fb.c File Reference

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#define COL_WIDTH   8
#define ROW_BYTES   (scanline * FONT_SCANLINES)
#define BGCOLOR   0x000080
#define FGCOLOR   0xffff00
#define LOGOCOLOR   0x2020b0
#define RED(x, bits)   ((x >> (16 + 8 - bits)) & ((1 << bits) - 1))
#define GREEN(x, bits)   ((x >> (8 + 8 - bits)) & ((1 << bits) - 1))
#define BLUE(x, bits)   ((x >> (8 - bits)) & ((1 << bits) - 1))
#define POINTPOS(x, y)   ((y) * scanline + (x) * pixelbytes)


static void rgb_4byte (void *dst, int rgb)
static int byte4_rgb (void *src)
static void rgb_3byte (void *dst, int rgb)
static int byte3_rgb (void *src)
static void rgb_2byte (void *dst, int rgb)
static int byte2_rgb (void *src)
static void rgb_1byte (void *dst, int rgb)
static int byte1_rgb (void *src)
static void putpixel (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, int color)
static int getpixel (unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
static void clear_screen (void)
static void scroll_screen (void)
static void invert_pixel (unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
static void draw_glyph_line (unsigned int glline, unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
static void draw_glyph (__u8 glyph, unsigned int col, unsigned int row)
static void invert_char (unsigned int col, unsigned int row)
static void draw_char (char chr)
static void draw_logo (unsigned int startx, unsigned int starty)
static void invert_cursor (void)
static void fb_putchar (chardev_t *dev, char ch)
void fb_init (__address addr, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int bpp, unsigned int scan)


static __u8fbaddress = NULL
static __u8blankline = NULL
static __u8dbbuffer = NULL
static int dboffset
static unsigned int xres = 0
static unsigned int yres = 0
static unsigned int scanline = 0
static unsigned int bitspp = 0
static unsigned int pixelbytes = 0
static unsigned int position = 0
static unsigned int columns = 0
static unsigned int rows = 0
static void(* rgb2scr )(void *, int)
static int(* scr2rgb )(void *)
static chardev_t framebuffer
static chardev_operations_t fb_ops

Detailed Description

Definition in file fb.c.

Generated on Sun Jun 18 16:39:16 2006 for HelenOS Kernel (ia32) by  doxygen 1.4.6