Changes in uspace/lib/block/libblock.c [b72efe8:c7bbf029] in mainline
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rb72efe8 rc7bbf029 2 2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Jakub Jermar 3 3 * Copyright (c) 2008 Martin Decky 4 * Copyright (c) 2011 Martin Sucha5 4 * All rights reserved. 6 5 * … … 60 59 static FIBRIL_MUTEX_INITIALIZE(dcl_lock); 61 60 /** Device connection list head. */ 62 static LIST_INITIALIZE(dcl );63 64 #define CACHE_BUCKETS_LOG2 65 #define CACHE_BUCKETS 61 static LIST_INITIALIZE(dcl_head); 62 63 #define CACHE_BUCKETS_LOG2 10 64 #define CACHE_BUCKETS (1 << CACHE_BUCKETS_LOG2) 66 65 67 66 typedef struct { 68 67 fibril_mutex_t lock; 69 size_t lblock_size; 70 unsigned blocks_cluster; 71 unsigned block_count; 72 unsigned blocks_cached; 68 size_t lblock_size; /**< Logical block size. */ 69 unsigned blocks_cluster; /**< Physical blocks per block_t */ 70 unsigned block_count; /**< Total number of blocks. */ 71 unsigned blocks_cached; /**< Number of cached blocks. */ 73 72 hash_table_t block_hash; 74 li st_t free_list;73 link_t free_head; 75 74 enum cache_mode mode; 76 75 } cache_t; … … 79 78 link_t link; 80 79 devmap_handle_t devmap_handle; 81 async_sess_t *sess;80 int dev_phone; 82 81 fibril_mutex_t comm_area_lock; 83 82 void *comm_area; … … 85 84 void *bb_buf; 86 85 aoff64_t bb_addr; 87 size_t pblock_size; 86 size_t pblock_size; /**< Physical block size. */ 88 87 cache_t *cache; 89 88 } devcon_t; 90 89 91 static int read_blocks(devcon_t * , aoff64_t, size_t);92 static int write_blocks(devcon_t * , aoff64_t, size_t);93 static int get_block_size( async_sess_t *, size_t *);94 static int get_num_blocks( async_sess_t *, aoff64_t *);95 static aoff64_t ba_ltop(devcon_t * , aoff64_t);90 static int read_blocks(devcon_t *devcon, aoff64_t ba, size_t cnt); 91 static int write_blocks(devcon_t *devcon, aoff64_t ba, size_t cnt); 92 static int get_block_size(int dev_phone, size_t *bsize); 93 static int get_num_blocks(int dev_phone, aoff64_t *nblocks); 94 static aoff64_t ba_ltop(devcon_t *devcon, aoff64_t lba); 96 95 97 96 static devcon_t *devcon_search(devmap_handle_t devmap_handle) 98 97 { 98 link_t *cur; 99 99 100 fibril_mutex_lock(&dcl_lock); 100 101 list_foreach(dcl, cur) { 101 for (cur =; cur != &dcl_head; cur = cur->next) { 102 102 devcon_t *devcon = list_get_instance(cur, devcon_t, link); 103 103 if (devcon->devmap_handle == devmap_handle) { … … 106 106 } 107 107 } 108 109 108 fibril_mutex_unlock(&dcl_lock); 110 109 return NULL; 111 110 } 112 111 113 static int devcon_add(devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, async_sess_t *sess, 114 size_t bsize, void *comm_area, size_t comm_size) 115 { 112 static int devcon_add(devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, int dev_phone, size_t bsize, 113 void *comm_area, size_t comm_size) 114 { 115 link_t *cur; 116 116 devcon_t *devcon; 117 117 118 118 if (comm_size < bsize) 119 119 return EINVAL; 120 120 121 121 devcon = malloc(sizeof(devcon_t)); 122 122 if (!devcon) … … 125 125 link_initialize(&devcon->link); 126 126 devcon->devmap_handle = devmap_handle; 127 devcon-> sess = sess;127 devcon->dev_phone = dev_phone; 128 128 fibril_mutex_initialize(&devcon->comm_area_lock); 129 129 devcon->comm_area = comm_area; … … 133 133 devcon->pblock_size = bsize; 134 134 devcon->cache = NULL; 135 135 136 136 fibril_mutex_lock(&dcl_lock); 137 list_foreach(dcl, cur) {137 for (cur =; cur != &dcl_head; cur = cur->next) { 138 138 devcon_t *d = list_get_instance(cur, devcon_t, link); 139 139 if (d->devmap_handle == devmap_handle) { … … 143 143 } 144 144 } 145 list_append(&devcon->link, &dcl );145 list_append(&devcon->link, &dcl_head); 146 146 fibril_mutex_unlock(&dcl_lock); 147 147 return EOK; … … 155 155 } 156 156 157 int block_init(exch_mgmt_t mgmt, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, 158 size_t comm_size) 159 { 160 void *comm_area = mmap(NULL, comm_size, PROTO_READ | PROTO_WRITE, 157 int block_init(devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, size_t comm_size) 158 { 159 int rc; 160 int dev_phone; 161 void *comm_area; 162 size_t bsize; 163 164 comm_area = mmap(NULL, comm_size, PROTO_READ | PROTO_WRITE, 161 165 MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, 0, 0); 162 if (!comm_area) 166 if (!comm_area) { 163 167 return ENOMEM; 164 165 async_sess_t *sess = devmap_device_connect(mgmt, devmap_handle, 166 167 if ( !sess) {168 } 169 170 dev_phone = devmap_device_connect(devmap_handle, IPC_FLAG_BLOCKING); 171 if (dev_phone < 0) { 168 172 munmap(comm_area, comm_size); 169 return ENOENT; 170 } 171 172 async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(sess); 173 int rc = async_share_out_start(exch, comm_area, 173 return dev_phone; 174 } 175 176 rc = async_share_out_start(dev_phone, comm_area, 174 177 AS_AREA_READ | AS_AREA_WRITE); 175 async_exchange_end(exch); 176 178 if (rc != EOK) { 179 munmap(comm_area, comm_size); 180 async_hangup(dev_phone); 181 return rc; 182 } 183 184 if (get_block_size(dev_phone, &bsize) != EOK) { 185 munmap(comm_area, comm_size); 186 async_hangup(dev_phone); 187 return rc; 188 } 189 190 rc = devcon_add(devmap_handle, dev_phone, bsize, comm_area, comm_size); 177 191 if (rc != EOK) { 178 192 munmap(comm_area, comm_size); 179 async_hangup( sess);193 async_hangup(dev_phone); 180 194 return rc; 181 195 } 182 183 size_t bsize; 184 rc = get_block_size(sess, &bsize); 185 186 if (rc != EOK) { 187 munmap(comm_area, comm_size); 188 async_hangup(sess); 189 return rc; 190 } 191 192 rc = devcon_add(devmap_handle, sess, bsize, comm_area, comm_size); 193 if (rc != EOK) { 194 munmap(comm_area, comm_size); 195 async_hangup(sess); 196 return rc; 197 } 198 196 199 197 return EOK; 200 198 } … … 207 205 if (devcon->cache) 208 206 (void) block_cache_fini(devmap_handle); 209 207 210 208 devcon_remove(devcon); 211 209 212 210 if (devcon->bb_buf) 213 211 free(devcon->bb_buf); 214 212 215 213 munmap(devcon->comm_area, devcon->comm_size); 216 async_hangup(devcon-> sess);217 218 free(devcon); 214 async_hangup(devcon->dev_phone); 215 216 free(devcon); 219 217 } 220 218 … … 291 289 292 290 fibril_mutex_initialize(&cache->lock); 293 list_initialize(&cache->free_ list);291 list_initialize(&cache->free_head); 294 292 cache->lblock_size = size; 295 293 cache->block_count = blocks; … … 332 330 * bother with the cache and block locks because we are single-threaded. 333 331 */ 334 while (!list_empty(&cache->free_ list)) {335 block_t *b = list_get_instance( list_first(&cache->free_list),332 while (!list_empty(&cache->free_head)) { 333 block_t *b = list_get_instance(cache->, 336 334 block_t, free_link); 337 335 … … 364 362 if (cache->blocks_cached < CACHE_LO_WATERMARK) 365 363 return true; 366 if (!list_empty(&cache->free_ list))364 if (!list_empty(&cache->free_head)) 367 365 return false; 368 366 return true; … … 453 451 unsigned long temp_key; 454 452 recycle: 455 if (list_empty(&cache->free_ list)) {453 if (list_empty(&cache->free_head)) { 456 454 fibril_mutex_unlock(&cache->lock); 457 455 rc = ENOMEM; 458 456 goto out; 459 457 } 460 l = list_first(&cache->free_list);458 l = cache->; 461 459 b = list_get_instance(l, block_t, free_link); 462 460 … … 473 471 */ 474 472 list_remove(&b->free_link); 475 list_append(&b->free_link, &cache->free_ list);473 list_append(&b->free_link, &cache->free_head); 476 474 fibril_mutex_unlock(&cache->lock); 477 475 fibril_mutex_lock(&devcon->comm_area_lock); … … 665 663 goto retry; 666 664 } 667 list_append(&block->free_link, &cache->free_ list);665 list_append(&block->free_link, &cache->free_head); 668 666 } 669 667 fibril_mutex_unlock(&block->lock); … … 809 807 assert(devcon); 810 808 811 return get_block_size(devcon-> sess, bsize);809 return get_block_size(devcon->dev_phone, bsize); 812 810 } 813 811 … … 821 819 int block_get_nblocks(devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, aoff64_t *nblocks) 822 820 { 823 devcon_t *devcon = devcon_search(devmap_handle); 824 assert(devcon); 825 826 return get_num_blocks(devcon->sess, nblocks); 827 } 828 829 /** Read bytes directly from the device (bypass cache) 830 * 831 * @param devmap_handle Device handle of the block device. 832 * @param abs_offset Absolute offset in bytes where to start reading 833 * @param bytes Number of bytes to read 834 * @param data Buffer that receives the data 835 * 836 * @return EOK on success or negative error code on failure. 837 */ 838 int block_read_bytes_direct(devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, aoff64_t abs_offset, 839 size_t bytes, void *data) 840 { 841 int rc; 842 size_t phys_block_size; 843 size_t buf_size; 844 void *buffer; 845 aoff64_t first_block; 846 aoff64_t last_block; 847 size_t blocks; 848 size_t offset; 849 850 rc = block_get_bsize(devmap_handle, &phys_block_size); 851 if (rc != EOK) { 852 return rc; 853 } 854 855 /* calculate data position and required space */ 856 first_block = abs_offset / phys_block_size; 857 offset = abs_offset % phys_block_size; 858 last_block = (abs_offset + bytes - 1) / phys_block_size; 859 blocks = last_block - first_block + 1; 860 buf_size = blocks * phys_block_size; 861 862 /* read the data into memory */ 863 buffer = malloc(buf_size); 864 if (buffer == NULL) { 865 return ENOMEM; 866 } 867 868 rc = block_read_direct(devmap_handle, first_block, blocks, buffer); 869 if (rc != EOK) { 870 free(buffer); 871 return rc; 872 } 873 874 /* copy the data from the buffer */ 875 memcpy(data, buffer + offset, bytes); 876 free(buffer); 877 878 return EOK; 821 devcon_t *devcon; 822 823 devcon = devcon_search(devmap_handle); 824 assert(devcon); 825 826 return get_num_blocks(devcon->dev_phone, nblocks); 879 827 } 880 828 … … 890 838 static int read_blocks(devcon_t *devcon, aoff64_t ba, size_t cnt) 891 839 { 892 assert(devcon);893 894 as ync_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(devcon->sess);895 int rc = async_req_3_0(exch, BD_READ_BLOCKS, LOWER32(ba),840 int rc; 841 842 assert(devcon); 843 rc = async_req_3_0(devcon->dev_phone, BD_READ_BLOCKS, LOWER32(ba), 896 844 UPPER32(ba), cnt); 897 async_exchange_end(exch);898 899 845 if (rc != EOK) { 900 846 printf("Error %d reading %zu blocks starting at block %" PRIuOFF64 … … 905 851 #endif 906 852 } 907 908 853 return rc; 909 854 } … … 920 865 static int write_blocks(devcon_t *devcon, aoff64_t ba, size_t cnt) 921 866 { 922 assert(devcon);923 924 as ync_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(devcon->sess);925 int rc = async_req_3_0(exch, BD_WRITE_BLOCKS, LOWER32(ba),867 int rc; 868 869 assert(devcon); 870 rc = async_req_3_0(devcon->dev_phone, BD_WRITE_BLOCKS, LOWER32(ba), 926 871 UPPER32(ba), cnt); 927 async_exchange_end(exch);928 929 872 if (rc != EOK) { 930 873 printf("Error %d writing %zu blocks starting at block %" PRIuOFF64 … … 934 877 #endif 935 878 } 936 937 879 return rc; 938 880 } 939 881 940 882 /** Get block size used by the device. */ 941 static int get_block_size( async_sess_t *sess, size_t *bsize)883 static int get_block_size(int dev_phone, size_t *bsize) 942 884 { 943 885 sysarg_t bs; 944 945 async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(sess); 946 int rc = async_req_0_1(exch, BD_GET_BLOCK_SIZE, &bs); 947 async_exchange_end(exch); 948 886 int rc; 887 888 rc = async_req_0_1(dev_phone, BD_GET_BLOCK_SIZE, &bs); 949 889 if (rc == EOK) 950 890 *bsize = (size_t) bs; 951 891 952 892 return rc; 953 893 } 954 894 955 895 /** Get total number of blocks on block device. */ 956 static int get_num_blocks(async_sess_t *sess, aoff64_t *nblocks) 957 { 958 sysarg_t nb_l; 959 sysarg_t nb_h; 960 961 async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(sess); 962 int rc = async_req_0_2(exch, BD_GET_NUM_BLOCKS, &nb_l, &nb_h); 963 async_exchange_end(exch); 964 965 if (rc == EOK) 896 static int get_num_blocks(int dev_phone, aoff64_t *nblocks) 897 { 898 sysarg_t nb_l, nb_h; 899 int rc; 900 901 rc = async_req_0_2(dev_phone, BD_GET_NUM_BLOCKS, &nb_l, &nb_h); 902 if (rc == EOK) { 966 903 *nblocks = (aoff64_t) MERGE_LOUP32(nb_l, nb_h); 967 904 } 905 968 906 return rc; 969 907 }
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