1 edited


  • uspace/app/nettest1/nettest.h

    r3d459fc r849ed54  
    2929/** @addtogroup nettest
    30  * @{
     30 *  @{
    3131 */
    3333/** @file
    34  * Networking test support functions.
     34 *  Networking test support functions.
    3535 */
    37 #ifndef NET_TEST_
    38 #define NET_TEST_
     37#ifndef __NET_TEST__
     38#define __NET_TEST__
    40 #include <net/socket.h>
     40#include <socket.h>
    42 extern void print_mark(int);
    43 extern int sockets_create(int, int *, int, int, sock_type_t);
    44 extern int sockets_close(int, int *, int);
    45 extern int sockets_connect(int, int *, int, struct sockaddr *, socklen_t);
    46 extern int sockets_sendto(int, int *, int, struct sockaddr *, socklen_t, char *, int, int);
    47 extern int sockets_recvfrom(int, int *, int, struct sockaddr *, socklen_t *, char *, int, int);
    48 extern int sockets_sendto_recvfrom(int, int *, int, struct sockaddr *, socklen_t *, char *, int, int);
     42/** Prints a mark.
     43 *  If the index is a multiple of ten, a different mark is printed.
     44 *  @param[in] index The index of the mark to be printed.
     45 */
     46extern void print_mark(int index);
     48/** Creates new sockets.
     49 *  @param[in] verbose A value indicating whether to print out verbose information.
     50 *  @param[out] socket_ids A field to store the socket identifiers.
     51 *  @param[in] sockets The number of sockets to create. Should be at most the size of the field.
     52 *  @param[in] family The socket address family.
     53 *  @param[in] type The socket type.
     54 *  @returns EOK on success.
     55 *  @returns Other error codes as defined for the socket() function.
     56 */
     57extern int sockets_create(int verbose, int * socket_ids, int sockets, int family, sock_type_t type);
     59/** Closes sockets.
     60 *  @param[in] verbose A value indicating whether to print out verbose information.
     61 *  @param[in] socket_ids A field of stored socket identifiers.
     62 *  @param[in] sockets The number of sockets in the field. Should be at most the size of the field.
     63 *  @returns EOK on success.
     64 *  @returns Other error codes as defined for the closesocket() function.
     65 */
     66extern int sockets_close(int verbose, int * socket_ids, int sockets);
     68/** Connects sockets.
     69 *  @param[in] verbose A value indicating whether to print out verbose information.
     70 *  @param[in] socket_ids A field of stored socket identifiers.
     71 *  @param[in] sockets The number of sockets in the field. Should be at most the size of the field.
     72 *  @param[in] address The destination host address to connect to.
     73 *  @param[in] addrlen The length of the destination address in bytes.
     74 *  @returns EOK on success.
     75 *  @returns Other error codes as defined for the connect() function.
     76 */
     77extern int sockets_connect(int verbose, int * socket_ids, int sockets, struct sockaddr * address, socklen_t addrlen);
     79/** Sends data via sockets.
     80 *  @param[in] verbose A value indicating whether to print out verbose information.
     81 *  @param[in] socket_ids A field of stored socket identifiers.
     82 *  @param[in] sockets The number of sockets in the field. Should be at most the size of the field.
     83 *  @param[in] address The destination host address to send data to.
     84 *  @param[in] addrlen The length of the destination address in bytes.
     85 *  @param[in] data The data to be sent.
     86 *  @param[in] size The data size in bytes.
     87 *  @param[in] messages The number of datagrams per socket to be sent.
     88 *  @returns EOK on success.
     89 *  @returns Other error codes as defined for the sendto() function.
     90 */
     91extern int sockets_sendto(int verbose, int * socket_ids, int sockets, struct sockaddr * address, socklen_t addrlen, char * data, int size, int messages);
     93/** Receives data via sockets.
     94 *  @param[in] verbose A value indicating whether to print out verbose information.
     95 *  @param[in] socket_ids A field of stored socket identifiers.
     96 *  @param[in] sockets The number of sockets in the field. Should be at most the size of the field.
     97 *  @param[in] address The source host address of received datagrams.
     98 *  @param[in,out] addrlen The maximum length of the source address in bytes. The actual size of the source address is set instead.
     99 *  @param[out] data The received data.
     100 *  @param[in] size The maximum data size in bytes.
     101 *  @param[in] messages The number of datagrams per socket to be received.
     102 *  @returns EOK on success.
     103 *  @returns Other error codes as defined for the recvfrom() function.
     104 */
     105extern int sockets_recvfrom(int verbose, int * socket_ids, int sockets, struct sockaddr * address, socklen_t * addrlen, char * data, int size, int messages);
     107/** Sends and receives data via sockets.
     108 *  Each datagram is sent and a reply read consequently.
     109 *  The next datagram is sent after the reply is received.
     110 *  @param[in] verbose A value indicating whether to print out verbose information.
     111 *  @param[in] socket_ids A field of stored socket identifiers.
     112 *  @param[in] sockets The number of sockets in the field. Should be at most the size of the field.
     113 *  @param[in,out] address The destination host address to send data to. The source host address of received datagrams is set instead.
     114 *  @param[in] addrlen The length of the destination address in bytes.
     115 *  @param[in,out] data The data to be sent. The received data are set instead.
     116 *  @param[in] size The data size in bytes.
     117 *  @param[in] messages The number of datagrams per socket to be received.
     118 *  @returns EOK on success.
     119 *  @returns Other error codes as defined for the recvfrom() function.
     120 */
     121extern int sockets_sendto_recvfrom(int verbose, int * socket_ids, int sockets, struct sockaddr * address, socklen_t * addrlen, char * data, int size, int messages);
    52125/** @}
    53126 */
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