# # ChangeLog for / in mainline # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # 2025-03-14T07:18:32Z Mon, 22 Dec 2008 22:32:53 GMT Jiri Svoboda [d410328] * uspace/srv/fb/fb.c (modified) Slightly faster draw_fill_rect() (although 2x VRAM access). Mon, 22 Dec 2008 22:13:11 GMT Jiri Svoboda [a728ed3] * uspace/srv/fb/fb.c (modified) When scrolling viewport, do not redraw glyphs. Instead use a (not ... Mon, 22 Dec 2008 21:33:22 GMT Jiri Svoboda [2d32081] * uspace/srv/fb/fb.c (modified) Minor refactoring in fb server. Sat, 20 Dec 2008 10:05:13 GMT Pavel Rimsky [723060a] * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/barrier.h (modified) SMC functions optimized for US3. Fri, 19 Dec 2008 17:36:57 GMT Jiri Svoboda [653a4f7] * boot/arch/ia64/loader/_link.ld.in (modified) Fix linker script in ia64 bootloader. It was putting everything to ... Fri, 19 Dec 2008 11:12:37 GMT Jiri Svoboda [fe6a74c] * boot/arch/ia64/loader/Makefile (modified) Support for initrd on ia64. Since console crashes if run by init, ... Fri, 19 Dec 2008 10:09:54 GMT Jakub Jermar [bcb47fa] * uspace/srv/fb/ski.h (modified) Ski vs. MSIM. Fri, 19 Dec 2008 09:30:55 GMT Jiri Svoboda [36251c6] * kernel/arch/ia64/src/ski/ski.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/main.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/ski.c (added) * uspace/srv/fb/ski.h (added) Ski framebuffer driver. Fri, 19 Dec 2008 09:14:26 GMT Jiri Svoboda [d99b3f2] * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/Makefile (modified) Do not build EFI testing apps for ia64 since they break build. Thu, 18 Dec 2008 12:23:39 GMT Jiri Svoboda [8b97256] * uspace/srv/fb/msim.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/serial_console.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/serial_console.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/sgcn.c (modified) Do not duplicate code in serial framebuffer drivers. Thu, 18 Dec 2008 08:32:36 GMT Jiri Svoboda [8231246] * uspace/srv/fb/fb.c (modified) Fix overeager optimization causing VC numbers not to be redrawn. Wed, 17 Dec 2008 16:24:02 GMT Martin Decky [64c7e14] * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/drivers/kbd.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/kbd/key.c (modified) * kernel/kernel.config (modified) do not waist resources if no keyboard driver is used Wed, 17 Dec 2008 15:28:35 GMT Martin Decky [04de765] * contrib/toolchain/toolchain.sparc64.sh (modified) update to latest versions Tue, 16 Dec 2008 21:56:12 GMT Martin Decky [a632534] * kernel/arch/amd64/include/drivers (added) synchronize drivers with ia32 Tue, 16 Dec 2008 21:55:35 GMT Martin Decky [feaa871] * kernel/arch/amd64/include/drivers/ega.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/amd64/include/drivers/i8042.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/amd64/include/drivers/i8254.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/amd64/include/drivers/i8259.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/amd64/include/drivers/vesa.h (deleted) remove amd64 drivers Tue, 16 Dec 2008 21:25:16 GMT Martin Decky [6e71a9d8] * kernel/genarch/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/fb/logo-196x66.h (added) * kernel/genarch/src/fb/fb.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/fb/font-8x16.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/fb/logo-196x66.c (added) * kernel/generic/include/macros.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/fb.c (modified) resurrect kernel logo Tue, 16 Dec 2008 19:16:29 GMT Martin Decky [882d7a8] * kernel/arch/ia32/src/boot/vga323.pal (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/fb/fb.c (modified) invert VGA 3:2:3 palette to reflect changes in revision 3692 Tue, 16 Dec 2008 19:14:24 GMT Jiri Svoboda [5ae4443] * uspace/lib/libc/Makefile (modified) Fix makefile. Tue, 16 Dec 2008 19:02:07 GMT Martin Decky [76fca31] * kernel/arch/amd64/src/debugger.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/include/drivers/ega.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/include/drivers/vesa.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/cpu/cpu.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/drivers/vesa.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/ia32.c (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/cpu/cpu.c (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/debugger.c (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/exception.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/fb/fb.h (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/fb/font-8x16.h (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/fb/visuals.h (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/acpi/acpi.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/fb/fb.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/fb/font-8x16.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/fb/helenos.xbm (deleted) * kernel/genarch/src/mm/asid.c (modified) * kernel/generic/include/console/kconsole.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/console/cmd.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/console/console.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/console/kconsole.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/cpu/cpu.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/interrupt/interrupt.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/lib/func.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/main/kinit.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/main/main.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/mm/as.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/syscall/syscall.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/ipc/fb.h (modified) * uspace/srv/console/console.c (modified) * uspace/srv/console/gcons.c (modified) * uspace/srv/console/gcons.h (modified) * uspace/srv/console/screenbuffer.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/fb.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/fb.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/font-8x16.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/font-8x16.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/main.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/ppm.c (modified) kconsole is optional kernel & uspace framebuffer rewrite with ... Tue, 16 Dec 2008 18:59:07 GMT Martin Decky [8fe5980] * kernel/arch/amd64/src/amd64.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/include/cpu.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/include/mm/as.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32xen/src/mm/tlb.c (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/include/mm/asid.h (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/include/string.h (modified) cstyle & small fixes Tue, 16 Dec 2008 18:57:35 GMT Martin Decky [9cc492a7] * kernel/arch/arm32/src/mm/tlb.c (modified) add unused attribute Tue, 16 Dec 2008 18:56:53 GMT Martin Decky [27e2916] * kernel/genarch/include/kbd/i8042.h (modified) add header Tue, 16 Dec 2008 18:56:00 GMT Martin Decky [4406fd65] * kernel/Makefile (modified) compile kconsole optionally Tue, 16 Dec 2008 18:55:24 GMT Martin Decky [6ce40059] * kernel/generic/include/debug.h (modified) rename CONFIG_EDEBUG to CONFIG_LOG Tue, 16 Dec 2008 17:24:37 GMT Jakub Jermar [699743c] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) Set a loop control variable properly when growing the FAT directory. Tue, 16 Dec 2008 17:18:29 GMT Jakub Jermar [e32b65a] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) Add the ability to grow a FAT directory. Sun, 14 Dec 2008 11:37:31 GMT Jiri Svoboda [f0c9aff] * uspace/Makefile (modified) * uspace/app/init/Makefile (modified) * uspace/app/klog/Makefile (modified) * uspace/app/tester/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/console/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/devmap/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/kbd/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/ns/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/pci/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/rd/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/Makefile (modified) Clean .o files in individual makefiles. Sun, 14 Dec 2008 11:26:50 GMT Jiri Svoboda [a1e28489] * uspace/srv/pci/libpci/Makefile (modified) Fix libpci makefile to allow 'make' in uspace subdir. Fri, 12 Dec 2008 06:21:51 GMT Jakub Vana [10ea0ca] * boot/arch/ia64/loader/Makefile (modified) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/HelenOS/hello.c (modified) IA^$:Fix in hello,Makefile Fri, 12 Dec 2008 05:39:27 GMT Jakub Vana [4b8f1c3] * HelenOS.config (modified) IA64: default build for real machines Fri, 12 Dec 2008 05:34:10 GMT Jakub Vana [bb74e8ab] * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/HelenOS/Makefile (modified) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/HelenOS/hello.c (modified) IA64:Disable searching for image in actual directory in hello, fix ... Wed, 10 Dec 2008 21:41:22 GMT Pavel Rimsky [925fdd7] * boot/genarch/ofw.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/fb/fb.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/fb.c (modified) Fixed the bug when on SunBlade1500 we wrote to an address outside the ... Sun, 07 Dec 2008 18:36:51 GMT Jiri Svoboda [8af9950] * kernel/generic/include/udebug/udebug.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/udebug/udebug.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/udebug/udebug_ops.c (modified) Rename udebug_thread_t.debug_active just to 'active'. Sun, 07 Dec 2008 13:39:54 GMT Jiri Svoboda [5d9430d7] * kernel/generic/src/time/clock.c (modified) Fix panic caused by NULL pointer dereference. Sun, 07 Dec 2008 00:41:59 GMT Pavel Rimsky [20eb5e4d] * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/drivers/scr.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/fb/visuals.h (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/fb/fb.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/fb.c (modified) Added forgotten stuff related to framebuffers with offsets. Got rid ... Sat, 06 Dec 2008 23:35:32 GMT Pavel Rimsky [2b1f860] * boot/arch/sparc64/loader/main.c (modified) * boot/genarch/ofw.c (modified) * boot/genarch/ofw.h (modified) Initialize the color palette for the 8-bit color depth on sparc64 ... Fri, 05 Dec 2008 22:44:24 GMT Jiri Svoboda [49093a4] * uspace/lib/libc/include/loader/pcb.h (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/main.c (modified) Remove obsolete dld-related loader fragments. Fri, 05 Dec 2008 19:59:03 GMT Jakub Jermar [965dc18] * boot/arch/ppc64/Makefile.inc (modified) * boot/arch/sparc64/Makefile.inc (modified) * boot/arch/sparc64/loader/asm.S (modified) * boot/arch/sparc64/loader/main.c (modified) * boot/arch/sparc64/loader/main.h (modified) * boot/arch/sparc64/loader/ofwarch.c (modified) * boot/arch/sparc64/loader/register.h (modified) * boot/arch/sparc64/silo/silo.patched.tar.gz (added) * boot/boot.config (modified) * boot/genarch/balloc.h (modified) * boot/genarch/ofw.c (modified) * boot/genarch/ofw_tree.c (modified) * contrib/util/DownloadAndPatchSILO.sh (added) * kernel/arch/arm32/src/arm32.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/drivers/vesa.c (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/mips32.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc32/src/ppc32.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/arch.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/asm.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/cpu.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/cpu_family.h (added) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/cpu_node.h (added) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/drivers/kbd.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/drivers/scr.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/drivers/sgcn.h (added) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/mm/cache.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/mm/cache_spec.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/mm/frame.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/mm/mmu.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/mm/tlb.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/mm/tsb.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/mm/tte.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/regdef.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/register.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/trap/interrupt.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/console.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/cpu/cpu.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/ddi/ddi.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/drivers/scr.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/drivers/sgcn.c (added) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/drivers/tick.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/mm/as.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/mm/cache.S (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/mm/page.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/mm/tlb.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/mm/tsb.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/smp/ipi.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/smp/smp.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/sparc64.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/start.S (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/trap/interrupt.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/fb/fb.h (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/fb/visuals.h (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/ofw/ofw_tree.h (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/fb/fb.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/ofw_tree.c (modified) * kernel/kernel.config (modified) * uspace/srv/console/console.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/main.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/msim.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/serial_console.c (added) * uspace/srv/fb/serial_console.h (added) * uspace/srv/fb/sgcn.c (added) * uspace/srv/fb/sgcn.h (added) * uspace/srv/kbd/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/kbd/arch/mips32/src/kbd.c (modified) * uspace/srv/kbd/arch/sparc64/include/sgcn.h (added) * uspace/srv/kbd/arch/sparc64/src/kbd.c (modified) * uspace/srv/kbd/arch/sparc64/src/sgcn.c (added) * uspace/srv/kbd/genarch/include/nofb.h (added) * uspace/srv/kbd/genarch/src/nofb.c (added) Merge sparc branch to trunk. Thu, 04 Dec 2008 19:14:52 GMT Martin Decky [0258e67] * uspace/app/init/init.c (modified) start klog by default Thu, 04 Dec 2008 19:14:29 GMT Martin Decky [f15cb3c4] * uspace/lib/libc/include/libc.h (modified) * uspace/srv/console/gcons.c (modified) cstyle Thu, 04 Dec 2008 19:11:57 GMT Martin Decky [405e13a] * kernel/test/debug/mips1.c (modified) kconsole might be optional Thu, 04 Dec 2008 19:11:09 GMT Martin Decky [b15c9f9] * kernel/kernel.config (modified) prepare kconsole to be optional Thu, 04 Dec 2008 04:27:27 GMT Jakub Vana [23d9938] * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/HelenOS/Makefile (modified) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/HelenOS/division.c (added) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/HelenOS/division.h (added) IA64: Use HelenOS softint library instead of libgcc in hello Sun, 30 Nov 2008 22:14:55 GMT Jakub Vana [c716d94] * uspace/srv/kbd/arch/ia64/src/kbd.c (modified) IA64 uspace kbd: backspace convert on serial console Sun, 30 Nov 2008 21:35:13 GMT Jakub Vana [50b3d30] * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/HelenOS/hello.c (modified) * boot/arch/ia64/loader/main.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/bootinfo.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/drivers/kbd.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/interrupt.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/ia64.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/interrupt.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/ski/ski.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/smp/smp.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/kbd/i8042.c (modified) * kernel/kernel.config (modified) * uspace/srv/kbd/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/kbd/arch/ia64/include/lkbd.h (added) * uspace/srv/kbd/arch/ia64/include/scanc.h (added) * uspace/srv/kbd/arch/ia64/src/kbd.c (modified) * uspace/srv/kbd/arch/ia64/src/lkbd.c (added) * uspace/srv/kbd/arch/ia64/src/mouse.c (added) * uspace/srv/kbd/arch/ia64/src/scanc.c (added) IA64: repair similators support Sun, 30 Nov 2008 18:03:02 GMT Jakub Jermar [1baec4b] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_dentry.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) Create "." and ".." entries on FAT. Sun, 30 Nov 2008 12:49:21 GMT Jakub Vana [36b8c5a6] * kernel/arch/ia64/src/ia64.c (modified) Fix changed param order to ns16550_init function call Sun, 30 Nov 2008 12:26:52 GMT Jiri Svoboda [0ad9e47] * uspace/lib/libc/include/ipc/loader.h (modified) Fix copy-and-paste error. Sun, 30 Nov 2008 12:17:56 GMT Jakub Vana [323a5aaf] * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/HelenOS/mkimage.c (added) * kernel/Makefile (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/drivers/kbd.h (added) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/interrupt.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/drivers/ega.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/ia64.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/interrupt.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/ski/ski.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/kbd/ns16550.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/ipc/irq.c (modified) * kernel/kernel.config (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/arch/ia64/include/ddi.h (added) * uspace/lib/libc/arch/ia64/src/ddi.c (added) * uspace/srv/fb/ega.c (modified) * uspace/srv/kbd/arch/ia64/src/kbd.c (modified) Legacy IRQ support, uspace NS16550 support, some minor changes Sun, 30 Nov 2008 11:36:51 GMT Jakub Jermar [57e76cb] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_fat.c (modified) The number of the first sector in the FAT node structure must be in ... Sat, 29 Nov 2008 20:24:47 GMT Jakub Jermar [8d2760f] * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/drivers/fhc.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/drivers/pci.h (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/drivers/fhc.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/drivers/kbd.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/drivers/pci.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/trap/interrupt.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/kbd/ns16550.h (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/kbd/z8530.h (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/ofw/ofw_tree.h (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/kbd/ns16550.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/kbd/z8530.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/ebus.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/fhc.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/pci.c (modified) * kernel/generic/include/ddi/irq.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/ddi/irq.c (modified) Add additional members to the irq_t structure so that an interrupt- ... Sat, 29 Nov 2008 18:09:22 GMT Jakub Jermar [dfd77382] * kernel/arch/sparc64/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/drivers/psycho.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/drivers/pci.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/drivers/psycho.c (deleted) After my effort yesterday, there are two rival psycho drivers. Merge ... Sat, 29 Nov 2008 15:39:24 GMT Jakub Jermar [b17186d] * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_lookup.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_node.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) Hold the namespace_rwlock during readdir(). Sat, 29 Nov 2008 13:23:15 GMT Jakub Jermar [abd36f7] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_fat.c (modified) Do not clear the last byte written to a FAT file. Sat, 29 Nov 2008 12:31:22 GMT Jakub Jermar [890793b] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cp/cp.c (modified) Nits. Sat, 29 Nov 2008 12:29:00 GMT Jakub Jermar [8df7a1c] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cp/cp.c (modified) Several fixes for cp. Fri, 28 Nov 2008 22:46:26 GMT Jakub Jermar [a3b5831] * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/drivers/psycho.c (modified) More work on the psycho driver. Fri, 28 Nov 2008 22:34:51 GMT Jakub Jermar [78ee8b0] * kernel/generic/include/byteorder.h (modified) Add host2uintX_t_{le|be} macros to the kernel's byteorder. Fri, 28 Nov 2008 21:08:04 GMT Jakub Jermar [7905360] * kernel/arch/sparc64/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/drivers/psycho.h (added) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/drivers/psycho.c (added) Improvized Psycho driver. Fri, 28 Nov 2008 19:33:10 GMT Jakub Jermar [3e53ab7] * kernel/Makefile (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/console.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/drivers/kbd.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/include/kbd/ns16550.h (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/kbd/ns16550.c (modified) * kernel/kernel.config (modified) Initial support for interrupt driven driver for ns16550. Fri, 28 Nov 2008 11:20:04 GMT Tim Post [4c4ddbe9] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cp/cp.c (modified) cp: Fix counter if verbose, remove debug printfs Fri, 28 Nov 2008 10:39:19 GMT Jiri Svoboda [9dbe035] * uspace/dist/readme (added) Add text file for filesystem testing. Fri, 28 Nov 2008 10:05:14 GMT Tim Post [c3c5640] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cp/cp.c (modified) cp: fix type mis-match Fri, 28 Nov 2008 10:02:36 GMT Tim Post [3b10e07b] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cp/cp.c (modified) make copy_file() deal with files with zero length Fri, 28 Nov 2008 09:53:26 GMT Tim Post [ee02922] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cp/cp.c (modified) cp: don't return CMD_FAILURE for zero length files Fri, 28 Nov 2008 09:33:38 GMT Tim Post [2640b6c] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cp/cp.c (modified) Implement a rudamentary 'cp' for testing write() Wed, 26 Nov 2008 19:57:37 GMT Jiri Svoboda [e5557131] * uspace/srv/fb/Makefile (modified) Fix framebuffer breakage introduced in r3635. Tue, 25 Nov 2008 22:45:38 GMT Jakub Jermar [a31c1ccf] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_dentry.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_dentry.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_idx.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) Implement fat_unlink(). Tue, 25 Nov 2008 22:44:56 GMT Jakub Jermar [d1b625b] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_fat.c (modified) Fix the bogus assert(). Tue, 25 Nov 2008 22:43:49 GMT Jakub Jermar [83d9712] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat.c (modified) Propagate VFS_DESTROY to fat_destroy(). Tue, 25 Nov 2008 20:22:04 GMT Jakub Vana [46321fb] * kernel/arch/ia64/include/mm/page.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/mm/tlb.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/proc/task.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/ddi/ddi.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/drivers/ega.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/ia64.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/mm/tlb.c (modified) * kernel/generic/include/adt/bitmap.h (modified) * uspace/lib/libc/arch/ia64/Makefile.inc (modified) * uspace/srv/fb/Makefile (modified) IA64: Userspace I/O support Tue, 25 Nov 2008 12:14:31 GMT Jakub Jermar [14c331a] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_dentry.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_dentry.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) Consider "prd" and "prd." to be the same FAT dentry names. Mon, 24 Nov 2008 22:38:44 GMT Jakub Jermar [49df572] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) When creating a new directory node, allocate the first cluster for it. Mon, 24 Nov 2008 22:36:56 GMT Jakub Jermar [e478b2a4] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_fat.c (modified) fat_alloc_clusters() fixes. Mon, 24 Nov 2008 21:18:38 GMT Jakub Jermar [08b6836] * kernel/arch/ia32/src/asm.S (modified) The IA-32 manual is very secretive about the fact that the SYSENTER ... Sun, 23 Nov 2008 18:47:02 GMT Jiri Svoboda [b9e7944] * uspace/lib/libc/include/ctype.h (modified) Get rid of meaningless voodo in tolower()/toupper(). Sun, 23 Nov 2008 16:39:17 GMT Jakub Jermar [a5da446] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) When syncing a FAT node, do not skip attributes. Sun, 23 Nov 2008 16:22:40 GMT Jakub Jermar [0fdd6bb] * uspace/lib/libc/include/errno.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_dentry.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_dentry.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_idx.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) Add somewhat functional fat_link(). Sun, 23 Nov 2008 16:21:49 GMT Jakub Jermar [d2093d6] * uspace/lib/libc/include/ctype.h (modified) Add toupper(). Sun, 23 Nov 2008 16:13:21 GMT Jakub Vana [7782030] * kernel/arch/ia64/include/cpu.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/interrupt.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/interrupt.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/smp/smp.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/mm/tlb.c (modified) Classic TLB shootdown support on ia64 Sun, 23 Nov 2008 12:27:15 GMT Jakub Jermar [0013b9ce] * uspace/lib/libfs/libfs.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libfs/libfs.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_dump.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_ops.c (modified) libfs operation link() should return standard error code instead of ... Sun, 23 Nov 2008 11:02:07 GMT Jiri Svoboda [f714576] * kernel/generic/include/udebug/udebug.h (modified) Remove unused debugging task state. Sun, 23 Nov 2008 11:00:08 GMT Jakub Jermar [50e5b25] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) Add implementation of fat_destroy_node() and fat_destroy(). Sun, 23 Nov 2008 10:59:21 GMT Jiri Svoboda [31696b4f] * kernel/generic/include/ipc/kbox.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/proc/task.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/ipc/kbox.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/proc/task.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/udebug/udebug_ipc.c (modified) Move stuff related to kbox to a separate struct. Sun, 23 Nov 2008 08:36:08 GMT Jakub Vana [0aa1665] * kernel/arch/ia64/src/smp/smp.c (modified) IA64:smp.c Remove not important logs Sat, 22 Nov 2008 17:10:12 GMT Jiri Svoboda [13964ef] * kernel/generic/include/udebug/udebug.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/proc/thread.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/udebug/udebug.c (modified) Fix race that allowed Udebug to report THREAD_B events for threads ... Sat, 22 Nov 2008 16:52:33 GMT Jakub Vana [2eb893b] * boot/arch/ia64/loader/gefi/HelenOS/hello.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/bootinfo.h (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/mm/frame.c (modified) IA64 correctly find CPU wakeup vector from SAL & EFI memory map support Sat, 22 Nov 2008 12:00:05 GMT Jakub Jermar [48eb7a14] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_idx.c (modified) Add implementation of fat_idx_destroy(). Sat, 22 Nov 2008 11:30:22 GMT Jiri Svoboda [7e6c9eb] * kernel/generic/src/syscall/syscall.c (modified) Add another stopping point. Sat, 22 Nov 2008 11:26:53 GMT Jiri Svoboda [3ff2b54] * kernel/generic/include/udebug/udebug.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/interrupt/interrupt.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/time/clock.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/udebug/udebug.c (modified) Merge feature from tracing: correct stopping of CPU-intensive tasks ... Sat, 22 Nov 2008 11:04:00 GMT Jakub Jermar [6571b78] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) Implementation of fat_create_node(). Sat, 22 Nov 2008 10:35:34 GMT Jiri Svoboda [ce4a3dae] * uspace/app/tester/Makefile (modified) * uspace/app/tester/loop/loop1.c (added) * uspace/app/tester/loop/loop1.def (added) * uspace/app/tester/tester.c (modified) * uspace/app/tester/tester.h (modified) Add endless loop test. Fri, 21 Nov 2008 22:51:51 GMT Jiri Svoboda [ef687799] * uspace/app/trace/trace.c (modified) Display hint on keyboard controls. Fri, 21 Nov 2008 22:31:43 GMT Jiri Svoboda [32e6c9c] * kernel/generic/include/udebug/udebug.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/udebug/udebug.c (modified) Get rid of int_lock from udebug_thread_t, as is flawed. Fri, 21 Nov 2008 22:14:24 GMT Jiri Svoboda [741fd16] * kernel/generic/src/ipc/sysipc.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/synch/futex.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/syscall/syscall.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/udebug/udebug_ops.c (modified) * uspace/app/trace/trace.c (modified) Stoppability sections must be much smaller (design error). Also fix ... Fri, 21 Nov 2008 14:38:18 GMT Jiri Svoboda [384c488] * kernel/generic/include/udebug/udebug.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/udebug/udebug.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/udebug/udebug_ops.c (modified) Replace 'stop' in udebug_thread_t with 'go' for consistency with ... Fri, 21 Nov 2008 14:04:08 GMT Jiri Svoboda [1378b2b] * kernel/generic/include/udebug/udebug.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/udebug/udebug.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/udebug/udebug_ops.c (modified) Udebug comments - 'is go', not 'has go'. Missing periods. Fri, 21 Nov 2008 10:12:52 GMT Jakub Jermar [18c485a] * uspace/srv/console/console.c (modified) Do not typecast (sysarg_t *) to (int *). Especially on big endian ... Tue, 18 Nov 2008 20:28:17 GMT Jakub Jermar [1d8cdb1] * uspace/lib/libblock/libblock.c (modified) * uspace/lib/libblock/libblock.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_fat.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_fat.h (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) Avoid unnecessary block reads in block_get(). Tue, 18 Nov 2008 20:03:17 GMT Jiri Svoboda [26fa0f9f] * kernel/arch/ppc32/src/mm/tlb.c (modified) Handle page faults from userspace properly on ppc32, do not panic.