Changeset ea993d18 in mainline
- Timestamp:
- 2011-04-13T20:36:05Z (14 years ago)
- Branches:
- lfn, master, serial, ticket/834-toolchain-update, topic/msim-upgrade, topic/simplify-dev-export
- Children:
- f706355
- Parents:
- 9d2d444
- Location:
- uspace/drv/uhci-hcd
- Files:
- 7 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r9d2d444 rea993d18 66 66 static int hc_interrupt_emulator(void *arg); 67 67 static int hc_debug_checker(void *arg); 68 #if 069 static bool usb_is_allowed(70 bool low_speed, usb_transfer_type_t transfer, size_t size);71 #endif72 68 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 73 69 /** Initialize UHCI hcd driver structure … … 89 85 int ret; 90 86 91 #define CHECK_RET_ DEST_FUN_RETURN(ret, message...) \87 #define CHECK_RET_RETURN(ret, message...) \ 92 88 if (ret != EOK) { \ 93 89 usb_log_error(message); \ 94 if (instance->ddf_instance) \95 ddf_fun_destroy(instance->ddf_instance); \96 90 return ret; \ 97 91 } else (void) 0 … … 99 93 instance->hw_interrupts = interrupts; 100 94 instance->hw_failures = 0; 101 102 /* Setup UHCI function. */103 instance->ddf_instance = fun;104 95 105 96 /* allow access to hc control registers */ 106 97 regs_t *io; 107 98 ret = pio_enable(regs, reg_size, (void**)&io); 108 CHECK_RET_ DEST_FUN_RETURN(ret,99 CHECK_RET_RETURN(ret, 109 100 "Failed(%d) to gain access to registers at %p: %s.\n", 110 ret, str_error(ret), io);101 ret, io, str_error(ret)); 111 102 instance->registers = io; 112 103 usb_log_debug("Device registers at %p(%u) accessible.\n", … … 114 105 115 106 ret = hc_init_mem_structures(instance); 116 CHECK_RET_DEST_FUN_RETURN(ret, 117 "Failed to initialize UHCI memory structures.\n"); 107 CHECK_RET_RETURN(ret, 108 "Failed(%d) to initialize UHCI memory structures: %s.\n", 109 ret, str_error(ret)); 118 110 119 111 hc_init_hw(instance); 120 112 if (!interrupts) { 121 instance-> cleaner =113 instance->interrupt_emulator = 122 114 fibril_create(hc_interrupt_emulator, instance); 123 fibril_add_ready(instance->cleaner); 124 } else { 125 /* TODO: enable interrupts here */ 126 } 127 128 instance->debug_checker = 129 fibril_create(hc_debug_checker, instance); 130 // fibril_add_ready(instance->debug_checker); 115 fibril_add_ready(instance->interrupt_emulator); 116 } 117 (void)hc_debug_checker; 131 118 132 119 return EOK; … … 479 466 #undef QH 480 467 } 481 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/482 /** Check transfers for USB validity483 *484 * @param[in] low_speed Transfer speed.485 * @param[in] transfer Transer type486 * @param[in] size Size of data packets487 * @return True if transaction is allowed by USB specs, false otherwise488 */489 #if 0490 bool usb_is_allowed(491 bool low_speed, usb_transfer_type_t transfer, size_t size)492 {493 /* see USB specification chapter 5.5-5.8 for magic numbers used here */494 switch(transfer)495 {496 case USB_TRANSFER_ISOCHRONOUS:497 return (!low_speed && size < 1024);498 case USB_TRANSFER_INTERRUPT:499 return size <= (low_speed ? 8 : 64);500 case USB_TRANSFER_CONTROL: /* device specifies its own max size */501 return (size <= (low_speed ? 8 : 64));502 case USB_TRANSFER_BULK: /* device specifies its own max size */503 return (!low_speed && size <= 64);504 }505 return false;506 }507 #endif508 468 /** 509 469 * @} -
r9d2d444 rea993d18 48 48 #include "transfer_list.h" 49 49 50 /** UHCI I/O registers layout */ 50 51 typedef struct uhci_regs { 52 /** Command register, controls HC behaviour */ 51 53 uint16_t usbcmd; 52 54 #define UHCI_CMD_MAX_PACKET (1 << 7) … … 59 61 #define UHCI_CMD_RUN_STOP (1 << 0) 60 62 63 /** Status register, 1 means interrupt is asserted (if enabled) */ 61 64 uint16_t usbsts; 62 65 #define UHCI_STATUS_HALTED (1 << 5) … … 67 70 #define UHCI_STATUS_INTERRUPT (1 << 0) 68 71 72 /** Interrupt enabled registers */ 69 73 uint16_t usbintr; 70 74 #define UHCI_INTR_SHORT_PACKET (1 << 3) … … 73 77 #define UHCI_INTR_CRC (1 << 0) 74 78 79 /** Register stores frame number used in SOF packet */ 75 80 uint16_t frnum; 81 82 /** Pointer(physical) to the Frame List */ 76 83 uint32_t flbaseadd; 84 85 /** SOF modification to match external timers */ 77 86 uint8_t sofmod; 78 87 } regs_t; … … 83 92 #define UHCI_ALLOWED_HW_FAIL 5 84 93 94 /* Main HC driver structure */ 85 95 typedef struct hc { 96 /** USB bus driver, devices and addresses */ 86 97 usb_device_keeper_t manager; 98 /** USB bus driver, endpoints */ 87 99 usb_endpoint_manager_t ep_manager; 88 100 101 /** Addresses of I/O registers */ 89 102 regs_t *registers; 90 103 104 /** Frame List contains 1024 link pointers */ 91 105 link_pointer_t *frame_list; 92 106 107 /** List and queue of interrupt transfers */ 108 transfer_list_t transfers_interrupt; 109 /** List and queue of low speed control transfers */ 110 transfer_list_t transfers_control_slow; 111 /** List and queue of full speed bulk transfers */ 93 112 transfer_list_t transfers_bulk_full; 113 /** List and queue of full speed control transfers */ 94 114 transfer_list_t transfers_control_full; 95 transfer_list_t transfers_control_slow;96 transfer_list_t transfers_interrupt;97 115 116 /** Pointer table to the above lists, helps during scheduling */ 98 117 transfer_list_t *transfers[2][4]; 99 118 119 /** Code to be executed in kernel interrupt handler */ 100 120 irq_code_t interrupt_code; 101 121 102 fid_t cleaner; 103 fid_t debug_checker; 122 /** Fibril periodically checking status register*/ 123 fid_t interrupt_emulator; 124 125 /** Indicator of hw interrupts availability */ 104 126 bool hw_interrupts; 127 128 /** Number of hw failures detected. */ 105 129 unsigned hw_failures; 106 107 ddf_fun_t *ddf_instance;108 130 } hc_t; 109 131 -
r9d2d444 rea993d18 39 39 #include <usb/debug.h> 40 40 41 #include "iface.h"42 41 #include "uhci.h" 43 42 … … 62 61 int uhci_add_device(ddf_dev_t *device) 63 62 { 64 usb_log_debug ("uhci_add_device() called\n");63 usb_log_debug2("uhci_add_device() called\n"); 65 64 assert(device); 65 66 66 uhci_t *uhci = malloc(sizeof(uhci_t)); 67 67 if (uhci == NULL) { … … 72 72 int ret = uhci_init(uhci, device); 73 73 if (ret != EOK) { 74 usb_log_error("Failed to initialize UHCI driver: %s.\n",75 str_error(ret));74 usb_log_error("Failed(%d) to initialize UHCI driver: %s.\n", 75 ret, str_error(ret)); 76 76 return ret; 77 77 } … … 85 85 /** Initialize global driver structures (NONE). 86 86 * 87 * @param[in] argc N mber of arguments in argv vector (ignored).87 * @param[in] argc Number of arguments in argv vector (ignored). 88 88 * @param[in] argv Cmdline argument vector (ignored). 89 89 * @return Error code. … … 94 94 { 95 95 printf(NAME ": HelenOS UHCI driver.\n"); 96 97 sleep(3); /* TODO: remove in final version */98 96 usb_log_enable(USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT, NAME); 99 97 -
r9d2d444 rea993d18 44 44 #include "pci.h" 45 45 46 /** Get address of registers and IRQ for given device.46 /** Get I/O address of registers and IRQ for given device. 47 47 * 48 48 * @param[in] dev Device asking for the addresses. … … 53 53 */ 54 54 int pci_get_my_registers(ddf_dev_t *dev, 55 uintptr_t *io_reg_address, size_t *io_reg_size, 56 int *irq_no) 55 uintptr_t *io_reg_address, size_t *io_reg_size, int *irq_no) 57 56 { 58 57 assert(dev != NULL); 59 58 60 int parent_phone = devman_parent_device_connect(dev->handle,61 IPC_FLAG_BLOCKING);59 int parent_phone = 60 devman_parent_device_connect(dev->handle, IPC_FLAG_BLOCKING); 62 61 if (parent_phone < 0) { 63 62 return parent_phone; 64 63 } 65 64 66 int rc;67 65 hw_resource_list_t hw_resources; 68 rc = hw_res_get_resource_list(parent_phone, &hw_resources);66 int rc = hw_res_get_resource_list(parent_phone, &hw_resources); 69 67 if (rc != EOK) { 70 68 goto leave; … … 95 93 res->res.io_range.address, res->res.io_range.size); 96 94 io_found = true; 95 break; 97 96 98 97 default: … … 113 112 leave: 114 113 async_hangup(parent_phone); 115 116 114 return rc; 117 115 } … … 145 143 } 146 144 147 /* See UHCI design guide for these values ,145 /* See UHCI design guide for these values p.45, 148 146 * write all WC bits in USB legacy register */ 149 147 sysarg_t address = 0xc0; -
r9d2d444 rea993d18 55 55 int ret = asprintf(&match_str, "usb&uhci&root-hub"); 56 56 if (ret < 0) { 57 usb_log_error("Failed to create root hub match string.\n"); 58 return ENOMEM; 57 usb_log_error( 58 "Failed(%d) to create root hub match string: %s.\n", 59 ret, str_error(ret)); 60 return ret; 59 61 } 60 62 61 63 ret = ddf_fun_add_match_id(fun, match_str, 100); 62 64 if (ret != EOK) { 65 free(match_str); 63 66 usb_log_error("Failed(%d) to add root hub match id: %s\n", 64 67 ret, str_error(ret)); … … 66 69 } 67 70 68 hw_resource_list_t *resource_list = &instance->resource_list;69 resource_list->count = 1;70 resource_list->resources = &instance->io_regs;71 assert(resource_list->resources); 71 /* Initialize resource structure */ 72 instance->resource_list.count = 1; 73 instance->resource_list.resources = &instance->io_regs; 74 72 75 instance->io_regs.type = IO_RANGE; 73 76 instance->io_regs.res.io_range.address = reg_addr; -
r9d2d444 rea993d18 39 39 #include <ops/hw_res.h> 40 40 41 /** DDF support structure for uhci-rhd driver, provides I/O resources */ 41 42 typedef struct rh { 43 /** List of resources available to the root hub. */ 42 44 hw_resource_list_t resource_list; 45 /** The only resource in the above list */ 43 46 hw_resource_t io_regs; 44 47 } rh_t; -
r9d2d444 rea993d18 63 63 * @param[in] fun DDF instance of the function to use. 64 64 * @param[in] handle DDF handle of the driver seeking its USB address. 65 * @param[ in] address Pointer to the place to store the found address.65 * @param[out] address Found address. 66 66 */ 67 67 static int usb_iface_get_address( … … 87 87 * 88 88 * @param[in] fun DDF function of uhci device. 89 * @param[out] handle Place to write the HChandle.89 * @param[out] handle Host cotnroller handle. 90 90 * @return Error code. 91 91 */
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