h> 46 #include <str.h>47 #include <wndmgt.h>48 46 #include "client.h" 49 47 #include "display.h" 50 48 #include "seat.h" 51 49 #include "window.h" 52 #include "wmclient.h" 53 54 static void ds_window_invalidate_cb(void *, gfx_rect_t *); 55 static void ds_window_update_cb(void *); 50 51 static void ds_window_update_cb(void *, gfx_rect_t *); 56 52 static void ds_window_get_preview_rect(ds_window_t *, gfx_rect_t *); 57 58 static mem_gc_cb_t ds_window_mem_gc_cb = {59 .invalidate = ds_window_invalidate_cb,60 .update = ds_window_update_cb61 };62 53 63 54 /** Create window. … … 67 58 * @param client Client owning the window 68 59 * @param params Window parameters 69 * @param r wnd Place to store pointer to new window.60 * @param rgc Place to store pointer to new GC. 70 61 * 71 62 * @return EOK on success or an error code 72 63 */ 73 64 errno_t ds_window_create(ds_client_t *client, display_wnd_params_t *params, 74 ds_window_t **r wnd)65 ds_window_t **rgc) 75 66 { 76 67 ds_window_t *wnd = NULL; 77 ds_seat_t *seat;78 68 gfx_context_t *dgc; 79 69 gfx_coord2_t dims; … … 88 78 } 89 79 90 /* Caption */91 wnd->caption = str_dup(params->caption);92 if (wnd->caption == NULL) {93 rc = ENOMEM;94 goto error;95 }96 97 wnd->flags = params->flags;98 99 80 ds_client_add_window(client, wnd); 100 81 ds_display_add_window(client->display, wnd); … … 102 83 gfx_bitmap_params_init(&bparams); 103 84 bparams.rect = params->rect; 104 105 /* Allocate window bitmap */106 85 107 86 dgc = ds_display_get_gc(wnd->display); … … 127 106 } 128 107 129 rc = mem_gc_create(¶ms->rect, &alloc, &ds_window_mem_gc_cb,108 rc = mem_gc_create(¶ms->rect, &alloc, ds_window_update_cb, 130 109 (void *)wnd, &wnd->mgc); 131 110 if (rc != EOK) … … 136 115 wnd->gc = mem_gc_get_ctx(wnd->mgc); 137 116 wnd->cursor = wnd->display->cursor[dcurs_arrow]; 138 139 if ((params->flags & wndf_setpos) != 0) { 140 /* Specific window position */ 141 wnd->dpos = params->pos; 142 } else { 143 /* Automatic window placement */ 144 wnd->dpos.x = ((wnd->id - 1) & 1) * 400; 145 wnd->dpos.y = ((wnd->id - 1) & 2) / 2 * 300; 146 } 147 148 /* Determine which seat should own the window */ 149 if (params->idev_id != 0) 150 seat = ds_display_seat_by_idev(wnd->display, params->idev_id); 151 else 152 seat = ds_display_default_seat(wnd->display); 153 154 /* Is this a popup window? */ 155 if ((params->flags & wndf_popup) != 0) { 156 ds_seat_set_popup(seat, wnd); 157 } else { 158 if ((params->flags & wndf_nofocus) == 0) 159 ds_seat_set_focus(seat, wnd); 160 } 161 162 /* Is this window a panel? */ 163 if ((params->flags & wndf_avoid) != 0) 164 ds_display_update_max_rect(wnd->display); 165 166 (void) ds_display_paint(wnd->display, NULL); 167 168 *rwnd = wnd; 117 *rgc = wnd; 169 118 return EOK; 170 119 error: 171 120 if (wnd != NULL) { 172 ds_client_remove_window(wnd);173 ds_display_remove_window(wnd);174 if (wnd->mgc != NULL)175 mem_gc_delete(wnd->mgc);176 121 if (wnd->bitmap != NULL) 177 122 gfx_bitmap_destroy(wnd->bitmap); 178 if (wnd->caption != NULL)179 free(wnd->caption);180 123 free(wnd); 181 124 } … … 193 136 194 137 disp = wnd->display; 195 196 ds_window_unfocus(wnd);197 138 198 139 ds_client_remove_window(wnd); 199 140 ds_display_remove_window(wnd); 200 141 201 if ((wnd->flags & wndf_avoid) != 0)202 ds_display_update_max_rect(disp);203 204 142 mem_gc_delete(wnd->mgc); 205 143 … … 207 145 gfx_bitmap_destroy(wnd->bitmap); 208 146 209 free(wnd->caption);210 147 free(wnd); 211 148 … … 219 156 void ds_window_bring_to_top(ds_window_t *wnd) 220 157 { 221 ds_display_window_to_top(wnd); 158 ds_display_t *disp = wnd->display; 159 160 ds_display_remove_window(wnd); 161 ds_display_add_window(disp, wnd); 222 162 (void) ds_display_paint(wnd->display, NULL); 223 163 } … … 231 171 { 232 172 return wnd->gc; 233 }234 235 /** Determine if window is visible.236 *237 * @param wnd Window238 * @return @c true iff window is visible239 */240 bool ds_window_is_visible(ds_window_t *wnd)241 {242 return (wnd->flags & wndf_minimized) == 0;243 173 } 244 174 … … 255 185 gfx_rect_t crect; 256 186 257 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG2, "ds_window_paint"); 258 259 /* Skip painting the window if not visible */ 260 if (!ds_window_is_visible(wnd)) 261 return EOK; 187 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG, "ds_window_paint"); 262 188 263 189 if (rect != NULL) { … … 404 330 bool newr; 405 331 406 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG 2, "ds_window_repaint_preview");332 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG, "ds_window_repaint_preview"); 407 333 408 334 /* … … 448 374 * @param wnd Window 449 375 * @param pos Position where mouse button was pressed 450 * @param pos_id Positioning device ID 451 */ 452 static void ds_window_start_move(ds_window_t *wnd, gfx_coord2_t *pos, 453 sysarg_t pos_id) 376 */ 377 static void ds_window_start_move(ds_window_t *wnd, gfx_coord2_t *pos) 454 378 { 455 379 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG, "ds_window_start_move (%d, %d)", … … 460 384 461 385 wnd->orig_pos = *pos; 462 wnd->orig_pos_id = pos_id;463 386 wnd->state = dsw_moving; 464 387 wnd->preview_pos = wnd->dpos; … … 490 413 wnd->dpos = nwpos; 491 414 wnd->state = dsw_idle; 492 wnd->orig_pos_id = 0;493 415 494 416 (void) ds_display_paint(wnd->display, NULL); … … 506 428 gfx_rect_t old_rect; 507 429 508 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG 2, "ds_window_update_move (%d, %d)",430 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG, "ds_window_update_move (%d, %d)", 509 431 (int) pos->x, (int) pos->y); 510 432 … … 525 447 * @param rsztype Resize type (which part of window is being dragged) 526 448 * @param pos Position where mouse button was pressed 527 * @param pos_id Positioning device ID528 449 */ 529 450 static void ds_window_start_resize(ds_window_t *wnd, 530 display_wnd_rsztype_t rsztype, gfx_coord2_t *pos , sysarg_t pos_id)451 display_wnd_rsztype_t rsztype, gfx_coord2_t *pos) 531 452 { 532 453 ds_seat_t *seat; … … 539 460 return; 540 461 541 /* Determine which seat started the resize */542 seat = ds_display_seat_by_idev(wnd->display, pos_id);543 if (seat == NULL)544 return;545 546 462 wnd->orig_pos = *pos; 547 wnd->orig_pos_id = pos_id;548 463 wnd->state = dsw_resizing; 549 464 wnd->rsztype = rsztype; 550 465 wnd->preview_rect = wnd->rect; 551 466 467 // XXX Need client to tell us which seat started the resize! 468 seat = ds_display_first_seat(wnd->display); 552 469 ctype = display_cursor_from_wrsz(rsztype); 553 470 ds_seat_set_wm_cursor(seat, wnd->display->cursor[ctype]); … … 579 496 ds_client_post_resize_event(wnd->client, wnd, &nrect); 580 497 581 /* Determine which seat started the resize */ 582 seat = ds_display_seat_by_idev(wnd->display, wnd->orig_pos_id); 583 if (seat != NULL) 584 ds_seat_set_wm_cursor(seat, NULL); 585 586 wnd->orig_pos_id = 0; 498 // XXX Need to know which seat started the resize! 499 seat = ds_display_first_seat(wnd->display); 500 ds_seat_set_wm_cursor(seat, NULL); 587 501 588 502 (void) ds_display_paint(wnd->display, NULL); … … 600 514 gfx_rect_t old_rect; 601 515 602 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG 2, "ds_window_update_resize (%d, %d)",516 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG, "ds_window_update_resize (%d, %d)", 603 517 (int) pos->x, (int) pos->y); 604 518 … … 639 553 * @param wnd Window 640 554 * @param event Position event 641 *642 * @return EOK on success or an error code643 555 */ 644 556 errno_t ds_window_post_pos_event(ds_window_t *wnd, pos_event_t *event) … … 646 558 pos_event_t tevent; 647 559 gfx_coord2_t pos; 648 sysarg_t pos_id;649 560 gfx_rect_t drect; 650 561 bool inside; 651 562 652 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG 2,563 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG, 653 564 "ds_window_post_pos_event type=%d pos=%d,%d", event->type, 654 565 (int) event->hpos, (int) event->vpos); … … 656 567 pos.x = event->hpos; 657 568 pos.y = event->vpos; 658 pos_id = event->pos_id;659 569 gfx_rect_translate(&wnd->dpos, &wnd->rect, &drect); 660 570 inside = gfx_pix_inside_rect(&pos, &drect); 661 571 662 if (event->type == POS_PRESS && event->btn_num == 2 && inside && 663 (wnd->flags & wndf_maximized) == 0) { 664 ds_window_start_move(wnd, &pos, pos_id); 572 if (event->type == POS_PRESS && event->btn_num == 2 && inside) { 573 ds_window_start_move(wnd, &pos); 665 574 return EOK; 666 575 } 667 576 668 577 if (event->type == POS_RELEASE) { 669 /* Finish move/resize if they were started by the same seat */ 670 if (wnd->state == dsw_moving && 671 ds_window_orig_seat(wnd, pos_id)) { 578 if (wnd->state == dsw_moving) { 672 579 ds_window_finish_move(wnd, &pos); 673 580 return EOK; 674 581 } 675 582 676 if (wnd->state == dsw_resizing && 677 ds_window_orig_seat(wnd, pos_id)) { 583 if (wnd->state == dsw_resizing) { 678 584 ds_window_finish_resize(wnd, &pos); 679 585 return EOK; … … 682 588 683 589 if (event->type == POS_UPDATE) { 684 /* Update move/resize if they were started by the same seat */ 685 if (wnd->state == dsw_moving && 686 ds_window_orig_seat(wnd, pos_id)) { 590 if (wnd->state == dsw_moving) { 687 591 ds_window_update_move(wnd, &pos); 688 592 return EOK; 689 593 } 690 594 691 if (wnd->state == dsw_resizing && 692 ds_window_orig_seat(wnd, pos_id)) { 595 if (wnd->state == dsw_resizing) { 693 596 ds_window_update_resize(wnd, &pos); 694 597 return EOK; … … 707 610 * 708 611 * @param wnd Window 709 * @return EOK on success or an error code710 612 */ 711 613 errno_t ds_window_post_focus_event(ds_window_t *wnd) 712 614 { 713 display_wnd_focus_ev_t efocus;714 errno_t rc;715 ds_wmclient_t *wmclient;716 717 615 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG, "ds_window_post_focus_event"); 718 616 719 /* Increase focus counter */ 720 ++wnd->nfocus; 721 efocus.nfocus = wnd->nfocus; 722 723 rc = ds_client_post_focus_event(wnd->client, wnd, &efocus); 724 if (rc != EOK) 725 return rc; 726 727 /* Notify window managers about window information change */ 728 wmclient = ds_display_first_wmclient(wnd->display); 729 while (wmclient != NULL) { 730 ds_wmclient_post_wnd_changed_event(wmclient, wnd->id); 731 wmclient = ds_display_next_wmclient(wmclient); 732 } 733 734 return EOK; 617 return ds_client_post_focus_event(wnd->client, wnd); 735 618 } 736 619 … … 738 621 * 739 622 * @param wnd Window 740 * @return EOK on success or an error code741 623 */ 742 624 errno_t ds_window_post_unfocus_event(ds_window_t *wnd) 743 625 { 744 display_wnd_unfocus_ev_t eunfocus;745 errno_t rc;746 ds_wmclient_t *wmclient;747 748 626 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG, "ds_window_post_unfocus_event"); 749 627 750 /* Decrease focus counter */ 751 --wnd->nfocus; 752 eunfocus.nfocus = wnd->nfocus; 753 754 rc = ds_client_post_unfocus_event(wnd->client, wnd, &eunfocus); 755 if (rc != EOK) 756 return rc; 757 758 /* Notify window managers about window information change */ 759 wmclient = ds_display_first_wmclient(wnd->display); 760 while (wmclient != NULL) { 761 ds_wmclient_post_wnd_changed_event(wmclient, wnd->id); 762 wmclient = ds_display_next_wmclient(wmclient); 763 } 764 765 return EOK; 628 return ds_client_post_unfocus_event(wnd->client, wnd); 766 629 } 767 630 … … 771 634 * @param pos Position where the pointer was when the move started 772 635 * relative to the window 773 * @param pos_id Positioning device ID774 636 * @param event Button press event 775 637 */ 776 void ds_window_move_req(ds_window_t *wnd, gfx_coord2_t *pos , sysarg_t pos_id)638 void ds_window_move_req(ds_window_t *wnd, gfx_coord2_t *pos) 777 639 { 778 640 gfx_coord2_t orig_pos; … … 782 644 783 645 gfx_coord2_add(&wnd->dpos, pos, &orig_pos); 784 ds_window_start_move(wnd, &orig_pos , pos_id);646 ds_window_start_move(wnd, &orig_pos); 785 647 } 786 648 … … 793 655 wnd->dpos = *dpos; 794 656 (void) ds_display_paint(wnd->display, NULL); 795 }796 797 /** Get window position.798 *799 * @param wnd Window800 */801 void ds_window_get_pos(ds_window_t *wnd, gfx_coord2_t *dpos)802 {803 *dpos = wnd->dpos;804 }805 806 /** Get maximized window rectangle.807 *808 * @param wnd Window809 */810 void ds_window_get_max_rect(ds_window_t *wnd, gfx_rect_t *rect)811 {812 *rect = wnd->display->max_rect;813 657 } 814 658 … … 819 663 * @param pos Position where the pointer was when the resize started 820 664 * relative to the window 821 * @param pos_id Positioning device ID822 665 * @param event Button press event 823 666 */ 824 667 void ds_window_resize_req(ds_window_t *wnd, display_wnd_rsztype_t rsztype, 825 gfx_coord2_t *pos , sysarg_t pos_id)668 gfx_coord2_t *pos) 826 669 { 827 670 gfx_coord2_t orig_pos; 828 671 829 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG, "ds_window_resize_req (%d, %d, %d , %d)",830 (int) rsztype, (int)pos->x, (int)pos->y, (int)pos_id);672 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG, "ds_window_resize_req (%d, %d, %d)", 673 (int) rsztype, (int) pos->x, (int) pos->y); 831 674 832 675 gfx_coord2_add(&wnd->dpos, pos, &orig_pos); 833 ds_window_start_resize(wnd, rsztype, &orig_pos , pos_id);676 ds_window_start_resize(wnd, rsztype, &orig_pos); 834 677 } 835 678 … … 837 680 * 838 681 * @param wnd Window 839 * @return EOK on success or an error code840 682 */ 841 683 errno_t ds_window_resize(ds_window_t *wnd, gfx_coord2_t *offs, … … 888 730 wnd->rect = *nrect; 889 731 890 if ((wnd->flags & wndf_avoid) != 0)891 ds_display_update_max_rect(wnd->display);892 893 732 (void) ds_display_paint(wnd->display, NULL); 894 return EOK;895 }896 897 /** Minimize window.898 *899 * @param wnd Window900 * @return EOK on success or an error code901 */902 errno_t ds_window_minimize(ds_window_t *wnd)903 {904 /* If already minimized, do nothing and return success. */905 if ((wnd->flags & wndf_minimized) != 0)906 return EOK;907 908 ds_window_unfocus(wnd);909 910 wnd->flags |= wndf_minimized;911 (void) ds_display_paint(wnd->display, NULL);912 return EOK;913 }914 915 /** Unminimize window.916 *917 * @param wnd Window918 * @return EOK on success or an error code919 */920 errno_t ds_window_unminimize(ds_window_t *wnd)921 {922 /* If not minimized, do nothing and return success. */923 if ((wnd->flags & wndf_minimized) == 0)924 return EOK;925 926 wnd->flags &= ~wndf_minimized;927 (void) ds_display_paint(wnd->display, NULL);928 return EOK;929 }930 931 /** Maximize window.932 *933 * @param wnd Window934 * @return EOK on success or an error code935 */936 errno_t ds_window_maximize(ds_window_t *wnd)937 {938 gfx_coord2_t old_dpos;939 gfx_rect_t old_rect;940 gfx_coord2_t offs;941 gfx_rect_t max_rect;942 gfx_rect_t nrect;943 errno_t rc;944 945 /* If already maximized, do nothing and return success. */946 if ((wnd->flags & wndf_maximized) != 0)947 return EOK;948 949 /* Remember the old window rectangle and display position */950 old_rect = wnd->rect;951 old_dpos = wnd->dpos;952 953 ds_window_get_max_rect(wnd, &max_rect);954 955 /* Keep window contents on the same position on the screen */956 offs.x = max_rect.p0.x - wnd->dpos.x;957 offs.y = max_rect.p0.y - wnd->dpos.y;958 959 /* Maximized window's coordinates will start at 0,0 */960 gfx_rect_rtranslate(&max_rect.p0, &max_rect, &nrect);961 962 rc = ds_window_resize(wnd, &offs, &nrect);963 if (rc != EOK)964 return rc;965 966 /* Set window flags, remember normal rectangle */967 wnd->flags |= wndf_maximized;968 wnd->normal_rect = old_rect;969 wnd->normal_dpos = old_dpos;970 971 return EOK;972 }973 974 /** Unmaximize window.975 *976 * @param wnd Window977 * @return EOK on success or an error code978 */979 errno_t ds_window_unmaximize(ds_window_t *wnd)980 {981 gfx_coord2_t offs;982 errno_t rc;983 984 /* If not maximized, do nothing and return success. */985 if ((wnd->flags & wndf_maximized) == 0)986 return EOK;987 988 /* Keep window contents on the same position on the screen */989 offs.x = wnd->normal_dpos.x - wnd->dpos.x;990 offs.y = wnd->normal_dpos.y - wnd->dpos.y;991 992 rc = ds_window_resize(wnd, &offs, &wnd->normal_rect);993 if (rc != EOK)994 return rc;995 996 /* Clear maximized flag */997 wnd->flags &= ~wndf_maximized;998 999 733 return EOK; 1000 734 } … … 1042 776 * 1043 777 * @param wnd Window 1044 * @param cursor New cursor1045 778 * @return EOK on success, EINVAL if @a cursor is invalid 1046 779 */ … … 1056 789 } 1057 790 1058 /** Set window caption. 1059 * 1060 * @param wnd Window 1061 * @param caption New caption 1062 * 1063 * @return EOK on success, EINVAL if @a cursor is invalid 1064 */ 1065 errno_t ds_window_set_caption(ds_window_t *wnd, const char *caption) 1066 { 1067 char *dcaption; 1068 ds_wmclient_t *wmclient; 1069 1070 dcaption = str_dup(caption); 1071 if (dcaption == NULL) 1072 return ENOMEM; 1073 1074 free(wnd->caption); 1075 wnd->caption = dcaption; 1076 1077 /* Notify window managers about window information change */ 1078 wmclient = ds_display_first_wmclient(wnd->display); 1079 while (wmclient != NULL) { 1080 ds_wmclient_post_wnd_changed_event(wmclient, wnd->id); 1081 wmclient = ds_display_next_wmclient(wmclient); 1082 } 1083 1084 return EOK; 1085 } 1086 1087 /** Find alternate window with the allowed flags. 1088 * 1089 * An alternate window is a *different* window that is preferably previous 1090 * in the display order and only has the @a allowed flags. 1091 * 1092 * @param wnd Window 1093 * @param allowed_flags Bitmask of flags that the window is allowed to have 1094 * 1095 * @return Alternate window matching the criteria or @c NULL if there is none 1096 */ 1097 ds_window_t *ds_window_find_prev(ds_window_t *wnd, 1098 display_wnd_flags_t allowed_flags) 1099 { 1100 ds_window_t *nwnd; 1101 1102 /* Try preceding windows in display order */ 1103 nwnd = ds_display_next_window(wnd); 1104 while (nwnd != NULL && (nwnd->flags & ~allowed_flags) != 0) { 1105 nwnd = ds_display_next_window(nwnd); 1106 } 1107 1108 /* Do we already have a matching window? */ 1109 if (nwnd != NULL && (nwnd->flags & ~allowed_flags) == 0) { 1110 return nwnd; 1111 } 1112 1113 /* Try succeeding windows in display order */ 1114 nwnd = ds_display_first_window(wnd->display); 1115 while (nwnd != NULL && nwnd != wnd && 1116 (nwnd->flags & ~allowed_flags) != 0) { 1117 nwnd = ds_display_next_window(nwnd); 1118 } 1119 1120 if (nwnd == wnd) 1121 return NULL; 1122 1123 return nwnd; 1124 } 1125 1126 /** Find alternate window with the allowed flags. 1127 * 1128 * An alternate window is a *different* window that is preferably previous 1129 * in the display order and only has the @a allowed flags. 1130 * 1131 * @param wnd Window 1132 * @param allowed_flags Bitmask of flags that the window is allowed to have 1133 * 1134 * @return Alternate window matching the criteria or @c NULL if there is none 1135 */ 1136 ds_window_t *ds_window_find_next(ds_window_t *wnd, 1137 display_wnd_flags_t allowed_flags) 1138 { 1139 ds_window_t *nwnd; 1140 1141 /* Try preceding windows in display order */ 1142 nwnd = ds_display_prev_window(wnd); 1143 while (nwnd != NULL && (nwnd->flags & ~allowed_flags) != 0) { 1144 nwnd = ds_display_prev_window(nwnd); 1145 } 1146 1147 /* Do we already have a matching window? */ 1148 if (nwnd != NULL && (nwnd->flags & ~allowed_flags) == 0) { 1149 return nwnd; 1150 } 1151 1152 /* Try succeeding windows in display order */ 1153 nwnd = ds_display_last_window(wnd->display); 1154 while (nwnd != NULL && nwnd != wnd && 1155 (nwnd->flags & ~allowed_flags) != 0) { 1156 nwnd = ds_display_prev_window(nwnd); 1157 } 1158 1159 if (nwnd == wnd) 1160 return NULL; 1161 1162 return nwnd; 1163 } 1164 1165 /** Remove focus from window. 1166 * 1167 * Used to switch focus to another window when closing or minimizing window. 1168 * 1169 * @param wnd Window 1170 */ 1171 void ds_window_unfocus(ds_window_t *wnd) 1172 { 1173 ds_seat_t *seat; 1174 1175 /* Make sure window is no longer focused in any seat */ 1176 seat = ds_display_first_seat(wnd->display); 1177 while (seat != NULL) { 1178 ds_seat_unfocus_wnd(seat, wnd); 1179 seat = ds_display_next_seat(seat); 1180 } 1181 } 1182 1183 /** Determine if input device belongs to the same seat as the original device. 1184 * 1185 * Compare the seat ownning @a idev_id with the seat owning @a wnd->orig_pos_id 1186 * (the device that started the window move or resize). 1187 * 1188 * This is used to make sure that, when two seats focus the same window, 1189 * only devices owned by the seat that started the resize or move can 1190 * affect it. Otherwise moving the other pointer(s) would disrupt the 1191 * resize or move operation. 1192 * 1193 * @param wnd Window (that is currently being resized or moved) 1194 * @param idev_id Input device ID 1195 * @return @c true iff idev_id is owned by the same seat as the input 1196 * device that started the resize or move 1197 */ 1198 bool ds_window_orig_seat(ds_window_t *wnd, sysarg_t idev_id) 1199 { 1200 ds_seat_t *orig_seat; 1201 ds_seat_t *seat; 1202 1203 /* Window must be in state such that wnd->orig_pos_id is valid */ 1204 assert(wnd->state == dsw_moving || wnd->state == dsw_resizing); 1205 1206 orig_seat = ds_display_seat_by_idev(wnd->display, wnd->orig_pos_id); 1207 seat = ds_display_seat_by_idev(wnd->display, idev_id); 1208 1209 return seat == orig_seat; 1210 } 1211 1212 /** Window memory GC invalidate callback. 1213 * 1214 * This is called by the window's memory GC when a rectangle is modified. 1215 */ 1216 static void ds_window_invalidate_cb(void *arg, gfx_rect_t *rect) 791 /** Window memory GC update callback. 792 * 793 * This is called by the window's memory GC when a rectangle us updated. 794 */ 795 static void ds_window_update_cb(void *arg, gfx_rect_t *rect) 1217 796 { 1218 797 ds_window_t *wnd = (ds_window_t *)arg; … … 1227 806 } 1228 807 1229 /** Window memory GC update callback.1230 *1231 * This is called by the window's memory GC when it is to be updated.1232 */1233 static void ds_window_update_cb(void *arg)1234 {1235 ds_window_t *wnd = (ds_window_t *)arg;1236 1237 (void) wnd;1238 }1239 1240 808 /** @} 1241 809 */
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