Custom Query (15 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#11 Support PAE on ia32 new gsoc12, gsoc13, gsoc14, gsoc15, gsoc16, gsoc17, gsoc18 Martin Decky enhancement minor
#40 Implement support for Sgi Octane (mips64) new gsoc11, gsoc12, gsoc13, gsoc14, gsoc15,gsoc16, gsoc17 Martin Decky enhancement minor
#310 Support for DWARF Debugging Information Format new gsoc11, gsoc12, gsoc13, gsoc14, gsoc15,gsoc16, gsoc17, gsoc18 enhancement minor
#425 Implement support for Lemote Fuloong/Yeeloong (mips64) new gsoc12, gsoc13, gsoc14, gsoc15,gsoc16, gsoc17 Martin Decky enhancement minor
#526 Port DOSBox to HelenOS new gsoc13, gsoc14, gsoc15,gsoc16, gsoc17 enhancement minor
#402 Port QEMU to HelenOS accepted gsoc12, gsoc13, gsoc14, gsoc15 Vojtech Horky enhancement major
#424 RPC/IPC generator new gsoc13, gsoc14, gsoc15, socis15,gsoc16, gsoc17,gsoc18 enhancement major
#517 Port the clang (LLVM) compiler to HelenOS new gsoc13, gsoc14, gsoc15, socis15,gsoc16, gsoc17 enhancement major
#520 Driver for VESA-compatible graphics adapter new gsoc13, gsoc14, gsoc15, ui enhancement major
#524 Implement support for Ben NanoNote (mips32) new gsoc13, gsoc14, gsoc15,gsoc16, gsoc17 Martin Decky enhancement major
#571 Driver for Broadcom VideoCore IV (Raspberry Pi) new gsoc14, gsoc15, gsoc16, gsoc17, gsoc18 enhancement major
#572 USB DisplayLink driver new gsoc14, gsoc15, gsoc16, gsoc17, gsoc18, ui enhancement major
#576 Network file server and network file system client new gsoc14, gsoc15 Jakub Jermář enhancement major
#577 AC'97 Audio driver new gsoc14, gsoc15, gsoc16, gsoc17, gsoc18, virtualbox enhancement major
#621 Raspberry Pi USB controller driver new gsoc15, gsoc16, gsoc17, gsoc18 enhancement major
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