Changeset eb522e8 in mainline for uspace/app/nettest1/nettest.c

2011-06-01T08:43:42Z (14 years ago)
Lubos Slovak <lubos.slovak@…>
lfn, master, serial, ticket/834-toolchain-update, topic/msim-upgrade, topic/simplify-dev-export
9e2e715 (diff), e51a514 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Huuuuuge merge from development - all the work actually :)

1 edited


  • uspace/app/nettest1/nettest.c

    r9e2e715 reb522e8  
    4949 * @param[in] family The socket address family.
    5050 * @param[in] type The socket type.
    51  * @returns EOK on success.
    52  * @returns Other error codes as defined for the socket() function.
     51 * @return EOK on success.
     52 * @return Other error codes as defined for the socket() function.
    5353 */
    5454int sockets_create(int verbose, int *socket_ids, int sockets, int family, sock_type_t type)
    8080 * @param[in] socket_ids A field of stored socket identifiers.
    8181 * @param[in] sockets The number of sockets in the field. Should be at most the size of the field.
    82  * @returns EOK on success.
    83  * @returns Other error codes as defined for the closesocket() function.
     82 * @return EOK on success.
     83 * @return Other error codes as defined for the closesocket() function.
    8484 */
    8585int sockets_close(int verbose, int *socket_ids, int sockets)
    114114 * @param[in] address The destination host address to connect to.
    115115 * @param[in] addrlen The length of the destination address in bytes.
    116  * @returns EOK on success.
    117  * @returns Other error codes as defined for the connect() function.
     116 * @return EOK on success.
     117 * @return Other error codes as defined for the connect() function.
    118118 */
    119119int sockets_connect(int verbose, int *socket_ids, int sockets, struct sockaddr *address, socklen_t addrlen)
    150150 * @param[in] size The data size in bytes.
    151151 * @param[in] messages The number of datagrams per socket to be sent.
    152  * @returns EOK on success.
    153  * @returns Other error codes as defined for the sendto() function.
     152 * @return EOK on success.
     153 * @return Other error codes as defined for the sendto() function.
    154154 */
    155155int sockets_sendto(int verbose, int *socket_ids, int sockets, struct sockaddr *address, socklen_t addrlen, char *data, int size, int messages)
    190190 * @param[in] size The maximum data size in bytes.
    191191 * @param[in] messages The number of datagrams per socket to be received.
    192  * @returns EOK on success.
    193  * @returns Other error codes as defined for the recvfrom() function.
     192 * @return EOK on success.
     193 * @return Other error codes as defined for the recvfrom() function.
    194194 */
    195195int sockets_recvfrom(int verbose, int *socket_ids, int sockets, struct sockaddr *address, socklen_t *addrlen, char *data, int size, int messages)
    232232 * @param[in] size The data size in bytes.
    233233 * @param[in] messages The number of datagrams per socket to be received.
    234  * @returns EOK on success.
    235  * @returns Other error codes as defined for the recvfrom() function.
     234 * @return EOK on success.
     235 * @return Other error codes as defined for the recvfrom() function.
    236236 */
    237237int sockets_sendto_recvfrom(int verbose, int *socket_ids, int sockets, struct sockaddr *address, socklen_t *addrlen, char *data, int size, int messages)
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