# # ChangeLog for / in mainline # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # 2025-03-14T07:28:56Z Wed, 27 Feb 2008 22:49:48 GMT Jakub Jermar [2c448fb] * uspace/lib/libfs/libfs.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libfs/libfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) Move the core lookup logic from TMPFS to libfs. Wed, 27 Feb 2008 16:48:00 GMT Martin Decky [56976a17] * kernel/Makefile (modified) * kernel/generic/include/proc/tasklet.h (added) * kernel/generic/src/main/main.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/proc/tasklet.c (added) start merging tasklets (more or less a rewrite) Wed, 27 Feb 2008 11:49:17 GMT Martin Decky [6c441cf8] * kernel/Makefile (modified) * kernel/arch/amd64/src/mm/page.c (modified) * kernel/arch/arm32/src/arm32.c (modified) * kernel/arch/arm32/src/cpu/cpu.c (modified) * kernel/arch/arm32/src/debug/print.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32xen/src/mm/tlb.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32xen/src/smp/mps.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32xen/src/smp/smp.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/ia64.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/mm/tlb.c (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/cpu/cpu.c (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/debugger.c (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/drivers/arc.c (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/mm/tlb.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/mm/page.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/mm/tlb.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/smp/ipi.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/ebus.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/fhc.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/ofw_tree.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/pci.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/sbus.c (modified) * kernel/generic/include/lib/elf.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/mm/as.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/mm/slab.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/debug/symtab.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/interrupt/interrupt.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/ipc/irq.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/ipc/sysipc.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/lib/elf.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/lib/func.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/lib/memstr.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/lib/sort.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/main/main.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/mm/as.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/mm/backend_anon.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/mm/backend_elf.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/mm/slab.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/mm/tlb.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/printf/printf_core.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/proc/task.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/synch/futex.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/time/clock.c (modified) * kernel/test/avltree/avltree1.c (modified) * kernel/test/fpu/fpu1.c (modified) * kernel/test/fpu/mips2.c (modified) * kernel/test/fpu/sse1.c (modified) * kernel/test/mm/falloc2.c (modified) * kernel/test/synch/rwlock5.c (modified) * kernel/test/test.c (modified) * kernel/test/thread/thread1.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/arch/ppc64/src/syscall.c (modified) code cleanup (mostly signed/unsigned) allow extra compiler warnings Mon, 25 Feb 2008 22:22:57 GMT Jakub Jermar [fdb7795] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_node.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) Separate creation of a TMPFS node and its linking in the file system ... Thu, 21 Feb 2008 21:09:21 GMT Jakub Jermar [07e01e6] * uspace/lib/libc/generic/vfs.c (modified) Prevent read() and write() from returning an uninitialized error ... Tue, 19 Feb 2008 22:02:49 GMT Jakub Jermar [d1ce550] * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_node.c (modified) Initialize the VFS node properly. Tue, 19 Feb 2008 21:59:52 GMT Jakub Jermar [75c426b4] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) Remove duplicate initialization. Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:56:43 GMT Jakub Vana [f1af679] * boot/arch/ia64/loader/Makefile (modified) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/HelenOS/Makefile (modified) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/Make.defaults (modified) IA64: crosscompilation support for GNU-EFI and hello.efi Sun, 17 Feb 2008 21:16:07 GMT Jakub Jermar [343dc9e3] * uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c (modified) Modify the vfs1 test to excercise unlink() and rmdir(). Sun, 17 Feb 2008 20:05:47 GMT Jakub Jermar [cf19ab5] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) Unlink a TMPFS node more thoroughly. Sun, 17 Feb 2008 16:22:10 GMT Jakub Jermar [f15cf1a6] * uspace/lib/libc/generic/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/unistd.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) Support for rmdir(), unlink() and the respective VFS operations. Sun, 17 Feb 2008 14:49:14 GMT Jakub Jermar [e704503] * uspace/lib/libc/generic/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/errno.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) Support for close(). Sun, 17 Feb 2008 14:28:20 GMT Jakub Jermar [16105cba] * uspace/lib/libc/include/errno.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) Add TMPFS support for destroying leaf links in the file system namespace. Sun, 17 Feb 2008 13:59:52 GMT Jakub Jermar [2616965d] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) When freeing up a TMPFS node, it should also be removed from the ... Sun, 17 Feb 2008 13:32:53 GMT Jakub Jermar [f17667a] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_file.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_node.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_register.c (modified) Add the VFS_FREE operation. This operation frees up whatever ... Sat, 16 Feb 2008 11:23:19 GMT Jakub Jermar [b5553a2] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_lookup.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_node.c (modified) Introduce the notion of VFS node link counts. Mon, 11 Feb 2008 22:00:05 GMT Jakub Jermar [8ccd2ea] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) Descend vs. descent. Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:08:56 GMT Martin Decky [a4884c70] * contrib/toolchain/toolchain.sparc64.sh (modified) move to 4.2.3 Sat, 09 Feb 2008 10:31:11 GMT Jakub Vana [7208b6c] * boot/arch/ia64/loader/Makefile (modified) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/boot.S (modified) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/ChangeLog (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/HelenOS/Makefile (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/HelenOS/hello.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/Make.defaults (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/Make.rules (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/Makefile (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/README.efilib (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/README.elilo (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/README.gnuefi (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/apps/Makefile (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/apps/printenv.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/apps/t.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/apps/t2.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/apps/t3.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/apps/t4.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/apps/t5.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/apps/t6.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/apps/t7.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/apps/tpause.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/apps/trivial.S (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/gnuefi/Makefile (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/gnuefi/crt0-efi-ia32.S (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/gnuefi/crt0-efi-ia64.S (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/gnuefi/elf_ia32_efi.lds (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/gnuefi/elf_ia64_efi.lds (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/gnuefi/reloc_ia32.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/gnuefi/reloc_ia64.S (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/Makefile (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efi.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efi_nii.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efi_pxe.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efiapi.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/eficon.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efidebug.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efidef.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efidevp.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efierr.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efifs.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efigpt.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efilib.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efilink.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efinet.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efipart.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efiprot.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efipxebc.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efirtlib.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efiser.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efistdarg.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/efiui.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/ia32/efibind.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/ia32/efilibplat.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/ia32/pe.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/ia64/efibind.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/ia64/efilibplat.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/ia64/pe.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/ia64/salproc.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/inc.mak (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/libsmbios.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/make.inf (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/makefile.hdr (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/pci22.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/protocol/adapterdebug.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/protocol/eficonsplit.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/protocol/efidbg.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/protocol/efivar.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/protocol/ia64/eficontext.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/protocol/intload.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/protocol/legacyboot.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/protocol/make.inf (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/protocol/makefile.hdr (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/protocol/piflash64.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/protocol/readme.txt (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/protocol/vgaclass.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/inc/romload.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/Makefile (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/boxdraw.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/console.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/crc.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/data.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/debug.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/dpath.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/error.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/event.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/guid.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/hand.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/hw.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/ia32/initplat.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/ia32/math.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/ia64/initplat.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/ia64/math.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/ia64/palproc.S (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/ia64/palproc.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/ia64/salpal.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/init.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/lib.h (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/lock.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/misc.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/print.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/runtime/efirtlib.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/runtime/rtdata.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/runtime/rtlock.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/runtime/rtstr.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/runtime/vm.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/smbios.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/sread.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/lib/str.c (added) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/asm.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/drivers/ega.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/mm/page.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/start.S (modified) Basic IA64 boot and kernel suport for real machines Wed, 06 Feb 2008 14:24:13 GMT Martin Decky [71eef11] * kernel/arch/amd64/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/arch/amd64/include/mm/memory_init.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/amd64/src/amd64.c (modified) * kernel/arch/amd64/src/boot/boot.S (modified) * kernel/arch/amd64/src/boot/memmap.c (moved) * kernel/arch/amd64/src/mm/memory_init.c (deleted) * kernel/arch/arm32/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/arch/arm32/include/mm/memory_init.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/arm32/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/arch/arm32/src/mm/memory_init.c (deleted) * kernel/arch/ia32/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/include/boot/memmap.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/boot/boot.S (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/boot/memmap.c (moved) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/ia32.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/mm/memory_init.c (deleted) * kernel/arch/ia32xen/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32xen/include/mm/memory_init.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/ia32xen/src/ia32xen.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32xen/src/mm/memory_init.c (deleted) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/mm/memory_init.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/include/mm/memory_init.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/drivers/arc.c (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc32/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc32/include/mm/memory_init.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/ppc32/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc32/src/mm/memory_init.c (deleted) * kernel/arch/ppc32/src/ppc32.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc64/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc64/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc64/src/mm/memory_init.c (deleted) * kernel/arch/ppc64/src/ppc64.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/mm/memory_init.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/mm/memory_init.c (deleted) * kernel/generic/include/config.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/macros.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/main/main.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/mm/frame.c (modified) remove config.memory_size, get_memory_size() and memory_init.{c|d} ... Wed, 06 Feb 2008 13:56:02 GMT Martin Decky [1b067315] * kernel/generic/src/interrupt/interrupt.c (modified) enlarge description field Tue, 05 Feb 2008 16:01:57 GMT Martin Decky [0b5f9fa] * kernel/arch/amd64/src/amd64.c (modified) * kernel/arch/amd64/src/mm/memory_init.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/include/mm/memory_init.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/ia32.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/mm/memory_init.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32xen/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32xen/include/mm/memory_init.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32xen/src/ia32xen.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32xen/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32xen/src/mm/memory_init.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc32/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc32/include/mm/memory_init.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc32/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc32/src/mm/memory_init.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc32/src/ppc32.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc64/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc64/include/mm/memory_init.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc64/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc64/src/mm/memory_init.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc64/src/ppc64.c (modified) remove memory_print_map(), as it duplicates functionality of ... Tue, 05 Feb 2008 14:48:26 GMT Martin Decky [b5ed4f8] * kernel/arch/mips32/include/drivers/arc.h (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/console.c (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/drivers/arc.c (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/mips32.c (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/mm/frame.c (modified) convert ARC specific commands to generic ones Tue, 05 Feb 2008 14:02:09 GMT Martin Decky [b07c332] * kernel/arch/amd64/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/arch/arm32/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32xen/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc32/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc64/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/console/cmd.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/interrupt/interrupt.c (modified) convert e820list to a generic physmem command Tue, 05 Feb 2008 11:06:53 GMT Martin Decky [a0f6a61] * kernel/arch/mips32/src/mm/tlb.c (modified) prettyprint tlb command Tue, 05 Feb 2008 10:43:11 GMT Martin Decky [c053f615] * kernel/arch/mips32/src/debugger.c (modified) prettyprint bkpts command Sun, 03 Feb 2008 17:16:43 GMT Josef Cejka [6cbed012] * uspace/lib/libc/arch/ia32/Makefile.inc (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/arch/ia32/include/setjmp.h (added) * uspace/lib/libc/arch/ia32/src/setjmp.S (added) Added setjmp and longjmp functions for ia32 architecture. Sat, 02 Feb 2008 15:56:52 GMT Josef Cejka [a671cf0] * uspace/app/ash/tools/mkinit.map (deleted) Ash: removed .map file commited by mistake. Sat, 02 Feb 2008 15:46:07 GMT Josef Cejka [6a4aa56] * uspace/app/ash/tools/Makefile (modified) * uspace/app/ash/tools/mksyntax.c (modified) Ash: fixed recursive Makefile. Sat, 02 Feb 2008 14:08:56 GMT Josef Cejka [f52e6fea] * uspace/app/ash/Makefile (modified) Ash - add recursion to Makefile to create build tools in subdirectory. Sat, 02 Feb 2008 13:49:51 GMT Josef Cejka [c28a023] * uspace/app/ash/Makefile (added) * uspace/app/ash/TOUR (added) * uspace/app/ash/alias.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/alias.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/arith.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/arith.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/arith.y (added) * uspace/app/ash/arith_lex.l (added) * uspace/app/ash/bltin/bltin.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/bltin/echo.1 (added) * uspace/app/ash/bltin/echo.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/bltin/test.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/bltin/times.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/builtins.def (added) * uspace/app/ash/cd.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/cd.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/error.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/error.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/eval.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/eval.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/exec.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/exec.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/expand.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/expand.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/fake.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/fake.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/funcs/cmv (added) * uspace/app/ash/funcs/dirs (added) * uspace/app/ash/funcs/kill (added) * uspace/app/ash/funcs/login (added) * uspace/app/ash/funcs/newgrp (added) * uspace/app/ash/funcs/popd (added) * uspace/app/ash/funcs/pushd (added) * uspace/app/ash/funcs/suspend (added) * uspace/app/ash/hetio.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/hetio.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/histedit.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/init.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/input.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/input.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/jobs.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/jobs.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/lex.yy.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/machdep.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/mail.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/mail.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/main.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/main.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/memalloc.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/memalloc.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/miscbltin.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/miscbltin.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/mkbuiltins (added) * uspace/app/ash/mktokens (added) * uspace/app/ash/myhistedit.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/mystring.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/mystring.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/nodes.c.pat (added) * uspace/app/ash/nodetypes (added) * uspace/app/ash/options.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/options.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/output.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/output.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/parser.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/parser.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/redir.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/redir.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/setmode.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/sh.1 (added) * uspace/app/ash/shell.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/show.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/show.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/tags (added) * uspace/app/ash/tools/Makefile (added) * uspace/app/ash/tools/mkinit.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/tools/mkinit.map (added) * uspace/app/ash/tools/mknodes.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/tools/mksignames.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/tools/mksyntax.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/trap.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/trap.h (added) * uspace/app/ash/var.c (added) * uspace/app/ash/var.h (added) Initial commit of ash shell. It cannot be compiled yet. Fri, 01 Feb 2008 14:37:21 GMT Martin Decky [9652bd59] * kernel/arch/amd64/src/boot/boot.S (modified) remove fake tab Fri, 01 Feb 2008 14:11:18 GMT Martin Decky [43b1e86] * kernel/arch/amd64/src/debugger.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/generic/include/macros.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/interrupt/interrupt.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/printf/printf_core.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/proc/task.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/proc/thread.c (modified) prettyprint output Sun, 27 Jan 2008 19:11:40 GMT Jakub Jermar [acfdcb0] * uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) Remove the debugging hack from tmpfs_init(), which created several ... Sun, 27 Jan 2008 18:54:16 GMT Jakub Jermar [f7017572] * uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) VFS_WRITE and tmpfs_write fixes. Sun, 27 Jan 2008 16:43:48 GMT Jakub Jermar [15b9970] * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) VFS_OPEN and VFS_WRITE now understand O_APPEND. Sun, 27 Jan 2008 16:19:25 GMT Jakub Jermar [2db4ac8] * uspace/lib/libc/include/fcntl.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) VFS_OPEN now understands O_CREAT and O_EXCL. Sun, 27 Jan 2008 14:59:32 GMT Jakub Jermar [72bde81] * uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/sys/stat.h (added) * uspace/lib/libc/include/sys/types.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_lookup.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) Support for mkdir(). Sun, 27 Jan 2008 10:47:15 GMT Jakub Jermar [1fe186f] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) Move handling of the miss on excessive components out of the main ... Sat, 26 Jan 2008 22:27:34 GMT Jakub Jermar [b8b23c8] * uspace/lib/libc/include/errno.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) More elegant, flexible and complete version of tmpfs_lookup. Sat, 26 Jan 2008 12:08:29 GMT Jakub Jermar [9415601] * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) Additional VFS lookup flags. Fri, 25 Jan 2008 16:45:42 GMT Jakub Jermar [19077a5] * kernel/arch/amd64/_link.ld.in (modified) * kernel/arch/amd64/src/boot/boot.S (modified) * kernel/arch/amd64/src/smp/ap.S (modified) Grow the initial identity mapping from 64M to 4G. We should not ... Fri, 25 Jan 2008 13:48:36 GMT Martin Decky [a7df23c] * kernel/arch/ia32/src/mm/frame.c (modified) change cstyle to human-readable form Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:03:54 GMT Jakub Jermar [4bb31f7] * kernel/arch/amd64/src/pm.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/smp/mps.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/smp/smp.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/main/version.c (modified) Fix cstyle and (c) to 2008. Sat, 19 Jan 2008 13:40:38 GMT Jakub Jermar [ae78b53] * uspace/lib/libc/generic/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_lookup.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) Introduce the notion of lflag (i.e. lookup flags) to support the ... Fri, 18 Jan 2008 23:45:16 GMT Jakub Jermar [5973fd0] * uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/dirent.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) Finish implementation of readdir(). Functions from this family are ... Fri, 18 Jan 2008 18:02:24 GMT Jakub Jermar [62da45a] * uspace/srv/vfs/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_lookup.c (added) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_register.c (added) Small fix for VFS_TRUNCATE. Move lookup and registration code to ... Tue, 15 Jan 2008 13:19:35 GMT Martin Decky [4cc2ddd] * kernel/arch/amd64/include/mm/as.h (modified) * kernel/arch/amd64/src/amd64.c (modified) * kernel/arch/amd64/src/mm/page.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/mm/frame.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/console/console.c (modified) amd64: shorten kernel address space by 2 GB to support proper mapping ... Tue, 15 Jan 2008 09:36:57 GMT Martin Decky [22e8166d] * kernel/arch/mips32/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/include/smp/order.h (added) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/smp/order.c (added) initial support for dorder device in MSIM Tue, 15 Jan 2008 09:35:45 GMT Martin Decky [d85411a] * contrib/conf/msim.conf (modified) make msim.conf compatible with MSIM 1.3.x Sun, 13 Jan 2008 20:35:52 GMT Jakub Jermar [d0dc74ae] * uspace/lib/libc/generic/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/dirent.h (added) * uspace/lib/libc/include/unistd.h (modified) Add opendir(), rewinddir(), closedir() and some prototypes and stubs. ... Sun, 13 Jan 2008 13:19:37 GMT Jakub Jermar [0ee4322] * uspace/lib/libc/generic/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/unistd.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) Add ftruncate() and support for VFS_TRUNCATE to VFS and TMPFS. Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:49:35 GMT Martin Decky [4fb6bf36] * kernel/arch/amd64/include/cpuid.h (modified) * kernel/arch/amd64/src/amd64.c (modified) * kernel/arch/amd64/src/boot/boot.S (modified) move cpuid tests from amd64.c to boot.S Wed, 09 Jan 2008 19:50:40 GMT Jakub Jermar [eb27ce5a] * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_node.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) Improve the API for converting (VFS triplets, size) to VFS nodes by ... Tue, 08 Jan 2008 21:58:58 GMT Jakub Jermar [cad9c72] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) Make a distinction between VFS operations that are common to VFS and ... Tue, 08 Jan 2008 21:01:06 GMT Jakub Jermar [861e7d1] * uspace/srv/vfs/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_lookup.c (deleted) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_mount.c (deleted) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_open.c (deleted) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (added) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_rdwr.c (deleted) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_register.c (deleted) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_unlink.c (deleted) Merge all VFS operations into one file. Tue, 08 Jan 2008 20:47:39 GMT Jakub Jermar [67f63c4] * uspace/lib/libc/include/rwlock.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_mount.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_open.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_rdwr.c (modified) Make uspace rwlock API naming conventions consistent with kernel ... Tue, 08 Jan 2008 20:38:59 GMT Jakub Jermar [7fff5eab] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_lookup.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_mount.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_node.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_open.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_rdwr.c (modified) Management of the cached VFS node size. Tue, 08 Jan 2008 19:44:19 GMT Jakub Jermar [752ccee] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) Previous commit was toxic. When emulating gaps, zero out the ... Tue, 08 Jan 2008 19:28:46 GMT Jakub Jermar [41a0d27] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) TMPFS must handle file gaps. Sun, 06 Jan 2008 19:39:13 GMT Jakub Jermar [222e57c] * kernel/generic/include/errno.h (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/unistd.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_rdwr.c (modified) Add libc and VFS implementation of lseek(), VFS_SEEK resp. Add the ... Sun, 06 Jan 2008 16:40:58 GMT Jakub Jermar [10d6b858] * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_file.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_rdwr.c (modified) Introduce the open file lock. Modify vfs_rdwr() to take this lock ... Sun, 06 Jan 2008 14:05:15 GMT Jakub Jermar [4db6eaf] * uspace/lib/libc/generic/futex.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/futex.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) Fix type in declaration of VFS node rwlock. Introduce a dedicated ... Sun, 06 Jan 2008 13:08:32 GMT Jakub Jermar [b3c38750] * uspace/lib/libc/include/rwlock.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_mount.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_open.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_unlink.c (modified) Turn the namespace futex into rwlock. Sun, 06 Jan 2008 12:50:51 GMT Jakub Jermar [9413c0d] * uspace/lib/libc/include/rwlock.h (added) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_node.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_rdwr.c (modified) Add basic rwlock API for uspace so that VFS can be ... Wed, 02 Jan 2008 20:25:24 GMT Jakub Jermar [f57f8ea] * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_mount.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_node.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_open.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_rdwr.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_unlink.c (modified) Rename unlink_futex to namespace_futex and introduce a new futex for ... Mon, 31 Dec 2007 17:23:20 GMT Jakub Jermar [215e375] * uspace/app/klog/klog.c (modified) * uspace/app/tester/devmap/devmap1.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/ipc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/time.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/ipc/ipc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/libfs/libfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/console/console.c (modified) * uspace/srv/console/gcons.c (modified) * uspace/srv/devmap/devmap.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/rd/rd.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_mount.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_open.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_register.c (modified) The IPC_M_SHARE_* and IPC_M_DATA_* calls pass through 3 stages. ... Mon, 31 Dec 2007 16:46:43 GMT Jakub Jermar [27d293a] * kernel/generic/include/ipc/ipc.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/ipc/sysipc.c (modified) * uspace/app/klog/klog.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/ipc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/time.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/ipc/ipc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/libfs/libfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/console/console.c (modified) * uspace/srv/console/gcons.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/ega.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/fb.c (modified) * uspace/srv/ns/ns.c (modified) * uspace/srv/rd/rd.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_register.c (modified) Rename IPC_M_AS_AREA_SEND to IPC_M_SHARE_OUT. Rename ... Mon, 31 Dec 2007 10:14:38 GMT Jakub Jermar [3115355] * kernel/generic/include/ipc/ipc.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/ipc/sysipc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/ipc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/ipc/ipc.h (modified) * uspace/srv/devmap/devmap.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_mount.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_open.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_rdwr.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_register.c (modified) Simplify the IPC_M_DATA_WRITE protocol. Do not pass the source ... Sun, 30 Dec 2007 21:42:42 GMT Jakub Jermar [badbd888] * uspace/lib/libc/generic/vfs.c (modified) Actually use the nbyte argument in both read() and write(). Fix ... Sun, 30 Dec 2007 21:32:31 GMT Jakub Jermar [449c246] * uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/fcntl.h (added) * uspace/lib/libc/include/vfs.h (modified) Add libc VFS wrapper for VFS_WRITE. Fix a small bug in read(). Place ... Sun, 30 Dec 2007 21:13:37 GMT Jakub Jermar [92688eb] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) Rename variable from 'size' to 'len'. Sun, 30 Dec 2007 21:07:31 GMT Jakub Jermar [986332aa] * uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c (modified) Use libc's VFS wrappers instead of direct communication with VFS. Sun, 30 Dec 2007 21:05:44 GMT Jakub Jermar [2f02aa17] * uspace/lib/libc/Makefile (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/vfs.c (added) * uspace/lib/libc/include/vfs.h (added) Add VFS wrappers for VFS_MOUNT, VFS_OPEN and VFS_READ to libc. Wed, 26 Dec 2007 22:16:21 GMT Jakub Jermar [ff9244a] * uspace/app/tetris/screen.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/io/io.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/io/stream.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/io/vprintf.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/libc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/io/stream.h (modified) Move the open(), read() and write() provided by streams.c away so ... Wed, 26 Dec 2007 21:43:10 GMT Jakub Jermar [75ae31d] * uspace/lib/libc/generic/io/file.c (deleted) Remove file.c. Wed, 26 Dec 2007 21:38:47 GMT Jakub Jermar [8d46bf2] * uspace/lib/libc/include/io/file.h (deleted) Remove file.h. Wed, 26 Dec 2007 00:50:49 GMT Jakub Jermar [c1bf5cb] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) The previous commit was not entirely sane. Handle VFS_WRITE ... Tue, 25 Dec 2007 20:02:25 GMT Jakub Jermar [ee1b8ca] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_rdwr.c (moved) VFS and TMPFS support for VFS_WRITE. Sun, 23 Dec 2007 22:38:47 GMT Jakub Jermar [1356a04c] * uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c (modified) The vfs1 test now reads a file on a TMPFS file system. Sun, 23 Dec 2007 22:37:48 GMT Jakub Jermar [7dab6b8] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) Fix two bugs in TMPFS-side VFS_READ. Sun, 23 Dec 2007 21:46:52 GMT Jakub Jermar [a92da0a] * uspace/lib/libc/generic/ipc.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_read.c (modified) Reimplement VFS_READ using IPC_M_DATA_READ. Sun, 23 Dec 2007 21:21:41 GMT Jakub Jermar [a55d5f9f] * kernel/generic/include/ipc/ipc.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/ipc/ipc.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/ipc/sysipc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/ipc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/ipc/ipc.h (modified) Add support for IPC_M_DATA_READ calls. Sun, 23 Dec 2007 20:15:09 GMT Jakub Jermar [654b7db] * kernel/generic/src/ipc/sysipc.c (modified) Release the IPC_M_DATA_WRITE buffer even if the write is refused by ... Sun, 23 Dec 2007 19:45:30 GMT Jakub Jermar [36d852c] * kernel/generic/include/ipc/ipc.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/ipc/sysipc.c (modified) * uspace/app/tester/devmap/devmap1.c (modified) * uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/generic/ipc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/ipc/ipc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/libfs/libfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/devmap/devmap.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_mount.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_open.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_register.c (modified) Rename IPC_M_DATA_SEND to IPC_M_DATA_WRITE. Now, when we also add ... Sat, 22 Dec 2007 23:03:35 GMT Jakub Jermar [5c786d1] * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_read.c (modified) After VFS_READ, update the position pointer in the open file. Sat, 22 Dec 2007 22:58:57 GMT Jakub Jermar [a4eb8a60] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_read.c (modified) VFS work. Foundation for TMPFS-side VFS_READ and fixes in VFS-side ... Sat, 22 Dec 2007 20:13:59 GMT Jakub Jermar [c9957b6] * uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_mount.c (modified) VFS work. Cleaner VFS_MOUNT protocol. Wed, 19 Dec 2007 16:55:55 GMT Jakub Jermar [6344851] * uspace/app/tester/Makefile (modified) * uspace/app/tester/tester.c (modified) * uspace/app/tester/tester.h (modified) * uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c (added) * uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.def (added) Add a simple test of VFS_MOUNT and VFS_OPEN to tester. Wed, 19 Dec 2007 16:54:46 GMT Jakub Jermar [4b11571] * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) TMPFS work. VFS_LOOKUP implemented. Wed, 19 Dec 2007 16:52:28 GMT Jakub Jermar [338c943] * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.c (modified) VFS work. Don't hang up the connection to VFS after VFS_MOUNT. Wed, 19 Dec 2007 16:51:22 GMT Jakub Jermar [4ada6d5] * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_lookup.c (modified) VFS work. Index of the last PLB character of a pathname was not ... Wed, 19 Dec 2007 16:49:50 GMT Jakub Jermar [a806bd61] * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_node.c (modified) VFS work. Fix VFS node hash function to hash only within the limits ... Wed, 19 Dec 2007 16:48:23 GMT Jakub Jermar [45ee9ed] * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_mount.c (modified) VFS work. Releas the FS phone earlier. Wed, 19 Dec 2007 16:47:26 GMT Jakub Jermar [dea7616b] * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_register.c (modified) VFS work. FS info futex must be initialized. Mon, 17 Dec 2007 07:25:49 GMT Jakub Jermar [3401622] * boot/arch/arm32/loader/Makefile (modified) * boot/arch/ia32xen/Makefile.inc (modified) * boot/arch/ia32xen/grub/menu.lst (modified) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/Makefile (modified) * boot/arch/ppc32/loader/Makefile (modified) * boot/arch/ppc64/loader/Makefile (modified) * boot/arch/sparc64/loader/Makefile (modified) Enable tmpfs in arm32, ia32xen, ia64, ppc32, ppc64 and sparc64. Sun, 16 Dec 2007 19:03:22 GMT Jakub Jermar [2a3db79] * boot/arch/amd64/Makefile.inc (modified) * boot/arch/amd64/grub/menu.lst (modified) * boot/arch/ia32/Makefile.inc (modified) * boot/arch/ia32/grub/menu.lst (modified) * boot/arch/mips32/loader/Makefile (modified) Added support for tmpfs loading to amd64, ia32 and mips32. Added ... Sun, 16 Dec 2007 18:45:48 GMT Jakub Jermar [c0697c4c] * kernel/generic/src/mm/as.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/mm/backend_elf.c (modified) Fix a bug in anonymous address space area sharing. Call the ... Sun, 16 Dec 2007 18:35:23 GMT Jakub Jermar [cb08279] * kernel/generic/include/panic.h (modified) Formatting. Sun, 16 Dec 2007 17:18:20 GMT Jakub Jermar [d5cdffe] * uspace/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/Makefile (added) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs.c (added) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs.h (added) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (added) Start TMPFS. Not loaded during boot as there is a reproducible ...