kconsole.c File Reference

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static cmd_info_tparse_cmdline (char *cmdline, size_t len)
static bool parse_argument (char *cmdline, size_t len, index_t *start, index_t *end)
void kconsole_init (void)
int cmd_register (cmd_info_t *cmd)
static void rdln_print_c (char ch, int count)
static void insert_char (char *str, char ch, int pos)
static const char * cmdtab_search_one (const char *name, link_t **startpos)
static int cmdtab_compl (char *name)
static char * clever_readline (const char *prompt, chardev_t *input)
void kconsole (void *prompt)
static int parse_int_arg (char *text, size_t len, __native *result)


static char history [KCONSOLE_HISTORY][MAX_CMDLINE] = {}

Detailed Description

This file contains kernel thread managing the kernel console.

Definition in file kconsole.c.

Generated on Sun Jun 18 16:41:07 2006 for HelenOS Kernel (ia32) by  doxygen 1.4.6