# # ChangeLog for contrib/conf/ia32-qe.sh in mainline # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # 2024-12-14T02:53:00Z Wed, 28 Jul 2010 15:24:16 GMT Martin Decky [14f2100] * boot/Makefile (modified) * contrib/conf/ia32-qe.sh (modified) * contrib/conf/mips32-gx.sh (modified) * tools/mkfat.py (modified) create FAT with a guaranteed amount of free space Sat, 27 Jun 2009 09:41:55 GMT Jiri Svoboda [00fe6bb] * contrib/conf/ia32-qe.sh (added) * contrib/conf/mips32-gx.sh (modified) * uspace/app/init/init.c (modified) * uspace/app/tetris/scores.c (modified) Automatically try to mount FAT from disk0 on /data upon boot. Save ...