Changes in uspace/drv/usbhub/usbhub.c [42a3a57:e93e319] in mainline
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r42a3a57 re93e319 78 78 async_usleep(1000 * 1000 );/// \TODO proper number once 79 79 } 80 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,81 "something in ctrl loop went wrong, errno %d",errorCode); 80 usb_log_error("something in ctrl loop went wrong, errno %d",errorCode); 81 82 82 return 0; 83 83 } … … 104 104 hub->device); 105 105 if(opResult != EOK){ 106 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 107 "could not initialize connection to hc, errno %d",opResult); 106 usb_log_error("could not initialize connection to hc, errno %d",opResult); 108 107 return opResult; 109 108 } … … 112 111 hub->device); 113 112 if(opResult != EOK){ 114 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,115 "could not initialize connection to device, errno %d",opResult);113 usb_log_error("could not initialize connection to device, errno %d", 114 opResult); 116 115 return opResult; 117 116 } … … 120 119 &hub->device_connection); 121 120 if(opResult != EOK){ 122 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,123 "could not initialize connection to device endpoint, errno %d",opResult);121 usb_log_error("could not initialize connection to device endpoint, errno %d", 122 opResult); 124 123 return opResult; 125 124 } … … 127 126 opResult = usb_endpoint_pipe_probe_default_control(&hub->endpoints.control); 128 127 if (opResult != EOK) { 129 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"failed probing endpoint 0, %d", opResult);128 usb_log_error("failed probing endpoint 0, %d", opResult); 130 129 return opResult; 131 130 } … … 151 150 &std_descriptor); 152 151 if(opResult!=EOK){ 153 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"could not get device descriptor, %d",opResult);154 return opResult; 155 } 156 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,"hub has %d configurations",152 usb_log_error("could not get device descriptor, %d",opResult); 153 return opResult; 154 } 155 usb_log_info("hub has %d configurations", 157 156 std_descriptor.configuration_count); 158 157 if(std_descriptor.configuration_count<1){ 159 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"THERE ARE NO CONFIGURATIONS AVAILABLE");158 usb_log_error("THERE ARE NO CONFIGURATIONS AVAILABLE"); 160 159 //shouldn`t I return? 161 160 } … … 184 183 return opResult; 185 184 } 186 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,"\tused configuration %d",185 usb_log_debug("\tused configuration %d", 187 186 config_descriptor->configuration_number); 188 187 … … 200 199 &hub->device_connection); 201 200 if (opResult != EOK) { 202 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 203 "Failed to initialize status change pipe: %s", 201 usb_log_error("Failed to initialize status change pipe: %s", 204 202 str_error(opResult)); 205 203 return opResult; 206 204 } 207 205 if (!endpoint_mapping[0].present) { 208 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"Not accepting device, " \206 usb_log_error("Not accepting device, " \ 209 207 "cannot understand what is happenning"); 210 208 return EREFUSED; … … 235 233 result->port_count = -1; 236 234 result->device = device; 235 result->is_default_address_used = false; 237 236 238 237 //result->usb_device = usb_new(usb_hcd_attached_device_info_t); … … 240 239 241 240 // get hub descriptor 242 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,"creating serialized descripton");241 usb_log_debug("creating serialized descripton"); 243 242 void * serialized_descriptor = malloc(USB_HUB_MAX_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE); 244 243 usb_hub_descriptor_t * descriptor; 245 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,"starting control transaction");244 usb_log_debug("starting control transaction"); 246 245 usb_endpoint_pipe_start_session(&result->endpoints.control); 247 246 opResult = usb_request_set_configuration(&result->endpoints.control, 1); … … 256 255 257 256 if (opResult != EOK) { 258 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "failed when receiving hub descriptor, badcode = %d",opResult); 257 usb_log_error("failed when receiving hub descriptor, badcode = %d", 258 opResult); 259 259 free(serialized_descriptor); 260 260 free(result); 261 261 return NULL; 262 262 } 263 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2,"deserializing descriptor");263 usb_log_debug2("deserializing descriptor"); 264 264 descriptor = usb_deserialize_hub_desriptor(serialized_descriptor); 265 265 if(descriptor==NULL){ 266 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING,"could not deserialize descriptor ");266 usb_log_warning("could not deserialize descriptor "); 267 267 free(result); 268 268 return NULL; 269 269 } 270 270 271 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,"setting port count to %d",descriptor->ports_count);271 usb_log_info("setting port count to %d",descriptor->ports_count); 272 272 result->port_count = descriptor->ports_count; 273 273 result->attached_devs = (usb_hc_attached_device_t*) … … 278 278 result->attached_devs[i].address=0; 279 279 } 280 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG2,"freeing data");280 usb_log_debug2("freeing data"); 281 281 free(serialized_descriptor); 282 282 free(descriptor->devices_removable); … … 285 285 //finish 286 286 287 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,"hub info created");287 usb_log_info("hub info created"); 288 288 289 289 return result; … … 296 296 */ 297 297 int usb_add_hub_device(ddf_dev_t *dev) { 298 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,"add_hub_device(handle=%d)", (int) dev->handle);298 usb_log_info("add_hub_device(handle=%d)", (int) dev->handle); 299 299 300 300 //dev->ops = &hub_device_ops; … … 313 313 opResult = usb_hub_process_configuration_descriptors(hub_info); 314 314 if(opResult != EOK){ 315 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"could not get configuration descriptors, %d",315 usb_log_error("could not get configuration descriptors, %d", 316 316 opResult); 317 317 return opResult; … … 324 324 opResult = usb_endpoint_pipe_control_write(&hub_info->endpoints.control, 325 325 &request,sizeof(usb_device_request_setup_packet_t), NULL, 0); 326 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,"powering port %d",port);326 usb_log_info("powering port %d",port); 327 327 if (opResult != EOK) { 328 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING,"something went wrong when setting hub`s %dth port", port);328 usb_log_warning("something went wrong when setting hub`s %dth port", port); 329 329 } 330 330 } … … 337 337 usb_lst_append(&usb_hub_list, hub_info); 338 338 fibril_mutex_unlock(&usb_hub_list_lock); 339 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,"hub info added to list");340 341 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,"adding to ddf");339 usb_log_debug("hub info added to list"); 340 341 usb_log_debug("adding to ddf"); 342 342 ddf_fun_t *hub_fun = ddf_fun_create(dev, fun_exposed, "hub"); 343 343 assert(hub_fun != NULL); … … 351 351 fid_t fid = fibril_create(usb_hub_control_loop, hub_info); 352 352 if (fid == 0) { 353 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 354 ": failed to start monitoring fibril for new hub"); 353 usb_log_error("failed to start monitoring fibril for new hub"); 355 354 return ENOMEM; 356 355 } 357 356 fibril_add_ready(fid); 358 357 359 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,"hub fibril created");358 usb_log_debug("hub fibril created"); 360 359 //(void)hub_info; 361 360 //usb_hub_check_hub_changes(); 362 361 363 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,"hub dev added");362 usb_log_info("hub dev added"); 364 363 //address is lost... 365 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,"\taddress %d, has %d ports ",364 usb_log_debug("\taddress %d, has %d ports ", 366 365 //hub_info->endpoints.control., 367 366 hub_info->port_count); … … 379 378 380 379 /** 380 * release default address used by given hub 381 * 382 * Also unsets hub->is_default_address_used. Convenience wrapper function. 383 * @note hub->connection MUST be open for communication 384 * @param hub hub representation 385 * @return error code 386 */ 387 static int usb_hub_release_default_address(usb_hub_info_t * hub){ 388 int opResult = usb_hc_release_default_address(&hub->connection); 389 if(opResult!=EOK){ 390 usb_log_error("could not release default address, errno %d",opResult); 391 return opResult; 392 } 393 hub->is_default_address_used = false; 394 return EOK; 395 } 396 397 /** 381 398 * Reset the port with new device and reserve the default address. 382 399 * @param hc … … 385 402 */ 386 403 static void usb_hub_init_add_device(usb_hub_info_t * hub, uint16_t port, 387 bool isLowSpeed) { 404 usb_speed_t speed) { 405 //if this hub already uses default address, it cannot request it once more 406 if(hub->is_default_address_used) return; 407 int opResult = usb_hub_clear_port_feature(&hub->endpoints.control, 408 port, USB_HUB_FEATURE_C_PORT_CONNECTION); 409 if(opResult != EOK){ 410 usb_log_warning("could not clear port-change-connection flag"); 411 } 412 388 413 usb_device_request_setup_packet_t request; 389 int opResult; 390 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "some connection changed"); 414 usb_log_info("some connection changed"); 391 415 assert(hub->endpoints.control.hc_phone); 392 416 //get default address 393 usb_speed_t speed = isLowSpeed?USB_SPEED_LOW:USB_SPEED_FULL;394 417 opResult = usb_hc_reserve_default_address(&hub->connection, speed); 395 418 396 419 if (opResult != EOK) { 397 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, 398 "cannot assign default address, it is probably used %d",opResult); 399 return; 400 } 420 usb_log_warning("cannot assign default address, it is probably used %d", 421 opResult); 422 return; 423 } 424 hub->is_default_address_used = true; 401 425 //reset port 402 426 usb_hub_set_reset_port_request(&request, port); … … 407 431 ); 408 432 if (opResult != EOK) { 409 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 410 "something went wrong when reseting a port %d",opResult); 433 usb_log_error("something went wrong when reseting a port %d",opResult); 411 434 //usb_hub_release_default_address(hc); 412 usb_hc_release_default_address(&hub->connection); 413 } 435 usb_hub_release_default_address(hub); 436 } 437 return; 414 438 } 415 439 … … 424 448 425 449 int opResult; 426 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,"finalizing add device");450 usb_log_info("finalizing add device"); 427 451 opResult = usb_hub_clear_port_feature(&hub->endpoints.control, 428 452 port, USB_HUB_FEATURE_C_PORT_RESET); 429 453 430 454 if (opResult != EOK) { 431 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"failed to clear port reset feature");432 usb_h c_release_default_address(&hub->connection);455 usb_log_error("failed to clear port reset feature"); 456 usb_hub_release_default_address(hub); 433 457 return; 434 458 } … … 454 478 ); 455 479 if (new_device_address < 0) { 456 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"failed to get free USB address");480 usb_log_error("failed to get free USB address"); 457 481 opResult = new_device_address; 458 usb_h c_release_default_address(&hub->connection);459 return; 460 } 461 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,"setting new address %d",new_device_address);482 usb_hub_release_default_address(hub); 483 return; 484 } 485 usb_log_info("setting new address %d",new_device_address); 462 486 //opResult = usb_drv_req_set_address(hc, USB_ADDRESS_DEFAULT, 463 487 // new_device_address); … … 466 490 usb_endpoint_pipe_end_session(&new_device_pipe); 467 491 if (opResult != EOK) { 468 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 469 "could not set address for new device %d",opResult); 470 usb_hc_release_default_address(&hub->connection); 492 usb_log_error("could not set address for new device %d",opResult); 493 usb_hub_release_default_address(hub); 471 494 return; 472 495 } … … 474 497 475 498 //opResult = usb_hub_release_default_address(hc); 476 opResult = usb_h c_release_default_address(&hub->connection);499 opResult = usb_hub_release_default_address(hub); 477 500 if(opResult!=EOK){ 478 501 return; … … 486 509 487 510 if (opResult != EOK) { 488 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 489 "could not start driver for new device %d",opResult); 511 usb_log_error("could not start driver for new device %d",opResult); 490 512 return; 491 513 } … … 498 520 &hub->attached_devs[port]); 499 521 if (opResult != EOK) { 500 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 501 "could not assign address of device in hcd %d",opResult); 502 return; 503 } 504 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "new device address %d, handle %zu", 522 usb_log_error("could not assign address of device in hcd %d",opResult); 523 return; 524 } 525 usb_log_info("new device address %d, handle %zu", 505 526 new_device_address, child_handle); 506 527 … … 515 536 static void usb_hub_removed_device( 516 537 usb_hub_info_t * hub,uint16_t port) { 517 538 539 int opResult = usb_hub_clear_port_feature(&hub->endpoints.control, 540 port, USB_HUB_FEATURE_C_PORT_CONNECTION); 541 if(opResult != EOK){ 542 usb_log_warning("could not clear port-change-connection flag"); 543 } 518 544 /** \TODO remove device from device manager - not yet implemented in 519 545 * devide manager … … 533 559 */ 534 560 }else{ 535 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING,"this is strange, disconnected device had no address");561 usb_log_warning("this is strange, disconnected device had no address"); 536 562 //device was disconnected before it`s port was reset - return default address 537 //usb_drv_release_default_address(hc); 538 usb_hc_release_default_address(&hub->connection); 539 } 540 } 541 542 543 /** 544 *Process over current condition on port. 563 usb_hub_release_default_address(hub); 564 } 565 } 566 567 568 /** 569 * Process over current condition on port. 545 570 * 546 571 * Turn off the power on the port. … … 555 580 port, USB_HUB_FEATURE_PORT_POWER); 556 581 if(opResult!=EOK){ 557 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"cannot power off port %d; %d",582 usb_log_error("cannot power off port %d; %d", 558 583 port, opResult); 559 584 } … … 568 593 static void usb_hub_process_interrupt(usb_hub_info_t * hub, 569 594 uint16_t port) { 570 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,"interrupt at port %d", port);595 usb_log_debug("interrupt at port %d", port); 571 596 //determine type of change 572 597 usb_endpoint_pipe_t *pipe = &hub->endpoints.control; … … 587 612 ); 588 613 if (opResult != EOK) { 589 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"could not get port status");614 usb_log_error("could not get port status"); 590 615 return; 591 616 } 592 617 if (rcvd_size != sizeof (usb_port_status_t)) { 593 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"received status has incorrect size");618 usb_log_error("received status has incorrect size"); 594 619 return; 595 620 } 596 621 //something connected/disconnected 597 622 if (usb_port_connect_change(&status)) { 598 opResult = usb_hub_clear_port_feature(pipe,599 port, USB_HUB_FEATURE_C_PORT_CONNECTION);600 // TODO: check opResult601 623 if (usb_port_dev_connected(&status)) { 602 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,"some connection changed");603 usb_hub_init_add_device(hub, port, usb_port_ low_speed(&status));624 usb_log_info("some connection changed"); 625 usb_hub_init_add_device(hub, port, usb_port_speed(&status)); 604 626 } else { 605 627 usb_hub_removed_device(hub, port); … … 612 634 usb_hub_over_current(hub,port); 613 635 }else{ 614 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,615 "over current condition was auto-resolved on port %d",port);636 usb_log_info("over current condition was auto-resolved on port %d", 637 port); 616 638 } 617 639 } 618 640 //port reset 619 641 if (usb_port_reset_completed(&status)) { 620 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,"port reset complete");642 usb_log_info("port reset complete"); 621 643 if (usb_port_enabled(&status)) { 622 644 usb_hub_finalize_add_device(hub, port, usb_port_low_speed(&status)); 623 645 } else { 624 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING,"port reset, but port still not enabled");646 usb_log_warning("port reset, but port still not enabled"); 625 647 } 626 648 } … … 631 653 usb_port_set_dev_connected(&status, false); 632 654 if (status>>16) { 633 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "there was some unsupported change on port %d: %X",port,status); 634 635 } 636 /// \TODO handle other changes 655 usb_log_info("there was some unsupported change on port %d: %X", 656 port,status); 657 658 } 659 /// \TODO handle other changes - is there any? 637 660 } 638 661 … … 647 670 opResult = usb_endpoint_pipe_start_session(&hub_info->endpoints.status_change); 648 671 if(opResult != EOK){ 649 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,650 "could not initialize communication for hub; %d",opResult);672 usb_log_error("could not initialize communication for hub; %d", 673 opResult); 651 674 return opResult; 652 675 } … … 669 692 if (opResult != EOK) { 670 693 free(change_bitmap); 671 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING,"something went wrong while getting status of hub");694 usb_log_warning("something went wrong while getting status of hub"); 672 695 usb_endpoint_pipe_end_session(&hub_info->endpoints.status_change); 673 696 return opResult; … … 676 699 opResult = usb_endpoint_pipe_start_session(&hub_info->endpoints.control); 677 700 if(opResult!=EOK){ 678 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "could not start control pipe session %d", 679 opResult); 701 usb_log_error("could not start control pipe session %d", opResult); 680 702 usb_endpoint_pipe_end_session(&hub_info->endpoints.status_change); 681 703 return opResult; … … 683 705 opResult = usb_hc_connection_open(&hub_info->connection); 684 706 if(opResult!=EOK){ 685 dprintf(USB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,"could not start host controller session %d",707 usb_log_error("could not start host controller session %d", 686 708 opResult); 687 709 usb_endpoint_pipe_end_session(&hub_info->endpoints.control);
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.