Changeset 45f04f8 in mainline for uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_fat.c

2010-11-18T18:23:43Z (14 years ago)
Jakub Jermar <jakub@…>
lfn, master, serial, ticket/834-toolchain-update, topic/msim-upgrade, topic/simplify-dev-export
3f0a7971, a7811f17, cb569e6
51a268f (diff), c63e70c (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge changes that aim to do a better job in differentiating between
dev_handle_t and device_handle_t, respectively, by renaming these types to
devmap_handle_t and devman_handle_t, respectively.

1 edited


  • uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_fat.c

    r51a268f r45f04f8  
    7070 *
    7171 * @param bs            Buffer holding the boot sector for the file.
    72  * @param dev_handle    Device handle of the device with the file.
     72 * @param devmap_handle Device handle of the device with the file.
    7373 * @param firstc        First cluster to start the walk with.
    7474 * @param lastc         If non-NULL, output argument hodling the last cluster
    8181 */
    83 fat_cluster_walk(fat_bs_t *bs, dev_handle_t dev_handle, fat_cluster_t firstc,
     83fat_cluster_walk(fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, fat_cluster_t firstc,
    8484    fat_cluster_t *lastc, uint16_t *numc, uint16_t max_clusters)
    108108                fidx = clst % (BPS(bs) / sizeof(fat_cluster_t));
    109109                /* read FAT1 */
    110                 rc = block_get(&b, dev_handle, RSCNT(bs) + fsec,
     110                rc = block_get(&b, devmap_handle, RSCNT(bs) + fsec,
    111111                    BLOCK_FLAGS_NONE);
    112112                if (rc != EOK)
    159159                 * when fortunately we have the last cluster number cached.
    160160                 */
    161                 return block_get(block, nodep->idx->dev_handle,
     161                return block_get(block, nodep->idx->devmap_handle,
    162162                    CLBN2PBN(bs, nodep->lastc_cached_value, bn), flags);
    163163        }
    175         rc = _fat_block_get(block, bs, nodep->idx->dev_handle, firstc,
     175        rc = _fat_block_get(block, bs, nodep->idx->devmap_handle, firstc,
    176176            &currc, relbn, flags);
    177177        if (rc != EOK)
    192192 * @param block         Pointer to a block pointer for storing result.
    193193 * @param bs            Buffer holding the boot sector of the file system.
    194  * @param dev_handle    Device handle of the file system.
     194 * @param devmap_handle Device handle of the file system.
    195195 * @param fcl           First cluster used by the file. Can be zero if the file
    196196 *                      is empty.
    204204 */
    206 _fat_block_get(block_t **block, fat_bs_t *bs, dev_handle_t dev_handle,
     206_fat_block_get(block_t **block, fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle,
    207207    fat_cluster_t fcl, fat_cluster_t *clp, aoff64_t bn, int flags)
    221221                /* root directory special case */
    222222                assert(bn < RDS(bs));
    223                 rc = block_get(block, dev_handle,
     223                rc = block_get(block, devmap_handle,
    224224                    RSCNT(bs) + FATCNT(bs) * SF(bs) + bn, flags);
    225225                return rc;
    228228        max_clusters = bn / SPC(bs);
    229         rc = fat_cluster_walk(bs, dev_handle, fcl, &c, &clusters, max_clusters);
     229        rc = fat_cluster_walk(bs, devmap_handle, fcl, &c, &clusters, max_clusters);
    230230        if (rc != EOK)
    231231                return rc;
    232232        assert(clusters == max_clusters);
    234         rc = block_get(block, dev_handle, CLBN2PBN(bs, c, bn), flags);
     234        rc = block_get(block, devmap_handle, CLBN2PBN(bs, c, bn), flags);
    236236        if (clp)
    280280        /* zero out the initial part of the new cluster chain */
    281281        for (o = boundary; o < pos; o += BPS(bs)) {
    282                 rc = _fat_block_get(&b, bs, nodep->idx->dev_handle, mcl,
     282                rc = _fat_block_get(&b, bs, nodep->idx->devmap_handle, mcl,
    283283                    NULL, (o - boundary) / BPS(bs), BLOCK_FLAGS_NOREAD);
    284284                if (rc != EOK)
    297297 *
    298298 * @param bs            Buffer holding the boot sector for the file system.
    299  * @param dev_handle    Device handle for the file system.
     299 * @param devmap_handle Device handle for the file system.
    300300 * @param clst          Cluster which to get.
    301301 * @param value         Output argument holding the value of the cluster.
    304304 */
    306 fat_get_cluster(fat_bs_t *bs, dev_handle_t dev_handle, unsigned fatno,
     306fat_get_cluster(fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, unsigned fatno,
    307307    fat_cluster_t clst, fat_cluster_t *value)
    311311        int rc;
    313         rc = block_get(&b, dev_handle, RSCNT(bs) + SF(bs) * fatno +
     313        rc = block_get(&b, devmap_handle, RSCNT(bs) + SF(bs) * fatno +
    314314            (clst * sizeof(fat_cluster_t)) / BPS(bs), BLOCK_FLAGS_NONE);
    315315        if (rc != EOK)
    326326 *
    327327 * @param bs            Buffer holding the boot sector for the file system.
    328  * @param dev_handle    Device handle for the file system.
     328 * @param devmap_handle Device handle for the file system.
    329329 * @param fatno         Number of the FAT instance where to make the change.
    330330 * @param clst          Cluster which is to be set.
    334334 */
    336 fat_set_cluster(fat_bs_t *bs, dev_handle_t dev_handle, unsigned fatno,
     336fat_set_cluster(fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, unsigned fatno,
    337337    fat_cluster_t clst, fat_cluster_t value)
    343343        assert(fatno < FATCNT(bs));
    344         rc = block_get(&b, dev_handle, RSCNT(bs) + SF(bs) * fatno +
     344        rc = block_get(&b, devmap_handle, RSCNT(bs) + SF(bs) * fatno +
    345345            (clst * sizeof(fat_cluster_t)) / BPS(bs), BLOCK_FLAGS_NONE);
    346346        if (rc != EOK)
    357357 *
    358358 * @param bs            Buffer holding the boot sector of the file system.
    359  * @param dev_handle    Device handle of the file system.
     359 * @param devmap_handle Device handle of the file system.
    360360 * @param lifo          Chain of allocated clusters.
    361361 * @param nclsts        Number of clusters in the lifo chain.
    363363 * @return              EOK on success or a negative error code.
    364364 */
    365 int fat_alloc_shadow_clusters(fat_bs_t *bs, dev_handle_t dev_handle,
     365int fat_alloc_shadow_clusters(fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle,
    366366    fat_cluster_t *lifo, unsigned nclsts)
    372372        for (fatno = FAT1 + 1; fatno < bs->fatcnt; fatno++) {
    373373                for (c = 0; c < nclsts; c++) {
    374                         rc = fat_set_cluster(bs, dev_handle, fatno, lifo[c],
     374                        rc = fat_set_cluster(bs, devmap_handle, fatno, lifo[c],
    375375                            c == 0 ? FAT_CLST_LAST1 : lifo[c - 1]);
    376376                        if (rc != EOK)
    390390 *
    391391 * @param bs            Buffer holding the boot sector of the file system.
    392  * @param dev_handle    Device handle of the file system.
     392 * @param devmap_handle Device handle of the file system.
    393393 * @param nclsts        Number of clusters to allocate.
    394394 * @param mcl           Output parameter where the first cluster in the chain
    400400 */
    402 fat_alloc_clusters(fat_bs_t *bs, dev_handle_t dev_handle, unsigned nclsts,
     402fat_alloc_clusters(fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, unsigned nclsts,
    403403    fat_cluster_t *mcl, fat_cluster_t *lcl)
    418418        fibril_mutex_lock(&fat_alloc_lock);
    419419        for (b = 0, cl = 0; b < SF(bs); b++) {
    420                 rc = block_get(&blk, dev_handle, RSCNT(bs) + b,
     420                rc = block_get(&blk, devmap_handle, RSCNT(bs) + b,
    421421                    BLOCK_FLAGS_NONE);
    422422                if (rc != EOK)
    457457                                        /* update the shadow copies of FAT */
    458458                                        rc = fat_alloc_shadow_clusters(bs,
    459                                             dev_handle, lifo, nclsts);
     459                                            devmap_handle, lifo, nclsts);
    460460                                        if (rc != EOK)
    461461                                                goto error;
    484484         */
    485485        while (found--) {
    486                 rc = fat_set_cluster(bs, dev_handle, FAT1, lifo[found],
     486                rc = fat_set_cluster(bs, devmap_handle, FAT1, lifo[found],
    487487                    FAT_CLST_RES0);
    488488                if (rc != EOK) {
    499499 *
    500500 * @param bs            Buffer hodling the boot sector of the file system.
    501  * @param dev_handle    Device handle of the file system.
     501 * @param devmap_handle Device handle of the file system.
    502502 * @param firstc        First cluster in the chain which is to be freed.
    503503 *
    505505 */
    507 fat_free_clusters(fat_bs_t *bs, dev_handle_t dev_handle, fat_cluster_t firstc)
     507fat_free_clusters(fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, fat_cluster_t firstc)
    509509        unsigned fatno;
    514514        while (firstc < FAT_CLST_LAST1) {
    515515                assert(firstc >= FAT_CLST_FIRST && firstc < FAT_CLST_BAD);
    516                 rc = fat_get_cluster(bs, dev_handle, FAT1, firstc, &nextc);
     516                rc = fat_get_cluster(bs, devmap_handle, FAT1, firstc, &nextc);
    517517                if (rc != EOK)
    518518                        return rc;
    519519                for (fatno = FAT1; fatno < bs->fatcnt; fatno++) {
    520                         rc = fat_set_cluster(bs, dev_handle, fatno, firstc,
     520                        rc = fat_set_cluster(bs, devmap_handle, fatno, firstc,
    521521                            FAT_CLST_RES0);
    522522                        if (rc != EOK)
    543543    fat_cluster_t lcl)
    545         dev_handle_t dev_handle = nodep->idx->dev_handle;
     545        devmap_handle_t devmap_handle = nodep->idx->devmap_handle;
    546546        fat_cluster_t lastc;
    547547        uint8_t fatno;
    557557                        nodep->lastc_cached_valid = false;
    558558                } else {
    559                         rc = fat_cluster_walk(bs, dev_handle, nodep->firstc,
     559                        rc = fat_cluster_walk(bs, devmap_handle, nodep->firstc,
    560560                            &lastc, NULL, (uint16_t) -1);
    561561                        if (rc != EOK)
    565565                for (fatno = FAT1; fatno < bs->fatcnt; fatno++) {
    566                         rc = fat_set_cluster(bs, nodep->idx->dev_handle, fatno,
     566                        rc = fat_set_cluster(bs, nodep->idx->devmap_handle, fatno,
    567567                            lastc, mcl);
    568568                        if (rc != EOK)
    591591        int rc;
    592         dev_handle_t dev_handle = nodep->idx->dev_handle;
     592        devmap_handle_t devmap_handle = nodep->idx->devmap_handle;
    594594        /*
    601601        if (lcl == FAT_CLST_RES0) {
    602602                /* The node will have zero size and no clusters allocated. */
    603                 rc = fat_free_clusters(bs, dev_handle, nodep->firstc);
     603                rc = fat_free_clusters(bs, devmap_handle, nodep->firstc);
    604604                if (rc != EOK)
    605605                        return rc;
    610610                unsigned fatno;
    612                 rc = fat_get_cluster(bs, dev_handle, FAT1, lcl, &nextc);
     612                rc = fat_get_cluster(bs, devmap_handle, FAT1, lcl, &nextc);
    613613                if (rc != EOK)
    614614                        return rc;
    616616                /* Terminate the cluster chain in all copies of FAT. */
    617617                for (fatno = FAT1; fatno < bs->fatcnt; fatno++) {
    618                         rc = fat_set_cluster(bs, dev_handle, fatno, lcl,
     618                        rc = fat_set_cluster(bs, devmap_handle, fatno, lcl,
    619619                            FAT_CLST_LAST1);
    620620                        if (rc != EOK)
    624624                /* Free all following clusters. */
    625                 rc = fat_free_clusters(bs, dev_handle, nextc);
     625                rc = fat_free_clusters(bs, devmap_handle, nextc);
    626626                if (rc != EOK)
    627627                        return rc;
    640 fat_zero_cluster(struct fat_bs *bs, dev_handle_t dev_handle, fat_cluster_t c)
     640fat_zero_cluster(struct fat_bs *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, fat_cluster_t c)
    642642        int i;
    646646        for (i = 0; i < SPC(bs); i++) {
    647                 rc = _fat_block_get(&b, bs, dev_handle, c, NULL, i,
     647                rc = _fat_block_get(&b, bs, devmap_handle, c, NULL, i,
    648648                    BLOCK_FLAGS_NOREAD);
    649649                if (rc != EOK)
    665665 * does not contain a fat file system.
    666666 */
    667 int fat_sanity_check(fat_bs_t *bs, dev_handle_t dev_handle)
     667int fat_sanity_check(fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle)
    669669        fat_cluster_t e0, e1;
    707707        for (fat_no = 0; fat_no < bs->fatcnt; fat_no++) {
    708                 rc = fat_get_cluster(bs, dev_handle, fat_no, 0, &e0);
     708                rc = fat_get_cluster(bs, devmap_handle, fat_no, 0, &e0);
    709709                if (rc != EOK)
    710710                        return EIO;
    712                 rc = fat_get_cluster(bs, dev_handle, fat_no, 1, &e1);
     712                rc = fat_get_cluster(bs, devmap_handle, fat_no, 1, &e1);
    713713                if (rc != EOK)
    714714                        return EIO;
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