# # ChangeLog for uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c in mainline # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # 2025-03-14T18:36:41Z Mon, 30 May 2011 20:37:04 GMT Vojtech Horky [50340bf] * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) Fix printf directive Mon, 30 May 2011 20:19:48 GMT Vojtech Horky [109d55c] * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hw_struct/hcca.h (modified) Code beautification Mon, 30 May 2011 18:20:38 GMT Jan Vesely [c060090] * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.h (modified) EHCI fixes Fix wait for halt condition Use const wherever possible Mon, 30 May 2011 17:20:48 GMT Jan Vesely [17d1542] * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) EHCI reworked Sun, 08 May 2011 18:39:08 GMT Jan Vesely [8855939] * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) Do not reset EHCI controller (messes with already connected devices). Sun, 08 May 2011 14:38:27 GMT Jan Vesely [a948c23] * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) Fine tune EHCI handling Fri, 06 May 2011 08:37:19 GMT Jan Vesely [561112f] * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci_regs.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/pci.c (modified) OHCI interrupt support Mon, 18 Apr 2011 20:06:55 GMT Vojtech Horky [4125b7d] * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/endpoint_list.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/iface.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/hw_struct/transfer_descriptor.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/iface.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/transfer_list.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-rhd/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-rhd/port.c (modified) * uspace/drv/usbflbk/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/usbhid/kbd/kbddev.c (modified) * uspace/drv/usbhid/usbhid.c (modified) * uspace/drv/usbhub/ports.c (modified) * uspace/drv/usbhub/usbhub.c (modified) * uspace/drv/usbkbd/kbddev.c (modified) * uspace/drv/usbmouse/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/vhc/conndev.c (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/include/usb/debug.h (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/src/devpoll.c (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/src/hidparser.c (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/src/hidreport.c (modified) usb_log_printf() checks for printf correctness It is surprising how ... Sat, 12 Mar 2011 22:35:30 GMT Jan Vesely [67352d2] * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci_struct/transfer_descriptor.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci_struct/transfer_descriptor.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-rhd/port.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-rhd/port.h (modified) Debug output fixes and refactoring (less spam, more readability) Mon, 07 Mar 2011 20:22:57 GMT Vojtech Horky [1d115c8] * .bzrignore (modified) * boot/arch/mips32/src/asm.S (modified) * uspace/app/bdsh/cmds/modules/mkfile/mkfile.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/iface.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/root_hub.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/transfer_list.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/transfer_list.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci_struct/queue_head.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci_struct/transfer_descriptor.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/utils/device_keeper.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-rhd/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-rhd/port.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-rhd/port_status.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-rhd/root_hub.c (modified) Merge development/ changes Mon, 07 Mar 2011 18:27:04 GMT Vojtech Horky [0969e45e] * uspace/doc/doxygroups.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.h (modified) Removal of UHCI comments from EHCI driver Mon, 07 Mar 2011 16:22:55 GMT Jan Vesely [0d3167e] * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) EHCI, zero configured flag to surrender root hub port control Mon, 07 Mar 2011 14:30:32 GMT Jan Vesely [13927cf] * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) Doxygen and other comments Sun, 06 Mar 2011 22:00:45 GMT Jan Vesely [4ed80ce8] * .bzrignore (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/ehci-hcd (deleted) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) Removed accidentaly added binary Refactoring Sun, 06 Mar 2011 15:34:06 GMT Jan Vesely [40a5d40] * boot/arch/amd64/Makefile.inc (modified) * uspace/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/Makefile (added) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/ehci-hcd (added) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/ehci-hcd.ma (added) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/main.c (added) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (added) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.h (added) * uspace/drv/pciintel/pci.c (modified) Add EHCI stub and implement BIOS handover.