Changes in kernel/generic/src/ipc/sysipc.c [228e490:fa3b8e4] in mainline
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r228e490 rfa3b8e4 49 49 #include <syscall/copy.h> 50 50 #include <security/cap.h> 51 #include <console/console.h>52 51 #include <mm/as.h> 53 52 #include <print.h> … … 69 68 * 70 69 */ 71 static int phone_get( sysarg_t phoneid, phone_t **phone)70 static int phone_get(unative_t phoneid, phone_t **phone) 72 71 { 73 72 if (phoneid >= IPC_MAX_PHONES) … … 78 77 } 79 78 80 /** Decide if the interface and method is a system method. 81 * 82 * @param imethod Interface and method to be decided. 83 * 84 * @return True if the interface and method is a system 85 * interface and method. 86 * 87 */ 88 static inline bool method_is_system(sysarg_t imethod) 89 { 90 if (imethod <= IPC_M_LAST_SYSTEM) 79 /** Decide if the method is a system method. 80 * 81 * @param method Method to be decided. 82 * 83 * @return true if the method is a system method. 84 * 85 */ 86 static inline bool method_is_system(unative_t method) 87 { 88 if (method <= IPC_M_LAST_SYSTEM) 91 89 return true; 92 90 … … 94 92 } 95 93 96 /** Decide if the message with this interface andmethod is forwardable.97 * 98 * Some system messages may be forwarded, for some of them99 * it is useless.100 * 101 * @param imethod Interface and method to be decided.102 * 103 * @return True if the interface andmethod is forwardable.104 * 105 */ 106 static inline bool method_is_forwardable( sysarg_t imethod)107 { 108 switch ( imethod) {94 /** Decide if the message with this method is forwardable. 95 * 96 * - some system messages may be forwarded, for some of them 97 * it is useless 98 * 99 * @param method Method to be decided. 100 * 101 * @return true if the method is forwardable. 102 * 103 */ 104 static inline bool method_is_forwardable(unative_t method) 105 { 106 switch (method) { 109 107 case IPC_M_CONNECTION_CLONE: 110 108 case IPC_M_CONNECT_ME: … … 117 115 } 118 116 119 /** Decide if the message with this interface andmethod is immutable on forward.120 * 121 * Some system messages may be forwarded but their content cannot be altered.122 * 123 * @param imethod Interface and method to be decided.124 * 125 * @return True if the interface andmethod is immutable on forward.126 * 127 */ 128 static inline bool method_is_immutable( sysarg_t imethod)129 { 130 switch ( imethod) {117 /** Decide if the message with this method is immutable on forward. 118 * 119 * - some system messages may be forwarded but their content cannot be altered 120 * 121 * @param method Method to be decided. 122 * 123 * @return true if the method is immutable on forward. 124 * 125 */ 126 static inline bool method_is_immutable(unative_t method) 127 { 128 switch (method) { 131 129 case IPC_M_SHARE_OUT: 132 130 case IPC_M_SHARE_IN: … … 154 152 static inline bool answer_need_old(call_t *call) 155 153 { 156 switch (IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(call->data)) {154 switch (IPC_GET_METHOD(call->data)) { 157 155 case IPC_M_CONNECTION_CLONE: 158 156 case IPC_M_CONNECT_ME: … … 198 196 return 0; 199 197 200 if (IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_CONNECTION_CLONE) {198 if (IPC_GET_METHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_CONNECTION_CLONE) { 201 199 int phoneid = IPC_GET_ARG1(*olddata); 202 200 phone_t *phone = &TASK->phones[phoneid]; … … 220 218 mutex_unlock(&phone->lock); 221 219 } 222 } else if (IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_CONNECT_ME) {220 } else if (IPC_GET_METHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_CONNECT_ME) { 223 221 phone_t *phone = (phone_t *) IPC_GET_ARG5(*olddata); 224 222 … … 239 237 mutex_unlock(&phone->lock); 240 238 } 241 } else if (IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_CONNECT_TO_ME) {239 } else if (IPC_GET_METHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_CONNECT_TO_ME) { 242 240 int phoneid = IPC_GET_ARG5(*olddata); 243 241 … … 250 248 /* Set 'phone hash' as arg5 of response */ 251 249 IPC_SET_ARG5(answer->data, 252 ( sysarg_t) &TASK->phones[phoneid]);253 } 254 } else if (IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_CONNECT_ME_TO) {250 (unative_t) &TASK->phones[phoneid]); 251 } 252 } else if (IPC_GET_METHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_CONNECT_ME_TO) { 255 253 /* If the users accepted call, connect */ 256 254 if (IPC_GET_RETVAL(answer->data) == EOK) { … … 258 256 &TASK->answerbox); 259 257 } 260 } else if (IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_SHARE_OUT) {258 } else if (IPC_GET_METHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_SHARE_OUT) { 261 259 if (!IPC_GET_RETVAL(answer->data)) { 262 260 /* Accepted, handle as_area receipt */ … … 272 270 return rc; 273 271 } 274 } else if (IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_SHARE_IN) {272 } else if (IPC_GET_METHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_SHARE_IN) { 275 273 if (!IPC_GET_RETVAL(answer->data)) { 276 274 irq_spinlock_lock(&answer->sender->lock, true); … … 283 281 IPC_SET_RETVAL(answer->data, rc); 284 282 } 285 } else if (IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_DATA_READ) {283 } else if (IPC_GET_METHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_DATA_READ) { 286 284 ASSERT(!answer->buffer); 287 285 if (!IPC_GET_RETVAL(answer->data)) { … … 312 310 } 313 311 } 314 } else if (IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_DATA_WRITE) {312 } else if (IPC_GET_METHOD(*olddata) == IPC_M_DATA_WRITE) { 315 313 ASSERT(answer->buffer); 316 314 if (!IPC_GET_RETVAL(answer->data)) { … … 365 363 static int request_preprocess(call_t *call, phone_t *phone) 366 364 { 367 switch (IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(call->data)) {365 switch (IPC_GET_METHOD(call->data)) { 368 366 case IPC_M_CONNECTION_CLONE: { 369 367 phone_t *cloned_phone; … … 401 399 } 402 400 case IPC_M_CONNECT_ME: 403 IPC_SET_ARG5(call->data, ( sysarg_t) phone);401 IPC_SET_ARG5(call->data, (unative_t) phone); 404 402 break; 405 403 case IPC_M_CONNECT_ME_TO: { … … 409 407 410 408 /* Set arg5 for server */ 411 IPC_SET_ARG5(call->data, ( sysarg_t) &TASK->phones[newphid]);409 IPC_SET_ARG5(call->data, (unative_t) &TASK->phones[newphid]); 412 410 call->flags |= IPC_CALL_CONN_ME_TO; 413 411 call->priv = newphid; … … 505 503 static int process_request(answerbox_t *box, call_t *call) 506 504 { 507 if (IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(call->data) == IPC_M_CONNECT_TO_ME) {505 if (IPC_GET_METHOD(call->data) == IPC_M_CONNECT_TO_ME) { 508 506 int phoneid = phone_alloc(TASK); 509 507 if (phoneid < 0) { /* Failed to allocate phone */ … … 516 514 } 517 515 518 switch (IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(call->data)) {516 switch (IPC_GET_METHOD(call->data)) { 519 517 case IPC_M_DEBUG_ALL: 520 518 return -1; … … 532 530 * 533 531 * @param phoneid Phone handle for the call. 534 * @param imethod Interface and method of the call.532 * @param method Method of the call. 535 533 * @param arg1 Service-defined payload argument. 536 534 * @param arg2 Service-defined payload argument. 537 535 * @param arg3 Service-defined payload argument. 538 * @param data Address of user -space structure where the reply call will536 * @param data Address of userspace structure where the reply call will 539 537 * be stored. 540 538 * … … 543 541 * 544 542 */ 545 sysarg_t sys_ipc_call_sync_fast(sysarg_t phoneid, sysarg_t imethod,546 sysarg_t arg1, sysarg_t arg2, sysarg_t arg3, ipc_data_t *data)543 unative_t sys_ipc_call_sync_fast(unative_t phoneid, unative_t method, 544 unative_t arg1, unative_t arg2, unative_t arg3, ipc_data_t *data) 547 545 { 548 546 phone_t *phone; 549 547 if (phone_get(phoneid, &phone) != EOK) 550 548 return ENOENT; 551 549 552 550 call_t *call = ipc_call_alloc(0); 553 IPC_SET_ IMETHOD(call->data, imethod);551 IPC_SET_METHOD(call->data, method); 554 552 IPC_SET_ARG1(call->data, arg1); 555 553 IPC_SET_ARG2(call->data, arg2); … … 581 579 582 580 process_answer(call); 581 583 582 } else 584 583 IPC_SET_RETVAL(call->data, res); … … 594 593 /** Make a synchronous IPC call allowing to transmit the entire payload. 595 594 * 596 * @param phoneid Phone handle for the call.597 * @param request User-space address of call data with the request.598 * @param reply User-space address of call data where to store the599 * answer.595 * @param phoneid Phone handle for the call. 596 * @param question Userspace address of call data with the request. 597 * @param reply Userspace address of call data where to store the 598 * answer. 600 599 * 601 600 * @return Zero on success or an error code. 602 601 * 603 602 */ 604 sysarg_t sys_ipc_call_sync_slow(sysarg_t phoneid, ipc_data_t *request,603 unative_t sys_ipc_call_sync_slow(unative_t phoneid, ipc_data_t *question, 605 604 ipc_data_t *reply) 606 605 { … … 608 607 if (phone_get(phoneid, &phone) != EOK) 609 608 return ENOENT; 610 609 611 610 call_t *call = ipc_call_alloc(0); 612 int rc = copy_from_uspace(&call->data.args, & request->args,611 int rc = copy_from_uspace(&call->data.args, &question->args, 613 612 sizeof(call->data.args)); 614 613 if (rc != 0) { 615 614 ipc_call_free(call); 616 return ( sysarg_t) rc;615 return (unative_t) rc; 617 616 } 618 617 … … 645 644 } 646 645 647 /** Check that the task did not exceed the allowed limit of asynchronous calls 648 * made over a phone. 649 * 650 * @param phone Phone to check the limit against. 646 /** Check that the task did not exceed the allowed limit of asynchronous calls. 651 647 * 652 648 * @return 0 if limit not reached or -1 if limit exceeded. 653 649 * 654 650 */ 655 static int check_call_limit(phone_t *phone) 656 { 657 if (atomic_get(&phone->active_calls) >= IPC_MAX_ASYNC_CALLS) 651 static int check_call_limit(void) 652 { 653 if (atomic_preinc(&TASK->active_calls) > IPC_MAX_ASYNC_CALLS) { 654 atomic_dec(&TASK->active_calls); 658 655 return -1; 656 } 659 657 660 658 return 0; … … 667 665 * 668 666 * @param phoneid Phone handle for the call. 669 * @param imethod Interface and method of the call.667 * @param method Method of the call. 670 668 * @param arg1 Service-defined payload argument. 671 669 * @param arg2 Service-defined payload argument. … … 679 677 * 680 678 */ 681 sysarg_t sys_ipc_call_async_fast(sysarg_t phoneid, sysarg_t imethod, 682 sysarg_t arg1, sysarg_t arg2, sysarg_t arg3, sysarg_t arg4) 683 { 679 unative_t sys_ipc_call_async_fast(unative_t phoneid, unative_t method, 680 unative_t arg1, unative_t arg2, unative_t arg3, unative_t arg4) 681 { 682 if (check_call_limit()) 683 return IPC_CALLRET_TEMPORARY; 684 684 685 phone_t *phone; 685 686 if (phone_get(phoneid, &phone) != EOK) 686 687 return IPC_CALLRET_FATAL; 687 688 688 if (check_call_limit(phone))689 return IPC_CALLRET_TEMPORARY;690 691 689 call_t *call = ipc_call_alloc(0); 692 IPC_SET_ IMETHOD(call->data, imethod);690 IPC_SET_METHOD(call->data, method); 693 691 IPC_SET_ARG1(call->data, arg1); 694 692 IPC_SET_ARG2(call->data, arg2); … … 709 707 ipc_backsend_err(phone, call, res); 710 708 711 return ( sysarg_t) call;709 return (unative_t) call; 712 710 } 713 711 … … 720 718 * 721 719 */ 722 sysarg_t sys_ipc_call_async_slow(sysarg_t phoneid, ipc_data_t *data) 723 { 720 unative_t sys_ipc_call_async_slow(unative_t phoneid, ipc_data_t *data) 721 { 722 if (check_call_limit()) 723 return IPC_CALLRET_TEMPORARY; 724 724 725 phone_t *phone; 725 726 if (phone_get(phoneid, &phone) != EOK) 726 727 return IPC_CALLRET_FATAL; 727 728 if (check_call_limit(phone))729 return IPC_CALLRET_TEMPORARY;730 728 731 729 call_t *call = ipc_call_alloc(0); … … 734 732 if (rc != 0) { 735 733 ipc_call_free(call); 736 return ( sysarg_t) rc;734 return (unative_t) rc; 737 735 } 738 736 … … 744 742 ipc_backsend_err(phone, call, res); 745 743 746 return ( sysarg_t) call;744 return (unative_t) call; 747 745 } 748 746 … … 753 751 * @param callid Hash of the call to forward. 754 752 * @param phoneid Phone handle to use for forwarding. 755 * @param imethod New interface andmethod to use for the forwarded call.753 * @param method New method to use for the forwarded call. 756 754 * @param arg1 New value of the first argument for the forwarded call. 757 755 * @param arg2 New value of the second argument for the forwarded call. … … 769 767 * 770 768 */ 771 static sysarg_t sys_ipc_forward_common(sysarg_t callid, sysarg_t phoneid,772 sysarg_t imethod, sysarg_t arg1, sysarg_t arg2, sysarg_t arg3,773 sysarg_t arg4, sysarg_t arg5, unsigned int mode, bool slow)769 static unative_t sys_ipc_forward_common(unative_t callid, unative_t phoneid, 770 unative_t method, unative_t arg1, unative_t arg2, unative_t arg3, 771 unative_t arg4, unative_t arg5, unsigned int mode, bool slow) 774 772 { 775 773 call_t *call = get_call(callid); … … 786 784 } 787 785 788 if (!method_is_forwardable(IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(call->data))) {786 if (!method_is_forwardable(IPC_GET_METHOD(call->data))) { 789 787 IPC_SET_RETVAL(call->data, EFORWARD); 790 788 ipc_answer(&TASK->answerbox, call); … … 793 791 794 792 /* 795 * Userspace is not allowed to change interface and method of system796 * methods on forward, allow changing ARG1, ARG2, ARG3 and ARG4 by797 * means of method,arg1, arg2 and arg3.798 * If the interface andmethod is immutable, don't change anything.793 * Userspace is not allowed to change method of system methods on 794 * forward, allow changing ARG1, ARG2, ARG3 and ARG4 by means of method, 795 * arg1, arg2 and arg3. 796 * If the method is immutable, don't change anything. 799 797 */ 800 if (!method_is_immutable(IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(call->data))) {801 if (method_is_system(IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(call->data))) {802 if (IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(call->data) == IPC_M_CONNECT_TO_ME)798 if (!method_is_immutable(IPC_GET_METHOD(call->data))) { 799 if (method_is_system(IPC_GET_METHOD(call->data))) { 800 if (IPC_GET_METHOD(call->data) == IPC_M_CONNECT_TO_ME) 803 801 phone_dealloc(IPC_GET_ARG5(call->data)); 804 802 805 IPC_SET_ARG1(call->data, imethod);803 IPC_SET_ARG1(call->data, method); 806 804 IPC_SET_ARG2(call->data, arg1); 807 805 IPC_SET_ARG3(call->data, arg2); … … 815 813 } 816 814 } else { 817 IPC_SET_ IMETHOD(call->data, imethod);815 IPC_SET_METHOD(call->data, method); 818 816 IPC_SET_ARG1(call->data, arg1); 819 817 IPC_SET_ARG2(call->data, arg2); … … 831 829 /** Forward a received call to another destination - fast version. 832 830 * 833 * In case the original interface and method is a system method, ARG1, ARG2834 * and ARG3 are overwritten in the forwarded message with the new method and835 * the new arg1 and arg2, respectively. Otherwise the IMETHOD, ARG1 and ARG2836 * are rewritten with the new interface and method, arg1 and arg2, respectively.837 * Also note there is a set of immutable methods, for which the new method and838 * arguments are notset and these values are ignored.831 * In case the original method is a system method, ARG1, ARG2 and ARG3 are 832 * overwritten in the forwarded message with the new method and the new 833 * arg1 and arg2, respectively. Otherwise the METHOD, ARG1 and ARG2 are 834 * rewritten with the new method, arg1 and arg2, respectively. Also note there 835 * is a set of immutable methods, for which the new method and arguments are not 836 * set and these values are ignored. 839 837 * 840 838 * @param callid Hash of the call to forward. 841 839 * @param phoneid Phone handle to use for forwarding. 842 * @param imethod New interface andmethod to use for the forwarded call.840 * @param method New method to use for the forwarded call. 843 841 * @param arg1 New value of the first argument for the forwarded call. 844 842 * @param arg2 New value of the second argument for the forwarded call. … … 848 846 * 849 847 */ 850 sysarg_t sys_ipc_forward_fast(sysarg_t callid, sysarg_t phoneid,851 sysarg_t imethod, sysarg_t arg1, sysarg_t arg2, unsigned int mode)852 { 853 return sys_ipc_forward_common(callid, phoneid, imethod, arg1, arg2, 0, 0,848 unative_t sys_ipc_forward_fast(unative_t callid, unative_t phoneid, 849 unative_t method, unative_t arg1, unative_t arg2, unsigned int mode) 850 { 851 return sys_ipc_forward_common(callid, phoneid, method, arg1, arg2, 0, 0, 854 852 0, mode, false); 855 853 } … … 858 856 * 859 857 * This function is the slow verision of the sys_ipc_forward_fast interface. 860 * It can copy all five new arguments and the new interface and method from861 * the userspace. It naturally extends the functionality of the fast version.862 * For system methods, it additionally stores the new value of arg3 to ARG4.863 * For non-system methods, it additionally stores the new value of arg3, arg4864 * and arg5,respectively, to ARG3, ARG4 and ARG5, respectively.858 * It can copy all five new arguments and the new method from the userspace. 859 * It naturally extends the functionality of the fast version. For system 860 * methods, it additionally stores the new value of arg3 to ARG4. For non-system 861 * methods, it additionally stores the new value of arg3, arg4 and arg5, 862 * respectively, to ARG3, ARG4 and ARG5, respectively. 865 863 * 866 864 * @param callid Hash of the call to forward. … … 872 870 * 873 871 */ 874 sysarg_t sys_ipc_forward_slow(sysarg_t callid, sysarg_t phoneid,872 unative_t sys_ipc_forward_slow(unative_t callid, unative_t phoneid, 875 873 ipc_data_t *data, unsigned int mode) 876 874 { … … 879 877 sizeof(newdata.args)); 880 878 if (rc != 0) 881 return ( sysarg_t) rc;879 return (unative_t) rc; 882 880 883 881 return sys_ipc_forward_common(callid, phoneid, 884 IPC_GET_ IMETHOD(newdata), IPC_GET_ARG1(newdata),882 IPC_GET_METHOD(newdata), IPC_GET_ARG1(newdata), 885 883 IPC_GET_ARG2(newdata), IPC_GET_ARG3(newdata), 886 884 IPC_GET_ARG4(newdata), IPC_GET_ARG5(newdata), mode, true); … … 902 900 * 903 901 */ 904 sysarg_t sys_ipc_answer_fast(sysarg_t callid, sysarg_t retval,905 sysarg_t arg1, sysarg_t arg2, sysarg_t arg3, sysarg_t arg4)902 unative_t sys_ipc_answer_fast(unative_t callid, unative_t retval, 903 unative_t arg1, unative_t arg2, unative_t arg3, unative_t arg4) 906 904 { 907 905 /* Do not answer notification callids */ … … 947 945 * 948 946 */ 949 sysarg_t sys_ipc_answer_slow(sysarg_t callid, ipc_data_t *data)947 unative_t sys_ipc_answer_slow(unative_t callid, ipc_data_t *data) 950 948 { 951 949 /* Do not answer notification callids */ … … 984 982 * 985 983 */ 986 sysarg_t sys_ipc_hangup(sysarg_t phoneid)984 unative_t sys_ipc_hangup(unative_t phoneid) 987 985 { 988 986 phone_t *phone; … … 1010 1008 * 1011 1009 */ 1012 sysarg_t sys_ipc_wait_for_call(ipc_data_t *calldata, uint32_t usec,1010 unative_t sys_ipc_wait_for_call(ipc_data_t *calldata, uint32_t usec, 1013 1011 unsigned int flags) 1014 1012 { … … 1039 1037 ipc_call_free(call); 1040 1038 1041 return (( sysarg_t) call) | IPC_CALLID_NOTIFICATION;1039 return ((unative_t) call) | IPC_CALLID_NOTIFICATION; 1042 1040 } 1043 1041 … … 1048 1046 ipc_call_free(call); 1049 1047 goto restart; 1048 } else { 1049 /* 1050 * Decrement the counter of active calls only if the 1051 * call is not an answer to IPC_M_PHONE_HUNGUP, 1052 * which doesn't contribute to the counter. 1053 */ 1054 atomic_dec(&TASK->active_calls); 1050 1055 } 1051 1056 … … 1053 1058 ipc_call_free(call); 1054 1059 1055 return (( sysarg_t) call) | IPC_CALLID_ANSWERED;1060 return ((unative_t) call) | IPC_CALLID_ANSWERED; 1056 1061 } 1057 1062 … … 1081 1086 } 1082 1087 1083 return ( sysarg_t) call;1088 return (unative_t) call; 1084 1089 } 1085 1090 … … 1087 1092 * 1088 1093 */ 1089 sysarg_t sys_ipc_poke(void)1094 unative_t sys_ipc_poke(void) 1090 1095 { 1091 1096 waitq_unsleep(&TASK->answerbox.wq); … … 1095 1100 /** Connect an IRQ handler to a task. 1096 1101 * 1097 * @param inr 1098 * @param devno 1099 * @param imethod Interface and method to be associated with the notification.1100 * @param ucode 1102 * @param inr IRQ number. 1103 * @param devno Device number. 1104 * @param method Method to be associated with the notification. 1105 * @param ucode Uspace pointer to the top-half pseudocode. 1101 1106 * 1102 1107 * @return EPERM or a return code returned by ipc_irq_register(). 1103 1108 * 1104 1109 */ 1105 sysarg_t sys_ipc_register_irq(inr_t inr, devno_t devno, sysarg_t imethod,1110 unative_t sys_ipc_register_irq(inr_t inr, devno_t devno, unative_t method, 1106 1111 irq_code_t *ucode) 1107 1112 { … … 1109 1114 return EPERM; 1110 1115 1111 return ipc_irq_register(&TASK->answerbox, inr, devno, imethod, ucode);1116 return ipc_irq_register(&TASK->answerbox, inr, devno, method, ucode); 1112 1117 } 1113 1118 … … 1120 1125 * 1121 1126 */ 1122 sysarg_t sys_ipc_unregister_irq(inr_t inr, devno_t devno)1127 unative_t sys_ipc_unregister_irq(inr_t inr, devno_t devno) 1123 1128 { 1124 1129 if (!(cap_get(TASK) & CAP_IRQ_REG)) … … 1130 1135 } 1131 1136 1132 #i fdef __32_BITS__1133 1134 /** Syscall connect to a task by ID (32 bits)1137 #include <console/console.h> 1138 1139 /** Syscall connect to a task by id. 1135 1140 * 1136 1141 * @return Phone id on success, or negative error code. 1137 1142 * 1138 1143 */ 1139 sysarg_t sys_ipc_connect_kbox(sysarg64_t *uspace_taskid)1144 unative_t sys_ipc_connect_kbox(sysarg64_t *uspace_taskid_arg) 1140 1145 { 1141 1146 #ifdef CONFIG_UDEBUG 1142 sysarg64_t taskid ;1143 int rc = copy_from_uspace(&taskid , uspace_taskid, sizeof(sysarg64_t));1147 sysarg64_t taskid_arg; 1148 int rc = copy_from_uspace(&taskid_arg, uspace_taskid_arg, sizeof(sysarg64_t)); 1144 1149 if (rc != 0) 1145 return (sysarg_t) rc; 1146 1147 return ipc_connect_kbox((task_id_t) taskid); 1150 return (unative_t) rc; 1151 1152 LOG("sys_ipc_connect_kbox(%" PRIu64 ")", taskid_arg.value); 1153 1154 return ipc_connect_kbox(taskid_arg.value); 1148 1155 #else 1149 return ( sysarg_t) ENOTSUP;1156 return (unative_t) ENOTSUP; 1150 1157 #endif 1151 1158 } 1152 1159 1153 #endif /* __32_BITS__ */1154 1155 #ifdef __64_BITS__1156 1157 /** Syscall connect to a task by ID (64 bits)1158 *1159 * @return Phone id on success, or negative error code.1160 *1161 */1162 sysarg_t sys_ipc_connect_kbox(sysarg_t taskid)1163 {1164 #ifdef CONFIG_UDEBUG1165 return ipc_connect_kbox((task_id_t) taskid);1166 #else1167 return (sysarg_t) ENOTSUP;1168 #endif1169 }1170 1171 #endif /* __64_BITS__ */1172 1173 1160 /** @} 1174 1161 */
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