# # ChangeLog for uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c in mainline # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # 2025-03-12T01:51:18Z Mon, 23 May 2011 13:28:00 GMT Jan Vesely [8953514] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) Handle transfer list initialization failure Thu, 19 May 2011 07:21:31 GMT Jan Vesely [70c85320] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) Fix crash on endpoint addition(make sure ep lists are initialized) Wed, 18 May 2011 18:24:22 GMT Jan Vesely [02cacce] * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/endpoint_list.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hcd_endpoint.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hcd_endpoint.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci_regs.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/batch.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/transfer_list.h (modified) Doxygen and some minor code-style changes Wed, 18 May 2011 15:23:16 GMT Jan Vesely [2ff7360] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) Use better error handling in root hub registration routine Wed, 18 May 2011 10:46:48 GMT Jan Vesely [68b9f148] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) OHCI: restart hw on unrecoverable error Sun, 08 May 2011 20:00:07 GMT Vojtech Horky [3e4f2e0] * uspace/Makefile (modified) * uspace/Makefile.common (modified) * uspace/app/lsusb/Makefile (modified) * uspace/app/tester/Makefile (modified) * uspace/app/tester/adt/usbaddrkeep.def (deleted) * uspace/app/tester/tester.c (modified) * uspace/app/tester/tester.h (modified) * uspace/app/usbinfo/Makefile (modified) * uspace/app/usbinfo/info.c (modified) * uspace/app/usbinfo/main.c (modified) * uspace/app/vuhid/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hw_struct/endpoint_descriptor.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hw_struct/transfer_descriptor.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hw_struct/transfer_descriptor.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/hw_struct/queue_head.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/hw_struct/transfer_descriptor.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-rhd/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/usbflbk/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/usbhid/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/usbhub/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/usbkbd/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/usbmast/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/usbmid/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/usbmouse/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/vhc/Makefile (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/Makefile (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/include/usb/ddfiface.h (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/include/usb/descriptor.h (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/include/usb/driver.h (added) * uspace/lib/usb/src/ddfiface.c (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/src/driver.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usb/src/dump.c (modified) * uspace/lib/usbdev/Makefile (added) * uspace/lib/usbdev/include/usb/devdrv.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/include/usb/devpoll.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/include/usb/dp.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/include/usb/hub.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/include/usb/pipes.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/include/usb/recognise.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/include/usb/request.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/include/usb/usbdevice.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/src/altiface.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/src/devdrv.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/src/devpoll.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/src/dp.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/src/hub.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/src/pipepriv.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/src/pipepriv.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/src/pipes.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/src/pipesinit.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/src/pipesio.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/src/recognise.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/src/request.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbdev/src/usbdevice.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/Makefile (added) * uspace/lib/usbhid/include/usb/classes/hid.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/include/usb/classes/hid/iface.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/include/usb/classes/hid/utled.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/include/usb/classes/hid_report_items.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/include/usb/classes/hiddescriptor.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/include/usb/classes/hidparser.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/include/usb/classes/hidpath.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/include/usb/classes/hidreport.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/include/usb/classes/hidreq.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/include/usb/classes/hidtypes.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/include/usb/classes/hidut.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/include/usb/classes/hidutkbd.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/src/hiddescriptor.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/src/hidiface.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/src/hidparser.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/src/hidpath.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/src/hidreport.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhid/src/hidreq.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhost/Makefile (added) * uspace/lib/usbhost/include/usb/addrkeep.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhost/include/usb/host/batch.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhost/include/usb/host/device_keeper.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhost/include/usb/host/endpoint.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhost/include/usb/host/usb_endpoint_manager.h (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhost/src/addrkeep.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhost/src/batch.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhost/src/device_keeper.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhost/src/endpoint.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbhost/src/usb_endpoint_manager.c (moved) * uspace/lib/usbvirt/Makefile (modified) libusb divided into sublibraries Also removed address keeper test ... Sat, 07 May 2011 14:26:58 GMT Jan Vesely [62265ce] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci.h (modified) OHCI initialization refactoring Sat, 07 May 2011 11:42:34 GMT Jan Vesely [5d07f54] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci.c (modified) Reset OHCI root hub even if taking control from SMM driver postpone ... Sat, 07 May 2011 10:25:36 GMT Jan Vesely [bba0dc20] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) Minor initialization fixes Sat, 07 May 2011 08:45:37 GMT Jan Vesely [f1d16663] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/pci.c (modified) Postpone hw until all structures are initialized and irq handler ... Fri, 06 May 2011 15:33:56 GMT Jan Vesely [c8eddf4] * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/ehci-hcd.ma (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci.ma (modified) Fixed: be carefull about Gate A20 in OHCI Legaci support Add ... Fri, 06 May 2011 12:47:04 GMT Jan Vesely [03cfda08] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) Fix OHCI interrupt pseudocode, remove dead code Fri, 06 May 2011 08:37:19 GMT Jan Vesely [561112f] * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci_regs.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/pci.c (modified) OHCI interrupt support Mon, 18 Apr 2011 20:06:55 GMT Vojtech Horky [4125b7d] * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ehci-hcd/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/endpoint_list.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/iface.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/hw_struct/transfer_descriptor.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/iface.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/pci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/transfer_list.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-rhd/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-rhd/port.c (modified) * uspace/drv/usbflbk/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/usbhid/kbd/kbddev.c (modified) * uspace/drv/usbhid/usbhid.c (modified) * uspace/drv/usbhub/ports.c (modified) * uspace/drv/usbhub/usbhub.c (modified) * uspace/drv/usbkbd/kbddev.c (modified) * uspace/drv/usbmouse/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/vhc/conndev.c (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/include/usb/debug.h (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/src/devpoll.c (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/src/hidparser.c (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/src/hidreport.c (modified) usb_log_printf() checks for printf correctness It is surprising how ... Wed, 13 Apr 2011 14:49:28 GMT Jan Vesely [d6522dd] * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) Fixes (OHCI works with new architecture) Remove completed batch ... Wed, 13 Apr 2011 14:19:12 GMT Jan Vesely [7013b14] * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/endpoint_list.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) Batch processing implemented to use static EDs. Wed, 13 Apr 2011 13:56:51 GMT Jan Vesely [9a6fde4] * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hcd_endpoint.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hw_struct/endpoint_descriptor.h (modified) Batch uses static endpoint descriptors Wed, 13 Apr 2011 13:09:18 GMT Jan Vesely [592369ae] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/iface.c (modified) Add proper locking to prevent use/remove race Wed, 13 Apr 2011 12:37:20 GMT Jan Vesely [5a2c42b] * uspace/drv/ohci/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/endpoint_list.c (moved) * uspace/drv/ohci/endpoint_list.h (moved) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) Use endpoint lists instead of transfer lists. Create and enqueue ... Wed, 13 Apr 2011 11:14:28 GMT Jan Vesely [2759c52] * uspace/drv/ohci/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hcd_endpoint.c (added) * uspace/drv/ohci/hcd_endpoint.h (added) Add OHCI endpoint structure to endpoint manager. Wed, 13 Apr 2011 10:36:09 GMT Jan Vesely [6bb0f43] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/iface.c (modified) Move endpoint registration to hc.c Tue, 12 Apr 2011 10:52:05 GMT Jan Vesely [8148ee3a] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.h (modified) Root hub does not need ddf device pointer Use endpoint manager ... Tue, 12 Apr 2011 10:09:56 GMT Jan Vesely [d017cea] * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/hc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/include/usb/host/batch.h (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/src/host/batch.c (modified) Remove EP information stored in usb_transfer_batch_t rename ... Mon, 11 Apr 2011 13:15:25 GMT Jan Vesely [aa9ccf7] * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci_regs.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/transfer_list.c (modified) More debug output and some fixes Add mutex for scheduling and ... Sun, 10 Apr 2011 22:30:59 GMT Jan Vesely [c6fe469] * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) Add support for INT and BULK transfers Sun, 10 Apr 2011 21:42:14 GMT Jan Vesely [eaf1e3d] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hw_struct/transfer_descriptor.h (modified) Fix TD data direction values Only check transfer queues if there ... Sun, 10 Apr 2011 21:03:36 GMT Jan Vesely [78d4e1f] * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/transfer_list.c (modified) Init ED queue registers AFTER device reset Disable and enabled ... Sat, 09 Apr 2011 20:44:50 GMT Jan Vesely [8790650] * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hw_struct/endpoint_descriptor.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/transfer_list.c (modified) More debug (still does not work) Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:27:53 GMT Jan Vesely [ff0e354] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hw_struct/endpoint_descriptor.c (modified) Postpone launching of interrupt emulator after everything else is ... Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:14:51 GMT Jan Vesely [112d159] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci_regs.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.c (modified) Debug output and startup fixes Sat, 09 Apr 2011 09:10:24 GMT Jan Vesely [9ff5ff82] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) Set filled flag when scheduling transfers Sat, 09 Apr 2011 00:28:56 GMT Jan Vesely [4c28d17] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/hc.c (modified) OHCI scheduling Fri, 08 Apr 2011 20:29:38 GMT Jan Vesely [344925c] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci_regs.h (modified) Initialize OHCI hc memory structures Fri, 08 Apr 2011 15:46:32 GMT Jan Vesely [6b6e3ed3] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) Initialize transfer queues Fri, 08 Apr 2011 13:58:45 GMT Jan Vesely [6bec59b] * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/iface.c (modified) Port endpoint framework usage from UHCI Thu, 07 Apr 2011 09:01:07 GMT Jan Vesely [049eb87] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/src/host/device_keeper.c (modified) Fix device_keeper compile error, disable legacy for OHCI Wed, 06 Apr 2011 18:36:33 GMT Jan Vesely [5876d36] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/iface.c (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/Makefile (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/include/usb/host/bandwidth.h (deleted) * uspace/lib/usb/src/host/bandwidth.c (deleted) OHCI uses usb_endpoint_manager removed old bandwidth_t Sat, 02 Apr 2011 18:56:57 GMT Jan Vesely [c2be0e5] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/iface.c (modified) OHCI bandwidth Sat, 02 Apr 2011 18:39:07 GMT Jan Vesely [2c617b0] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci_regs.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.c (modified) Basic OHCI initialization Fri, 01 Apr 2011 14:23:41 GMT Jan Vesely [9b640c42] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci.c (modified) Forgotten UHCI renames, root hub id is usb&class=hub not usb&mid Fri, 25 Mar 2011 23:37:10 GMT Jan Vesely [53f1c87] * uspace/drv/ohci/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/iface.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci.c (added) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci.h (added) OHCI root hub registration reworked Mon, 21 Mar 2011 15:08:29 GMT Vojtech Horky [7102aa5] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci_regs.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci_hc.c (modified) Merge development/ changes Mon, 21 Mar 2011 15:01:52 GMT Vojtech Horky [1387692] * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/iface.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/batch.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/iface.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/transfer_list.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/transfer_list.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci_hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci_hc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/include/usb/host/batch.h (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/src/host/batch.c (modified) Rename batch_* => usb_transfer_batch_* No change in functionality. Mon, 21 Mar 2011 14:27:47 GMT Vojtech Horky [68b5ed6e] * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/iface.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/batch.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/iface.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci_hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci_hc.h (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/include/usb/host/device_keeper.h (modified) * uspace/lib/usb/src/host/device_keeper.c (modified) Rename device_keeper* => usb_device_keeper* Also extended some ... Mon, 21 Mar 2011 14:25:06 GMT Jan Vesely [5d1db18] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) Set rh address to -1 if devman register fails Mon, 21 Mar 2011 14:20:23 GMT Jan Vesely [7d6a676] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/ohci_regs.h (modified) * uspace/drv/uhci-hcd/uhci_hc.c (modified) Add interrupt emulator Mon, 21 Mar 2011 13:37:40 GMT Jan Vesely [5156580] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.c (modified) Set rh address to 0 during dummy_reset Mon, 21 Mar 2011 13:18:03 GMT Jan Vesely [2bf8f8c] * uspace/drv/ohci/batch.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.h (modified) Implement batch_get Mon, 21 Mar 2011 12:51:02 GMT Jan Vesely [ff582d47] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/main.c (modified) A really ugly way to register hub Mon, 21 Mar 2011 12:23:31 GMT Jan Vesely [8627377] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.h (modified) Add usb iface implementation Mon, 21 Mar 2011 11:52:29 GMT Jan Vesely [a6d1bc1] * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.h (modified) Add infrastructure for rh registration. Mon, 21 Mar 2011 11:13:26 GMT Jan Vesely [bab71635] * uspace/drv/ohci/Makefile (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.c (moved) * uspace/drv/ohci/hc.h (moved) * uspace/drv/ohci/iface.c (moved) * uspace/drv/ohci/iface.h (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/main.c (modified) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.c (moved) * uspace/drv/ohci/root_hub.h (moved) Renames, remove ohci prefix