Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#156 Improve support for non-xterm terminal emulators new enhancement major helenos/srv/console
#440 Serial terminal emulation/deemulation library accepted enhancement major helenos/unspecified
#460 Extend devctl with driver management assigned enhancement major helenos/unspecified
#505 Remcons should implement the console protocol fully accepted enhancement major helenos/unspecified
#562 Source and destination address selection accepted enhancement major helenos/unspecified
#593 IP datagram reassembly needs to flush datagrams/fragments after some time new defect major helenos/net/inet
#648 Extend dynamic linking support to (an)other architecture(s) new enhancement major helenos/srv/loader
#732 Fill in gaps in ISO C standard library support accepted enhancement major helenos/unspecified
#746 Proper implementation of SIF assigned enhancement major helenos/unspecified
#781 PS/2 mouse on HW can break due to early activity accepted defect major helenos/unspecified
#835 New, non UNIX-like shell assigned enhancement major helenos/unspecified
#836 File Manager assigned enhancement major helenos/unspecified
#873 Libinet inetfaces should not contain hidden state assigned enhancement major 0.14.2 helenos/unspecified
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.