Changes in / [ac307b2:f571ca49] in mainline
- Files:
- 7 added
- 3 deleted
- 36 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
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rac307b2 rf571ca49 248 248 uspace/dist/logo.tga 249 249 uspace/dist/srv/cdfs 250 uspace/dist/srv/chardev-test251 250 uspace/dist/srv/clipboard 252 251 uspace/dist/srv/compositor … … 421 420 uspace/srv/ns/ns 422 421 uspace/srv/taskmon/taskmon 423 uspace/srv/test/chardev-test/chardev-test424 422 uspace/srv/vfs/vfs 425 423 uspace/srv/volsrv/volsrv -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 27 27 */ 28 28 29 #include <char_dev_iface.h> 29 30 #include <errno.h> 30 #include <io/chardev.h>31 31 #include <io/serial.h> 32 32 #include <loc.h> 33 33 #include <stdio.h> 34 #include <stdlib.h>35 34 36 35 #define BUF_SIZE 1 … … 45 44 sysarg_t baud = 9600; 46 45 service_id_t svc_id; 47 chardev_t *chardev;48 46 serial_t *serial; 49 size_t nread;50 47 51 48 int arg = 1; … … 122 119 } 123 120 124 rc = chardev_open(sess, &chardev);125 if (rc != EOK) {126 fprintf(stderr, "Failed opening character device\n");127 return 2;128 }129 130 121 rc = serial_open(sess, &serial); 131 122 if (rc != EOK) { … … 147 138 148 139 while (true) { 149 rc = chardev_read(chardev, buf, BUF_SIZE, &nread); 150 for (size_t i = 0; i < nread; i++) { 140 ssize_t read = char_dev_read(sess, buf, BUF_SIZE); 141 if (read < 0) { 142 fprintf(stderr, "Failed reading from serial device\n"); 143 break; 144 } 145 ssize_t i; 146 for (i = 0; i < read; i++) { 151 147 printf("%02hhx ", buf[i]); 152 }153 if (rc != EOK) {154 fprintf(stderr, "\nFailed reading from serial device\n");155 break;156 148 } 157 149 fflush(stdout); … … 160 152 free(buf); 161 153 serial_close(serial); 162 chardev_close(chardev);163 154 async_hangup(sess); 164 155 return 0; -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 68 68 mm/mapping1.c \ 69 69 mm/pager1.c \ 70 hw/misc/virtchar1.c \ 70 71 hw/serial/serial1.c \ 71 72 chardev/chardev1.c -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 35 35 */ 36 36 37 #include < async.h>37 #include <inttypes.h> 38 38 #include <errno.h> 39 #include <io/chardev.h>40 #include <io/serial.h>41 #include <ipc/services.h>42 #include <loc.h>43 39 #include <stdlib.h> 44 40 #include <stdio.h> 45 41 #include <stddef.h> 42 #include <async.h> 43 #include <thread.h> 44 #include <ipc/services.h> 45 #include <loc.h> 46 #include <char_dev_iface.h> 46 47 #include <str.h> 47 #include < thread.h>48 #include <io/serial.h> 48 49 #include "../../tester.h" 49 50 … … 56 57 size_t cnt; 57 58 serial_t *serial; 58 chardev_t *chardev;59 int rc;60 size_t nread;61 size_t nwritten;62 59 63 60 if (test_argc < 1) … … 86 83 return "Failed connecting to serial device"; 87 84 88 res = chardev_open(sess, &chardev); 89 if (res != EOK) { 90 async_hangup(sess); 85 res = serial_open(sess, &serial); 86 if (res != EOK) 91 87 return "Failed opening serial port"; 92 }93 94 res = serial_open(sess, &serial);95 if (res != EOK) {96 chardev_close(chardev);97 async_hangup(sess);98 return "Failed opening serial port";99 }100 88 101 89 char *buf = (char *) malloc(cnt + 1); 102 90 if (buf == NULL) { 103 chardev_close(chardev);104 91 serial_close(serial); 105 92 async_hangup(sess); … … 116 103 if (res != EOK) { 117 104 free(buf); 118 chardev_close(chardev);119 105 serial_close(serial); 120 106 async_hangup(sess); … … 125 111 if (EOK != res) { 126 112 free(buf); 127 chardev_close(chardev);128 113 serial_close(serial); 129 114 async_hangup(sess); … … 136 121 size_t total = 0; 137 122 while (total < cnt) { 138 139 rc = chardev_read(chardev, buf, cnt - total, &nread);140 if (r c != EOK) {123 ssize_t read = char_dev_read(sess, buf, cnt - total); 124 125 if (read < 0) { 141 126 (void) serial_set_comm_props(serial, old_baud, 142 127 old_par, old_word_size, old_stop); 143 128 144 129 free(buf); 145 chardev_close(chardev);146 130 serial_close(serial); 147 131 async_hangup(sess); … … 149 133 } 150 134 151 if ( nread > cnt - total) {135 if ((size_t) read > cnt - total) { 152 136 (void) serial_set_comm_props(serial, old_baud, 153 137 old_par, old_word_size, old_stop); 154 138 155 139 free(buf); 156 chardev_close(chardev);157 140 serial_close(serial); 158 141 async_hangup(sess); … … 160 143 } 161 144 162 TPRINTF("Read %zd bytes\n", nread);163 164 if ( nread == 0)145 TPRINTF("Read %zd bytes\n", read); 146 147 if (read == 0) 165 148 thread_usleep(DEFAULT_SLEEP); 166 149 else { 167 buf[ nread] = 0;150 buf[read] = 0; 168 151 169 152 /* … … 171 154 * direction of data transfer. 172 155 */ 173 rc = chardev_write(chardev, buf, nread, &nwritten); 174 if (rc != EOK) { 156 ssize_t written = char_dev_write(sess, buf, read); 157 158 if (written < 0) { 175 159 (void) serial_set_comm_props(serial, old_baud, 176 160 old_par, old_word_size, old_stop); 177 161 178 162 free(buf); 179 chardev_close(chardev);180 163 serial_close(serial); 181 164 async_hangup(sess); … … 183 166 } 184 167 185 if ( nwritten != nread) {168 if (written != read) { 186 169 (void) serial_set_comm_props(serial, old_baud, 187 170 old_par, old_word_size, old_stop); 188 171 189 172 free(buf); 190 chardev_close(chardev);191 173 serial_close(serial); 192 174 async_hangup(sess); … … 194 176 } 195 177 196 TPRINTF("Written %zd bytes\n", nwritten);197 } 198 199 total += nread;178 TPRINTF("Written %zd bytes\n", written); 179 } 180 181 total += read; 200 182 } 201 183 … … 203 185 204 186 size_t eot_size = str_size(EOT); 205 rc = chardev_write(chardev, (void *) EOT, eot_size, &nwritten);187 ssize_t written = char_dev_write(sess, (void *) EOT, eot_size); 206 188 207 189 (void) serial_set_comm_props(serial, old_baud, old_par, old_word_size, … … 209 191 210 192 free(buf); 211 chardev_close(chardev);212 193 serial_close(serial); 213 194 async_hangup(sess); 214 195 215 if ( rc != EOK)196 if (written < 0) 216 197 return "Failed to write EOT banner to serial device"; 217 198 218 if ( nwritten != eot_size)199 if ((size_t) written != eot_size) 219 200 return "Written less data than the size of the EOT banner " 220 201 "to serial device"; -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 76 76 #include "mm/pager1.def" 77 77 #include "hw/serial/serial1.def" 78 #include "hw/misc/virtchar1.def" 78 79 #include "chardev/chardev1.def" 79 80 {NULL, NULL, NULL, false} -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 108 108 extern const char *test_pager1(void); 109 109 extern const char *test_serial1(void); 110 extern const char *test_virtchar1(void); 110 111 extern const char *test_devman1(void); 111 112 extern const char *test_devman2(void); -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 2 2 * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Jakub Jermar 3 3 * Copyright (c) 2006 Josef Cejka 4 * Copyright (c) 201 7Jiri Svoboda4 * Copyright (c) 2014 Jiri Svoboda 5 5 * Copyright (c) 2011 Jan Vesely 6 6 * All rights reserved. … … 39 39 */ 40 40 41 #include <adt/circ_buf.h>42 41 #include <ddf/log.h> 43 42 #include <ddf/interrupt.h> … … 131 130 { 132 131 i8042_t *controller = ddf_dev_data_get(dev); 133 int rc;134 132 135 133 const uint8_t status = IPC_GET_ARG1(*call); 136 134 const uint8_t data = IPC_GET_ARG2(*call); 137 135 138 i8042_port_t *port = (status & i8042_AUX_DATA) ? 139 controller->aux : controller->kbd; 140 141 fibril_mutex_lock(&port->buf_lock); 142 143 rc = circ_buf_push(&port->cbuf, &data); 144 if (rc != EOK) 145 ddf_msg(LVL_ERROR, "Buffer overrun"); 146 147 fibril_mutex_unlock(&port->buf_lock); 148 fibril_condvar_broadcast(&port->buf_cv); 136 buffer_t *buffer = (status & i8042_AUX_DATA) ? 137 &controller->aux_buffer : &controller->kbd_buffer; 138 139 buffer_write(buffer, data); 149 140 } 150 141 … … 168 159 const size_t cmd_count = sizeof(i8042_cmds) / sizeof(irq_cmd_t); 169 160 irq_cmd_t cmds[cmd_count]; 170 ddf_fun_t *kbd_fun;171 ddf_fun_t *aux_fun;172 161 i8042_regs_t *ar; 173 162 174 163 int rc; 175 164 bool kbd_bound = false; 176 165 bool aux_bound = false; 166 167 dev->kbd_fun = NULL; 168 dev->aux_fun = NULL; 177 169 178 170 if (regs->size < sizeof(i8042_regs_t)) { … … 186 178 } 187 179 188 kbd_fun = ddf_fun_create(ddf_dev, fun_inner, "ps2a");189 if ( kbd_fun == NULL) {180 dev->kbd_fun = ddf_fun_create(ddf_dev, fun_inner, "ps2a"); 181 if (dev->kbd_fun == NULL) { 190 182 rc = ENOMEM; 191 183 goto error; 192 184 }; 193 185 194 dev->kbd = ddf_fun_data_alloc( kbd_fun, sizeof(i8042_port_t));186 dev->kbd = ddf_fun_data_alloc(dev->kbd_fun, sizeof(i8042_port_t)); 195 187 if (dev->kbd == NULL) { 196 188 rc = ENOMEM; … … 198 190 } 199 191 200 dev->kbd->fun = kbd_fun;201 192 dev->kbd->ctl = dev; 202 193 chardev_srvs_init(&dev->kbd->cds); 203 194 dev->kbd->cds.ops = &i8042_chardev_ops; 204 195 dev->kbd->cds.sarg = dev->kbd; 205 fibril_mutex_initialize(&dev->kbd->buf_lock); 206 fibril_condvar_initialize(&dev->kbd->buf_cv); 207 208 rc = ddf_fun_add_match_id(dev->kbd->fun, "char/xtkbd", 90); 196 197 rc = ddf_fun_add_match_id(dev->kbd_fun, "char/xtkbd", 90); 209 198 if (rc != EOK) 210 199 goto error; 211 200 212 aux_fun = ddf_fun_create(ddf_dev, fun_inner, "ps2b");213 if ( aux_fun == NULL) {201 dev->aux_fun = ddf_fun_create(ddf_dev, fun_inner, "ps2b"); 202 if (dev->aux_fun == NULL) { 214 203 rc = ENOMEM; 215 204 goto error; 216 205 } 217 206 218 dev->aux = ddf_fun_data_alloc( aux_fun, sizeof(i8042_port_t));207 dev->aux = ddf_fun_data_alloc(dev->aux_fun, sizeof(i8042_port_t)); 219 208 if (dev->aux == NULL) { 220 209 rc = ENOMEM; … … 222 211 } 223 212 224 dev->aux->fun = aux_fun;225 213 dev->aux->ctl = dev; 226 214 chardev_srvs_init(&dev->aux->cds); 227 215 dev->aux->cds.ops = &i8042_chardev_ops; 228 216 dev->aux->cds.sarg = dev->aux; 229 fibril_mutex_initialize(&dev->aux->buf_lock); 230 fibril_condvar_initialize(&dev->aux->buf_cv); 231 232 rc = ddf_fun_add_match_id(dev->aux->fun, "char/ps2mouse", 90); 217 218 rc = ddf_fun_add_match_id(dev->aux_fun, "char/ps2mouse", 90); 233 219 if (rc != EOK) 234 220 goto error; 235 221 236 ddf_fun_set_conn_handler(dev->kbd ->fun, i8042_char_conn);237 ddf_fun_set_conn_handler(dev->aux ->fun, i8042_char_conn);238 239 circ_buf_init(&dev->kbd->cbuf, dev->kbd->buf_data, BUFFER_SIZE, 1);240 circ_buf_init(&dev->aux->cbuf, dev->aux->buf_data, BUFFER_SIZE, 1);222 ddf_fun_set_conn_handler(dev->kbd_fun, i8042_char_conn); 223 ddf_fun_set_conn_handler(dev->aux_fun, i8042_char_conn); 224 225 buffer_init(&dev->kbd_buffer, dev->kbd_data, BUFFER_SIZE); 226 buffer_init(&dev->aux_buffer, dev->aux_data, BUFFER_SIZE); 241 227 fibril_mutex_initialize(&dev->write_guard); 242 228 243 rc = ddf_fun_bind(dev->kbd ->fun);229 rc = ddf_fun_bind(dev->kbd_fun); 244 230 if (rc != EOK) { 245 231 ddf_msg(LVL_ERROR, "Failed to bind keyboard function: %s.", 246 ddf_fun_get_name(dev->kbd ->fun));232 ddf_fun_get_name(dev->kbd_fun)); 247 233 goto error; 248 234 } 249 235 kbd_bound = true; 250 236 251 rc = ddf_fun_bind(dev->aux ->fun);237 rc = ddf_fun_bind(dev->aux_fun); 252 238 if (rc != EOK) { 253 239 ddf_msg(LVL_ERROR, "Failed to bind aux function: %s.", 254 ddf_fun_get_name(dev->aux ->fun));240 ddf_fun_get_name(dev->aux_fun)); 255 241 goto error; 256 242 } … … 331 317 error: 332 318 if (kbd_bound) 333 ddf_fun_unbind(dev->kbd ->fun);319 ddf_fun_unbind(dev->kbd_fun); 334 320 if (aux_bound) 335 ddf_fun_unbind(dev->aux ->fun);336 if (dev->kbd ->fun != NULL)337 ddf_fun_destroy(dev->kbd ->fun);338 if (dev->aux ->fun != NULL)339 ddf_fun_destroy(dev->aux ->fun);321 ddf_fun_unbind(dev->aux_fun); 322 if (dev->kbd_fun != NULL) 323 ddf_fun_destroy(dev->kbd_fun); 324 if (dev->aux_fun != NULL) 325 ddf_fun_destroy(dev->aux_fun); 340 326 341 327 return rc; … … 391 377 { 392 378 i8042_port_t *port = (i8042_port_t *)srv->srvs->sarg; 393 size_t p;379 i8042_t *i8042 = port->ctl; 394 380 uint8_t *destp = (uint8_t *)dest; 395 381 int rc; 396 397 fibril_mutex_lock(&port->buf_lock); 398 399 while (circ_buf_nused(&port->cbuf) == 0) 400 fibril_condvar_wait(&port->buf_cv, &port->buf_lock); 401 402 p = 0; 403 while (p < size) { 404 rc = circ_buf_pop(&port->cbuf, &destp[p]); 382 size_t i; 383 384 buffer_t *buffer = (port == i8042->aux) ? 385 &i8042->aux_buffer : &i8042->kbd_buffer; 386 387 for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { 388 rc = buffer_read(buffer, destp, i == 0); 405 389 if (rc != EOK) 406 390 break; 407 ++p; 408 } 409 410 fibril_mutex_unlock(&port->buf_lock); 411 412 *nread = p; 391 ++destp; 392 } 393 394 *nread = i; 413 395 return EOK; 414 396 } -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 2 2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Josef Cejka 3 3 * Copyright (c) 2011 Jan Vesely 4 * Copyright (c) 2017 Jiri Svoboda5 4 * All rights reserved. 6 5 * … … 41 40 #define i8042_H_ 42 41 43 #include <adt/circ_buf.h>44 42 #include <io/chardev_srv.h> 45 43 #include <ddi.h> 46 44 #include <fibril_synch.h> 47 45 #include <ddf/driver.h> 46 #include "buffer.h" 48 47 49 48 #define NAME "i8042" … … 60 59 /** i8042 Port. */ 61 60 typedef struct { 62 /** Controller */ 63 struct i8042 *ctl; 64 /** Device function */ 65 ddf_fun_t *fun; 66 /** Character device server data */ 67 chardev_srvs_t cds; 68 /** Circular buffer */ 69 circ_buf_t cbuf; 70 /** Buffer data space */ 71 uint8_t buf_data[BUFFER_SIZE]; 72 /** Protect buffer */ 73 fibril_mutex_t buf_lock; 74 /** Signal new data in buffer */ 75 fibril_condvar_t buf_cv; 61 struct i8042 *ctl; /**< Controller */ 62 chardev_srvs_t cds; /**< Character device server data */ 76 63 } i8042_port_t; 77 64 78 65 /** i8042 Controller. */ 79 66 typedef struct i8042 { 80 /**< I/O registers. */ 81 i8042_regs_t *regs; 82 /** Keyboard port */ 67 i8042_regs_t *regs; /**< I/O registers. */ 68 ddf_fun_t *kbd_fun; /**< Pirmary port device function. */ 69 ddf_fun_t *aux_fun; /**< Auxiliary port device function. */ 70 buffer_t kbd_buffer; /**< Primary port buffer. */ 71 buffer_t aux_buffer; /**< Aux. port buffer. */ 72 uint8_t aux_data[BUFFER_SIZE]; /**< Primary port buffer space. */ 73 uint8_t kbd_data[BUFFER_SIZE]; /**< Aux. port buffer space. */ 83 74 i8042_port_t *kbd; 84 /** AUX port */85 75 i8042_port_t *aux; 86 /** Prevents simultanous port writes.*/ 87 fibril_mutex_t write_guard; 76 fibril_mutex_t write_guard; /**< Prevents simultanous port writes.*/ 88 77 } i8042_t; 78 89 79 90 80 extern int i8042_init(i8042_t *, addr_range_t *, int, int, ddf_dev_t *); -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 37 37 #include <ddi.h> 38 38 #include <errno.h> 39 #include <i o/chardev_srv.h>39 #include <ipc/char.h> 40 40 41 41 #include "msim-con.h" 42 42 43 43 static void msim_con_connection(ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *, void *); 44 45 static int msim_con_read(chardev_srv_t *, void *, size_t, size_t *);46 static int msim_con_write(chardev_srv_t *, const void *, size_t, size_t *);47 48 static chardev_ops_t msim_con_chardev_ops = {49 .read = msim_con_read,50 .write = msim_con_write51 };52 44 53 45 static irq_cmd_t msim_cmds_proto[] = { … … 66 58 msim_con_t *con = (msim_con_t *) arg; 67 59 uint8_t c; 68 int rc;69 70 fibril_mutex_lock(&con->buf_lock);71 60 72 61 c = IPC_GET_ARG2(*call); 73 rc = circ_buf_push(&con->cbuf, &c);74 if (rc != EOK)75 ddf_msg(LVL_ERROR, "Buffer overrun");76 62 77 fibril_mutex_unlock(&con->buf_lock); 78 fibril_condvar_broadcast(&con->buf_cv); 63 if (con->client_sess != NULL) { 64 async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(con->client_sess); 65 async_msg_1(exch, CHAR_NOTIF_BYTE, c); 66 async_exchange_end(exch); 67 } 79 68 } 80 69 … … 86 75 irq_cmd_t *msim_cmds = NULL; 87 76 int rc; 88 89 circ_buf_init(&con->cbuf, con->buf, msim_con_buf_size, 1);90 fibril_mutex_initialize(&con->buf_lock);91 fibril_condvar_initialize(&con->buf_cv);92 77 93 78 msim_cmds = malloc(sizeof(msim_cmds_proto)); … … 121 106 async_irq_subscribe(res->irq, msim_irq_handler, con, &con->irq_code); 122 107 subscribed = true; 123 124 chardev_srvs_init(&con->cds);125 con->cds.ops = &msim_con_chardev_ops;126 con->cds.sarg = con;127 108 128 109 rc = ddf_fun_bind(fun); … … 159 140 } 160 141 161 /** Read from msim console device */162 static int msim_con_read(chardev_srv_t *srv, void *buf, size_t size,163 size_t *nread)164 {165 msim_con_t *con = (msim_con_t *) srv->srvs->sarg;166 size_t p;167 uint8_t *bp = (uint8_t *) buf;168 int rc;169 170 fibril_mutex_lock(&con->buf_lock);171 172 while (circ_buf_nused(&con->cbuf) == 0)173 fibril_condvar_wait(&con->buf_cv, &con->buf_lock);174 175 p = 0;176 while (p < size) {177 rc = circ_buf_pop(&con->cbuf, &bp[p]);178 if (rc != EOK)179 break;180 ++p;181 }182 183 fibril_mutex_unlock(&con->buf_lock);184 185 *nread = p;186 return EOK;187 }188 189 /** Write to msim console device */190 static int msim_con_write(chardev_srv_t *srv, const void *data, size_t size,191 size_t *nwr)192 {193 msim_con_t *con = (msim_con_t *) srv->srvs->sarg;194 size_t i;195 uint8_t *dp = (uint8_t *) data;196 197 for (i = 0; i < size; i++)198 msim_con_putchar(con, dp[i]);199 200 *nwr = size;201 return EOK;202 }203 204 142 /** Character device connection handler. */ 205 143 static void msim_con_connection(ipc_callid_t iid, ipc_call_t *icall, 206 144 void *arg) 207 145 { 208 msim_con_t *con = (msim_con_t *) ddf_dev_data_get( 209 ddf_fun_get_dev((ddf_fun_t *) arg)); 146 msim_con_t *con; 210 147 211 chardev_conn(iid, icall, &con->cds); 148 /* Answer the IPC_M_CONNECT_ME_TO call. */ 149 async_answer_0(iid, EOK); 150 151 con = (msim_con_t *)ddf_dev_data_get(ddf_fun_get_dev((ddf_fun_t *)arg)); 152 153 while (true) { 154 ipc_call_t call; 155 ipc_callid_t callid = async_get_call(&call); 156 sysarg_t method = IPC_GET_IMETHOD(call); 157 158 if (!method) { 159 /* The other side has hung up. */ 160 async_answer_0(callid, EOK); 161 return; 162 } 163 164 async_sess_t *sess = 165 async_callback_receive_start(EXCHANGE_SERIALIZE, &call); 166 if (sess != NULL) { 167 if (con->client_sess == NULL) { 168 con->client_sess = sess; 169 async_answer_0(callid, EOK); 170 } else 171 async_answer_0(callid, ELIMIT); 172 } else { 173 switch (method) { 174 case CHAR_WRITE_BYTE: 175 ddf_msg(LVL_DEBUG, "Write %" PRIun " to device\n", 176 IPC_GET_ARG1(call)); 177 msim_con_putchar(con, (uint8_t) IPC_GET_ARG1(call)); 178 async_answer_0(callid, EOK); 179 break; 180 default: 181 async_answer_0(callid, EINVAL); 182 } 183 } 184 } 212 185 } 213 186 -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 36 36 #define MSIM_CON_H 37 37 38 #include <adt/circ_buf.h>39 38 #include <async.h> 40 39 #include <ddf/driver.h> 41 #include <fibril_synch.h>42 #include <io/chardev_srv.h>43 40 #include <loc.h> 44 41 #include <stdint.h> 45 46 enum {47 msim_con_buf_size = 6448 };49 42 50 43 /** MSIM console resources */ … … 58 51 async_sess_t *client_sess; 59 52 ddf_dev_t *dev; 60 chardev_srvs_t cds;61 53 msim_con_res_t res; 62 54 irq_pio_range_t irq_range[1]; 63 55 irq_code_t irq_code; 64 circ_buf_t cbuf;65 uint8_t buf[msim_con_buf_size];66 fibril_mutex_t buf_lock;67 fibril_condvar_t buf_cv;68 56 } msim_con_t; 69 57 -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 1 1 /* 2 2 * Copyright (c) 2010 Lenka Trochtova 3 * Copyright (c) 201 7Jiri Svoboda3 * Copyright (c) 2011 Jiri Svoboda 4 4 * All rights reserved. 5 5 * … … 53 53 #include <ddf/interrupt.h> 54 54 #include <ddf/log.h> 55 #include < io/chardev_srv.h>55 #include <ops/char_dev.h> 56 56 57 57 #include <device/hw_res.h> … … 153 153 /** DDF function node */ 154 154 ddf_fun_t *fun; 155 /** Character device service */156 chardev_srvs_t cds;157 155 /** Parent session */ 158 156 async_sess_t *parent_sess; … … 191 189 } 192 190 193 /** Obtain soft-state structure from chardev srv */194 static ns8250_t *srv_ns8250(chardev_srv_t *srv)195 {196 return (ns8250_t *)srv->srvs->sarg;197 }198 199 200 191 /** Find out if there is some incoming data available on the serial port. 201 192 * … … 243 234 /** Read data from the serial port device. 244 235 * 245 * @param srv Server-side connection data236 * @param fun The serial port function 246 237 * @param buf The output buffer for read data. 247 238 * @param count The number of bytes to be read. 248 * @param nread Place to store number of bytes actually read 249 * 250 * @return EOK on success or non-zero error code 251 */ 252 static int ns8250_read(chardev_srv_t *srv, void *buf, size_t count, size_t *nread) 253 { 254 ns8250_t *ns = srv_ns8250(srv); 255 char *bp = (char *) buf; 256 size_t pos = 0; 257 258 if (count == 0) { 259 *nread = 0; 260 return EOK; 261 } 239 * 240 * @return The number of bytes actually read on success, negative 241 * error number otherwise. 242 */ 243 static int ns8250_read(ddf_fun_t *fun, char *buf, size_t count) 244 { 245 ns8250_t *ns = fun_ns8250(fun); 246 int ret = 0; 247 248 if (count == 0) return 0; 262 249 263 250 fibril_mutex_lock(&ns->mutex); 264 251 while (buf_is_empty(&ns->input_buffer)) 265 252 fibril_condvar_wait(&ns->input_buffer_available, &ns->mutex); 266 while (!buf_is_empty(&ns->input_buffer) && pos< count) {267 b p[pos] = (char)buf_pop_front(&ns->input_buffer);268 pos++;253 while (!buf_is_empty(&ns->input_buffer) && (size_t)ret < count) { 254 buf[ret] = (char)buf_pop_front(&ns->input_buffer); 255 ret++; 269 256 } 270 257 fibril_mutex_unlock(&ns->mutex); 271 258 272 *nread = pos; 273 return EOK; 259 return ret; 274 260 } 275 261 … … 288 274 /** Write data to the serial port. 289 275 * 290 * @param srv Server-side connection data276 * @param fun The serial port function 291 277 * @param buf The data to be written 292 278 * @param count The number of bytes to be written 293 * @param nwritten Place to store number of bytes successfully written 294 * @return EOK on success or non-zero error code 295 */ 296 static int ns8250_write(chardev_srv_t *srv, const void *buf, size_t count, 297 size_t *nwritten) 298 { 299 ns8250_t *ns = srv_ns8250(srv); 279 * @return Zero on success 280 */ 281 static int ns8250_write(ddf_fun_t *fun, char *buf, size_t count) 282 { 283 ns8250_t *ns = fun_ns8250(fun); 300 284 size_t idx; 301 uint8_t *bp = (uint8_t *) buf;302 285 303 286 for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) 304 ns8250_putchar(ns, bp[idx]); 305 306 *nwritten = count; 307 return EOK; 308 } 309 310 static int ns8250_open(chardev_srvs_t *, chardev_srv_t *); 311 static int ns8250_close(chardev_srv_t *); 312 static void ns8250_default_handler(chardev_srv_t *, ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *); 287 ns8250_putchar(ns, (uint8_t) buf[idx]); 288 289 return count; 290 } 291 292 static ddf_dev_ops_t ns8250_dev_ops; 313 293 314 294 /** The character interface's callbacks. */ 315 static chardev_ops_t ns8250_chardev_ops = { 316 .open = ns8250_open, 317 .close = ns8250_close, 318 .read = ns8250_read, 319 .write = ns8250_write, 320 .def_handler = ns8250_default_handler 295 static char_dev_ops_t ns8250_char_dev_ops = { 296 .read = &ns8250_read, 297 .write = &ns8250_write 321 298 }; 322 323 static void ns8250_char_conn(ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *, void *);324 299 325 300 static int ns8250_dev_add(ddf_dev_t *dev); … … 897 872 } 898 873 899 ddf_fun_set_conn_handler(fun, ns8250_char_conn); 900 901 chardev_srvs_init(&ns->cds); 902 ns->cds.ops = &ns8250_chardev_ops; 903 ns->cds.sarg = ns; 904 874 /* Set device operations. */ 875 ddf_fun_set_ops(fun, &ns8250_dev_ops); 905 876 rc = ddf_fun_bind(fun); 906 877 if (rc != EOK) { … … 959 930 * device. 960 931 * 961 * @param srvs Service structure 962 * @param srv Server-side connection structure 963 */ 964 static int ns8250_open(chardev_srvs_t *srvs, chardev_srv_t *srv) 965 { 966 ns8250_t *ns = srv_ns8250(srv); 932 * @param dev The device. 933 */ 934 static int ns8250_open(ddf_fun_t *fun) 935 { 936 ns8250_t *ns = fun_ns8250(fun); 967 937 int res; 968 938 … … 984 954 * the device. 985 955 * 986 * @param srv Server-side connection structure987 */ 988 static int ns8250_close(chardev_srv_t *srv)989 { 990 ns8250_t *data = srv_ns8250(srv);956 * @param dev The device. 957 */ 958 static void ns8250_close(ddf_fun_t *fun) 959 { 960 ns8250_t *data = fun_ns8250(fun); 991 961 992 962 fibril_mutex_lock(&data->mutex); … … 998 968 999 969 fibril_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex); 1000 1001 return EOK;1002 970 } 1003 971 … … 1066 1034 * Configure the parameters of the serial communication. 1067 1035 */ 1068 static void ns8250_default_handler( chardev_srv_t *srv, ipc_callid_t callid,1036 static void ns8250_default_handler(ddf_fun_t *fun, ipc_callid_t callid, 1069 1037 ipc_call_t *call) 1070 1038 { 1071 ns8250_t *ns8250 = srv_ns8250(srv);1072 1039 sysarg_t method = IPC_GET_IMETHOD(*call); 1073 1040 int ret; … … 1076 1043 switch (method) { 1077 1044 case SERIAL_GET_COM_PROPS: 1078 ns8250_get_props( ns8250->dev, &baud_rate, &parity, &word_length,1045 ns8250_get_props(ddf_fun_get_dev(fun), &baud_rate, &parity, &word_length, 1079 1046 &stop_bits); 1080 1047 async_answer_4(callid, EOK, baud_rate, parity, word_length, … … 1087 1054 word_length = IPC_GET_ARG3(*call); 1088 1055 stop_bits = IPC_GET_ARG4(*call); 1089 ret = ns8250_set_props( ns8250->dev, baud_rate, parity, word_length,1056 ret = ns8250_set_props(ddf_fun_get_dev(fun), baud_rate, parity, word_length, 1090 1057 stop_bits); 1091 1058 async_answer_0(callid, ret); … … 1097 1064 } 1098 1065 1099 void ns8250_char_conn(ipc_callid_t iid, ipc_call_t *icall, void *arg)1100 {1101 ns8250_t *ns8250 = fun_ns8250((ddf_fun_t *)arg);1102 1103 chardev_conn(iid, icall, &ns8250->cds);1104 }1105 1106 1066 /** Initialize the serial port driver. 1107 1067 * … … 1112 1072 { 1113 1073 ddf_log_init(NAME); 1074 1075 = &ns8250_open; 1076 ns8250_dev_ops.close = &ns8250_close; 1077 1078 ns8250_dev_ops.interfaces[CHAR_DEV_IFACE] = &ns8250_char_dev_ops; 1079 ns8250_dev_ops.default_handler = &ns8250_default_handler; 1114 1080 } 1115 1081 -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 1 1 /* 2 2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Jakub Jermar 3 * Copyright (c) 201 7Jiri Svoboda3 * Copyright (c) 2011 Jiri Svoboda 4 4 * All rights reserved. 5 5 * … … 34 34 #include <ddf/log.h> 35 35 #include <errno.h> 36 #include <fibril.h> 37 #include <io/chardev.h> 36 #include <ipc/char.h> 38 37 #include <stdint.h> 39 38 #include <stdlib.h> 39 #include <thread.h> 40 40 #include <stdbool.h> 41 41 … … 46 46 #define POLL_INTERVAL 10000 47 47 48 static int ski_con_fibril(void *arg);48 static void ski_con_thread_impl(void *arg); 49 49 static int32_t ski_con_getchar(void); 50 50 static void ski_con_connection(ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *, void *); 51 51 52 static int ski_con_read(chardev_srv_t *, void *, size_t, size_t *);53 static int ski_con_write(chardev_srv_t *, const void *, size_t, size_t *);54 55 static chardev_ops_t ski_con_chardev_ops = {56 .read = ski_con_read,57 .write = ski_con_write58 };59 60 52 /** Add ski console device. */ 61 53 int ski_con_add(ski_con_t *con) 62 54 { 63 fid_t fid;55 thread_id_t tid; 64 56 ddf_fun_t *fun = NULL; 65 57 bool bound = false; 66 58 int rc; 67 68 circ_buf_init(&con->cbuf, con->buf, ski_con_buf_size, 1);69 fibril_mutex_initialize(&con->buf_lock);70 fibril_condvar_initialize(&con->buf_cv);71 59 72 60 fun = ddf_fun_create(con->dev, fun_exposed, "a"); … … 79 67 ddf_fun_set_conn_handler(fun, ski_con_connection); 80 68 81 chardev_srvs_init(&con->cds);82 con->cds.ops = &ski_con_chardev_ops;83 con->cds.sarg = con;84 85 69 rc = ddf_fun_bind(fun); 86 70 if (rc != EOK) { … … 91 75 bound = true; 92 76 93 fid = fibril_create(ski_con_fibril, con); 94 if (fid == 0) { 95 ddf_msg(LVL_ERROR, "Error creating fibril."); 96 rc = ENOMEM; 97 goto error; 98 } 99 100 fibril_add_ready(fid); 77 rc = thread_create(ski_con_thread_impl, con, "kbd_poll", &tid); 78 if (rc != 0) { 79 return rc; 80 } 81 101 82 return EOK; 102 83 error: … … 121 102 } 122 103 123 /** Poll Ski for keypresses. */124 static int ski_con_fibril(void *arg)104 /** Thread to poll Ski for keypresses. */ 105 static void ski_con_thread_impl(void *arg) 125 106 { 126 107 int32_t c; 127 108 ski_con_t *con = (ski_con_t *) arg; 128 int rc;129 109 130 110 while (1) { … … 134 114 break; 135 115 136 fibril_mutex_lock(&con->buf_lock); 137 138 rc = circ_buf_push(&con->cbuf, &c); 139 if (rc != EOK) 140 ddf_msg(LVL_ERROR, "Buffer overrun"); 141 142 fibril_mutex_unlock(&con->buf_lock); 143 fibril_condvar_broadcast(&con->buf_cv); 116 if (con->client_sess != NULL) { 117 async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(con->client_sess); 118 async_msg_1(exch, CHAR_NOTIF_BYTE, c); 119 async_exchange_end(exch); 120 } 144 121 } 145 122 146 fibril_usleep(POLL_INTERVAL); 147 } 148 149 return 0; 123 thread_usleep(POLL_INTERVAL); 124 } 150 125 } 151 126 … … 182 157 } 183 158 184 /** Read from Ski console device */185 static int ski_con_read(chardev_srv_t *srv, void *buf, size_t size,186 size_t *nread)187 {188 ski_con_t *con = (ski_con_t *) srv->srvs->sarg;189 size_t p;190 uint8_t *bp = (uint8_t *) buf;191 int rc;192 193 fibril_mutex_lock(&con->buf_lock);194 195 while (circ_buf_nused(&con->cbuf) == 0)196 fibril_condvar_wait(&con->buf_cv, &con->buf_lock);197 198 p = 0;199 while (p < size) {200 rc = circ_buf_pop(&con->cbuf, &bp[p]);201 if (rc != EOK)202 break;203 ++p;204 }205 206 fibril_mutex_unlock(&con->buf_lock);207 208 *nread = p;209 return EOK;210 }211 212 /** Write to Ski console device */213 static int ski_con_write(chardev_srv_t *srv, const void *data, size_t size,214 size_t *nwr)215 {216 ski_con_t *con = (ski_con_t *) srv->srvs->sarg;217 size_t i;218 uint8_t *dp = (uint8_t *) data;219 220 for (i = 0; i < size; i++)221 ski_con_putchar(con, dp[i]);222 223 *nwr = size;224 return EOK;225 }226 227 159 /** Character device connection handler. */ 228 160 static void ski_con_connection(ipc_callid_t iid, ipc_call_t *icall, 229 161 void *arg) 230 162 { 231 ski_con_t *con = (ski_con_t *) ddf_dev_data_get( 232 ddf_fun_get_dev((ddf_fun_t *) arg)); 233 234 chardev_conn(iid, icall, &con->cds); 163 ski_con_t *con; 164 165 /* Answer the IPC_M_CONNECT_ME_TO call. */ 166 async_answer_0(iid, EOK); 167 168 con = (ski_con_t *)ddf_dev_data_get(ddf_fun_get_dev((ddf_fun_t *)arg)); 169 170 while (true) { 171 ipc_call_t call; 172 ipc_callid_t callid = async_get_call(&call); 173 sysarg_t method = IPC_GET_IMETHOD(call); 174 175 if (!method) { 176 /* The other side has hung up. */ 177 async_answer_0(callid, EOK); 178 return; 179 } 180 181 async_sess_t *sess = 182 async_callback_receive_start(EXCHANGE_SERIALIZE, &call); 183 if (sess != NULL) { 184 if (con->client_sess == NULL) { 185 con->client_sess = sess; 186 async_answer_0(callid, EOK); 187 } else 188 async_answer_0(callid, ELIMIT); 189 } else { 190 switch (method) { 191 case CHAR_WRITE_BYTE: 192 ddf_msg(LVL_DEBUG, "Write %" PRIun " to device\n", 193 IPC_GET_ARG1(call)); 194 ski_con_putchar(con, (uint8_t) IPC_GET_ARG1(call)); 195 async_answer_0(callid, EOK); 196 break; 197 default: 198 async_answer_0(callid, EINVAL); 199 } 200 } 201 } 235 202 } 236 203 -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 36 36 #define SKI_CON_H 37 37 38 #include <adt/circ_buf.h>39 38 #include <async.h> 40 39 #include <ddf/driver.h> 41 #include <io/chardev_srv.h>42 40 #include <loc.h> 43 41 #include <stdint.h> 44 45 enum {46 ski_con_buf_size = 6447 };48 42 49 43 /** Ski console */ … … 51 45 async_sess_t *client_sess; 52 46 ddf_dev_t *dev; 53 chardev_srvs_t cds;54 circ_buf_t cbuf;55 uint8_t buf[ski_con_buf_size];56 fibril_mutex_t buf_lock;57 fibril_condvar_t buf_cv;58 47 } ski_con_t; 59 48 -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 1 1 /* 2 2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Pavel Rimsky 3 * Copyright (c) 201 7Jiri Svoboda3 * Copyright (c) 2011 Jiri Svoboda 4 4 * All rights reserved. 5 5 * … … 36 36 #include <ddi.h> 37 37 #include <errno.h> 38 #include <i o/chardev_srv.h>38 #include <ipc/char.h> 39 39 #include <stdbool.h> 40 40 #include <thread.h> … … 62 62 static input_buffer_t input_buffer; 63 63 64 static int sun4v_con_read(chardev_srv_t *, void *, size_t, size_t *); 65 static int sun4v_con_write(chardev_srv_t *, const void *, size_t, size_t *); 66 67 static chardev_ops_t sun4v_con_chardev_ops = { 68 .read = sun4v_con_read, 69 .write = sun4v_con_write 70 }; 64 static void sun4v_thread_impl(void *arg); 71 65 72 66 static void sun4v_con_putchar(sun4v_con_t *con, uint8_t data) … … 92 86 } 93 87 94 chardev_srvs_init(&con->cds);95 con->cds.ops = &sun4v_con_chardev_ops;96 con->cds.sarg = con;97 98 88 ddf_fun_set_conn_handler(fun, sun4v_con_connection); 99 89 … … 105 95 } 106 96 97 thread_id_t tid; 98 rc = thread_create(sun4v_thread_impl, con, "kbd_poll", &tid); 99 if (rc != EOK) 100 goto error; 101 107 102 rc = ddf_fun_bind(fun); 108 103 if (rc != EOK) { … … 136 131 } 137 132 138 /** Read from Sun4v console device */139 static int sun4v_con_read(chardev_srv_t *srv, void *buf, size_t size, 140 size_t *nread)141 { 142 size_t p; 143 uint8_t *bp = (uint8_t *) buf; 133 /** 134 * Called regularly by the polling thread. Reads codes of all the 135 * pressed keys from the buffer. 136 */ 137 static void sun4v_key_pressed(sun4v_con_t *con) 138 { 144 139 char c; 145 140 146 while (input_buffer->read_ptr == input_buffer->write_ptr) 147 fibril_usleep(POLL_INTERVAL); 148 149 p = 0; 150 while (p < size && input_buffer->read_ptr != input_buffer->write_ptr) { 141 while (input_buffer->read_ptr != input_buffer->write_ptr) { 151 142 c = input_buffer->data[input_buffer->read_ptr]; 152 143 input_buffer->read_ptr = 153 144 ((input_buffer->read_ptr) + 1) % INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE; 154 bp[p++] = c;155 }156 157 *nread = p;158 return EOK;159 } 160 161 /** Write to Sun4v console device */ 162 static int sun4v_con_write(chardev_srv_t *srv, const void *data, size_t size, 163 size_t *nwr) 164 { 165 sun4v_con_t *con = (sun4v_con_t *) srv->srvs->sarg; 166 size_t i; 167 uint8_t *dp = (uint8_t *) data; 168 169 for (i = 0; i < size; i++) 170 sun4v_con_putchar(con, dp[i]);171 172 *nwr = size;173 return EOK;145 if (con->client_sess != NULL) { 146 async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(con->client_sess); 147 async_msg_1(exch, CHAR_NOTIF_BYTE, c); 148 async_exchange_end(exch); 149 } 150 (void) c; 151 } 152 } 153 154 /** 155 * Thread to poll Sun4v console for keypresses. 156 */ 157 static void sun4v_thread_impl(void *arg) 158 { 159 sun4v_con_t *con = (sun4v_con_t *) arg; 160 161 while (true) { 162 sun4v_key_pressed(con); 163 thread_usleep(POLL_INTERVAL); 164 } 174 165 } 175 166 … … 178 169 void *arg) 179 170 { 180 sun4v_con_t *con = (sun4v_con_t *) ddf_dev_data_get( 181 ddf_fun_get_dev((ddf_fun_t *) arg)); 182 183 chardev_conn(iid, icall, &con->cds); 171 sun4v_con_t *con; 172 173 /* Answer the IPC_M_CONNECT_ME_TO call. */ 174 async_answer_0(iid, EOK); 175 176 con = (sun4v_con_t *)ddf_dev_data_get(ddf_fun_get_dev((ddf_fun_t *)arg)); 177 178 while (true) { 179 ipc_call_t call; 180 ipc_callid_t callid = async_get_call(&call); 181 sysarg_t method = IPC_GET_IMETHOD(call); 182 183 if (!method) { 184 /* The other side has hung up. */ 185 async_answer_0(callid, EOK); 186 return; 187 } 188 189 async_sess_t *sess = 190 async_callback_receive_start(EXCHANGE_SERIALIZE, &call); 191 if (sess != NULL) { 192 if (con->client_sess == NULL) { 193 con->client_sess = sess; 194 async_answer_0(callid, EOK); 195 } else 196 async_answer_0(callid, ELIMIT); 197 } else { 198 switch (method) { 199 case CHAR_WRITE_BYTE: 200 ddf_msg(LVL_DEBUG, "Write %" PRIun " to device\n", 201 IPC_GET_ARG1(call)); 202 sun4v_con_putchar(con, (uint8_t) IPC_GET_ARG1(call)); 203 async_answer_0(callid, EOK); 204 break; 205 default: 206 async_answer_0(callid, EINVAL); 207 } 208 } 209 } 184 210 } 185 211 -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 38 38 #include <async.h> 39 39 #include <ddf/driver.h> 40 #include <io/chardev_srv.h>41 40 #include <loc.h> 42 41 #include <stdint.h> … … 51 50 async_sess_t *client_sess; 52 51 ddf_dev_t *dev; 53 chardev_srvs_t cds;54 52 sun4v_con_res_t res; 55 53 } sun4v_con_t; -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 26 26 }, 27 27 { 28 .name = "null", 29 .match_id = "virtual&test1" 30 }, 31 { 28 32 .name = "test3", 29 33 .match_id = "virtual&test3" -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 32 32 33 33 SOURCES = \ 34 char.c \ 34 35 test1.c 35 36 -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 177 177 ddf_fun_add_to_category(fun_a, "virtual"); 178 178 179 if (str_cmp(dev_name, "test1") == 0) { 179 if (str_cmp(dev_name, "null") == 0) { 180 ddf_fun_set_ops(fun_a, &char_device_ops); 181 ddf_fun_add_to_category(fun_a, "virt-null"); 182 } else if (str_cmp(dev_name, "test1") == 0) { 180 183 (void) register_fun_verbose(dev, 181 184 "cloning myself ;-)", "clone", -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 36 36 #define NAME "test1" 37 37 38 extern ddf_dev_ops_t char_device_ops; 39 38 40 #endif -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 143 143 generic/getopt.c \ 144 144 generic/adt/checksum.c \ 145 generic/adt/circ_buf.c \146 145 generic/adt/list.c \ 147 146 generic/adt/hash_table.c \ … … 182 181 183 182 TEST_SOURCES = \ 184 test/adt/circ_buf.c \185 183 test/fibril/timer.c \ 186 184 test/main.c \ -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 169 169 break; 170 170 default: 171 if (srv->srvs->ops->def_handler != NULL) 172 srv->srvs->ops->def_handler(srv, callid, &call); 173 else 174 async_answer_0(callid, ENOTSUP); 171 async_answer_0(callid, EINVAL); 175 172 } 176 173 } -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 61 61 int (*read)(chardev_srv_t *, void *, size_t, size_t *); 62 62 int (*write)(chardev_srv_t *, const void *, size_t, size_t *); 63 void (*def_handler)(chardev_srv_t *, ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *);64 63 }; 65 64 -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 41 41 typedef enum { 42 42 CHARDEV_READ = IPC_FIRST_USER_METHOD, 43 CHARDEV_WRITE ,43 CHARDEV_WRITE 44 44 } chardev_request_t; 45 46 enum {47 CHARDEV_LIMIT = CHARDEV_WRITE + 148 };49 45 50 46 #endif -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 30 30 #define LIBC_IPC_SERIAL_CTL_H_ 31 31 32 #include <ipc/ chardev.h>32 #include <ipc/dev_iface.h> 33 33 34 34 /** IPC methods for getting/setting serial communication properties … … 41 41 */ 42 42 typedef enum { 43 SERIAL_GET_COM_PROPS = CHARDEV_LIMIT,43 SERIAL_GET_COM_PROPS = DEV_FIRST_CUSTOM_METHOD, 44 44 SERIAL_SET_COM_PROPS 45 45 } serial_ctl_t; -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 32 32 PCUT_INIT 33 33 34 PCUT_IMPORT(circ_buf);35 34 PCUT_IMPORT(fibril_timer); 36 35 PCUT_IMPORT(odict); -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 43 43 generic/remote_hw_res.c \ 44 44 generic/remote_pio_window.c \ 45 generic/remote_char_dev.c \ 45 46 generic/remote_nic.c \ 46 47 generic/remote_ieee80211.c \ -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 42 42 #include "remote_hw_res.h" 43 43 #include "remote_pio_window.h" 44 #include "remote_char_dev.h" 44 45 #include "remote_clock_dev.h" 45 46 #include "remote_led_dev.h" … … 61 62 [HW_RES_DEV_IFACE] = &remote_hw_res_iface, 62 63 [PIO_WINDOW_DEV_IFACE] = &remote_pio_window_iface, 64 [CHAR_DEV_IFACE] = &remote_char_dev_iface, 63 65 [NIC_DEV_IFACE] = &remote_nic_iface, 64 66 [IEEE80211_DEV_IFACE] = &remote_ieee80211_iface, -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 37 37 */ 38 38 39 #include <adt/list.h> 40 #include <stdbool.h> 41 #include <fibril_synch.h> 42 #include <ipc/services.h> 43 #include <ipc/input.h> 44 #include <config.h> 45 #include <stdio.h> 46 #include <stdlib.h> 47 #include <ns.h> 48 #include <async.h> 49 #include <errno.h> 39 50 #include <adt/fifo.h> 40 #include <adt/list.h>41 #include <async.h>42 #include <config.h>43 #include <errno.h>44 #include <fibril.h>45 #include <fibril_synch.h>46 #include <io/chardev.h>47 51 #include <io/console.h> 48 52 #include <io/keycode.h> 49 #include <ipc/services.h>50 #include <ipc/input.h>51 53 #include <loc.h> 52 #include <ns.h>53 #include <stdbool.h>54 #include <stdio.h>55 #include <stdlib.h>56 54 #include <str_error.h> 57 58 #include "input.h" 55 #include <char_dev_iface.h> 56 #include <fibril.h> 57 #include "layout.h" 59 58 #include "kbd.h" 60 59 #include "kbd_port.h" 61 60 #include "kbd_ctl.h" 62 #include "layout.h"63 61 #include "mouse.h" 64 62 #include "mouse_proto.h" 65 63 #include "serial.h" 64 #include "input.h" 66 65 67 66 #define NUM_LAYOUTS 4 … … 537 536 while (true) { 538 537 uint8_t data; 539 size_t nread; 540 541 chardev_read(sdev->chardev, &data, sizeof(data), &nread); 542 /* XXX Handle error */ 538 539 char_dev_read(sdev->sess, &data, sizeof(data)); 543 540 kbd_push_data(sdev->kdev, data); 544 541 } … … 555 552 { 556 553 bool match = false; 557 int rc;558 554 559 555 serial_dev_t *sdev = serial_dev_new(); … … 563 559 sdev->kdev->svc_id = service_id; 564 560 565 rc = loc_service_get_name(service_id, &sdev->kdev->svc_name);561 int rc = loc_service_get_name(service_id, &sdev->kdev->svc_name); 566 562 if (rc != EOK) 567 563 goto fail; … … 586 582 sdev->sess = loc_service_connect(service_id, INTERFACE_DDF, 587 583 IPC_FLAG_BLOCKING); 588 589 rc = chardev_open(sdev->sess, &sdev->chardev);590 if (rc != EOK) {591 async_hangup(sdev->sess);592 sdev->sess = NULL;593 list_remove(&sdev->link);594 goto fail;595 }596 584 597 585 fid_t fid = fibril_create(serial_consumer, sdev); -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 35 35 */ 36 36 37 #include <ipc/char.h> 37 38 #include <async.h> 39 #include <loc.h> 38 40 #include <errno.h> 39 #include <fibril.h>40 #include <io/chardev.h>41 #include <loc.h>42 41 #include <stdio.h> 43 42 #include "../input.h" … … 45 44 #include "../kbd.h" 46 45 47 static int kbd_port_fibril(void *);46 static void kbd_port_events(ipc_callid_t iid, ipc_call_t *icall, void *arg); 48 47 49 48 static int chardev_port_init(kbd_dev_t *); 50 static void chardev_port_write(uint8_t );49 static void chardev_port_write(uint8_t data); 51 50 52 51 kbd_port_ops_t chardev_port = { … … 57 56 static kbd_dev_t *kbd_dev; 58 57 static async_sess_t *dev_sess; 59 static chardev_t *chardev;60 58 61 59 /** List of devices to try connecting to. */ … … 72 70 { 73 71 service_id_t service_id; 72 async_exch_t *exch; 74 73 unsigned int i; 75 fid_t fid;76 74 int rc; 77 75 … … 98 96 } 99 97 100 rc = chardev_open(dev_sess, &chardev);101 if ( rc != EOK) {102 printf("%s: Failed opening characterdevice\n", NAME);98 exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess); 99 if (exch == NULL) { 100 printf("%s: Failed starting exchange with device\n", NAME); 103 101 async_hangup(dev_sess); 104 102 return ENOMEM; 105 103 } 106 104 107 fid = fibril_create(kbd_port_fibril, NULL); 108 if (fid == 0) { 109 printf("%s: Failed creating fibril\n", NAME); 110 chardev_close(chardev); 105 port_id_t port; 106 rc = async_create_callback_port(exch, INTERFACE_CHAR_CB, 0, 0, 107 kbd_port_events, NULL, &port); 108 109 async_exchange_end(exch); 110 111 if (rc != 0) { 112 printf("%s: Failed to create callback from device\n", NAME); 111 113 async_hangup(dev_sess); 112 return ENOMEM;114 return -1; 113 115 } 114 115 fibril_add_ready(fid);116 116 117 117 printf("%s: Found input device '%s'\n", NAME, in_devs[i]); … … 121 121 static void chardev_port_write(uint8_t data) 122 122 { 123 int rc; 124 size_t nwr; 123 async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(dev_sess); 124 if (exch == NULL) { 125 printf("%s: Failed starting exchange with device\n", NAME); 126 return; 127 } 125 128 126 rc = chardev_write(chardev, &data, sizeof(data), &nwr); 127 if (rc != EOK || nwr != sizeof(data)) { 128 printf("%s: Failed writing to character device\n", NAME); 129 return; 129 async_msg_1(exch, CHAR_WRITE_BYTE, data); 130 async_exchange_end(exch); 131 } 132 133 static void kbd_port_events(ipc_callid_t iid, ipc_call_t *icall, void *arg) 134 { 135 /* Ignore parameters, the connection is already opened */ 136 while (true) { 137 138 ipc_call_t call; 139 ipc_callid_t callid = async_get_call(&call); 140 141 if (!IPC_GET_IMETHOD(call)) { 142 /* TODO: Handle hangup */ 143 return; 144 } 145 146 int retval = EOK; 147 148 switch (IPC_GET_IMETHOD(call)) { 149 case CHAR_NOTIF_BYTE: 150 kbd_push_data(kbd_dev, IPC_GET_ARG1(call)); 151 break; 152 default: 153 retval = ENOENT; 154 } 155 async_answer_0(callid, retval); 130 156 } 131 157 } 132 158 133 static int kbd_port_fibril(void *arg)134 {135 int rc;136 size_t nread;137 uint8_t b;138 139 while (true) {140 rc = chardev_read(chardev, &b, sizeof(b), &nread);141 if (rc != EOK || nread != sizeof(b)) {142 printf("%s: Error reading data", NAME);143 continue;144 }145 146 kbd_push_data(kbd_dev, b);147 }148 149 return 0;150 }151 159 152 160 /** -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 39 39 40 40 #include <async.h> 41 #include <io/chardev.h>42 41 #include "kbd.h" 43 42 … … 46 45 link_t link; 47 46 async_sess_t *sess; 48 chardev_t *chardev;49 47 } serial_dev_t; 50 48 -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 27 27 */ 28 28 29 #include <char_dev_iface.h> 29 30 #include <errno.h> 30 #include <io/chardev.h>31 #include <mem.h>32 31 #include <stdbool.h> 33 32 #include <stdint.h> 34 33 #include <stdlib.h> 34 #include <mem.h> 35 35 #include <thread.h> 36 36 … … 298 298 bool reading = true; 299 299 while (reading) { 300 size_t nread; 301 int rc; 302 303 rc = chardev_read(state->chardev, state->buf + state->buf_end, 304 state->buf_size - state->buf_end, &nread); 305 if (rc != EOK && nread == 0) 300 ssize_t read = char_dev_read(state->sess, state->buf + state->buf_end, 301 state->buf_size - state->buf_end); 302 if (read < 0) 306 303 return EIO; 307 state->buf_end += nread;304 state->buf_end += read; 308 305 309 306 size_t i = 0; … … 360 357 return EOK; 361 358 } 362 363 static bool write_command(chardev_t *chardev, uint8_t command) 364 { 365 int rc; 366 size_t nwr; 367 368 rc = chardev_write(chardev, &command, 1, &nwr); 369 return rc == EOK; 359 static bool write_command(async_sess_t *sess, uint8_t command) 360 { 361 return char_dev_write(sess, &command, 1) == 1; 370 362 } 371 363 … … 373 365 isdv4_event_fn event_fn) 374 366 { 375 chardev_t *chardev;376 int rc;377 378 rc = chardev_open(sess, &chardev);379 if (rc != EOK)380 return rc;381 382 367 memset(state, 0, sizeof(isdv4_state_t)); 383 384 368 state->sess = sess; 385 state->chardev = chardev;386 387 369 state->buf = malloc(BUF_SIZE); 388 if (state->buf == NULL) { 389 chardev_close(chardev); 370 if (state->buf == NULL) 390 371 return ENOMEM; 391 }392 393 372 state->buf_size = BUF_SIZE; 394 373 state->emit_event_fn = event_fn; … … 398 377 int isdv4_init_tablet(isdv4_state_t *state) 399 378 { 400 if (!write_command(state-> chardev, CMD_STOP))379 if (!write_command(state->sess, CMD_STOP)) 401 380 return EIO; 402 381 … … 404 383 405 384 // FIXME: Read all possible garbage before sending commands 406 if (!write_command(state-> chardev, CMD_QUERY_STYLUS))385 if (!write_command(state->sess, CMD_QUERY_STYLUS)) 407 386 return EIO; 408 387 … … 411 390 return rc; 412 391 413 if (!write_command(state-> chardev, CMD_QUERY_TOUCH))392 if (!write_command(state->sess, CMD_QUERY_TOUCH)) 414 393 return EIO; 415 394 … … 418 397 return rc; 419 398 420 if (!write_command(state-> chardev, CMD_START))399 if (!write_command(state->sess, CMD_START)) 421 400 return EIO; 422 401 -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 31 31 32 32 #include <async.h> 33 #include <io/chardev.h>34 33 35 34 typedef struct isdv4_event isdv4_event_t; … … 59 58 bool finger1_pressed; /* Reported as touch button 1 */ 60 59 61 /* * Session withthe serial device */60 /* Session to the serial device */ 62 61 async_sess_t *sess; 63 /** Character device */64 chardev_t *chardev;65 62 66 63 /* Receive buffer state */ … … 69 66 size_t buf_end; 70 67 71 /* *Callbacks */68 /* Callbacks */ 72 69 isdv4_event_fn emit_event_fn; 73 70 } isdv4_state_t; -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 30 30 */ 31 31 32 #include <async.h>33 #include <config.h>34 #include <errno.h>35 #include <fibril_synch.h>36 #include <io/chardev.h>37 #include <loc.h>38 32 #include <stddef.h> 39 33 #include <stdint.h> 34 #include <char_dev_iface.h> 40 35 #include <stdio.h> 41 36 #include <stdlib.h> 37 #include <async.h> 38 #include <fibril_synch.h> 39 #include <loc.h> 40 #include <errno.h> 42 41 #include <str.h> 42 #include <config.h> 43 43 #include "../ctl/serial.h" 44 44 #include "../output.h" … … 48 48 49 49 static async_sess_t *sess; 50 static chardev_t *chardev;51 50 static service_id_t serial_cat_id; 52 51 … … 58 57 { 59 58 uint8_t byte = (uint8_t) ch; 60 size_t nwr; 61 chardev_write(chardev, &byte, 1, &nwr); 62 /* XXX Handle error */ 59 char_dev_write(sess, &byte, 1); 63 60 } 64 61 65 62 static void chardev_control_puts(const char *str) 66 63 { 67 size_t nwr; 68 chardev_write(chardev, (void *) str, str_size(str), &nwr); 69 /* XXX Handle error */ 64 char_dev_write(sess, (void *) str, str_size(str)); 70 65 } 71 66 … … 131 126 return; 132 127 } 133 134 rc = chardev_open(sess, &chardev);135 if (rc != EOK) {136 fibril_mutex_unlock(&discovery_lock);137 printf("%s: Failed opening character device\n", NAME);138 return;139 }140 141 128 serial_init(chardev_putchar, chardev_control_puts); 142 129 -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 27 27 */ 28 28 29 /** @addtogroup driver_serial 30 * @{ 31 */ 29 32 /** 30 33 * @file … … 34 37 */ 35 38 39 #include <ddi.h> 40 #include <loc.h> 41 #include <ipc/char.h> 36 42 #include <async.h> 37 #include <ddi.h>38 #include <errno.h>39 #include <inttypes.h>40 #include <io/chardev_srv.h>41 #include <loc.h>42 43 #include <stdio.h> 43 44 #include <stdlib.h> 44 45 #include <sysinfo.h> 46 #include <errno.h> 47 #include <inttypes.h> 45 48 #include "s3c24xx_uart.h" 46 49 … … 69 72 static void s3c24xx_uart_sendb(s3c24xx_uart_t *, uint8_t); 70 73 71 static int s3c24xx_uart_read(chardev_srv_t *, void *, size_t, size_t *);72 static int s3c24xx_uart_write(chardev_srv_t *, const void *, size_t, size_t *);73 74 static chardev_ops_t s3c24xx_uart_chardev_ops = {75 .read = s3c24xx_uart_read,76 .write = s3c24xx_uart_write77 };78 79 74 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 80 75 { 81 76 printf("%s: S3C24xx on-chip UART driver\n", NAME); 82 77 83 async_set_fallback_port_handler(s3c24xx_uart_connection, uart);78 async_set_fallback_port_handler(s3c24xx_uart_connection, NULL); 84 79 int rc = loc_server_register(NAME); 85 80 if (rc != EOK) { … … 116 111 void *arg) 117 112 { 118 s3c24xx_uart_t *uart = (s3c24xx_uart_t *) arg; 119 120 chardev_conn(iid, icall, &uart->cds); 121 } 122 113 /* Answer the IPC_M_CONNECT_ME_TO call. */ 114 async_answer_0(iid, EOK); 115 116 while (true) { 117 ipc_call_t call; 118 ipc_callid_t callid = async_get_call(&call); 119 sysarg_t method = IPC_GET_IMETHOD(call); 120 121 if (!method) { 122 /* The other side has hung up. */ 123 async_answer_0(callid, EOK); 124 return; 125 } 126 127 async_sess_t *sess = 128 async_callback_receive_start(EXCHANGE_SERIALIZE, &call); 129 if (sess != NULL) { 130 if (uart->client_sess == NULL) { 131 uart->client_sess = sess; 132 async_answer_0(callid, EOK); 133 } else 134 async_answer_0(callid, ELIMIT); 135 } else { 136 switch (method) { 137 case CHAR_WRITE_BYTE: 138 printf(NAME ": write %" PRIun " to device\n", 139 IPC_GET_ARG1(call)); 140 s3c24xx_uart_sendb(uart, (uint8_t) IPC_GET_ARG1(call)); 141 async_answer_0(callid, EOK); 142 break; 143 default: 144 async_answer_0(callid, EINVAL); 145 } 146 } 147 } 148 } 123 149 124 150 static void s3c24xx_uart_irq_handler(ipc_callid_t iid, ipc_call_t *call, 125 151 void *arg) 126 152 { 127 int rc;128 129 153 (void) iid; 130 154 (void) call; … … 135 159 uint32_t status = pio_read_32(&uart->io->uerstat); 136 160 137 fibril_mutex_lock(&uart->buf_lock); 138 139 rc = circ_buf_push(&uart->cbuf, &data); 140 if (rc != EOK) 141 printf(NAME ": Buffer overrun\n"); 142 143 fibril_mutex_unlock(&uart->buf_lock); 144 fibril_condvar_broadcast(&uart->buf_cv); 161 if (uart->client_sess != NULL) { 162 async_exch_t *exch = async_exchange_begin(uart->client_sess); 163 async_msg_1(exch, CHAR_NOTIF_BYTE, data); 164 async_exchange_end(exch); 165 } 145 166 146 167 if (status != 0) … … 155 176 sysarg_t inr; 156 177 157 circ_buf_init(&uart->cbuf, uart->buf, s3c24xx_uart_buf_size, 1);158 fibril_mutex_initialize(&uart->buf_lock);159 fibril_condvar_initialize(&uart->buf_cv);160 161 178 if (sysinfo_get_value("s3c24xx_uart.address.physical", 162 179 &uart->paddr) != EOK) … … 171 188 172 189 uart->io = vaddr; 190 uart->client_sess = NULL; 173 191 174 192 printf(NAME ": device at physical address %p, inr %" PRIun ".\n", … … 185 203 pio_read_32(&uart->io->ucon) & ~UCON_RX_INT_LEVEL); 186 204 187 chardev_srvs_init(&uart->cds);188 uart->cds.ops = &s3c24xx_uart_chardev_ops;189 uart->cds.sarg = uart;190 191 205 return EOK; 192 206 } … … 202 216 } 203 217 204 static int s3c24xx_uart_read(chardev_srv_t *srv, void *buf, size_t size,205 size_t *nread)206 {207 s3c24xx_uart_t *uart = (s3c24xx_uart_t *) srv->srvs->sarg;208 size_t p;209 uint8_t *bp = (uint8_t *) buf;210 int rc;211 212 fibril_mutex_lock(&uart->buf_lock);213 214 while (circ_buf_nused(&uart->cbuf) == 0)215 fibril_condvar_wait(&uart->buf_cv, &uart->buf_lock);216 217 p = 0;218 while (p < size) {219 rc = circ_buf_pop(&uart->cbuf, &bp[p]);220 if (rc != EOK)221 break;222 ++p;223 }224 225 fibril_mutex_unlock(&uart->buf_lock);226 227 *nread = p;228 return EOK;229 }230 231 static int s3c24xx_uart_write(chardev_srv_t *srv, const void *data, size_t size,232 size_t *nwr)233 {234 s3c24xx_uart_t *uart = (s3c24xx_uart_t *) srv->srvs->sarg;235 size_t i;236 uint8_t *dp = (uint8_t *) data;237 238 for (i = 0; i < size; i++)239 s3c24xx_uart_sendb(uart, dp[i]);240 241 *nwr = size;242 return EOK;243 }244 245 246 218 /** @} 247 219 */ -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 38 38 #define S3C24XX_UART_H_ 39 39 40 #include < adt/circ_buf.h>40 #include <stdint.h> 41 41 #include <async.h> 42 #include <fibril_synch.h>43 #include <io/chardev_srv.h>44 #include <stdint.h>45 42 46 43 /** S3C24xx UART I/O */ … … 79 76 #define UFCON_FIFO_ENABLE 0x01 80 77 81 enum {82 s3c24xx_uart_buf_size = 6483 };84 78 85 79 /** S3C24xx UART instance */ … … 91 85 s3c24xx_uart_io_t *io; 92 86 93 /** C haracter device service*/94 chardev_srvs_t cds;87 /** Callback session to the client */ 88 async_sess_t *client_sess; 95 89 96 90 /** Service ID */ 97 91 service_id_t service_id; 98 99 /** Circular buffer */100 circ_buf_t cbuf;101 /** Buffer */102 uint8_t buf[s3c24xx_uart_buf_size];103 /** Buffer lock */104 fibril_mutex_t buf_lock;105 /** Signal newly added data in buffer */106 fibril_condvar_t buf_cv;107 92 } s3c24xx_uart_t; 108 93 -
rac307b2 rf571ca49 40 40 #include <inet/addr.h> 41 41 #include <inet/iplink_srv.h> 42 #include < io/chardev.h>42 #include <char_dev_iface.h> 43 43 #include <io/log.h> 44 44 #include <errno.h> … … 96 96 } 97 97 98 static void write_flush( chardev_t *chardev)98 static void write_flush(async_sess_t *sess) 99 99 { 100 100 size_t written = 0; 101 101 102 102 while (slip_send_pending > 0) { 103 int rc; 104 size_t nwr; 105 106 rc = chardev_write(chardev, &slip_send_buf[written], 107 slip_send_pending, &nwr); 108 if (rc != EOK) { 103 ssize_t size; 104 105 size = char_dev_write(sess, &slip_send_buf[written], 106 slip_send_pending); 107 if (size < 0) { 109 108 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_ERROR, 110 "chardev_write() returned %d", rc); 109 "char_dev_write() returned %d", 110 (int) size); 111 111 slip_send_pending = 0; 112 112 break; 113 113 } 114 written += nwr;115 slip_send_pending -= nwr;116 } 117 } 118 119 static void write_buffered( chardev_t *chardev, uint8_t ch)114 written += size; 115 slip_send_pending -= size; 116 } 117 } 118 119 static void write_buffered(async_sess_t *sess, uint8_t ch) 120 120 { 121 121 if (slip_send_pending == sizeof(slip_send_buf)) 122 write_flush( chardev);122 write_flush(sess); 123 123 slip_send_buf[slip_send_pending++] = ch; 124 124 } … … 128 128 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_DEBUG, "slip_send()"); 129 129 130 chardev_t *chardev = (chardev_t *) srv->arg;130 async_sess_t *sess = (async_sess_t *) srv->arg; 131 131 uint8_t *data = sdu->data; 132 132 … … 136 136 * measure for dealing with previous possible noise on the line. 137 137 */ 138 write_buffered( chardev, SLIP_END);138 write_buffered(sess, SLIP_END); 139 139 140 140 for (size_t i = 0; i < sdu->size; i++) { 141 141 switch (data[i]) { 142 142 case SLIP_END: 143 write_buffered( chardev, SLIP_ESC);144 write_buffered( chardev, SLIP_ESC_END);143 write_buffered(sess, SLIP_ESC); 144 write_buffered(sess, SLIP_ESC_END); 145 145 break; 146 146 case SLIP_ESC: 147 write_buffered( chardev, SLIP_ESC);148 write_buffered( chardev, SLIP_ESC_ESC);147 write_buffered(sess, SLIP_ESC); 148 write_buffered(sess, SLIP_ESC_ESC); 149 149 break; 150 150 default: 151 write_buffered( chardev, data[i]);151 write_buffered(sess, data[i]); 152 152 break; 153 153 } 154 154 } 155 155 156 write_buffered( chardev, SLIP_END);157 write_flush( chardev);156 write_buffered(sess, SLIP_END); 157 write_flush(sess); 158 158 159 159 return EOK; … … 203 203 } 204 204 205 static uint8_t read_buffered( chardev_t *chardev)205 static uint8_t read_buffered(async_sess_t *sess) 206 206 { 207 207 while (slip_recv_pending == 0) { 208 int rc; 209 size_t nread; 210 211 rc = chardev_read(chardev, slip_recv_buf, 212 sizeof(slip_recv_buf), &nread); 213 if (rc != EOK) { 208 ssize_t size; 209 210 size = char_dev_read(sess, slip_recv_buf, 211 sizeof(slip_recv_buf)); 212 if (size < 0) { 214 213 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_ERROR, 215 "char_dev_read() returned %d", rc); 214 "char_dev_read() returned %d", (int) size); 215 return SLIP_END; 216 216 } 217 218 if (nread == 0) 219 return SLIP_END; 220 221 slip_recv_pending = nread; 217 slip_recv_pending = size; 222 218 slip_recv_read = 0; 223 219 } … … 228 224 static int slip_recv_fibril(void *arg) 229 225 { 230 chardev_t *chardev = (chardev_t *) arg;226 async_sess_t *sess = (async_sess_t *) arg; 231 227 static uint8_t recv_final[SLIP_MTU]; 232 228 iplink_recv_sdu_t sdu; … … 238 234 while (true) { 239 235 for (sdu.size = 0; sdu.size < sizeof(recv_final); /**/) { 240 ch = read_buffered( chardev);236 ch = read_buffered(sess); 241 237 switch (ch) { 242 238 case SLIP_END: … … 250 246 251 247 case SLIP_ESC: 252 ch = read_buffered( chardev);248 ch = read_buffered(sess); 253 249 if (ch == SLIP_ESC_END) { 254 250 recv_final[sdu.size++] = SLIP_END; 255 251 break; 256 } else if (ch == SLIP_ESC_ESC) {252 } else if (ch == SLIP_ESC_ESC) { 257 253 recv_final[sdu.size++] = SLIP_ESC; 258 254 break; … … 299 295 async_sess_t *sess_in = NULL; 300 296 async_sess_t *sess_out = NULL; 301 chardev_t *chardev_in = NULL;302 chardev_t *chardev_out = NULL;303 297 fid_t fid; 304 298 int rc; … … 342 336 return ENOENT; 343 337 } 344 345 rc = chardev_open(sess_out, &chardev_out); 346 if (rc != EOK) { 347 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_ERROR, 348 "Failed opening character device."); 349 return ENOENT; 350 } 351 352 slip_iplink.arg = chardev_out; 338 slip_iplink.arg = sess_out; 353 339 354 340 sess_in = loc_service_connect(svcid, INTERFACE_DDF, 0); … … 361 347 } 362 348 363 rc = chardev_open(sess_in, &chardev_in);364 if (rc != EOK) {365 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_ERROR,366 "Failed opening character device.");367 return ENOENT;368 }369 370 349 rc = loc_service_register(linkstr, &linksid); 371 350 if (rc != EOK) { … … 384 363 } 385 364 386 fid = fibril_create(slip_recv_fibril, chardev_in);365 fid = fibril_create(slip_recv_fibril, sess_in); 387 366 if (!fid) { 388 367 log_msg(LOG_DEFAULT, LVL_ERROR, … … 396 375 397 376 fail: 398 chardev_close(chardev_out);399 377 if (sess_out) 400 378 async_hangup(sess_out); 401 chardev_close(chardev_in);402 379 if (sess_in) 403 380 async_hangup(sess_in);
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.