# # ChangeLog for / in mainline # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # 2025-03-14T10:08:19Z Fri, 13 Aug 2021 16:00:53 GMT Jiri Svoboda [320abf3] * uspace/lib/ui/src/rbutton.c (modified) Do not set alignment twice Fri, 13 Aug 2021 15:58:50 GMT Jiri Svoboda [297b1b3] * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/rbutton.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/rbutton.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/checkbox.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/rbutton.c (modified) Radio button text mode Fri, 13 Aug 2021 10:57:34 GMT Jiri Svoboda [307d4d2] * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/checkbox.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/checkbox.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/checkbox.c (modified) Check box text mode Tue, 10 Aug 2021 09:49:21 GMT Jiri Svoboda [5e109e1] * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/types/ui/filedialog.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/filedialog.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/msgdialog.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/filedialog.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/filedialog.c (added) * uspace/lib/ui/src/msgdialog.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/filedialog.c (added) * uspace/lib/ui/test/main.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/msgdialog.c (modified) File dialog prototype This only contains a text entry for entering ... Tue, 10 Aug 2021 09:22:19 GMT Jiri Svoboda [edeee9f] * uspace/lib/ddev/include/ipc/ddev.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/bd.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/bd_srv.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/device/led_dev.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/devman.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/ieee80211/ieee80211.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/io/chardev.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/io/chardev_srv.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/io/label.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/io/serial.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/adb.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/bd.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/chardev.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/devman.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/irc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/pci.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/serial_ctl.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/vbd.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/vol.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/irc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/nic/eth_phys.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/nic/nic.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/pci.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/types/io/chardev.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/types/label.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/types/pci.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/types/vol.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/vbd.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/vol.h (modified) * uspace/lib/device/src/bd.c (modified) * uspace/lib/device/src/bd_srv.c (modified) * uspace/lib/device/src/device/led_dev.c (modified) * uspace/lib/device/src/devman.c (modified) * uspace/lib/device/src/io/chardev.c (modified) * uspace/lib/device/src/io/chardev_srv.c (modified) * uspace/lib/device/src/io/label.c (modified) * uspace/lib/device/src/irc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/device/src/pci.c (modified) * uspace/lib/device/src/vbd.c (modified) * uspace/lib/device/src/vol.c (modified) * uspace/lib/display/include/ipc/display.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/battery_iface.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ieee80211_iface.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/nic_iface.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/addr.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/dhcp.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/dnsr.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/endpoint.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/eth_addr.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/host.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/hostname.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/hostport.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/inet.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/inetcfg.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/inetping.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/iplink.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/iplink_srv.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/tcp.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/udp.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/ipc/dhcp.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/ipc/dnsr.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/ipc/inet.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/ipc/iplink.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/ipc/tcp.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/ipc/udp.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/types/inet.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/types/inet/host.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/types/inet/hostport.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/types/inetcfg.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/types/inetping.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/addr.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/dhcp.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/endpoint.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/eth_addr.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/host.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/hostname.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/hostport.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/iplink.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/iplink_srv.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/tcp.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/udp.c (modified) Fix header guards and doxy groups of stuff moved out of libc Sun, 08 Aug 2021 22:34:38 GMT Jiri Svoboda [241ab7e] * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/eth_addr.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/eth_addr.c (modified) Declare buffer as uint8_t * for stricter type checking Sun, 08 Aug 2021 21:51:33 GMT Jiri Svoboda [2177b39] * uspace/lib/inet/src/eth_addr.c (modified) Add missing docblocks Sun, 08 Aug 2021 17:47:47 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [a7f7b9c3] * kernel/arch/arm32/include/arch/mm/page.h (modified) * kernel/arch/arm32/src/cpu/cpu.c (modified) arm32: performance boost on raspberry pi * enable the icache and ... Sun, 08 Aug 2021 17:30:29 GMT Jiri Svoboda [3e6bca8] * uspace/app/inet/inet.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/remote_ieee80211.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/eth_addr.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/addr.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/eth_addr.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/test/eth_addr.c (added) * uspace/lib/inet/test/main.c (added) * uspace/srv/net/dhcp/dhcp.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/inet_link.c (modified) Represent Ethernet address as a number instead of an array ... Sun, 08 Aug 2021 09:20:20 GMT Jiri Svoboda [b4edc96] * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/addr.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/eth_addr.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/iplink.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/iplink_srv.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/types/inetcfg.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/addr.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/eth_addr.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/inetcfg.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/iplink.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/iplink_srv.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/dhcp/dhcp.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/arp.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/arp.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/atrans.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/atrans.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/ethip.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/ethip.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/ethip_nic.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/pdu.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/pdu.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/addrobj.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/inet_link.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/inet_link.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/inetsrv.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/ndp.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/ndp.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/ntrans.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/ntrans.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/pdu.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/loopip/loopip.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/slip/slip.c (modified) Rename and move addr48_t to eth_addr_t Sun, 08 Aug 2021 08:31:02 GMT Jiri Svoboda [d5ed54b] * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/addr.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/addr.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/arp.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/atrans.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/ethip.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/inet_link.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/inetcfg.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/ndp.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/ntrans.c (modified) Use assignment operator to copy Ethernet addresses Sun, 08 Aug 2021 08:28:24 GMT Jiri Svoboda [f05edcb] * uspace/app/inet/inet.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/remote_ieee80211.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/addr.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/eth_addr.h (added) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/iplink.h (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/addr.c (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/src/eth_addr.c (added) * uspace/lib/inet/src/iplink.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/dhcp/dhcp.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/arp.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/arp.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/atrans.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/atrans.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/ethip.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/ethip_nic.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/pdu.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/pdu.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/ethip/std.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/addrobj.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/inet_link.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/inet_link.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/inetcfg.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/ndp.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/ndp.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/ntrans.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/ntrans.h (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/pdu.c (modified) Make addr48_t a structure Wed, 04 Aug 2021 19:30:39 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [98a935e] * kernel/arch/amd64/src/amd64.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/ia32.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/genarch/drivers/ns16550/ns16550.h (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/drivers/ns16550/ns16550.c (modified) Configure NS16550 transmission format settings on initialization on ... Wed, 04 Aug 2021 15:18:08 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [31e15be] * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/arch/sun4v/cpu.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/atomic.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/cap/cap.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/cpu.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/halt.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/ipc/ipc.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/mm/slab.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/proc/scheduler.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/proc/task.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/lib/halt.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/proc/scheduler.c (modified) * kernel/test/atomic/atomic1.c (modified) * kernel/test/mm/falloc2.c (modified) * kernel/test/synch/semaphore1.c (modified) * kernel/test/thread/thread1.c (modified) kernel: deprecate atomic_t Wed, 04 Aug 2021 13:55:12 GMT Jiri Svoboda [de38873] * README.md (modified) Put up warning signs Sun, 01 Aug 2021 15:11:06 GMT Jiri Svoboda [ba74416] * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) I said cursor width should not be taken into account Sun, 01 Aug 2021 15:06:03 GMT Jiri Svoboda [1e242121] * uspace/lib/c/generic/io/asprintf.c (modified) Fix asprintf() returning garbage instead of empty string When ... Sun, 01 Aug 2021 14:47:33 GMT Jiri Svoboda [dbb42c9] * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) Scroll entry text when it is long Whew! This is so much harder than ... Wed, 28 Jul 2021 18:22:58 GMT Jiri Svoboda [5de71df] * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.c (modified) * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/rbutton.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/rbutton.c (modified) Demonstrate entry alignment and read-only flag We already have ... Wed, 21 Jul 2021 18:04:12 GMT Jiri Svoboda [a106037] * uspace/lib/ui/private/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) Selecting entry text by shift-click You can never have enough ways ... Wed, 21 Jul 2021 16:12:49 GMT Jiri Svoboda [282c86d] * uspace/lib/ui/private/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) Selecting entry text by dragging the mouse Tue, 20 Jul 2021 00:18:59 GMT Jiri Svoboda [c9722c1] * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/entry.c (modified) Cut, copy and paste entry text Using Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V. Mon, 19 Jul 2021 22:35:19 GMT Jiri Svoboda [9eb8d12] * uspace/lib/gfxfont/include/gfx/text.h (modified) * uspace/lib/gfxfont/src/text.c (modified) * uspace/lib/gfxfont/test/text.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/entry.c (modified) Entry text selection (using keyboard) Text can be selected with ... Mon, 19 Jul 2021 18:14:09 GMT Jiri Svoboda [ead72f2] * uspace/srv/hid/output/proto/vt100.c (modified) Fix mapping of blue color on ECMA/VT-100 Don't wanna be seeing red ... Mon, 19 Jul 2021 11:04:14 GMT Jiri Svoboda [e116461] * uspace/app/tetris/screen.c (modified) Fix EGA color support in Tetris Fri, 16 Jul 2021 20:40:19 GMT Jiri Svoboda [4afb6c9] * uspace/lib/c/generic/io/console.c (modified) Use of uninitialized variable causes UI to fail in terminal You ... Fri, 16 Jul 2021 17:45:12 GMT Jiri Svoboda [d63623f] * uspace/lib/gfxfont/include/gfx/text.h (modified) * uspace/lib/gfxfont/src/text.c (modified) * uspace/lib/gfxfont/test/text.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/paint.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/paint.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/paint.c (modified) Seeking in entry text using mouse Wed, 30 Jun 2021 16:48:54 GMT Jiri Svoboda [61bf9dd9] * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/entry.c (modified) Seeking in entry text (using keyboard) Seek using Home, End, Left ... Tue, 29 Jun 2021 19:25:50 GMT Jiri Svoboda [5d1ff11] * uspace/drv/char/i8042/i8042.h (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/console/console.c (modified) Implement mouse/tablet support in the console That is, we can now ... Sat, 26 Jun 2021 23:35:09 GMT Jiri Svoboda [e87415e6] * HelenOS.config (modified) Client-side rendering needs no framebuffer libui can do client-side ... Sat, 26 Jun 2021 23:30:18 GMT Jiri Svoboda [1215db9] * uspace/lib/memgfx/include/memgfx/memgc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/memgfx/include/types/memgfx/memgc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/memgfx/private/memgc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/memgfx/src/memgc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/memgfx/test/memgfx.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/window.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/display.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/window.c (modified) Memory GC needs to be able to forward cursor control Sat, 26 Jun 2021 16:40:28 GMT Jiri Svoboda [bb14312] * uspace/lib/congfx/src/console.c (modified) * uspace/lib/gfx/include/gfx/cursor.h (added) * uspace/lib/gfx/include/types/gfx/ops/context.h (modified) * uspace/lib/gfx/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/gfx/src/cursor.c (added) * uspace/lib/gfx/test/cursor.c (added) * uspace/lib/gfx/test/main.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/ui.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/entry.c (modified) Use hardware cursor in text mode We extend GC with cursor control ... Fri, 25 Jun 2021 15:28:41 GMT Martin Decky [69511176] * kernel/generic/include/adt/list.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/adt/list.h (modified) Avoid undefined behavior even more While the previous ... Fri, 25 Jun 2021 13:01:40 GMT Jiri Svoboda [f5819ca1] * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) Add missing docblock Thu, 24 Jun 2021 21:33:49 GMT Jiri Svoboda [65ec18d] * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) Draw text cursor as a vertical bar Thu, 24 Jun 2021 08:32:54 GMT GitHub [37d0dd4] * kernel/arch/arm32/src/mach/raspberrypi/raspberrypi.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/genarch/drivers/bcm2835/mbox.h (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/drivers/bcm2835/mbox.c (modified) Merge pull request #214 from maurizio-lombardi/gfx_rpi3 Graphics ... Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:52:22 GMT Jiri Svoboda [a977e37] * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.c (modified) Make more of UI demo visible in text mode So that we can test text ... Wed, 23 Jun 2021 08:15:00 GMT Jiri Svoboda [7481ee19] * uspace/app/calculator/calculator.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/types/ui/control.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/control.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/fixed.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/window.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/control.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/fixed.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/window.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/control.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/entry.c (modified) Basic editable text entry Tue, 22 Jun 2021 19:36:39 GMT Maurizio Lombardi [1b7b7af] * kernel/genarch/src/drivers/bcm2835/mbox.c (modified) raspberrypi: map the mbox address to memory We should memory-map ... Tue, 22 Jun 2021 19:36:32 GMT Maurizio Lombardi [73abf49] * kernel/arch/arm32/src/mach/raspberrypi/raspberrypi.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/genarch/drivers/bcm2835/mbox.h (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/drivers/bcm2835/mbox.c (modified) raspberrypi: mbox: read the framebuffer size from VideoCore Get the ... Sun, 13 Jun 2021 07:43:23 GMT Jiri Svoboda [034ce6bb] * uspace/lib/device/meson.build (added) Add missing build file Sat, 12 Jun 2021 21:22:48 GMT Jiri Svoboda [5fc8244] * uspace/app/barber/meson.build (modified) * uspace/app/devctl/meson.build (modified) * uspace/app/fdisk/meson.build (modified) * uspace/app/lprint/meson.build (modified) * uspace/app/pci/meson.build (modified) * uspace/app/vol/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/block/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/capa.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/time.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/capa.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/device/include/bd.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/bd_srv.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/device/led_dev.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/devman.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/ieee80211/ieee80211.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/io/chardev.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/io/chardev_srv.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/io/label.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/io/serial.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/adb.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/bd.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/chardev.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/devman.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/irc.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/pci.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/serial_ctl.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/vbd.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/ipc/vol.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/irc.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/nic/eth_phys.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/nic/nic.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/pci.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/types/io/chardev.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/types/label.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/types/pci.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/types/vol.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/vbd.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/include/vol.h (moved) * uspace/lib/device/src/bd.c (moved) * uspace/lib/device/src/bd_srv.c (moved) * uspace/lib/device/src/device/led_dev.c (moved) * uspace/lib/device/src/devman.c (moved) * uspace/lib/device/src/io/chardev.c (moved) * uspace/lib/device/src/io/chardev_srv.c (moved) * uspace/lib/device/src/io/label.c (moved) * uspace/lib/device/src/io/serial.c (moved) * uspace/lib/device/src/irc.c (moved) * uspace/lib/device/src/pci.c (moved) * uspace/lib/device/src/vbd.c (moved) * uspace/lib/device/src/vol.c (moved) * uspace/lib/drv/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/fdisk/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/ipcgfx/src/server.c (modified) * uspace/lib/label/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/meson.build (modified) * uspace/srv/bd/file_bd/meson.build (modified) * uspace/srv/bd/rd/meson.build (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/meson.build (modified) * uspace/srv/hw/char/s3c24xx_uart/meson.build (modified) * uspace/srv/test/chardev-test/meson.build (modified) Move device-related stuff out of libc to libdevice Unfortunately, ... Fri, 11 Jun 2021 17:14:37 GMT Jiri Svoboda [af5d62eb] * README.md (modified) README's screenshot is not up to date Thu, 10 Jun 2021 17:10:11 GMT Jiri Svoboda [db3895d] * uspace/app/calculator/calculator.c (modified) * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.c (modified) * uspace/lib/display/include/types/display/cursor.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/types/ui/cursor.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/window.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/entry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/window.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/window.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/window.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/cursimg.c (modified) Set cursor shape to I-beam when hovering over text entry Thu, 10 Jun 2021 13:22:33 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [90f1f19] * uspace/lib/display/include/types/display/wndparams.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/window.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/window.c (modified) Allow setting initial window position (instead of moving the window) ... Thu, 10 Jun 2021 13:22:33 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [98735eb] * uspace/srv/hid/display/client.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/client.h (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/test/client.c (modified) Purge events from client event queue when destroying window If the ... Thu, 10 Jun 2021 13:22:33 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [d7f82635] * uspace/lib/ui/src/menu.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menubar.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/popup.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/seat.c (modified) Deliver close event to popup window when appropriate That is, when ... Thu, 10 Jun 2021 13:22:33 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [5823aef3] * uspace/srv/hid/display/seat.c (modified) Fix delivery of release events to popup window Thu, 10 Jun 2021 13:22:33 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [9e84d2c] * uspace/lib/display/include/types/display/wndparams.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/types/ui/window.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/window.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/popup.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/window.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/client.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/dsops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/seat.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/seat.h (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/test/client.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/test/display.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/test/seat.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/test/window.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/types/display/seat.h (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/types/display/window.h (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/window.c (modified) Popup windows event delivery is special Popup windows don't get ... Thu, 10 Jun 2021 13:22:33 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [c9927c66] * uspace/lib/display/include/disp_srv.h (modified) * uspace/lib/display/include/display.h (modified) * uspace/lib/display/include/ipc/display.h (modified) * uspace/lib/display/src/disp_srv.c (modified) * uspace/lib/display/src/display.c (modified) * uspace/lib/display/test/display.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/types/ui/window.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/window.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menu.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/popup.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/window.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/dsops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/window.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/window.h (modified) Set menu popup position based on parent window position Added a ... Thu, 10 Jun 2021 13:22:33 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [c68c18b9] * uspace/app/calculator/calculator.c (modified) * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/menubar.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/popup.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/menubar.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/popup.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menu.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menubar.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menuentry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/popup.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/menu.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/menubar.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/menuentry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/popup.c (modified) Specify parent window when creating popup This will be used in ... Thu, 10 Jun 2021 13:22:33 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [3c8c580] * uspace/app/calculator/calculator.c (modified) * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/types/ui/popup.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/menu.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/menubar.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/popup.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/menu.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/menubar.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/popup.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menu.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menubar.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menuentry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/popup.c (added) * uspace/lib/ui/src/window.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/main.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/menu.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/menubar.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/menuentry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/popup.c (added) Open menu in separate popup window (WIP) Fri, 04 Jun 2021 16:58:15 GMT Martin Decky [d091007] * boot/generic/include/gzip.h (modified) * boot/generic/src/gzip.c (modified) * boot/generic/src/payload.c (modified) Detect a compressed component by GZIP signature, not file extension Mon, 10 May 2021 18:41:29 GMT Jiri Svoboda [da15002] * uspace/app/gfxdemo/gfxdemo.c (modified) No need to load font twice Mon, 10 May 2021 18:36:49 GMT Jiri Svoboda [8dbd13d] * uspace/app/gfxdemo/gfxdemo.c (modified) Display status line for each demo screen Clipping helps to prevent ... Fri, 07 May 2021 12:18:37 GMT Jiri Svoboda [ae634f4] * uspace/app/gfxdemo/gfxdemo.c (modified) Fix cstyle Thu, 06 May 2021 17:28:27 GMT Jiri Svoboda [1167ad34] * uspace/app/gfxdemo/gfxdemo.c (modified) Add clipping demo Thu, 06 May 2021 17:26:49 GMT Jiri Svoboda [43ffecf] * uspace/lib/memgfx/src/memgc.c (modified) Fix bitmap clipping in memory GC Thu, 06 May 2021 15:10:33 GMT Jiri Svoboda [fe333f8e] * uspace/lib/c/include/ipc/window.h (deleted) Remove orphan header Wed, 05 May 2021 22:17:01 GMT Jiri Svoboda [ec7902d] * uspace/app/dnscfg/meson.build (modified) * uspace/app/dnsres/meson.build (modified) * uspace/app/inet/meson.build (modified) * uspace/app/netecho/meson.build (modified) * uspace/app/nterm/meson.build (modified) * uspace/app/ping/meson.build (modified) * uspace/app/websrv/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/c/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/http/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/inet/doc/doxygroups.h (added) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/addr.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/dhcp.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/dnsr.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/endpoint.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/host.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/hostname.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/hostport.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/inet.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/inetcfg.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/inetping.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/iplink.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/iplink_srv.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/tcp.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/inet/udp.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/ipc/dhcp.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/ipc/dnsr.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/ipc/inet.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/ipc/iplink.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/ipc/tcp.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/ipc/udp.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/types/inet.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/types/inet/host.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/types/inet/hostport.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/types/inetcfg.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/include/types/inetping.h (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/meson.build (added) * uspace/lib/inet/src/addr.c (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/src/dhcp.c (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/src/dnsr.c (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/src/endpoint.c (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/src/host.c (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/src/hostname.c (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/src/hostport.c (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/src/inet.c (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/src/inetcfg.c (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/src/inetping.c (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/src/iplink.c (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/src/iplink_srv.c (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/src/tcp.c (moved) * uspace/lib/inet/src/udp.c (moved) * uspace/lib/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/nettl/meson.build (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/remcons/meson.build (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/rfb/meson.build (modified) * uspace/srv/net/dhcp/meson.build (modified) * uspace/srv/net/dnsrsrv/meson.build (modified) * uspace/srv/net/inetsrv/meson.build (modified) * uspace/srv/net/loopip/meson.build (modified) * uspace/srv/net/nconfsrv/meson.build (modified) Move TCP/IP library support out of libc to separate library Wed, 05 May 2021 17:55:31 GMT Jiri Svoboda [923bb331] * meson.build (modified) Fix build with meson 0.56.2 Meson changed the meaning of ... Mon, 03 May 2021 11:24:13 GMT Jakub Jermář [051349b] * contrib/qemu/build-from-scratch.sh (modified) Bump QEMU version to 6.0.0 Fri, 30 Apr 2021 15:05:06 GMT Jiri Svoboda [7470d97] * uspace/drv/fb/amdm37x_dispc/amdm37x_dispc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/fb/amdm37x_dispc/amdm37x_dispc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/fb/kfb/port.c (modified) * uspace/lib/congfx/private/console.h (modified) * uspace/lib/congfx/src/console.c (modified) * uspace/lib/gfx/include/gfx/render.h (modified) * uspace/lib/gfx/include/types/gfx/ops/context.h (modified) * uspace/lib/gfx/src/render.c (modified) * uspace/lib/gfx/test/render.c (modified) * uspace/lib/gfxfont/test/font.c (modified) * uspace/lib/gfxfont/test/glyph.c (modified) * uspace/lib/gfxfont/test/glyph_bmp.c (modified) * uspace/lib/gfxfont/test/text.c (modified) * uspace/lib/gfxfont/test/tpf.c (modified) * uspace/lib/gfxfont/test/typeface.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ipcgfx/include/ipcgfx/ipc/gc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ipcgfx/src/client.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ipcgfx/src/server.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ipcgfx/test/ipcgfx.c (modified) * uspace/lib/memgfx/private/memgc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/memgfx/src/memgc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/dummygc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/checkbox.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/label.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/paint.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/pbutton.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/rbutton.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/slider.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/wdecor.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/clonegc.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/display/test/clonegc.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/rfb/main.c (modified) Add GC operation to set clipping rectangle The number of changed ... Wed, 28 Apr 2021 09:22:39 GMT Jiri Svoboda [252d03c] * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/ui.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/wdecor.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/window.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/ui.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/window.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/msgdialog.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/ui.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/wdecor.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/window.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/ui.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/window.c (modified) Popping up a message, in text mode as well Wed, 21 Apr 2021 21:18:04 GMT Jiri Svoboda [de227aba] * uspace/lib/ui/include/types/ui/msgdialog.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/msgdialog.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/msgdialog.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/src/msgdialog.c (added) * uspace/lib/ui/test/msgdialog.c (added) Message dialog class This simplifies the task of creating as simple ... Tue, 20 Apr 2021 18:21:55 GMT Martin Decky [f3a7b0d] * README.md (modified) * configure.sh (modified) * tools/toolchain.sh (modified) Use more appropriate cross-compiler installation locations The ... Tue, 13 Apr 2021 17:20:20 GMT Jiri Svoboda [6186f9f] * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/menuentry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/menuentry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menuentry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/menuentry.c (modified) Add menu separator entry Mon, 12 Apr 2021 15:52:12 GMT Jiri Svoboda [b8b64a8] * uspace/app/calculator/calculator.c (modified) * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/menuentry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/menu.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/menuentry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menu.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menuentry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/menu.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/menuentry.c (modified) Add column with keyboard shortcuts to menu Fri, 09 Apr 2021 22:41:22 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [d65accb] * uspace/app/calculator/calculator.c (modified) Add those numbers Fri, 09 Apr 2021 22:41:22 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [95a9cbc] * uspace/lib/ui/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/menu.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/menubar.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/menuentry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menuentry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/image.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/main.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/menu.c (added) * uspace/lib/ui/test/menubar.c (added) * uspace/lib/ui/test/menuentry.c (added) * uspace/lib/ui/test/resource.c (modified) UI menu unit tests Fri, 09 Apr 2021 22:41:22 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [1746ede] * uspace/app/calculator/calculator.c (modified) Add menu to Calculator Fri, 09 Apr 2021 22:41:22 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [7727cfd] * uspace/lib/c/include/clipboard.h (modified) Add missing include in clipboard.h Fri, 09 Apr 2021 22:41:22 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [4d2a4cd] * uspace/lib/ui/src/menuentry.c (modified) Correct menu entry height Fixes menu entry not being clickable in ... Fri, 09 Apr 2021 22:41:22 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [f0ccb2a] * uspace/lib/ui/src/dummygc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/checkbox.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/image.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/label.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/pbutton.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/rbutton.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/slider.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/wdecor.c (modified) Fix libui unit tests Fri, 09 Apr 2021 22:41:22 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [f536a16] * uspace/lib/ui/src/menu.c (modified) Close menu when button is pressed outside of it Fri, 09 Apr 2021 22:41:22 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [f251883] * uspace/lib/ui/private/menu.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menu.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menuentry.c (modified) Menu entries need to stretch to the width of the menu Fri, 09 Apr 2021 22:41:22 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [62223ec] * uspace/lib/ui/include/types/ui/control.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/control.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/fixed.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/menubar.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/window.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/control.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/fixed.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menubar.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/window.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/control.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/fixed.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/window.c (modified) Close menu when window is unfocused This of course means we need to ... Fri, 09 Apr 2021 22:41:22 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [0262f16c] * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/menu.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/menuentry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/menuentry.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menu.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menubar.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menuentry.c (modified) Activate menu entry by clicking (instead of simple press) This ... Fri, 09 Apr 2021 22:41:22 GMT jxsvoboda <5887334+jxsvoboda@…> [214aefb] * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.c (modified) * uspace/app/uidemo/uidemo.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/types/ui/menu.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/include/types/ui/menubar.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/include/types/ui/menuentry.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/include/types/ui/rbutton.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/types/ui/resource.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/menu.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/menubar.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/menuentry.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/paint.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/resource.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/menu.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/private/menubar.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/private/menuentry.h (added) * uspace/lib/ui/private/resource.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menu.c (added) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menubar.c (added) * uspace/lib/ui/src/menuentry.c (added) * uspace/lib/ui/src/paint.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/resource.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/wdecor.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/window.c (modified) UI menu (WIP) Mon, 29 Mar 2021 15:47:35 GMT Jakub Jermář [b0858150] * version (modified) Bump version to 0.11.1 (Jubilee) Mon, 29 Mar 2021 15:39:15 GMT Jakub Jermář [fbc6b6c] * tools/mkfat.py (modified) Fix handling of LFN names Enforce python3 and correctly detect ... Thu, 25 Mar 2021 21:12:23 GMT Jiri Svoboda [dbf1be5] * tools/export.sh (modified) * tools/xcw/bin/helenos-pkg-config (modified) * tools/xcw/demo/Makefile (modified) * uspace/lib/math/_dummy.h (added) * uspace/lib/meson.build (modified) Fix XCW Mon, 22 Mar 2021 21:35:16 GMT Jakub Jermář [e9f7778] * tools/ew.py (modified) tools/ew.py: Add support for Raspberry Pi Thu, 18 Mar 2021 20:25:44 GMT Jiri Svoboda [b27553c] * uspace/drv/fb/kfb/port.c (modified) Fix double fun destroy in kfb's port_init() Caused assertion ... Wed, 17 Mar 2021 17:38:46 GMT Jiri Svoboda [7d83c54] * kernel/generic/src/ddi/ddi.c (modified) Initialize backend_data.parea in dmamem_map_anonymous() This was ... Tue, 16 Mar 2021 22:33:16 GMT Jiri Svoboda [a85d5c6] * uspace/lib/ui/src/window.c (modified) Fix window resize when not using window double-buffer We can only ... Fri, 12 Mar 2021 19:16:51 GMT Martin Decky [36795edf] * kernel/generic/include/adt/hash_table.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/adt/list.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/adt/odict.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/macros.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/member.h (added) * uspace/drv/bus/usb/ehci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/bus/usb/uhci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/bus/usb/vhc/vhcd.h (modified) * uspace/drv/bus/usb/xhci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/adt/hash_table.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/adt/list.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/adt/hash_table.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/adt/list.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/macros.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/member.h (added) * uspace/lib/nic/src/nic_addr_db.c (modified) * uspace/srv/audio/hound/hound_ctx.c (modified) Improve lists and other data structures Provide more ... Wed, 10 Mar 2021 15:24:24 GMT Jiri Svoboda [17fac946] * uspace/lib/gfxfont/src/text.c (modified) Fix gfx_puttext() failing with empty string in text mode Mon, 08 Mar 2021 16:21:42 GMT Jiri Svoboda [f73a8e3] * uspace/lib/congfx/src/console.c (modified) Console GC needs to implement a dummy update operation For the ... Fri, 05 Mar 2021 11:23:31 GMT Jiri Svoboda [d6c4d40] * uspace/lib/c/generic/io/console.c (modified) * uspace/lib/congfx/src/console.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/window.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/window.c (modified) Do not forget to clean up when exiting Thu, 04 Mar 2021 19:14:30 GMT Jiri Svoboda [87822ce] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cat/cat.c (modified) * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cp/cp.c (modified) * uspace/app/edit/edit.c (modified) * uspace/app/mkbd/main.c (modified) * uspace/app/modplay/modplay.c (modified) * uspace/app/netecho/netecho.c (modified) * uspace/app/nterm/nterm.c (modified) * uspace/app/ping/ping.c (modified) * uspace/app/tester/ipc/starve.c (modified) * uspace/app/tetris/scores.c (modified) * uspace/app/tetris/screen.c (modified) * uspace/app/tetris/tetris.c (modified) * uspace/app/top/screen.c (modified) * uspace/app/top/screen.h (modified) * uspace/app/top/top.c (modified) * uspace/app/trace/trace.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/io/console.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/io/console.h (modified) * uspace/lib/clui/tinput.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/ui.c (modified) Avoid infinite loop when console communication is broken Need to ... Thu, 04 Mar 2021 14:39:35 GMT Jiri Svoboda [760a392] * uspace/lib/ui/src/wdecor.c (modified) Fix ccheck Be vigilant! Mon, 01 Mar 2021 22:22:52 GMT Jiri Svoboda [d6f46c8] * uspace/lib/congfx/src/console.c (modified) Remove forgotten console calls. Allow use of last line of console. Mon, 01 Mar 2021 22:20:27 GMT Jiri Svoboda [cd74fa8] * uspace/app/calculator/calculator.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/pbutton.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/wdecor.c (modified) Downsize more controls to make calculator look better Mon, 01 Mar 2021 10:50:25 GMT Jiri Svoboda [9c7dc8e] * uspace/app/calculator/calculator.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/resource.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/ui.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/resource.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/resource.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/ui.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/window.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/checkbox.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/label.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/paint.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/pbutton.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/rbutton.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/resource.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/slider.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/test/wdecor.c (modified) Print text as text in textmode UI. Make calculator smaller in text mode. Sat, 27 Feb 2021 21:34:15 GMT Jiri Svoboda [77ffa01] * uspace/app/terminal/terminal.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/types/ui/ui.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/include/ui/ui.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/meson.build (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/ui.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/private/window.h (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/ui.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/window.c (modified) Allow UI to run in the console Note that everything is way too large. Fri, 26 Feb 2021 16:23:36 GMT Jiri Svoboda [b433f68] * uspace/app/fontedit/fontedit.c (modified) * uspace/app/gfxdemo/gfxdemo.c (modified) * uspace/lib/gfxfont/include/types/gfx/text.h (modified) * uspace/lib/gfxfont/src/text.c (modified) * uspace/lib/gfxfont/test/text.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/checkbox.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/entry.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/label.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/pbutton.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/rbutton.c (modified) * uspace/lib/ui/src/wdecor.c (modified) Puttext needs to know the color of the text being printed So far we ... Thu, 25 Feb 2021 17:01:40 GMT Jiri Svoboda [fe40b67] * uspace/lib/gfxfont/src/font.c (modified) Remove forgotten prototype code Thu, 25 Feb 2021 16:57:30 GMT Jiri Svoboda [ece5982] * uspace/lib/gfxfont/src/text.c (modified) Right-aligned text was off by one column Thu, 25 Feb 2021 16:50:22 GMT Jiri Svoboda [bac8acab] * uspace/app/gfxdemo/gfxdemo.c (modified) Update gfxdemo synopsis