Changes in / [cbdb6457:8fd4ba0] in mainline
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- uspace
- Files:
- 6 edited
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rcbdb6457 r8fd4ba0 198 198 static int process_ctrl_request(rh_t *instance, usb_transfer_batch_t *request); 199 199 200 static int process_interrupt(rh_t *instance, usb_transfer_batch_t * request, 201 void * change_buffer, size_t buffe_size); 202 203 static bool is_zeros(void * buffer, size_t size); 200 204 201 205 202 … … 216 213 // set port power mode to no-power-switching 217 214 instance->registers->rh_desc_a |= RHDA_NPS_FLAG; 218 instance->unfinished_interrupt_transfer = NULL; 215 219 216 usb_log_info("OHCI root hub with %d ports.\n", instance->port_count); 220 217 return EOK; … … 236 233 usb_log_info("Root hub got CONTROL packet\n"); 237 234 opResult = process_ctrl_request(instance, request); 238 usb_transfer_batch_finish_error(request, opResult);239 235 } else if (request->ep->transfer_type == USB_TRANSFER_INTERRUPT) { 240 236 usb_log_info("Root hub got INTERRUPT packet\n"); 241 237 void * buffer; 242 size_t buffer_size;243 238 create_interrupt_mask(instance, &buffer, 244 &buffer_size); 245 if(is_zeros(buffer,buffer_size)){ 246 usb_log_debug("no changes.."); 247 instance->unfinished_interrupt_transfer= 248 request; 249 //will be finished later 250 }else{ 251 usb_log_debug("processing changes.."); 252 process_interrupt(instance, request, 253 buffer, buffer_size); 254 } 255 free(buffer); 239 &(request->transfered_size)); 240 memcpy(request->data_buffer, buffer, 241 request->transfered_size); 256 242 opResult = EOK; 257 243 } else { 258 244 opResult = EINVAL; 259 usb_transfer_batch_finish_error(request, opResult);260 }245 } 246 usb_transfer_batch_finish_error(request, opResult); 261 247 return EOK; 262 248 } … … 266 252 267 253 void rh_interrupt(rh_t *instance) { 268 //usb_log_info("Whoa whoa wait, I`m not supposed to receive any " 269 // "interrupts, am I?\n"); 270 if(!instance->unfinished_interrupt_transfer){ 271 return; 272 } 273 size_t size; 274 void * buffer; 275 create_interrupt_mask(instance, &buffer, 276 &size); 277 process_interrupt(instance,instance->unfinished_interrupt_transfer, 278 buffer,size); 279 free(buffer); 254 usb_log_info("Whoa whoa wait, I`m not supposed to receive any " 255 "interrupts, am I?\n"); 256 /* TODO: implement? */ 280 257 } 281 258 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ … … 882 859 return opResult; 883 860 } 884 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/885 886 /**887 * process hanging interrupt request888 *889 * If an interrupt transfer has been received and there was no change,890 * the driver stores the transfer information and waits for change to occcur.891 * This routine is called when that happens and it finalizes the interrupt892 * transfer.893 *894 * @param instance hub instance895 * @param request batch request to be processed896 * @param change_buffer chages on hub897 * @param buffer_size size of change buffer898 *899 * @return900 */901 static int process_interrupt(rh_t *instance, usb_transfer_batch_t * request,902 void * change_buffer, size_t buffe_size){903 create_interrupt_mask(instance, &change_buffer,904 &(request->transfered_size));905 memcpy(request->data_buffer, change_buffer,request->transfered_size);906 instance->unfinished_interrupt_transfer = NULL;907 usb_transfer_batch_finish_error(request, EOK);908 return EOK;909 }910 911 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/912 913 /**914 * return whether the buffer is full of zeros915 *916 * Convenience function.917 * @param buffer918 * @param size919 * @return920 */921 static bool is_zeros(void * buffer, size_t size){922 if(!buffer) return true;923 if(!size) return true;924 size_t i;925 for(i=0;i<size;++i){926 if(((char*)buffer)[i])927 return false;928 }929 return true;930 }931 861 932 862 /** -
rcbdb6457 r8fd4ba0 54 54 /** hubs descriptors */ 55 55 usb_device_descriptors_t descriptors; 56 /** interrupt transfer waiting for an actual interrupt to occur */57 usb_transfer_batch_t * unfinished_interrupt_transfer;58 56 } rh_t; 59 57 -
rcbdb6457 r8fd4ba0 105 105 } 106 106 107 //usb_pipe_start_session(hub_info->control_pipe);107 usb_pipe_start_session(hub_info->control_pipe); 108 108 //set hub configuration 109 109 opResult = usb_hub_set_configuration(hub_info); … … 122 122 return opResult; 123 123 } 124 //usb_pipe_end_session(hub_info->control_pipe);125 126 127 usb_log_debug("Creating 'hub' function in DDF.\n");124 usb_pipe_end_session(hub_info->control_pipe); 125 126 /// \TODO what is this? 127 usb_log_debug("Creating `hub' function.\n"); 128 128 ddf_fun_t *hub_fun = ddf_fun_create(hub_info->usb_device->ddf_dev, 129 129 fun_exposed, "hub"); … … 153 153 bool hub_port_changes_callback(usb_device_t *dev, 154 154 uint8_t *change_bitmap, size_t change_bitmap_size, void *arg) { 155 usb_log_debug("hub_port_changes_callback\n");156 155 usb_hub_info_t *hub = (usb_hub_info_t *) arg; 157 156 … … 218 217 // get hub descriptor 219 218 usb_log_debug("creating serialized descriptor\n"); 220 //void * serialized_descriptor = malloc(USB_HUB_MAX_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE); 221 uint8_t serialized_descriptor[USB_HUB_MAX_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE]; 219 void * serialized_descriptor = malloc(USB_HUB_MAX_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE); 222 220 usb_hub_descriptor_t * descriptor; 223 221 int opResult; … … 237 235 } 238 236 usb_log_debug2("deserializing descriptor\n"); 239 descriptor = usb_create_deserialized_hub_desriptor( 240 serialized_descriptor); 237 descriptor = usb_deserialize_hub_desriptor(serialized_descriptor); 241 238 if (descriptor == NULL) { 242 239 usb_log_warning("could not deserialize descriptor \n"); 243 return ENOMEM;240 return opResult; 244 241 } 245 242 usb_log_debug("setting port count to %d\n", descriptor->ports_count); 246 243 hub_info->port_count = descriptor->ports_count; 247 244 /// \TODO this is not semantically correct 248 bool is_power_switched =249 ((descriptor->hub_characteristics & 1) ==0);250 bool has_individual_port_powering =251 ((descriptor->hub_characteristics & 1) !=0);252 245 hub_info->ports = malloc( 253 246 sizeof (usb_hub_port_t) * (hub_info->port_count + 1)); … … 256 249 usb_hub_port_init(&hub_info->ports[port]); 257 250 } 258 if(is_power_switched){ 259 usb_log_debug("is_power_switched\n"); 260 if(has_individual_port_powering){ 261 usb_log_debug("has_individual_port_powering\n"); 262 for (port = 0; port < hub_info->port_count; port++) { 263 opResult = usb_hub_set_port_feature(hub_info->control_pipe, 264 port+1, USB_HUB_FEATURE_PORT_POWER); 265 if (opResult != EOK) { 266 usb_log_error("cannot power on port %d; %d\n", 267 port+1, opResult); 268 } 269 } 270 }else{ 271 usb_log_debug("!has_individual_port_powering\n"); 272 opResult = usb_hub_set_feature(hub_info->control_pipe, 273 USB_HUB_FEATURE_C_HUB_LOCAL_POWER); 274 if (opResult != EOK) { 275 usb_log_error("cannot power hub; %d\n", 276 opResult); 277 } 278 } 279 }else{ 280 usb_log_debug("!is_power_switched\n"); 251 for (port = 0; port < hub_info->port_count; port++) { 252 opResult = usb_hub_set_port_feature(hub_info->control_pipe, 253 port+1, USB_HUB_FEATURE_PORT_POWER); 254 if (opResult != EOK) { 255 usb_log_error("cannot power on port %d; %d\n", 256 port+1, opResult); 257 } 281 258 } 282 259 usb_log_debug2("freeing data\n"); 283 //free(serialized_descriptor);284 //free(descriptor->devices_removable);260 free(serialized_descriptor); 261 free(descriptor->devices_removable); 285 262 free(descriptor); 286 263 return EOK; … … 344 321 * auto destruction, this could work better. 345 322 */ 346 int rc = usb_ hc_connection_open(&hub_info->connection);323 int rc = usb_pipe_start_session(hub_info->control_pipe); 347 324 if (rc != EOK) { 348 //usb_pipe_end_session(hub_info->control_pipe); 325 usb_log_error("Failed to start session on control pipe: %s.\n", 326 str_error(rc)); 327 return rc; 328 } 329 rc = usb_hc_connection_open(&hub_info->connection); 330 if (rc != EOK) { 331 usb_pipe_end_session(hub_info->control_pipe); 349 332 usb_log_error("Failed to open connection to HC: %s.\n", 350 333 str_error(rc)); -
rcbdb6457 r8fd4ba0 113 113 114 114 usb_device_request_setup_packet_t clear_request = { 115 .request_type = USB_HUB_REQ_TYPE_ SET_PORT_FEATURE,115 .request_type = USB_HUB_REQ_TYPE_CLEAR_PORT_FEATURE, 116 116 .request = USB_DEVREQ_SET_FEATURE, 117 117 .length = 0, … … 166 166 } 167 167 168 /** 169 * create uint8_t array with serialized descriptor 170 * 171 * @param descriptor 172 * @return newly created serializd descriptor pointer 173 */ 174 void * usb_serialize_hub_descriptor(usb_hub_descriptor_t * descriptor); 168 175 169 void * usb_create_serialized_hub_descriptor(usb_hub_descriptor_t * descriptor); 170 171 void usb_serialize_hub_descriptor(usb_hub_descriptor_t * descriptor, 172 void * serialized_descriptor);173 174 usb_hub_descriptor_t * usb_create_deserialized_hub_desriptor( 175 void * serialized_descriptor);176 177 void usb_deserialize_hub_desriptor(void * serialized_descriptor, 178 usb_hub_descriptor_t *descriptor);176 /** 177 * create deserialized desriptor structure out of serialized descriptor 178 * 179 * The serialized descriptor must be proper usb hub descriptor, 180 * otherwise an eerror might occur. 181 * 182 * @param sdescriptor serialized descriptor 183 * @return newly created deserialized descriptor pointer 184 */ 185 usb_hub_descriptor_t * usb_deserialize_hub_desriptor(void * sdescriptor); 179 186 180 187 -
rcbdb6457 r8fd4ba0 56 56 //hub descriptor utils 57 57 58 /** 59 * create uint8_t array with serialized descriptor 60 * 61 * @param descriptor 62 * @return newly created serializd descriptor pointer 63 */ 64 void * usb_create_serialized_hub_descriptor(usb_hub_descriptor_t * descriptor) { 58 void * usb_serialize_hub_descriptor(usb_hub_descriptor_t * descriptor) { 65 59 //base size 66 60 size_t size = 7; … … 70 64 uint8_t * result = malloc(size); 71 65 //size 72 if(result) 73 usb_serialize_hub_descriptor(descriptor,result); 66 result[0] = size; 67 //descriptor type 68 result[1] = USB_DESCTYPE_HUB; 69 result[2] = descriptor->ports_count; 70 /// @fixme handling of endianness?? 71 result[3] = descriptor->hub_characteristics / 256; 72 result[4] = descriptor->hub_characteristics % 256; 73 result[5] = descriptor->pwr_on_2_good_time; 74 result[6] = descriptor->current_requirement; 75 76 size_t i; 77 for (i = 0; i < var_size; ++i) { 78 result[7 + i] = descriptor->devices_removable[i]; 79 } 80 for (i = 0; i < var_size; ++i) { 81 result[7 + var_size + i] = 255; 82 } 74 83 return result; 75 84 } 76 85 77 /** 78 * serialize descriptor into given buffer 79 * 80 * The buffer size is not checked. 81 * @param descriptor 82 * @param serialized_descriptor 83 */ 84 void usb_serialize_hub_descriptor(usb_hub_descriptor_t * descriptor, 85 void * serialized_descriptor) { 86 //base size 87 uint8_t * sdescriptor = serialized_descriptor; 88 size_t size = 7; 89 //variable size according to port count 90 size_t var_size = (descriptor->ports_count+7)/8; 91 size += 2 * var_size; 92 //size 93 sdescriptor[0] = size; 94 //descriptor type 95 sdescriptor[1] = USB_DESCTYPE_HUB; 96 sdescriptor[2] = descriptor->ports_count; 97 /// @fixme handling of endianness?? 98 sdescriptor[3] = descriptor->hub_characteristics / 256; 99 sdescriptor[4] = descriptor->hub_characteristics % 256; 100 sdescriptor[5] = descriptor->pwr_on_2_good_time; 101 sdescriptor[6] = descriptor->current_requirement; 102 103 size_t i; 104 for (i = 0; i < var_size; ++i) { 105 sdescriptor[7 + i] = descriptor->devices_removable[i]; 106 } 107 for (i = 0; i < var_size; ++i) { 108 sdescriptor[7 + var_size + i] = 255; 109 } 110 } 111 112 113 /** 114 * create deserialized desriptor structure out of serialized descriptor 115 * 116 * The serialized descriptor must be proper usb hub descriptor, 117 * otherwise an eerror might occur. 118 * 119 * @param sdescriptor serialized descriptor 120 * @return newly created deserialized descriptor pointer 121 */ 122 usb_hub_descriptor_t * usb_create_deserialized_hub_desriptor( 86 usb_hub_descriptor_t * usb_deserialize_hub_desriptor( 123 87 void * serialized_descriptor) { 124 88 uint8_t * sdescriptor = serialized_descriptor; … … 131 95 132 96 usb_hub_descriptor_t * result = malloc(sizeof(usb_hub_descriptor_t)); 133 if(result) 134 usb_deserialize_hub_desriptor(serialized_descriptor,result); 97 98 99 result->ports_count = sdescriptor[2]; 100 /// @fixme handling of endianness?? 101 result->hub_characteristics = sdescriptor[4] + 256 * sdescriptor[3]; 102 result->pwr_on_2_good_time = sdescriptor[5]; 103 result->current_requirement = sdescriptor[6]; 104 size_t var_size = (result->ports_count+7) / 8; 105 result->devices_removable = (uint8_t*) malloc(var_size); 106 107 size_t i; 108 for (i = 0; i < var_size; ++i) { 109 result->devices_removable[i] = sdescriptor[7 + i]; 110 } 135 111 return result; 136 112 } 137 113 138 /**139 * deserialize descriptor into given pointer140 *141 * @param serialized_descriptor142 * @param descriptor143 * @return144 */145 void usb_deserialize_hub_desriptor(146 void * serialized_descriptor, usb_hub_descriptor_t * descriptor) {147 uint8_t * sdescriptor = serialized_descriptor;148 descriptor->ports_count = sdescriptor[2];149 /// @fixme handling of endianness??150 descriptor->hub_characteristics = sdescriptor[4] + 256 * sdescriptor[3];151 descriptor->pwr_on_2_good_time = sdescriptor[5];152 descriptor->current_requirement = sdescriptor[6];153 size_t var_size = (descriptor->ports_count+7) / 8;154 //descriptor->devices_removable = (uint8_t*) malloc(var_size);155 114 156 size_t i;157 for (i = 0; i < var_size; ++i) {158 descriptor->devices_removable[i] = sdescriptor[7 + i];159 }160 }161 115 162 116 /** -
rcbdb6457 r8fd4ba0 152 152 maximum of 255 ports). 153 153 */ 154 uint8_t devices_removable[32];154 uint8_t * devices_removable; 155 155 156 156 /**
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