# # ChangeLog for / in mainline # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # 2025-03-14T05:38:21Z Tue, 29 Mar 2011 20:44:28 GMT Martin Decky [eaf4c393] * kernel/arch/sparc64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/sparc64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/sparc64/_link.ld.in (modified) sparc64: improve linker scripts Tue, 29 Mar 2011 20:42:15 GMT Martin Decky [9b3ce63] * uspace/lib/c/arch/abs32le/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/abs32le/_link.ld.in (modified) abs32le: improve linker scripts Tue, 29 Mar 2011 20:34:10 GMT Martin Decky [5bddc53] * kernel/arch/ppc32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/ppc32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/ppc32/_link.ld.in (modified) ppc32: improve linker scripts Tue, 29 Mar 2011 20:34:00 GMT Martin Decky [63b5493] * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/ofw_tree.c (modified) add missing include Tue, 29 Mar 2011 20:33:45 GMT Martin Decky [d9c11fc3] * kernel/genarch/src/drivers/via-cuda/cuda.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hw/bus/cuda_adb/cuda_adb.c (modified) remove unused variable Tue, 29 Mar 2011 20:29:46 GMT Martin Decky [49852df] * kernel/arch/ia64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/ia64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/ia64/_link.ld.in (modified) ia64: improve linker scripts Tue, 29 Mar 2011 20:29:26 GMT Martin Decky [f72c2f5] * kernel/arch/ia64/src/mm/tlb.c (modified) remove unused variables Tue, 29 Mar 2011 17:20:01 GMT Martin Decky [d21e72db] * kernel/arch/amd64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/amd64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/amd64/_link.ld.in (modified) amd64: improve linker scripts Tue, 29 Mar 2011 17:16:38 GMT Martin Decky [740018f] * kernel/arch/amd64/Makefile.inc (modified) workaround GCC 4.6 tail call optimization bug Tue, 29 Mar 2011 17:12:09 GMT Martin Decky [a504856] * kernel/generic/include/memstr.h (modified) cstyle Tue, 29 Mar 2011 16:27:15 GMT Martin Decky [c81e5e0] * kernel/arch/ia32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/ia32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/ia32/_link.ld.in (modified) ia32: improve linker scripts Tue, 29 Mar 2011 16:27:02 GMT Martin Decky [4eb260a] * kernel/arch/ia32/src/cpu/cpu.c (modified) remove unused variable Mon, 28 Mar 2011 21:11:08 GMT Martin Decky [e392ebd] * uspace/lib/c/arch/mips32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/mips32/_link.ld.in (modified) mips32: improve linker scripts Mon, 28 Mar 2011 21:00:10 GMT Martin Decky [8c3bc75] * uspace/srv/loader/main.c (modified) loader: improve error handling Mon, 28 Mar 2011 20:59:29 GMT Martin Decky [f1cc9db] * uspace/app/trace/trace.c (modified) make sure the variable is initialized Mon, 28 Mar 2011 20:59:00 GMT Martin Decky [65af6c4] * uspace/app/tester/fault/fault2.c (modified) make sure the variable gets (eventually) used Mon, 28 Mar 2011 20:58:15 GMT Martin Decky [0c8a420] * uspace/app/sbi/src/run_expr.c (modified) make sure variable is initialized Mon, 28 Mar 2011 20:57:27 GMT Martin Decky [21cb3ac] * uspace/lib/c/arch/arm32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/arm32/_link.ld.in (modified) arm32: linker script improvements Mon, 28 Mar 2011 20:56:08 GMT Martin Decky [06e724e1] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cat/cat.c (modified) remove unused variable Mon, 28 Mar 2011 20:55:13 GMT Martin Decky [8caaea7] * uspace/lib/c/generic/vfs/vfs.c (modified) use the return value Mon, 28 Mar 2011 20:53:55 GMT Martin Decky [cb4f078] * kernel/arch/abs32le/include/memstr.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/amd64/include/memstr.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/amd64/src/asm.S (modified) * kernel/arch/arm32/include/memstr.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/arm32/src/asm.S (modified) * kernel/arch/arm32/src/exception.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/include/memstr.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/ia32/src/asm.S (modified) * kernel/arch/ia64/include/memstr.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/ia64/src/asm.S (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/include/memstr.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/asm.S (modified) * kernel/arch/ppc32/include/memstr.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/ppc32/src/asm.S (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/include/memstr.h (deleted) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/asm.S (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/mm/sun4u/as.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/mm/sun4v/as.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/ebus.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/fhc.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/ofw_tree.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/pci.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/ofw/upa.c (modified) * kernel/generic/include/memstr.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/lib/memstr.c (modified) unify kernel byte string implementations Mon, 28 Mar 2011 20:33:03 GMT Martin Decky [603c8740] * tools/autotool.py (modified) * tools/toolchain.sh (modified) * bump to GCC 4.6 and binutils 2.21 * add support for parallel ... Mon, 28 Mar 2011 19:15:33 GMT Jiri Svoboda [fd89cf9] * defaults/arm32/gta02/Makefile.config (modified) Do not disable kernel tests nor make the build barebone nor disable ... Sat, 26 Mar 2011 15:29:06 GMT Jakub Jermar [df81f9ca] * version (modified) Bump version to 0.4.3 (Sashimi). Thu, 24 Mar 2011 22:50:33 GMT Jakub Jermar [47f7adfc] * uspace/lib/fs/libfs.c (modified) Merge from lp:jakub/helenos/fs. Thu, 24 Mar 2011 22:45:01 GMT Jakub Jermar [b946bf83] * uspace/lib/fs/libfs.c (modified) Put the libfs node upon its failure to link. Thu, 24 Mar 2011 21:30:41 GMT Jakub Jermar [3cefd70] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cat/cat.c (modified) Improve paging options of 'cat'. Thu, 24 Mar 2011 20:17:24 GMT Martin Decky [5ea37b1] * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/smp/sun4v/smp.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/trap/sun4v/interrupt.c (modified) sun4v: fix formatting strings Thu, 24 Mar 2011 19:56:24 GMT Martin Decky [fb2ceeb] * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/sun4v/start.S (modified) fix typo Thu, 24 Mar 2011 18:31:01 GMT Jakub Jermar [d553f81] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cat/cat.c (modified) * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cat/cat.h (modified) Support for --more and --hex for 'cat'. (Thanks to Martin Sucha). Thu, 24 Mar 2011 18:37:36 GMT Martin Decky [8f29507f] * uspace/lib/c/include/ipc/services.h (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/kbd/generic/kbd.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/kbd/include/kbd.h (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/kbd/port/ns16550.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/kbd/port/z8530.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hw/irc/apic/apic.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hw/irc/fhc/fhc.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hw/irc/i8259/i8259.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hw/irc/obio/obio.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hw/netif/ne2000/ne2000.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/net/net.c (modified) merge unified IRC services and graceful networking degradation Thu, 24 Mar 2011 18:36:57 GMT Martin Decky [eb277fa7] * uspace/srv/net/net/net.c (modified) support graceful degradation of networking Thu, 24 Mar 2011 18:02:29 GMT Jakub Jermar [ed2c8ff] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/rm/rm.c (modified) Support for recursive 'rm'. (Thanks to Laura-Mihaela Vasilescu.) Thu, 24 Mar 2011 17:33:17 GMT Jakub Jermar [84f0a79] * kernel/arch/mips32/include/cp0.h (modified) Add missing volatile to inline assembly. With this fix, the kconsole ... Thu, 24 Mar 2011 00:34:35 GMT Jakub Jermar [5f9f37d] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cp/cp.c (modified) * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) Merge from lp:~jakub/helenos/fs. Thu, 24 Mar 2011 00:28:35 GMT Jakub Jermar [2815505] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cp/cp.c (modified) `cp` should update the buffer address if multiple write()'s are needed. Wed, 23 Mar 2011 23:11:20 GMT Jakub Jermar [71af5a4] * uspace/srv/vfs/vfs_ops.c (modified) Put the old VFS node also in error paths of vfs_rename(). Wed, 23 Mar 2011 20:53:30 GMT Jakub Jermar [76b5a95c] * HelenOS.config (modified) * Makefile (modified) * boot/arch/mips32/src/asm.S (modified) * boot/arch/sparc64/include/arch.h (modified) * boot/arch/sparc64/src/asm.S (modified) * boot/arch/sparc64/src/main.c (modified) * boot/generic/src/balloc.c (modified) * kernel/arch/arm32/src/mach/integratorcp/integratorcp.c (modified) * kernel/arch/ia32/_link.ld.in (modified) * kernel/arch/mips32/src/mm/tlb.c (modified) * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/sun4v/asm.S (modified) * kernel/genarch/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/kbrd/kbrd_pl050.c (deleted) * kernel/genarch/src/kbrd/scanc_pl050.c (deleted) * kernel/generic/include/mm/as.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/syscall/syscall.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/console/cmd.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/lib/elf.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/mm/as.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/proc/program.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/syscall/syscall.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/sysinfo/stats.c (modified) * kernel/tools/genmap.py (modified) * release/Makefile (added) * tools/mkfat.py (modified) * tools/mkhord.py (modified) * tools/mktmpfs.py (modified) * tools/toolchain.sh (modified) * uspace/Makefile.common (modified) * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/bdd/bdd.c (modified) * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cat/cat.c (modified) * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/mkfile/mkfile.c (modified) * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/mount/mount.c (modified) * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/rm/rm.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/Makefile (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/builtin.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/builtin/bi_console.c (moved) * uspace/app/sbi/src/builtin/bi_console.h (added) * uspace/app/sbi/src/builtin/bi_task.c (added) * uspace/app/sbi/src/builtin/bi_task.h (moved) * uspace/app/sbi/src/imode.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/intmap.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/intmap.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/lex.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/lex_t.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/list.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/list.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/parse.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/rdata.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/rdata.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/rdata_t.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/run.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/run.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/run_expr.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/run_expr.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/stree.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/stree.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/stree_t.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/stype.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/stype_expr.c (modified) * uspace/app/taskdump/taskdump.c (modified) * uspace/app/tester/hw/misc/virtchar1.c (modified) * uspace/app/tester/hw/serial/serial1.c (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/arith.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/array.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/autobox.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/count.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/ctor.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/deleg.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/enum.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/except.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/gen.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/hello.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/htxtfile.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/iface.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/inherit.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/list.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/map.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/property.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/string.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/svar.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/switch.sy (added) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/varargs.sy (modified) * uspace/drv/isa/isa.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ns8250/ns8250.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.h (modified) * uspace/drv/root/root.c (modified) * uspace/drv/rootpc/rootpc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/rootvirt/rootvirt.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/char.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/test1.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/test1.h (modified) * uspace/drv/test2/test2.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/Makefile (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/abs32le/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/amd64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/arm32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/ia32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/ia64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/mips32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/mips32/src/entry.s (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/ppc32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/sparc64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/as.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/async.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/devman.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/fibril.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/loader.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/malloc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/private/libc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/as.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/devman.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/ipc/devman.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/malloc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/unistd.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/driver.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/remote_char_dev.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/remote_hw_res.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ddf/driver.h (moved) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ddf/interrupt.h (added) * uspace/lib/drv/include/dev_iface.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ops/char_dev.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ops/hw_res.h (modified) * uspace/srv/bd/ata_bd/ata_bd.c (modified) * uspace/srv/bd/ata_bd/ata_bd.h (modified) * uspace/srv/bd/ata_bd/ata_hw.h (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/devman.c (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/devman.h (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/main.c (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/match.c (modified) * uspace/srv/devmap/devmap.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/console/gcons.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/kbd/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/kbd/ctl/pl050.c (deleted) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/abs32le/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/amd64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/arm32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/ia32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/ia64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/mips32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/ppc32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/sparc64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/elf_load.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/tl/udp/udp.c (modified) Merge mainline changes. Wed, 23 Mar 2011 17:15:15 GMT Martin Decky [57d129e] * uspace/lib/c/include/ipc/services.h (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/kbd/generic/kbd.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/kbd/include/kbd.h (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/kbd/port/ns16550.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/kbd/port/z8530.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hw/irc/apic/apic.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hw/irc/fhc/fhc.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hw/irc/i8259/i8259.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hw/irc/obio/obio.c (modified) * uspace/srv/hw/netif/ne2000/ne2000.c (modified) unify all IRC services under SERVICE_IRC Tue, 22 Mar 2011 21:25:00 GMT Jakub Jermar [ab10b842] * HelenOS.config (modified) * kernel/arch/arm32/src/mach/integratorcp/integratorcp.c (modified) * kernel/genarch/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/kbrd/kbrd_pl050.c (deleted) * kernel/genarch/src/kbrd/scanc_pl050.c (deleted) * uspace/srv/hid/kbd/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/kbd/ctl/pl050.c (deleted) Merge Integrator/CP fixes. Tue, 22 Mar 2011 21:18:51 GMT Jakub Jermar [c0d77f7] * HelenOS.config (modified) * kernel/genarch/Makefile.inc (modified) * kernel/genarch/src/kbrd/kbrd_pl050.c (deleted) * kernel/genarch/src/kbrd/scanc_pl050.c (deleted) Fix scancode map for Integrator/CP in the kernel. Tue, 22 Mar 2011 21:02:29 GMT Jakub Jermar [9c2b2a8] * uspace/srv/hid/kbd/Makefile (modified) * uspace/srv/hid/kbd/ctl/pl050.c (deleted) Fix keycode map for Integrator/CP in the kbd server. Tue, 22 Mar 2011 20:38:23 GMT Jakub Jermar [f554a94] * kernel/arch/arm32/src/mach/integratorcp/integratorcp.c (modified) Fix the visual for Integrator/CP. Mon, 21 Mar 2011 15:29:05 GMT Martin Decky [432f68a] * kernel/tools/genmap.py (modified) * tools/mkfat.py (modified) * tools/mkhord.py (modified) * tools/mktmpfs.py (modified) improve compatibility with Python 3.2 (thx Vojtech Horky) Mon, 21 Mar 2011 14:23:19 GMT Martin Decky [afe1d1e] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/cat/cat.c (modified) * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/rm/rm.c (modified) * uspace/srv/net/tl/udp/udp.c (modified) fix possible compiler warnings (thx Vojtech Horky) Sun, 20 Mar 2011 15:14:31 GMT Jiri Svoboda [7308e84] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/bdd/bdd.c (modified) Display offset at beginning of line in bdd (thx Maurizio Lombardi). Thu, 17 Mar 2011 22:32:24 GMT Jiri Svoboda [306061a] * uspace/srv/hid/console/gcons.c (modified) Display mouse pointer even in lower resolution. Still be careful not ... Wed, 16 Mar 2011 23:23:21 GMT Jiri Svoboda [051b3db8] * uspace/app/sbi/Makefile (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/builtin.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/builtin/bi_console.c (moved) * uspace/app/sbi/src/builtin/bi_console.h (added) * uspace/app/sbi/src/builtin/bi_task.c (added) * uspace/app/sbi/src/builtin/bi_task.h (moved) * uspace/app/sbi/src/imode.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/intmap.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/intmap.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/lex.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/lex_t.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/list.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/list.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/parse.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/rdata.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/rdata.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/rdata_t.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/run.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/run.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/run_expr.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/run_expr.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/stree.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/stree.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/stree_t.h (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/stype.c (modified) * uspace/app/sbi/src/stype_expr.c (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/arith.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/array.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/autobox.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/count.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/ctor.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/deleg.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/enum.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/except.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/gen.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/hello.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/htxtfile.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/iface.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/inherit.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/list.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/map.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/property.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/string.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/svar.sy (modified) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/switch.sy (added) * uspace/dist/src/sysel/demos/varargs.sy (modified) Update SBI to rev. 344 from upstream. What's new: * ... Wed, 16 Mar 2011 22:35:20 GMT Jiri Svoboda [406d514] * Makefile (modified) * release/Makefile (modified) Fix omissions. Wed, 16 Mar 2011 22:09:28 GMT Jiri Svoboda [471569b] * Makefile (modified) * release/Makefile (moved) Rename things 'dist' to 'release'. Wed, 16 Mar 2011 21:46:58 GMT Jiri Svoboda [aede651] * dist/Makefile (modified) Build release files from exported sources. Build source tarball as well. Fri, 11 Mar 2011 00:16:21 GMT Jakub Jermar [c1a5d8d] * uspace/lib/block/libblock.c (modified) Merge from lp:~jakub/helenos/fs. Fri, 11 Mar 2011 00:14:33 GMT Jakub Jermar [5716e9a] * uspace/lib/block/libblock.c (modified) Make sure that block_get() instantiates each block only once. Mon, 07 Mar 2011 19:54:51 GMT Jiri Svoboda [5dab9237] * dist/Makefile (modified) Name release file according to profile name when available. Sat, 05 Mar 2011 19:31:22 GMT Martin Decky [7cedc46a] * boot/arch/mips32/src/asm.S (modified) cstyle Sat, 05 Mar 2011 19:30:09 GMT Martin Decky [dc790e1] * boot/arch/mips32/src/asm.S (modified) make sure we are running in 32-bit mode Wed, 02 Mar 2011 22:07:32 GMT Jakub Jermar [c672195] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/mkfile/mkfile.c (modified) Fix mkfile command, "-s" parameter was not recognized. (Thanks to ... Mon, 28 Feb 2011 14:24:55 GMT Martin Decky [3f7efa79] * tools/toolchain.sh (modified) add basic dependency check to the toolchain build script (based on a ... Sun, 27 Feb 2011 22:19:22 GMT Jakub Jermar [e6cb880] * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/mount/mount.c (modified) The "mount" command does not display any help message about required ... Sun, 27 Feb 2011 19:40:26 GMT Jakub Jermar [05155a1] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) Merge from lp:~jakub/helenos/fs. Sun, 27 Feb 2011 19:25:11 GMT Jakub Jermar [5ca5eaa7] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) Create an extra reference to an unlinked FAT node. This keeps the ... Sat, 26 Feb 2011 21:08:37 GMT Jakub Jermar [38eaf41] * tools/toolchain.sh (modified) Improve toolchain.sh help message to mention the possibility to ... Sat, 26 Feb 2011 14:57:55 GMT Jakub Jermar [63e0bdd] * uspace/srv/devmap/devmap.c (modified) Null devices need to be in some driver_devices list too, otherwise ... Fri, 25 Feb 2011 23:50:19 GMT Jakub Jermar [27833d8] * uspace/lib/c/generic/vfs/vfs.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) Merge from lp:~jakub/helenos/fs. Fri, 25 Feb 2011 23:44:32 GMT Jakub Jermar [5691653] * boot/arch/sparc64/src/main.c (modified) Map component memory before inflating. Fri, 25 Feb 2011 23:42:46 GMT Jakub Jermar [e7c42ac0] * boot/arch/sparc64/src/main.c (modified) Apply sun4v fixups before actually using physmem start address. Fix ... Fri, 25 Feb 2011 22:26:35 GMT Jakub Jermar [c7f23c0] * boot/generic/src/balloc.c (modified) Use explicit brackets in arithmetic expression. Fri, 25 Feb 2011 22:25:11 GMT Jakub Jermar [b9c229b] * boot/arch/sparc64/include/arch.h (modified) * boot/arch/sparc64/src/asm.S (modified) Allocate an ABI-compliant stack frame. Fri, 25 Feb 2011 19:23:10 GMT Jakub Jermar [2550b6e] * kernel/arch/sparc64/src/sun4v/asm.S (modified) Do not disable interrupts twice before switching to userspace on ... Fri, 25 Feb 2011 18:10:34 GMT Jakub Jermar [6e84dc3] * uspace/lib/c/generic/loader.c (modified) Do not leak a buffer on error. Fri, 25 Feb 2011 18:08:20 GMT Jakub Jermar [89e780d] * uspace/lib/c/generic/vfs/vfs.c (modified) Use the correct size of the allocated buffer. Wed, 23 Feb 2011 20:57:57 GMT Jiri Svoboda [83fd0d7] * Makefile (modified) * dist/Makefile (added) Attempt at automatic building of release files. To do: * better ... Mon, 21 Feb 2011 21:09:15 GMT Jakub Jermar [9fec913] * uspace/srv/fs/fat/fat_ops.c (modified) Add omitted block_put() to error path. Sun, 20 Feb 2011 19:20:56 GMT Jakub Jermar [664af708] * uspace/Makefile.common (modified) Add explicit dependency of the output binary on the object files to ... Sun, 20 Feb 2011 17:58:51 GMT Jakub Jermar [a99330e] * uspace/lib/c/Makefile (modified) List .c instead of .o in the list of sources to build. (Noticed by ... Sun, 20 Feb 2011 11:02:30 GMT Jakub Jermar [8cf6709] * uspace/lib/c/generic/fibril.c (modified) Initialize fibril's pointer to waited-for object in fibril_setup() ... Sat, 19 Feb 2011 18:11:52 GMT Jiri Svoboda [b927375] * uspace/app/tester/hw/misc/virtchar1.c (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/main.c (modified) Fix regression in devmap-devman device connecting. Fix regression in ... Wed, 16 Feb 2011 23:15:48 GMT Jakub Jermar [8b1ea2d4] * uspace/lib/block/libblock.c (modified) * uspace/srv/fs/devfs/devfs_ops.c (modified) Merge from lp:~jakub/helenos/fs. Wed, 16 Feb 2011 23:11:49 GMT Jakub Jermar [cfd630af] * uspace/srv/fs/devfs/devfs_ops.c (modified) Fix a double-free in devfs_node_open(). The devices hash table ... Tue, 15 Feb 2011 22:58:28 GMT Jiri Svoboda [0c968a17] * uspace/app/tester/hw/serial/serial1.c (modified) * uspace/drv/isa/isa.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ns8250/ns8250.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.h (modified) * uspace/drv/root/root.c (modified) * uspace/drv/rootpc/rootpc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/rootvirt/rootvirt.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/char.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/test1.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/test1.h (modified) * uspace/drv/test2/test2.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/devman.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/devman.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/ipc/devman.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/driver.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/remote_char_dev.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/remote_hw_res.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ddf/driver.h (moved) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ddf/interrupt.h (added) * uspace/lib/drv/include/dev_iface.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ops/char_dev.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ops/hw_res.h (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/devman.c (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/devman.h (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/main.c (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/match.c (modified) Merge DDF and drivers refactoring work. Major points: * Split ... Tue, 15 Feb 2011 22:41:52 GMT Jiri Svoboda [aa7dc64] * uspace/drv/rootpc/rootpc.c (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/main.c (modified) Fix format specifiers. Tue, 15 Feb 2011 20:19:01 GMT Jiri Svoboda [ab331c3] * uspace/lib/drv/include/ddf/interrupt.h (added) Add forgotten header file. Tue, 15 Feb 2011 20:16:07 GMT Jiri Svoboda [2a770a35] * uspace/lib/drv/generic/driver.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ddf/driver.h (modified) Nits. Tue, 15 Feb 2011 20:09:24 GMT Jiri Svoboda [af6b5157] * uspace/drv/isa/isa.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ns8250/ns8250.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.h (modified) * uspace/drv/root/root.c (modified) * uspace/drv/rootpc/rootpc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/rootvirt/rootvirt.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/test1.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/test1.h (modified) * uspace/drv/test2/test2.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/driver.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/remote_char_dev.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/remote_hw_res.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ddf/driver.h (moved) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ops/char_dev.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ops/hw_res.h (modified) Split driver.h into ddf/driver.h and ddf/interrupt.h. Tue, 15 Feb 2011 19:43:50 GMT Jiri Svoboda [83a2f43] * uspace/drv/isa/isa.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ns8250/ns8250.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.h (modified) * uspace/drv/root/root.c (modified) * uspace/drv/rootpc/rootpc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/rootvirt/rootvirt.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/char.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/test1.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/test1.h (modified) * uspace/drv/test2/test2.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/driver.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/remote_char_dev.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/remote_hw_res.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/dev_iface.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/driver.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ops/char_dev.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ops/hw_res.h (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/devman.h (modified) Rename bunch of stuff so that it starts with 'ddf_'. Mon, 14 Feb 2011 22:41:44 GMT Jiri Svoboda [34588a80] * uspace/lib/drv/generic/driver.c (modified) Check for function type and bind state when adding match ID or adding ... Mon, 14 Feb 2011 22:22:54 GMT Jiri Svoboda [659ca07] * uspace/drv/root/root.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/driver.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/driver.h (modified) Remove register_function_wrapper() (this time for real). Mon, 14 Feb 2011 22:14:52 GMT Jiri Svoboda [cd0684d] * uspace/drv/isa/isa.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/rootvirt/rootvirt.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/test1.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test2/test2.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/driver.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/driver.h (modified) Remove register_function_wrapper() since it became practically ... Mon, 14 Feb 2011 21:41:50 GMT Jiri Svoboda [97a62fe] * uspace/drv/isa/isa.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ns8250/ns8250.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.h (modified) * uspace/drv/rootpc/rootpc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/test1.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test2/test2.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/driver.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/driver.h (modified) Refactor create_function(), delete_function() and register_function() ... Mon, 14 Feb 2011 20:04:09 GMT Jiri Svoboda [7df0477e] * uspace/lib/drv/generic/driver.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/driver.h (modified) Drivers never create or destroy devices explicitly. Sun, 13 Feb 2011 20:23:37 GMT Jiri Svoboda [bab6388] * uspace/drv/isa/isa.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ns8250/ns8250.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/root/root.c (modified) * uspace/drv/rootvirt/rootvirt.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/test1.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test2/test2.c (modified) Small additional cleanup. Sun, 13 Feb 2011 20:03:45 GMT Jiri Svoboda [68414f4a] * uspace/drv/isa/isa.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ns8250/ns8250.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.h (modified) * uspace/drv/root/root.c (modified) * uspace/drv/rootpc/rootpc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/rootvirt/rootvirt.c (modified) Refactor drivers * Rename soft-state structures to have the ... Fri, 11 Feb 2011 22:26:36 GMT Jiri Svoboda [8b1e15ac] * uspace/app/tester/hw/serial/serial1.c (modified) * uspace/drv/isa/isa.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ns8250/ns8250.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.h (modified) * uspace/drv/root/root.c (modified) * uspace/drv/rootpc/rootpc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/rootvirt/rootvirt.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/char.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test1/test1.c (modified) * uspace/drv/test2/test2.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/devman.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/devman.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/ipc/devman.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/driver.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/remote_char_dev.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/generic/remote_hw_res.c (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/dev_iface.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/driver.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ops/char_dev.h (modified) * uspace/lib/drv/include/ops/hw_res.h (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/devman.c (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/devman.h (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/main.c (modified) Finish splitting device node: devman client in C library, drv ... Thu, 10 Feb 2011 23:14:50 GMT Jiri Svoboda [6a343bdf] * uspace/app/taskdump/taskdump.c (modified) Autoload driver symbol tables in taskdump, too. Tue, 08 Feb 2011 19:21:46 GMT Jiri Svoboda [1b367b4] * uspace/lib/c/generic/devman.c (modified) Small C-style fixes in devman client code. Mon, 07 Feb 2011 22:15:37 GMT Jiri Svoboda [ba38f72c] * uspace/srv/devman/devman.c (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/devman.h (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/main.c (modified) * uspace/srv/devman/match.c (modified) Split device tree node into dev_node_t (device node) and fun_node_t ... Fri, 04 Feb 2011 22:15:08 GMT Jakub Jermar [956d4df8] * uspace/lib/block/libblock.c (modified) Do not forget to unlock the block structure before freeing it. Even ... Thu, 03 Feb 2011 21:14:23 GMT Martin Decky [0b37882] * kernel/generic/include/mm/as.h (modified) * kernel/generic/include/syscall/syscall.h (modified) * kernel/generic/src/mm/as.c (modified) * kernel/generic/src/syscall/syscall.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/abs32le/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/amd64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/arm32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/ia32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/ia64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/mips32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/mips32/src/entry.s (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/ppc32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/arch/sparc64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/as.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/malloc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/c/generic/private/libc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/as.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/malloc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/c/include/unistd.h (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/abs32le/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/amd64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/arm32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/ia32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/ia64/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/mips32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/ppc32/_link.ld.in (modified) * uspace/srv/loader/arch/sparc64/_link.ld.in (modified) memory management work * implement as_get_mappable_page() as a new ... Thu, 03 Feb 2011 21:07:14 GMT Martin Decky [ae6f303] * uspace/lib/c/include/as.h (modified) add some helpful macros Thu, 03 Feb 2011 21:00:25 GMT Martin Decky [66485741] * uspace/lib/c/arch/mips32/src/entry.s (modified) remove some ancient stuff