1 edited


  • uspace/lib/net/include/arp_interface.h

    r514ee46 raf7638e  
    2727 */
    29 /** @addtogroup arp
    30  *  @{
     29/** @addtogroup libnet
     30 * @{
    3131 */
    33 #ifndef __NET_ARP_INTERFACE_H__
    34 #define __NET_ARP_INTERFACE_H__
     33#ifndef LIBNET_ARP_INTERFACE_H_
     34#define LIBNET_ARP_INTERFACE_H_
    3636#include <adt/measured_strings.h>
    4444/** @name ARP module interface
    45  *  This interface is used by other modules.
     45 * This interface is used by other modules.
    4646 */
    49 /** Registers the new device and the requesting protocol service.
    50  *  Connects to the network interface layer service.
    51  *  Determines the device broadcast address, its address lengths and packet size.
    52  *  @param[in] arp_phone The ARP module phone used for (semi)remote calls.
    53  *  @param[in] device_id The new device identifier.
    54  *  @param[in] protocol The requesting protocol service.
    55  *  @param[in] netif The underlying device network interface layer service.
    56  *  @param[in] address The local requesting protocol address of the device.
    57  *  @returns EOK on success.
    58  *  @returns EEXIST if the device is already used.
    59  *  @returns ENOMEM if there is not enough memory left.
    60  *  @returns ENOENT if the network interface service is not known.
    61  *  @returns EREFUSED if the network interface service is not responding.
    62  *  @returns Other error codes as defined for the nil_packet_get_size() function.
    63  *  @returns Other error codes as defined for the nil_get_addr() function.
    64  *  @returns Other error codes as defined for the nil_get_broadcast_addr() function.
    65  */
    66 extern int arp_device_req(int arp_phone, device_id_t device_id, services_t protocol, services_t netif, measured_string_ref address);
    68 /** Translates the given protocol address to the network interface address.
    69  *  Broadcasts the ARP request if the mapping is not found.
    70  *  Allocates and returns the needed memory block as the data parameter.
    71  *  @param[in] arp_phone The ARP module phone used for (semi)remote calls.
    72  *  @param[in] device_id The device identifier.
    73  *  @param[in] protocol The requesting protocol service.
    74  *  @param[in] address The local requesting protocol address.
    75  *  @param[out] translation The translation of the local protocol address.
    76  *  @param[out] data The allocated raw translation data container.
    77  *  @returns EOK on success.
    78  *  @returns EINVAL if the address parameter is NULL.
    79  *  @returns EBADMEM if the translation or the data parameters are NULL.
    80  *  @returns ENOENT if the mapping is not found.
    81  */
    82 extern int arp_translate_req(int arp_phone, device_id_t device_id, services_t protocol, measured_string_ref address, measured_string_ref * translation, char ** data);
    84 /** Clears the device cache.
    85  *  @param[in] arp_phone The ARP module phone used for (semi)remote calls.
    86  *  @param[in] device_id The device identifier.
    87  *  @returns EOK on success.
    88  *  @returns ENOENT if the device is not found.
    89  */
    90 extern int arp_clear_device_req(int arp_phone, device_id_t device_id);
    92 /** Clears the given protocol address from the cache.
    93  *  @param[in] arp_phone The ARP module phone used for (semi)remote calls.
    94  *  @param[in] device_id The device identifier.
    95  *  @param[in] protocol The requesting protocol service.
    96  *  @param[in] address The protocol address to be cleared.
    97  *  @returns EOK on success.
    98  *  @returns ENOENT if the mapping is not found.
    99  */
    100 extern int arp_clear_address_req(int arp_phone, device_id_t device_id, services_t protocol, measured_string_ref address);
    102 /** Cleans the cache.
    103  *  @param[in] arp_phone The ARP module phone used for (semi)remote calls.
    104  *  @returns EOK on success.
    105  */
    106 extern int arp_clean_cache_req(int arp_phone);
    108 /** Connects to the ARP module.
    109  *  @param service The ARP module service. Ignored parameter.
    110  *  @returns The ARP module phone on success.
    111  */
    112 extern int arp_connect_module(services_t service);
    114 /** Returns the ARP task identifier.
    115  *  @returns 0 if called by the remote module.
    116  */
    117 extern task_id_t arp_task_get_id(void);
     49extern int arp_device_req(int, device_id_t, services_t, services_t,
     50    measured_string_ref);
     51extern int arp_translate_req(int, device_id_t, services_t, measured_string_ref,
     52    measured_string_ref *, char **);
     53extern int arp_clear_device_req(int, device_id_t);
     54extern int arp_clear_address_req(int, device_id_t, services_t,
     55    measured_string_ref);
     56extern int arp_clean_cache_req(int);
     57extern int arp_connect_module(services_t);
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