1 edited


  • uspace/lib/c/generic/task.c

    r9f5cf68 r6afc9d7  
    22 * Copyright (c) 2006 Jakub Jermar
    33 * Copyright (c) 2008 Jiri Svoboda
     4 * Copyright (c) 2014 Martin Sucha
    45 * All rights reserved.
    56 *
    9495 *
    9596 * @param id   If not NULL, the ID of the task is stored here on success.
     97 * @param wait If not NULL, setup waiting for task's return value and store
     98 *             the information necessary for waiting here on success.
    9699 * @param path Pathname of the binary to execute.
    97100 * @param argv Command-line arguments.
    100103 *
    101104 */
    102 int task_spawnv(task_id_t *id, const char *path, const char *const args[])
     105int task_spawnv(task_id_t *id, task_wait_t *wait, const char *path,
     106    const char *const args[])
    104108        /* Send default files */
    108112        int fd_stderr;
    110         if ((stdin != NULL) && (fhandle(stdin, &fd_stdin) == EOK))
     114        if ((stdin != NULL) && (vfs_fhandle(stdin, &fd_stdin) == EOK))
    111115                files[0] = &fd_stdin;
    112116        else
    113117                files[0] = NULL;
    115         if ((stdout != NULL) && (fhandle(stdout, &fd_stdout) == EOK))
     119        if ((stdout != NULL) && (vfs_fhandle(stdout, &fd_stdout) == EOK))
    116120                files[1] = &fd_stdout;
    117121        else
    118122                files[1] = NULL;
    120         if ((stderr != NULL) && (fhandle(stderr, &fd_stderr) == EOK))
     124        if ((stderr != NULL) && (vfs_fhandle(stderr, &fd_stderr) == EOK))
    121125                files[2] = &fd_stderr;
    122126        else
    125129        files[3] = NULL;
    127         return task_spawnvf(id, path, args, files);
     131        return task_spawnvf(id, wait, path, args, files);
    135139 *
    136140 * @param id    If not NULL, the ID of the task is stored here on success.
     141 * @param wait  If not NULL, setup waiting for task's return value and store
     142 *              the information necessary for waiting here on success.
    137143 * @param path  Pathname of the binary to execute.
    138144 * @param argv  Command-line arguments.
    142148 *
    143149 */
    144 int task_spawnvf(task_id_t *id, const char *path, const char *const args[],
    145     int *const files[])
     150int task_spawnvf(task_id_t *id, task_wait_t *wait, const char *path,
     151    const char *const args[], int *const files[])
    147153        /* Connect to a program loader. */
    150156                return EREFUSED;
     158        bool wait_initialized = false;
    152160        /* Get task ID. */
    153161        task_id_t task_id;
    181189                goto error;
     191        /* Setup waiting for return value if needed */
     192        if (wait) {
     193                rc = task_setup_wait(task_id, wait);
     194                if (rc != EOK)
     195                        goto error;
     196                wait_initialized = true;
     197        }
    183199        /* Run it. */
    184200        rc = loader_run(ldr);
     211        if (wait_initialized)
     212                task_cancel_wait(wait);
    195214        /* Error exit */
    196215        loader_abort(ldr);
    204223 *
    205224 * @param id   If not NULL, the ID of the task is stored here on success.
     225 * @param wait If not NULL, setup waiting for task's return value and store
     226 *             the information necessary for waiting here on success.
    206227 * @param path Pathname of the binary to execute.
    207228 * @param cnt  Number of arguments.
    211232 *
    212233 */
    213 int task_spawn(task_id_t *task_id, const char *path, int cnt, va_list ap)
     234int task_spawn(task_id_t *task_id, task_wait_t *wait, const char *path,
     235    int cnt, va_list ap)
    215237        /* Allocate argument list. */
    228250        /* Spawn task. */
    229         int rc = task_spawnv(task_id, path, arglist);
     251        int rc = task_spawnv(task_id, wait, path, arglist);
    231253        /* Free argument list. */
    240262 *
    241263 * @param id   If not NULL, the ID of the task is stored here on success.
     264 * @param wait If not NULL, setup waiting for task's return value and store
     265 *             the information necessary for waiting here on success.
    242266 * @param path Pathname of the binary to execute.
    243267 * @param ...  Command-line arguments.
    246270 *
    247271 */
    248 int task_spawnl(task_id_t *task_id, const char *path, ...)
     272int task_spawnl(task_id_t *task_id, task_wait_t *wait, const char *path, ...)
    250274        /* Count the number of arguments. */
    263287        va_start(ap, path);
    264         int rc = task_spawn(task_id, path, cnt, ap);
     288        int rc = task_spawn(task_id, wait, path, cnt, ap);
    265289        va_end(ap);
    270 int task_wait(task_id_t id, task_exit_t *texit, int *retval)
     294/** Setup waiting for a task.
     295 *
     296 * If the task finishes after this call succeeds, it is guaranteed that
     297 * task_wait(wait, &texit, &retval) will return correct return value for
     298 * the task.
     299 *
     300 * @param id   ID of the task to setup waiting for.
     301 * @param wait Information necessary for the later task_wait call is stored here.
     302 *
     303 * @return EOK on success, else error code.
     304 */
     305int task_setup_wait(task_id_t id, task_wait_t *wait)
     307        async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(session_ns);
     308        wait->aid = async_send_2(exch, NS_TASK_WAIT, LOWER32(id), UPPER32(id),
     309            &wait->result);
     310        async_exchange_end(exch);
     312        return EOK;
     315/** Cancel waiting for a task.
     316 *
     317 * This can be called *instead of* task_wait if the caller is not interested
     318 * in waiting for the task anymore.
     319 *
     320 * This function cannot be called if the task_wait was already called.
     321 *
     322 * @param wait task_wait_t previously initialized by task_setup_wait.
     323 */
     324void task_cancel_wait(task_wait_t *wait) {
     325        async_forget(wait->aid);
     328/** Wait for a task to finish.
     329 *
     330 * This function returns correct values even if the task finished in
     331 * between task_setup_wait and this task_wait call.
     332 *
     333 * This function cannot be called more than once with the same task_wait_t
     334 * (it can be reused, but must be reinitialized with task_setup_wait first)
     335 *
     336 * @param wait   task_wait_t previously initialized by task_setup_wait.
     337 * @param texit  Store type of task exit here.
     338 * @param retval Store return value of the task here.
     339 *
     340 * @return EOK on success, else error code.
     341 */
     342int task_wait(task_wait_t *wait, task_exit_t *texit, int *retval)
    272344        assert(texit);
    273345        assert(retval);
    275         async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(session_ns);
    276         sysarg_t te, rv;
    277         int rc = (int) async_req_2_2(exch, NS_TASK_WAIT, LOWER32(id),
    278             UPPER32(id), &te, &rv);
    279         async_exchange_end(exch);
    281         *texit = te;
    282         *retval = rv;
    284         return rc;
     347        sysarg_t rc;
     348        async_wait_for(wait->aid, &rc);
     350        if (rc == EOK) {
     351                *texit = IPC_GET_ARG1(wait->result);
     352                *retval = IPC_GET_ARG2(wait->result);
     353        }
     355        return rc;
     358/** Wait for a task to finish by its id.
     359 *
     360 * Note that this will fail with ENOENT if the task id is not registered in ns
     361 * (e.g. if the task finished). If you are spawning a task and need to wait
     362 * for its completion, use wait parameter of the task_spawn* functions instead
     363 * to prevent a race where the task exits before you may have a chance to wait
     364 * wait for it.
     365 *
     366 * @param id ID of the task to wait for.
     367 * @param texit  Store type of task exit here.
     368 * @param retval Store return value of the task here.
     369 *
     370 * @return EOK on success, else error code.
     371 */
     372int task_wait_task_id(task_id_t id, task_exit_t *texit, int *retval)
     374        task_wait_t wait;
     375        int rc = task_setup_wait(id, &wait);
     376        if (rc != EOK)
     377                return rc;
     379        return task_wait(&wait, texit, retval);
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