Changes in uspace/lib/usbdev/src/devdrv.c [4291215:70452dd4] in mainline
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r4291215 r70452dd4 1 1 /* 2 2 * Copyright (c) 2011 Vojtech Horky 3 * Copyright (c) 2011 Jan Vesely4 3 * All rights reserved. 5 4 * … … 27 26 * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 28 27 */ 28 29 29 /** @addtogroup libusbdev 30 30 * @{ … … 36 36 #include <usb/dev/request.h> 37 37 #include <usb/debug.h> 38 #include <usb/dev .h>38 #include <usb/dev/dp.h> 39 39 #include <errno.h> 40 40 #include <str_error.h> 41 41 #include <assert.h> 42 42 43 static int generic_device_add(ddf_dev_t *); 44 static int generic_device_remove(ddf_dev_t *); 45 static int generic_device_gone(ddf_dev_t *); 43 static int generic_add_device(ddf_dev_t *); 46 44 47 45 static driver_ops_t generic_driver_ops = { 48 .dev_add = generic_device_add, 49 .dev_remove = generic_device_remove, 50 .dev_gone = generic_device_gone, 46 .add_device = generic_add_device 51 47 }; 52 48 static driver_t generic_driver = { … … 54 50 }; 55 51 56 static const usb_driver_t *driver = NULL; 52 static usb_driver_t *driver = NULL; 53 57 54 58 55 /** Main routine of USB device driver. … … 63 60 * @return Task exit status. 64 61 */ 65 int usb_driver_main( constusb_driver_t *drv)62 int usb_driver_main(usb_driver_t *drv) 66 63 { 67 64 assert(drv != NULL); … … 74 71 return ddf_driver_main(&generic_driver); 75 72 } 76 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 73 77 74 /** Count number of pipes the driver expects. 78 75 * … … 80 77 * @return Number of pipes (excluding default control pipe). 81 78 */ 82 static inline size_t count_other_pipes( 83 const usb_endpoint_description_t **endpoints) 84 { 85 size_t count; 86 for (count = 0; endpoints != NULL && endpoints[count] != NULL; ++count); 79 static size_t count_other_pipes(usb_endpoint_description_t **endpoints) 80 { 81 size_t count = 0; 82 if (endpoints == NULL) { 83 return 0; 84 } 85 86 while (endpoints[count] != NULL) { 87 count++; 88 } 89 87 90 return count; 88 91 } 89 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 90 /** Callback when a new device is supposed to be controlled by this driver. 91 * 92 * This callback is a wrapper for USB specific version of @c device_add. 92 93 /** Initialize endpoint pipes, excluding default control one. 94 * 95 * @param drv The device driver. 96 * @param dev Device to be initialized. 97 * @return Error code. 98 */ 99 static int initialize_other_pipes(usb_endpoint_description_t **endpoints, 100 usb_device_t *dev, int alternate_setting) 101 { 102 if (endpoints == NULL) { 103 dev->pipes = NULL; 104 dev->pipes_count = 0; 105 return EOK; 106 } 107 108 usb_endpoint_mapping_t *pipes; 109 size_t pipes_count; 110 111 int rc = usb_device_create_pipes(dev->ddf_dev, &dev->wire, endpoints, 112 dev->descriptors.configuration, dev->descriptors.configuration_size, 113 dev->interface_no, alternate_setting, 114 &pipes, &pipes_count); 115 116 if (rc != EOK) { 117 return rc; 118 } 119 120 dev->pipes = pipes; 121 dev->pipes_count = pipes_count; 122 123 return EOK; 124 } 125 126 /** Callback when new device is supposed to be controlled by this driver. 127 * 128 * This callback is a wrapper for USB specific version of @c add_device. 93 129 * 94 130 * @param gen_dev Device structure as prepared by DDF. 95 131 * @return Error code. 96 132 */ 97 int generic_ device_add(ddf_dev_t *gen_dev)133 int generic_add_device(ddf_dev_t *gen_dev) 98 134 { 99 135 assert(driver); 100 136 assert(driver->ops); 101 assert(driver->ops->device_add); 102 103 /* Get place for driver data. */ 104 usb_device_t *dev = ddf_dev_data_alloc(gen_dev, sizeof(usb_device_t)); 105 if (dev == NULL) { 106 usb_log_error("USB device `%s' structure allocation failed.\n", 107 gen_dev->name); 108 return ENOMEM; 109 } 110 111 /* Initialize generic USB driver data. */ 137 assert(driver->ops->add_device); 138 139 int rc; 140 141 usb_device_t *dev = NULL; 112 142 const char *err_msg = NULL; 113 int rc = usb_device_init(dev, gen_dev, driver->endpoints, &err_msg);114 if (rc != EOK) { 115 usb_log_error("USB device `%s' initfailed (%s): %s.\n",143 rc = usb_device_create(gen_dev, driver->endpoints, &dev, &err_msg); 144 if (rc != EOK) { 145 usb_log_error("USB device `%s' creation failed (%s): %s.\n", 116 146 gen_dev->name, err_msg, str_error(rc)); 117 147 return rc; 118 148 } 119 149 120 /* Start USB driver specific initialization. */ 121 rc = driver->ops->device_add(dev); 122 if (rc != EOK) 123 usb_device_deinit(dev); 124 return rc; 125 } 126 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 127 /** Callback when a device is supposed to be removed from the system. 128 * 129 * This callback is a wrapper for USB specific version of @c device_remove. 130 * 131 * @param gen_dev Device structure as prepared by DDF. 132 * @return Error code. 133 */ 134 int generic_device_remove(ddf_dev_t *gen_dev) 135 { 136 assert(driver); 137 assert(driver->ops); 138 if (driver->ops->device_rem == NULL) 139 return ENOTSUP; 140 /* Just tell the driver to stop whatever it is doing */ 141 usb_device_t *usb_dev = gen_dev->driver_data; 142 const int ret = driver->ops->device_rem(usb_dev); 143 if (ret != EOK) 144 return ret; 145 usb_device_deinit(usb_dev); 146 return EOK; 147 } 148 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 149 /** Callback when a device was removed from the system. 150 * 151 * This callback is a wrapper for USB specific version of @c device_gone. 152 * 153 * @param gen_dev Device structure as prepared by DDF. 154 * @return Error code. 155 */ 156 int generic_device_gone(ddf_dev_t *gen_dev) 157 { 158 assert(driver); 159 assert(driver->ops); 160 if (driver->ops->device_gone == NULL) 161 return ENOTSUP; 162 usb_device_t *usb_dev = gen_dev->driver_data; 163 const int ret = driver->ops->device_gone(usb_dev); 164 if (ret == EOK) 165 usb_device_deinit(usb_dev); 166 167 return ret; 168 } 169 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 150 return driver->ops->add_device(dev); 151 } 152 170 153 /** Destroy existing pipes of a USB device. 171 154 * 172 155 * @param dev Device where to destroy the pipes. 173 */ 174 static void destroy_current_pipes(usb_device_t *dev) 175 { 176 usb_device_destroy_pipes(dev->pipes, dev->pipes_count); 156 * @return Error code. 157 */ 158 static int destroy_current_pipes(usb_device_t *dev) 159 { 160 int rc = usb_device_destroy_pipes(dev->ddf_dev, 161 dev->pipes, dev->pipes_count); 162 if (rc != EOK) { 163 return rc; 164 } 165 177 166 dev->pipes = NULL; 178 167 dev->pipes_count = 0; 179 } 180 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 168 169 return EOK; 170 } 171 181 172 /** Change interface setting of a device. 182 173 * This function selects new alternate setting of an interface by issuing … … 202 193 */ 203 194 int usb_device_select_interface(usb_device_t *dev, uint8_t alternate_setting, 204 constusb_endpoint_description_t **endpoints)195 usb_endpoint_description_t **endpoints) 205 196 { 206 197 if (dev->interface_no < 0) { … … 208 199 } 209 200 201 int rc; 202 210 203 /* Destroy existing pipes. */ 211 destroy_current_pipes(dev); 204 rc = destroy_current_pipes(dev); 205 if (rc != EOK) { 206 return rc; 207 } 212 208 213 209 /* Change the interface itself. */ 214 intrc = usb_request_set_interface(&dev->ctrl_pipe, dev->interface_no,210 rc = usb_request_set_interface(&dev->ctrl_pipe, dev->interface_no, 215 211 alternate_setting); 216 212 if (rc != EOK) { … … 219 215 220 216 /* Create new pipes. */ 221 rc = usb_device_create_pipes(&dev->wire, endpoints, 222 dev->descriptors.configuration, dev->descriptors.configuration_size, 223 dev->interface_no, (int)alternate_setting, 224 &dev->pipes, &dev->pipes_count); 217 rc = initialize_other_pipes(endpoints, dev, (int) alternate_setting); 225 218 226 219 return rc; … … 262 255 } 263 256 264 /** Cleanup structure initialized via usb_device_retrieve_descriptors.265 *266 * @param[in] descriptors Where to store the descriptors.267 */268 void usb_device_release_descriptors(usb_device_descriptors_t *descriptors)269 {270 assert(descriptors);271 free(descriptors->configuration);272 descriptors->configuration = NULL;273 }274 275 257 /** Create pipes for a device. 276 258 * … … 280 262 * - registers endpoints with the host controller 281 263 * 264 * @param[in] dev Generic DDF device backing the USB one. 282 265 * @param[in] wire Initialized backing connection to the host controller. 283 266 * @param[in] endpoints Endpoints description, NULL terminated. … … 289 272 * (not NULL terminated). 290 273 * @param[out] pipes_count_ptr Where to store number of pipes 291 * (set to NULLif you wish to ignore the count).292 * @return Error code. 293 */ 294 int usb_device_create_pipes( usb_device_connection_t *wire,295 constusb_endpoint_description_t **endpoints,296 constuint8_t *config_descr, size_t config_descr_size,274 * (set to if you wish to ignore the count). 275 * @return Error code. 276 */ 277 int usb_device_create_pipes(ddf_dev_t *dev, usb_device_connection_t *wire, 278 usb_endpoint_description_t **endpoints, 279 uint8_t *config_descr, size_t config_descr_size, 297 280 int interface_no, int interface_setting, 298 281 usb_endpoint_mapping_t **pipes_ptr, size_t *pipes_count_ptr) 299 282 { 283 assert(dev != NULL); 300 284 assert(wire != NULL); 285 assert(endpoints != NULL); 301 286 assert(config_descr != NULL); 302 287 assert(config_descr_size > 0); … … 306 291 int rc; 307 292 308 constsize_t pipe_count = count_other_pipes(endpoints);293 size_t pipe_count = count_other_pipes(endpoints); 309 294 if (pipe_count == 0) { 310 if (pipes_count_ptr)311 *pipes_count_ptr = pipe_count;312 295 *pipes_ptr = NULL; 313 296 return EOK; … … 315 298 316 299 usb_endpoint_mapping_t *pipes 317 = calloc(pipe_count, sizeof(usb_endpoint_mapping_t));300 = malloc(sizeof(usb_endpoint_mapping_t) * pipe_count); 318 301 if (pipes == NULL) { 319 302 return ENOMEM; 320 303 } 321 304 322 /* Now initialize. */305 /* Initialize to NULL to allow smooth rollback. */ 323 306 for (i = 0; i < pipe_count; i++) { 307 pipes[i].pipe = NULL; 308 } 309 310 /* Now allocate and fully initialize. */ 311 for (i = 0; i < pipe_count; i++) { 312 pipes[i].pipe = malloc(sizeof(usb_pipe_t)); 313 if (pipes[i].pipe == NULL) { 314 rc = ENOMEM; 315 goto rollback_free_only; 316 } 324 317 pipes[i].description = endpoints[i]; 325 318 pipes[i].interface_no = interface_no; … … 331 324 config_descr, config_descr_size, wire); 332 325 if (rc != EOK) { 333 free(pipes); 334 return rc; 335 } 336 337 /* Register created pipes. */ 326 goto rollback_free_only; 327 } 328 329 /* Register the endpoints with HC. */ 330 usb_hc_connection_t hc_conn; 331 rc = usb_hc_connection_initialize_from_device(&hc_conn, dev); 332 if (rc != EOK) { 333 goto rollback_free_only; 334 } 335 336 rc = usb_hc_connection_open(&hc_conn); 337 if (rc != EOK) { 338 goto rollback_free_only; 339 } 340 338 341 for (i = 0; i < pipe_count; i++) { 339 342 if (pipes[i].present) { 340 rc = usb_pipe_register( &pipes[i].pipe,341 pipes[i].descriptor->poll_interval );343 rc = usb_pipe_register(pipes[i].pipe, 344 pipes[i].descriptor->poll_interval, &hc_conn); 342 345 if (rc != EOK) { 343 346 goto rollback_unregister_endpoints; … … 345 348 } 346 349 } 350 351 usb_hc_connection_close(&hc_conn); 347 352 348 353 *pipes_ptr = pipes; … … 362 367 for (i = 0; i < pipe_count; i++) { 363 368 if (pipes[i].present) { 364 usb_pipe_unregister( &pipes[i].pipe);369 usb_pipe_unregister(pipes[i].pipe, &hc_conn); 365 370 } 366 371 } 367 372 373 usb_hc_connection_close(&hc_conn); 374 375 /* 376 * Jump here if something went wrong before some actual communication 377 * with HC. Then the only thing that needs to be done is to free 378 * allocated memory. 379 */ 380 rollback_free_only: 381 for (i = 0; i < pipe_count; i++) { 382 if (pipes[i].pipe != NULL) { 383 free(pipes[i].pipe); 384 } 385 } 368 386 free(pipes); 387 369 388 return rc; 370 389 } … … 372 391 /** Destroy pipes previously created by usb_device_create_pipes. 373 392 * 393 * @param[in] dev Generic DDF device backing the USB one. 374 394 * @param[in] pipes Endpoint mapping to be destroyed. 375 395 * @param[in] pipes_count Number of endpoints. 376 396 */ 377 void usb_device_destroy_pipes(usb_endpoint_mapping_t *pipes, size_t pipes_count) 378 { 397 int usb_device_destroy_pipes(ddf_dev_t *dev, 398 usb_endpoint_mapping_t *pipes, size_t pipes_count) 399 { 400 assert(dev != NULL); 401 assert(((pipes != NULL) && (pipes_count > 0)) 402 || ((pipes == NULL) && (pipes_count == 0))); 403 404 if (pipes_count == 0) { 405 return EOK; 406 } 407 408 int rc; 409 410 /* Prepare connection to HC to allow endpoint unregistering. */ 411 usb_hc_connection_t hc_conn; 412 rc = usb_hc_connection_initialize_from_device(&hc_conn, dev); 413 if (rc != EOK) { 414 return rc; 415 } 416 rc = usb_hc_connection_open(&hc_conn); 417 if (rc != EOK) { 418 return rc; 419 } 420 379 421 /* Destroy the pipes. */ 380 for (size_t i = 0; i < pipes_count; ++i) { 381 assert(pipes); 382 usb_log_debug2("Unregistering pipe %zu: %spresent.\n", 383 i, pipes[i].present ? "" : "not "); 384 if (pipes[i].present) 385 usb_pipe_unregister(&pipes[i].pipe); 386 } 422 size_t i; 423 for (i = 0; i < pipes_count; i++) { 424 usb_pipe_unregister(pipes[i].pipe, &hc_conn); 425 free(pipes[i].pipe); 426 } 427 428 usb_hc_connection_close(&hc_conn); 429 387 430 free(pipes); 388 } 389 390 /** Initialize new instance of USB device. 391 * 392 * @param[in] usb_dev Pointer to the new device. 431 432 return EOK; 433 } 434 435 /** Initialize control pipe in a device. 436 * 437 * @param dev USB device in question. 438 * @param errmsg Where to store error context. 439 * @return 440 */ 441 static int init_wire_and_ctrl_pipe(usb_device_t *dev, const char **errmsg) 442 { 443 int rc; 444 445 rc = usb_device_connection_initialize_from_device(&dev->wire, 446 dev->ddf_dev); 447 if (rc != EOK) { 448 *errmsg = "device connection initialization"; 449 return rc; 450 } 451 452 rc = usb_pipe_initialize_default_control(&dev->ctrl_pipe, 453 &dev->wire); 454 if (rc != EOK) { 455 *errmsg = "default control pipe initialization"; 456 return rc; 457 } 458 459 return EOK; 460 } 461 462 463 /** Create new instance of USB device. 464 * 393 465 * @param[in] ddf_dev Generic DDF device backing the USB one. 394 466 * @param[in] endpoints NULL terminated array of endpoints (NULL for none). 467 * @param[out] dev_ptr Where to store pointer to the new device. 395 468 * @param[out] errstr_ptr Where to store description of context 396 469 * (in case error occurs). 397 470 * @return Error code. 398 471 */ 399 int usb_device_init(usb_device_t *usb_dev, ddf_dev_t *ddf_dev, 400 const usb_endpoint_description_t **endpoints, const char **errstr_ptr) 401 { 402 assert(usb_dev != NULL); 472 int usb_device_create(ddf_dev_t *ddf_dev, 473 usb_endpoint_description_t **endpoints, 474 usb_device_t **dev_ptr, const char **errstr_ptr) 475 { 476 assert(dev_ptr != NULL); 403 477 assert(ddf_dev != NULL); 404 478 479 int rc; 480 481 usb_device_t *dev = malloc(sizeof(usb_device_t)); 482 if (dev == NULL) { 483 *errstr_ptr = "structure allocation"; 484 return ENOMEM; 485 } 486 487 // FIXME: proper deallocation in case of errors 488 489 dev->ddf_dev = ddf_dev; 490 dev->driver_data = NULL; 491 dev->descriptors.configuration = NULL; 492 dev->alternate_interfaces = NULL; 493 494 dev->pipes_count = 0; 495 dev->pipes = NULL; 496 497 /* Initialize backing wire and control pipe. */ 498 rc = init_wire_and_ctrl_pipe(dev, errstr_ptr); 499 if (rc != EOK) { 500 return rc; 501 } 502 503 /* Get our interface. */ 504 dev->interface_no = usb_device_get_assigned_interface(dev->ddf_dev); 505 506 /* Retrieve standard descriptors. */ 507 rc = usb_device_retrieve_descriptors(&dev->ctrl_pipe, 508 &dev->descriptors); 509 if (rc != EOK) { 510 *errstr_ptr = "descriptor retrieval"; 511 return rc; 512 } 513 514 /* Create alternate interfaces. */ 515 rc = usb_alternate_interfaces_create(dev->descriptors.configuration, 516 dev->descriptors.configuration_size, dev->interface_no, 517 &dev->alternate_interfaces); 518 if (rc != EOK) { 519 /* We will try to silently ignore this. */ 520 dev->alternate_interfaces = NULL; 521 } 522 523 rc = initialize_other_pipes(endpoints, dev, 0); 524 if (rc != EOK) { 525 *errstr_ptr = "pipes initialization"; 526 return rc; 527 } 528 405 529 *errstr_ptr = NULL; 406 407 usb_dev->ddf_dev = ddf_dev; 408 usb_dev->driver_data = NULL; 409 usb_dev->descriptors.configuration = NULL; 410 usb_dev->pipes_count = 0; 411 usb_dev->pipes = NULL; 412 413 /* Get assigned params */ 414 devman_handle_t hc_handle; 415 usb_address_t address; 416 417 int rc = usb_get_info_by_handle(ddf_dev->handle, 418 &hc_handle, &address, &usb_dev->interface_no); 419 if (rc != EOK) { 420 *errstr_ptr = "device parameters retrieval"; 421 return rc; 422 } 423 424 /* Initialize hc connection. */ 425 usb_hc_connection_initialize(&usb_dev->hc_conn, hc_handle); 426 427 /* Initialize backing wire and control pipe. */ 428 rc = usb_device_connection_initialize( 429 &usb_dev->wire, &usb_dev->hc_conn, address); 430 if (rc != EOK) { 431 *errstr_ptr = "device connection initialization"; 432 return rc; 433 } 434 435 /* This pipe was registered by the hub driver, 436 * during device initialization. */ 437 rc = usb_pipe_initialize_default_control( 438 &usb_dev->ctrl_pipe, &usb_dev->wire); 439 if (rc != EOK) { 440 *errstr_ptr = "default control pipe initialization"; 441 return rc; 442 } 443 444 /* Open hc connection for pipe registration. */ 445 rc = usb_hc_connection_open(&usb_dev->hc_conn); 446 if (rc != EOK) { 447 *errstr_ptr = "hc connection open"; 448 return rc; 449 } 450 451 /* Retrieve standard descriptors. */ 452 rc = usb_device_retrieve_descriptors( 453 &usb_dev->ctrl_pipe, &usb_dev->descriptors); 454 if (rc != EOK) { 455 *errstr_ptr = "descriptor retrieval"; 456 usb_hc_connection_close(&usb_dev->hc_conn); 457 return rc; 458 } 459 460 /* Create alternate interfaces. We will silently ignore failure. 461 * We might either control one interface or an entire device, 462 * it makes no sense to speak about alternate interfaces when 463 * controlling a device. */ 464 rc = usb_alternate_interfaces_init(&usb_dev->alternate_interfaces, 465 usb_dev->descriptors.configuration, 466 usb_dev->descriptors.configuration_size, usb_dev->interface_no); 467 const int alternate_iface = 468 (rc == EOK) ? usb_dev->alternate_interfaces.current : 0; 469 470 /* Create and register other pipes than default control (EP 0) */ 471 rc = usb_device_create_pipes(&usb_dev->wire, endpoints, 472 usb_dev->descriptors.configuration, 473 usb_dev->descriptors.configuration_size, 474 usb_dev->interface_no, (int)alternate_iface, 475 &usb_dev->pipes, &usb_dev->pipes_count); 476 if (rc != EOK) { 477 usb_hc_connection_close(&usb_dev->hc_conn); 478 /* Full configuration descriptor is allocated. */ 479 usb_device_release_descriptors(&usb_dev->descriptors); 480 /* Alternate interfaces may be allocated */ 481 usb_alternate_interfaces_deinit(&usb_dev->alternate_interfaces); 482 *errstr_ptr = "pipes initialization"; 483 return rc; 484 } 485 486 usb_hc_connection_close(&usb_dev->hc_conn); 530 *dev_ptr = dev; 531 487 532 return EOK; 488 533 } 489 534 490 /** Clean instance of a USB device. 491 * 492 * @param dev Device to be de-initialized. 493 * 494 * Does not free/destroy supplied pointer. 495 */ 496 void usb_device_deinit(usb_device_t *dev) 497 { 498 if (dev) { 499 /* Destroy existing pipes. */ 500 destroy_current_pipes(dev); 501 /* Ignore errors and hope for the best. */ 502 usb_hc_connection_deinitialize(&dev->hc_conn); 503 usb_alternate_interfaces_deinit(&dev->alternate_interfaces); 504 usb_device_release_descriptors(&dev->descriptors); 505 free(dev->driver_data); 506 dev->driver_data = NULL; 507 } 508 } 509 510 /** Allocate driver specific data. 511 * @param usb_dev usb_device structure. 512 * @param size requested data size. 513 * @return Pointer to the newly allocated space, NULL on failure. 514 */ 515 void * usb_device_data_alloc(usb_device_t *usb_dev, size_t size) 516 { 517 assert(usb_dev); 518 assert(usb_dev->driver_data == NULL); 519 return usb_dev->driver_data = calloc(1, size); 520 535 /** Destroy instance of a USB device. 536 * 537 * @param dev Device to be destroyed. 538 */ 539 void usb_device_destroy(usb_device_t *dev) 540 { 541 if (dev == NULL) { 542 return; 543 } 544 545 /* Ignore errors and hope for the best. */ 546 usb_device_destroy_pipes(dev->ddf_dev, dev->pipes, dev->pipes_count); 547 if (dev->descriptors.configuration != NULL) { 548 free(dev->descriptors.configuration); 549 } 550 551 if (dev->alternate_interfaces != NULL) { 552 if (dev->alternate_interfaces->alternatives != NULL) { 553 free(dev->alternate_interfaces->alternatives); 554 } 555 free(dev->alternate_interfaces); 556 } 557 558 free(dev); 521 559 } 522 560
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