Changes in / [1cbfd6b:4acf099] in mainline
- Files:
- 12 edited
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r1cbfd6b r4acf099 552 552 ! CONFIG_RUN_VIRTUAL_USB_HC (n/y) 553 553 554 % Polling UHCI & OHCI (no interrupts) 555 ! [PLATFORM=ia32|PLATFORM=amd64] CONFIG_USBHC_NO_INTERRUPTS (y/n) -
r1cbfd6b r4acf099 294 294 } 295 295 296 297 void dump_status(usbinfo_device_t *dev) 298 { 299 int rc; 300 uint16_t device_status = 0; 301 uint16_t ctrl_pipe_status = 0; 302 303 /* Device status first. */ 304 rc = usb_request_get_status(&dev->ctrl_pipe, 305 USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_DEVICE, 0, 306 &device_status); 307 if (rc != EOK) { 308 printf("%sFailed to get device status: %s.\n", 309 get_indent(0), str_error(rc)); 310 goto try_ctrl_pipe_status; 311 } 312 313 printf("%sDevice status 0x%04x: power=%s, remote-wakeup=%s.\n", 314 get_indent(0), 315 device_status, 316 device_status & USB_DEVICE_STATUS_SELF_POWERED ? "self" : "bus", 317 device_status & USB_DEVICE_STATUS_REMOTE_WAKEUP ? "yes" : "no"); 318 319 /* Interface is not interesting, skipping ;-). */ 320 321 /* Control endpoint zero. */ 322 try_ctrl_pipe_status: 323 rc = usb_request_get_status(&dev->ctrl_pipe, 324 USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT, 0, 325 &ctrl_pipe_status); 326 if (rc != EOK) { 327 printf("%sFailed to get control endpoint status: %s.\n", 328 get_indent(0), str_error(rc)); 329 goto leave; 330 } 331 332 printf("%sControl endpoint zero status %04X: halted=%s.\n", 333 get_indent(0), 334 ctrl_pipe_status, 335 ctrl_pipe_status & USB_ENDPOINT_STATUS_HALTED ? "yes" : "no"); 336 337 leave: 338 return; 339 } 340 296 341 /** @} 297 342 */ -
r1cbfd6b r4acf099 136 136 _OPTION("-T --descriptor-tree-full", "Print detailed descriptor tree"); 137 137 _OPTION("-s --strings", "Try to print all string descriptors."); 138 _OPTION("-S --status", "Get status of the device."); 138 139 139 140 printf("\n"); … … 152 153 {"descriptor-tree-full", no_argument, NULL, 'T'}, 153 154 {"strings", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, 155 {"status", no_argument, NULL, 'S'}, 154 156 {0, 0, NULL, 0} 155 157 }; 156 static const char *short_options = "himtTs ";158 static const char *short_options = "himtTsS"; 157 159 158 160 static usbinfo_action_t actions[] = { … … 180 182 .opt = 's', 181 183 .action = dump_strings, 184 .active = false 185 }, 186 { 187 .opt = 'S', 188 .action = dump_status, 182 189 .active = false 183 190 }, -
r1cbfd6b r4acf099 84 84 void dump_descriptor_tree_full(usbinfo_device_t *); 85 85 void dump_strings(usbinfo_device_t *); 86 void dump_status(usbinfo_device_t *); 86 87 87 88 -
r1cbfd6b r4acf099 149 149 } 150 150 151 151 152 bool interrupts = false; 153 #ifdef CONFIG_USBHC_NO_INTERRUPTS 154 usb_log_warning("Interrupts disabled in OS config, " \ 155 "falling back to polling.\n"); 156 #else 152 157 ret = pci_enable_interrupts(device); 153 158 if (ret != EOK) { 154 usb_log_warning( 155 "Failed(%d) to enable interrupts, fall back to polling.\n", 156 ret); 159 usb_log_warning("Failed to enable interrupts: %s.\n", 160 str_error(ret)); 161 usb_log_info("HW interrupts not available, " \ 162 "falling back to polling.\n"); 157 163 } else { 158 164 usb_log_debug("Hw interrupts enabled.\n"); 159 165 interrupts = true; 160 166 } 167 #endif 161 168 162 169 ret = hc_init(hcd, hc_fun, device, mem_reg_base, mem_reg_size, interrupts); -
r1cbfd6b r4acf099 48 48 qh_t *qh; 49 49 td_t *tds; 50 size_t packets;50 size_t transfers; 51 51 usb_device_keeper_t *manager; 52 52 } uhci_batch_t; … … 64 64 * @param[in] target Device and endpoint target of the transaction. 65 65 * @param[in] transfer_type Interrupt, Control or Bulk. 66 * @param[in] max_packet_size maximum allowed size of data packets.66 * @param[in] max_packet_size maximum allowed size of data transfers. 67 67 * @param[in] speed Speed of the transaction. 68 68 * @param[in] buffer Data source/destination. … … 77 77 * NULL otherwise. 78 78 * 79 * Determines the number of needed packets (TDs). Prepares a transport buffer79 * Determines the number of needed transfers (TDs). Prepares a transport buffer 80 80 * (that is accessible by the hardware). Initializes parameters needed for the 81 81 * transaction and callback. … … 117 117 instance->private_data = data; 118 118 119 data-> packets = (buffer_size + max_packet_size - 1) / max_packet_size;119 data->transfers = (buffer_size + max_packet_size - 1) / max_packet_size; 120 120 if (transfer_type == USB_TRANSFER_CONTROL) { 121 data-> packets += 2;122 } 123 124 data->tds = malloc32(sizeof(td_t) * data-> packets);121 data->transfers += 2; 122 } 123 124 data->tds = malloc32(sizeof(td_t) * data->transfers); 125 125 CHECK_NULL_DISPOSE_RETURN( 126 126 data->tds, "Failed to allocate transfer descriptors.\n"); 127 bzero(data->tds, sizeof(td_t) * data-> packets);127 bzero(data->tds, sizeof(td_t) * data->transfers); 128 128 129 129 data->qh = malloc32(sizeof(qh_t)); … … 166 166 assert(data); 167 167 168 usb_log_debug2("Batch(%p) checking %d packet(s) for completion.\n",169 instance, data-> packets);168 usb_log_debug2("Batch(%p) checking %d transfer(s) for completion.\n", 169 instance, data->transfers); 170 170 instance->transfered_size = 0; 171 171 size_t i = 0; 172 for (;i < data-> packets; ++i) {172 for (;i < data->transfers; ++i) { 173 173 if (td_is_active(&data->tds[i])) { 174 174 return false; … … 298 298 * 299 299 * @param[in] instance Batch structure to use. 300 * @param[in] pid to use for data packets.300 * @param[in] pid Pid to use for data transfers. 301 301 * 302 302 * Packets with alternating toggle bit and supplied pid value. 303 * The last packetis marked with IOC flag.303 * The last transfer is marked with IOC flag. 304 304 */ 305 305 void batch_data(usb_transfer_batch_t *instance, usb_packet_id pid) … … 314 314 assert(toggle == 0 || toggle == 1); 315 315 316 size_t packet= 0;316 size_t transfer = 0; 317 317 size_t remain_size = instance->buffer_size; 318 318 while (remain_size > 0) { … … 325 325 remain_size : instance->max_packet_size; 326 326 327 td_t *next_ packet = (packet + 1 < data->packets)328 ? &data->tds[ packet+ 1] : NULL;329 330 assert( packet < data->packets);327 td_t *next_transfer = (transfer + 1 < data->transfers) 328 ? &data->tds[transfer + 1] : NULL; 329 330 assert(transfer < data->transfers); 331 331 assert(packet_size <= remain_size); 332 332 333 333 td_init( 334 &data->tds[ packet], DEFAULT_ERROR_COUNT, packet_size,334 &data->tds[transfer], DEFAULT_ERROR_COUNT, packet_size, 335 335 toggle, false, low_speed, instance->target, pid, trans_data, 336 next_ packet);336 next_transfer); 337 337 338 338 339 339 toggle = 1 - toggle; 340 340 remain_size -= packet_size; 341 ++ packet;342 } 343 td_set_ioc(&data->tds[ packet- 1]);341 ++transfer; 342 } 343 td_set_ioc(&data->tds[transfer - 1]); 344 344 usb_device_keeper_set_toggle(data->manager, instance->target, 345 345 instance->direction, toggle); … … 349 349 * 350 350 * @param[in] instance Batch structure to use. 351 * @param[in] data_stage to use for data packets.352 * @param[in] status_stage to use for data packets.351 * @param[in] data_stage Pid to use for data transfers. 352 * @param[in] status_stage Pid to use for data transfers. 353 353 * 354 354 * Setup stage with toggle 0 and USB_PID_SETUP. 355 355 * Data stage with alternating toggle and pid supplied by parameter. 356 356 * Status stage with toggle 1 and pid supplied by parameter. 357 * The last packetis marked with IOC.357 * The last transfer is marked with IOC. 358 358 */ 359 359 void batch_control(usb_transfer_batch_t *instance, … … 363 363 uhci_batch_t *data = instance->private_data; 364 364 assert(data); 365 assert(data-> packets >= 2);365 assert(data->transfers >= 2); 366 366 367 367 const bool low_speed = instance->speed == USB_SPEED_LOW; … … 374 374 375 375 /* data stage */ 376 size_t packet= 1;376 size_t transfer = 1; 377 377 size_t remain_size = instance->buffer_size; 378 378 while (remain_size > 0) { … … 388 388 389 389 td_init( 390 &data->tds[ packet], DEFAULT_ERROR_COUNT, packet_size,390 &data->tds[transfer], DEFAULT_ERROR_COUNT, packet_size, 391 391 toggle, false, low_speed, instance->target, data_stage, 392 control_data, &data->tds[ packet+ 1]);393 394 ++ packet;395 assert( packet < data->packets);392 control_data, &data->tds[transfer + 1]); 393 394 ++transfer; 395 assert(transfer < data->transfers); 396 396 assert(packet_size <= remain_size); 397 397 remain_size -= packet_size; … … 399 399 400 400 /* status stage */ 401 assert( packet == data->packets - 1);401 assert(transfer == data->transfers - 1); 402 402 403 403 td_init( 404 &data->tds[ packet], DEFAULT_ERROR_COUNT, 0, 1, false, low_speed,404 &data->tds[transfer], DEFAULT_ERROR_COUNT, 0, 1, false, low_speed, 405 405 instance->target, status_stage, NULL, NULL); 406 td_set_ioc(&data->tds[ packet]);406 td_set_ioc(&data->tds[transfer]); 407 407 408 408 usb_log_debug2("Control last TD status: %x.\n", 409 data->tds[ packet].status);409 data->tds[transfer].status); 410 410 } 411 411 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -
r1cbfd6b r4acf099 67 67 static int hc_debug_checker(void *arg); 68 68 69 static bool allowed_usb_packet(69 static bool usb_is_allowed( 70 70 bool low_speed, usb_transfer_type_t transfer, size_t size); 71 71 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ … … 323 323 assert(batch); 324 324 const int low_speed = (batch->speed == USB_SPEED_LOW); 325 if (! allowed_usb_packet(325 if (!usb_is_allowed( 326 326 low_speed, batch->transfer_type, batch->max_packet_size)) { 327 327 usb_log_warning( 328 "Invalid USB packetspecified %s SPEED %d %zu.\n",328 "Invalid USB transfer specified %s SPEED %d %zu.\n", 329 329 low_speed ? "LOW" : "FULL" , batch->transfer_type, 330 330 batch->max_packet_size); … … 471 471 } 472 472 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 473 /** Check transfer packets,for USB validity473 /** Check transfers for USB validity 474 474 * 475 475 * @param[in] low_speed Transfer speed. 476 476 * @param[in] transfer Transer type 477 * @param[in] size Maximum size of usedpackets477 * @param[in] size Size of data packets 478 478 * @return True if transaction is allowed by USB specs, false otherwise 479 479 */ 480 bool allowed_usb_packet(480 bool usb_is_allowed( 481 481 bool low_speed, usb_transfer_type_t transfer, size_t size) 482 482 { -
r1cbfd6b r4acf099 108 108 } 109 109 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 110 /** Check whether less than max data were rec ieved and packet is marked as SPD.110 /** Check whether less than max data were received on SPD marked transfer. 111 111 * 112 112 * @param[in] instance TD structure to use. 113 * @return True if packet is short (less than max bytes and SPD set), false114 * 113 * @return True if data packet is short (less than max bytes and SPD set), 114 * false otherwise. 115 115 */ 116 116 static inline bool td_is_short(td_t *instance) -
r1cbfd6b r4acf099 279 279 * @param[in] target USB device to write to. 280 280 * @param[in] max_packet_size maximum size of data packet the device accepts. 281 * @param[in] setup_data Data to send with SETUP packet.282 * @param[in] setup_size Size of data to send with SETUP packet (should be8B).281 * @param[in] setup_data Data to send with SETUP transfer. 282 * @param[in] setup_size Size of data to send with SETUP transfer (always 8B). 283 283 * @param[in] data Source of data. 284 284 * @param[in] size Size of data source. -
r1cbfd6b r4acf099 91 91 * The batch is added to the end of the list and queue. 92 92 */ 93 void transfer_list_add_batch(transfer_list_t *instance, usb_transfer_batch_t *batch) 93 void transfer_list_add_batch( 94 transfer_list_t *instance, usb_transfer_batch_t *batch) 94 95 { 95 96 assert(instance); … … 146 147 while (current != &instance->batch_list) { 147 148 link_t *next = current->next; 148 usb_transfer_batch_t *batch = list_get_instance(current, usb_transfer_batch_t, link); 149 usb_transfer_batch_t *batch = 150 list_get_instance(current, usb_transfer_batch_t, link); 149 151 150 152 if (batch_is_complete(batch)) { … … 160 162 link_t *item =; 161 163 list_remove(item); 162 usb_transfer_batch_t *batch = list_get_instance(item, usb_transfer_batch_t, link); 164 usb_transfer_batch_t *batch = 165 list_get_instance(item, usb_transfer_batch_t, link); 163 166 batch->next_step(batch); 164 167 } … … 174 177 while (!list_empty(&instance->batch_list)) { 175 178 link_t *current = instance->; 176 usb_transfer_batch_t *batch = list_get_instance(current, usb_transfer_batch_t, link); 179 usb_transfer_batch_t *batch = 180 list_get_instance(current, usb_transfer_batch_t, link); 177 181 transfer_list_remove_batch(instance, batch); 178 182 usb_transfer_batch_finish(batch, EIO); … … 189 193 * Does not lock the transfer list, caller is responsible for that. 190 194 */ 191 void transfer_list_remove_batch(transfer_list_t *instance, usb_transfer_batch_t *batch) 195 void transfer_list_remove_batch( 196 transfer_list_t *instance, usb_transfer_batch_t *batch) 192 197 { 193 198 assert(instance); … … 210 215 } else { 211 216 usb_transfer_batch_t *prev = 212 list_get_instance(batch->link.prev, usb_transfer_batch_t, link); 217 list_get_instance( 218 batch->link.prev, usb_transfer_batch_t, link); 213 219 assert((batch_qh(prev)->next & LINK_POINTER_ADDRESS_MASK) 214 220 == addr_to_phys(batch_qh(batch))); -
r1cbfd6b r4acf099 175 175 176 176 bool interrupts = false; 177 #ifdef CONFIG_USBHC_NO_INTERRUPTS 178 usb_log_warning("Interrupts disabled in OS config, " \ 179 "falling back to polling.\n"); 180 #else 177 181 ret = pci_enable_interrupts(device); 178 182 if (ret != EOK) { 179 usb_log_warning( 180 "Failed(%d) to enable interrupts, fall back to polling.\n", 181 ret); 183 usb_log_warning("Failed to enable interrupts: %s.\n", 184 str_error(ret)); 185 usb_log_info("HW interrupts not available, " \ 186 "falling back to polling.\n"); 182 187 } else { 183 188 usb_log_debug("Hw interrupts enabled.\n"); 184 189 interrupts = true; 185 190 } 191 #endif 186 192 187 193 instance->hc_fun = ddf_fun_create(device, fun_exposed, "uhci-hc"); -
r1cbfd6b r4acf099 41 41 #include <usb/pipes.h> 42 42 #include <usb/descriptor.h> 43 44 /** USB device status - device is self powered (opposed to bus powered). */ 45 #define USB_DEVICE_STATUS_SELF_POWERED ((uint16_t)(1 << 0)) 46 47 /** USB device status - remote wake-up signaling is enabled. */ 48 #define USB_DEVICE_STATUS_REMOTE_WAKEUP ((uint16_t)(1 << 1)) 49 50 /** USB endpoint status - endpoint is halted (stalled). */ 51 #define USB_ENDPOINT_STATUS_HALTED ((uint16_t)(1 << 0)) 43 52 44 53 /** Standard device request. */
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