Changes in / [0f963cb:bb285b4] in mainline
- Files:
- 4 added
- 240 deleted
- 19 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r0f963cb rbb285b4 554 554 ! CONFIG_WRITE_CORE_FILES (n/y) 555 555 556 % Include development files (headers, libraries)557 ! [RDFMT=tmpfs|RDFMT=ext2fs] CONFIG_DEVEL_FILES (n/y)558 559 556 % Strip binaries 560 557 ! CONFIG_STRIP_BINARIES (n/y) … … 565 562 % Barebone build with essential binaries only 566 563 ! CONFIG_BAREBONE (n/y) 567 568 % Build pcc binaries569 ! CONFIG_PCC (n/y)570 564 571 565 % Build binutils binaries -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 61 61 cp "$$file" "$(DIST_PATH)/lib/" ; \ 62 62 done 63 ifeq ($(CONFIG_DEVEL_FILES), y)64 mkdir "$(DIST_PATH)/inc/c/"65 cp -r -L "$(USPACE_PATH)/lib/c/include/." "$(DIST_PATH)/inc/c/"66 cat "$(USPACE_PATH)/lib/c/arch/$(UARCH)/_link.ld" | sed 's/^STARTUP(.*)$$//g' > "$(DIST_PATH)/inc/_link.ld"67 endif68 63 for file in $(RD_APPS) ; do \ 69 64 cp "$$file" "$(DIST_PATH)/app/" ; \ … … 99 94 rm -rf $(USPACE_PATH)/dist/drv/* 100 95 rm -f $(USPACE_PATH)/dist/lib/* 101 rm -rf $(USPACE_PATH)/dist/inc/*102 96 rm -f $(USPACE_PATH)/dist/app/* 103 97 rm -f $(USPACE_PATH)/dist/cfg/net/* -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 126 126 127 127 RD_LIBS = 128 129 ifeq ($(CONFIG_DEVEL_FILES), y)130 RD_LIBS += \131 $(USPACE_PATH)/lib/c/libc.a \132 $(USPACE_PATH)/lib/softint/libsoftint.a \133 $(USPACE_PATH)/lib/softfloat/libsoftfloat.a134 endif135 128 136 129 ifeq ($(CONFIG_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS), y) … … 178 171 $(USPACE_PATH)/app/websrv/websrv 179 172 180 ifeq ($(CONFIG_PCC),y)181 RD_APPS_NON_ESSENTIAL += \182 $(USPACE_PATH)/app/cc/cc \183 $(USPACE_PATH)/app/ccom/ccom \184 $(USPACE_PATH)/app/ccom/mkext/cc_mkext \185 $(USPACE_PATH)/app/cpp/cpp186 endif187 188 173 ifeq ($(CONFIG_BINUTILS),y) 189 174 RD_APPS_NON_ESSENTIAL += \ -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 111 111 drv/bus/usb/vhc 112 112 113 ifeq ($(CONFIG_PCC),y)114 DIRS += \115 app/cc \116 app/ccom \117 app/ccom/mkext \118 app/cpp119 endif120 121 113 ifeq ($(CONFIG_BINUTILS),y) 122 114 DIRS += \ -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 43 43 extern const char *progname; 44 44 45 #define HELP_IS_BATCH 346 45 #define HELP_IS_COMMANDS 2 47 46 #define HELP_IS_MODULE 1 … … 55 54 { 56 55 int rc = HELP_IS_RUBBISH; 57 58 if (str_cmp(cmd, "batch") == 0)59 return HELP_IS_BATCH;60 56 61 57 if (str_cmp(cmd, "commands") == 0) … … 96 92 } 97 93 98 static void help_batch(unsigned int level)99 {100 if (level == HELP_SHORT) {101 printf(102 "\n batch [filename]\n"103 " Issues commands stored in the file.\n"104 " Each command must correspond to the single line in the file.\n\n");105 } else {106 printf(107 "\n `batch' - issues a batch of commands\n"108 " Issues commands stored in the file. Each command must correspond\n"109 " to the single line in the file. Empty lines can be used to visually\n"110 " separate groups of commands. There is no support for comments,\n"111 " variables, recursion or other programming constructs - the `batch'\n"112 " command is indeed very trivial.\n\n");113 }114 115 return;116 }117 118 94 static void help_commands(void) 119 95 { … … 145 121 } 146 122 147 printf(" %-16s\t%s\n", "batch", "Issue batch of commands");148 123 printf("\n Try %s %s for more information on how `%s' works.\n\n", 149 124 cmdname, cmdname, cmdname); … … 207 182 help_commands(); 208 183 return CMD_SUCCESS; 209 case HELP_IS_BATCH:210 help_batch(level);211 return CMD_SUCCESS;212 184 case HELP_IS_MODULE: 213 185 help_module(mod_switch, level); -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 169 169 new_iostate.stdout = to; 170 170 } 171 172 if (str_cmp(actual_cmd[0], "batch") == 0 && actual_cmd[1] != NULL) { 173 FILE *batch = fopen(actual_cmd[1], "r"); 174 if (batch == NULL) { 175 printf("Cannot open file %s\n", actual_cmd[1]); 176 rc = errno; 177 } else { 178 cliuser_t fusr; 179 = usr->name; 180 fusr.cwd = usr->cwd; 181 fusr.prompt = usr->prompt; 182 fusr.line = malloc(INPUT_MAX + 1); 183 char *cur = fusr.line; 184 char *end = fusr.line + INPUT_MAX; 185 int c = fgetc(batch); 186 while (fusr.line != NULL) { 187 if (c == '\n' || c == EOF || cur == end) { 188 *cur = '\0'; 189 if (cur == fusr.line) { 190 /* skip empty line */ 191 rc = 0; 192 free(cur); 193 } else { 194 printf(">%s\n", fusr.line); 195 rc = process_input(&fusr); 196 /* fusr->line was freed by process_input() */ 197 } 198 if (rc == 0 && c != EOF) { 199 fusr.line = malloc(INPUT_MAX + 1); 200 cur = fusr.line; 201 end = fusr.line + INPUT_MAX; 202 } else { 203 break; 204 } 205 } else { 206 *cur++ = c; 207 } 208 c = fgetc(batch); 209 } 210 fclose(batch); 211 } 212 } else { 213 rc = run_command(actual_cmd, usr, &new_iostate); 214 } 171 172 rc = run_command(actual_cmd, usr, &new_iostate); 215 173 216 174 finit_with_files: -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 291 291 for (j = i + 1; j <= 5; j++) { 292 292 if (keys[i] == keys[j]) 293 errx(1, " %s", "duplicate command keys specified.");293 errx(1, "duplicate command keys specified."); 294 294 } 295 295 -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 51 51 typedef uint32_t size_t; 52 52 53 typedef int32_t intptr_t;54 53 typedef uint32_t uintptr_t; 55 54 typedef uint32_t atomic_count_t; -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 45 45 { 46 46 asm volatile ( 47 "lock incq % 0\n"48 : "+m" (val->count)47 "lock incq %[count]\n" 48 : [count] "+m" (val->count) 49 49 ); 50 50 } … … 53 53 { 54 54 asm volatile ( 55 "lock decq % 0\n"56 : "+m" (val->count)55 "lock decq %[count]\n" 56 : [count] "+m" (val->count) 57 57 ); 58 58 } … … 63 63 64 64 asm volatile ( 65 "lock xaddq % 1, %0\n"66 : "+m" (val->count),67 "+r" (r)65 "lock xaddq %[r], %[count]\n" 66 : [count] "+m" (val->count), 67 [r] "+r" (r) 68 68 ); 69 69 … … 76 76 77 77 asm volatile ( 78 "lock xaddq % 1, %0\n"79 : "+m" (val->count),80 "+r" (r)78 "lock xaddq %[r], %[count]\n" 79 : [count] "+m" (val->count), 80 [r] "+r" (r) 81 81 ); 82 82 -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 51 51 typedef uint64_t size_t; 52 52 53 typedef int64_t intptr_t;54 53 typedef uint64_t uintptr_t; 55 54 typedef uint64_t atomic_count_t; -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 52 52 typedef uint32_t size_t; 53 53 54 typedef int32_t intptr_t;55 54 typedef uint32_t uintptr_t; 56 55 typedef uint32_t atomic_count_t; -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 43 43 { 44 44 asm volatile ( 45 "lock incl % 0\n"46 : "+m" (val->count)45 "lock incl %[count]\n" 46 : [count] "+m" (val->count) 47 47 ); 48 48 } … … 51 51 { 52 52 asm volatile ( 53 "lock decl % 0\n"54 : "+m" (val->count)53 "lock decl %[count]\n" 54 : [count] "+m" (val->count) 55 55 ); 56 56 } … … 61 61 62 62 asm volatile ( 63 "lock xaddl % 1, %0\n"64 : "+m" (val->count),65 "+r" (r)63 "lock xaddl %[r], %[count]\n" 64 : [count] "+m" (val->count), 65 [r] "+r" (r) 66 66 ); 67 67 … … 74 74 75 75 asm volatile ( 76 "lock xaddl % 1, %0\n"77 : "+m" (val->count),78 "+r" (r)76 "lock xaddl %[r], %[count]\n" 77 : [count] "+m" (val->count), 78 [r] "+r" (r) 79 79 ); 80 80 -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 44 44 45 45 asm volatile ( 46 "inb %w 1, %b0\n"47 : "=a" (val)48 : "d" (port)46 "inb %w[port], %b[val]\n" 47 : [val] "=a" (val) 48 : [port] "d" (port) 49 49 ); 50 50 … … 57 57 58 58 asm volatile ( 59 "inw %w 1, %w0\n"60 : "=a" (val)61 : "d" (port)59 "inw %w[port], %w[val]\n" 60 : [val] "=a" (val) 61 : [port] "d" (port) 62 62 ); 63 63 … … 70 70 71 71 asm volatile ( 72 "inl %w 1, %0\n"73 : "=a" (val)74 : "d" (port)72 "inl %w[port], %[val]\n" 73 : [val] "=a" (val) 74 : [port] "d" (port) 75 75 ); 76 76 … … 81 81 { 82 82 asm volatile ( 83 "outb %b 0, %w1\n"84 :: "a" (val),"d" (port)83 "outb %b[val], %w[port]\n" 84 :: [val] "a" (val), [port] "d" (port) 85 85 ); 86 86 } … … 89 89 { 90 90 asm volatile ( 91 "outw %w 0, %w1\n"92 :: "a" (val),"d" (port)91 "outw %w[val], %w[port]\n" 92 :: [val] "a" (val), [port] "d" (port) 93 93 ); 94 94 } … … 97 97 { 98 98 asm volatile ( 99 "outl % 0, %w1\n"100 :: "a" (val),"d" (port)99 "outl %[val], %w[port]\n" 100 :: [val] "a" (val), [port] "d" (port) 101 101 ); 102 102 } -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 51 51 typedef uint32_t size_t; 52 52 53 typedef int32_t intptr_t;54 53 typedef uint32_t uintptr_t; 55 54 typedef uint32_t atomic_count_t; -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 61 61 typedef uint64_t size_t; 62 62 63 typedef int64_t intptr_t;64 63 typedef uint64_t uintptr_t; 65 64 typedef uint64_t atomic_count_t; -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 52 52 typedef uint32_t size_t; 53 53 54 typedef int32_t intptr_t;55 54 typedef uint32_t uintptr_t; 56 55 typedef uint32_t atomic_count_t; -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 51 51 typedef uint32_t size_t; 52 52 53 typedef int32_t intptr_t;54 53 typedef uint32_t uintptr_t; 55 54 typedef uint32_t atomic_count_t; -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 51 51 typedef uint64_t size_t; 52 52 53 typedef int64_t intptr_t;54 53 typedef uint64_t uintptr_t; 55 54 typedef uint64_t atomic_count_t; -
r0f963cb rbb285b4 257 257 assert(stream != NULL); 258 258 259 /* Ret rieve the node. */259 /* Retieve the node. */ 260 260 struct stat st; 261 261 int rc; … … 265 265 } else { 266 266 rc = stat(filename, &st); 267 if (-rc == ENOENT) {268 /* file does not exist, create new file */269 FILE* tmp = fopen(filename, mode);270 if (tmp != NULL) {271 fclose(tmp);272 /* try again */273 rc = stat(filename, &st);274 }275 }276 267 } 277 268
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