Custom Query (653 matches)


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Results (601 - 653 of 653)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#289 klog's interrupt_received() routine is too heavy-weight Martin Decky enhancement minor 0.5.0 helenos/app/klog
#356 PCI info utility Jiri Svoboda enhancement minor 0.9.1 helenos/unspecified
#382 Implement stack guard pages Jakub Jermář enhancement minor 0.6.0 helenos/kernel/generic
#401 Port MSIM MIPS simulator Vojtech Horky enhancement minor 0.5.0 helenos/unspecified
#455 TCP uses threads in an unsupported way Jiri Svoboda defect minor 0.5.0 helenos/net/tcp
#457 ping -r timeout handling defect minor 0.6.0 helenos/net/other
#462 Assignment instead of comparison in sbi defect minor 0.5.0 helenos/app/other
#475 File system probing Jakub Jermář enhancement minor 0.7.2 helenos/srv/vfs
#490 arm32 task kill message prints incorrect address. Jiri Svoboda defect minor 0.6.0 helenos/kernel/arm32
#491 arm32: Loader issue with -march=armv5 and ALIGN(., 8) in the linker script Jiri Svoboda defect minor 0.6.0 helenos/srv/loader
#493 kcon breaks redrawing defect minor 0.6.0 helenos/unspecified
#501 Standard conforming boolean type enhancement minor 0.6.0 helenos/unspecified
#506 getopt() crashes when called multiple time with invalid options Saad Talaat defect minor 0.7.0 helenos/lib/c
#511 Keys not work in some cases Jiri Svoboda defect minor 0.6.0 helenos/app/edit
#522 Implement sendto() and recvfrom() for TCP Jiri Svoboda enhancement minor 0.7.0 helenos/net/tcp
#529 Simplify list_foreach iteration enhancement minor helenos/unspecified
#530 Type check link argument of list_get_instance macro enhancement minor 0.6.0 helenos/unspecified
#540 devctl display of match IDs enhancement minor helenos/srv/devman
#569 Extend to check whether toolchain needs to be rebuilt enhancement minor 0.9.1 helenos/unspecified
#580 Generate UUID according to RFC defect minor 0.6.0 helenos/lib/other
#587 Clean up remaining uses of _DDF_DATA_IMPLANT enhancement minor 0.6.0 helenos/unspecified
#600 Makefile.depend needlessly rebuilt every time after a .ag file is changed once Martin Decky defect minor 0.7.1 helenos-build
#618 bdsh command options are polluted with command history defect minor 0.7.0 helenos/app/bdsh
#645 Windowed (non-full-screen) mode for the viewer application enhancement minor 0.7.0 helenos/app/viewer
#676 ext4 shoots before it asks defect minor 0.7.1 helenos/fs/ext4fs
#679 Kernel should have stdbool.h and stddef.h Jiri Svoboda enhancement minor 0.7.1 helenos/unspecified
#680 ABI headers are not self-contained defect minor 0.7.1 helenos/unspecified
#681 Kernel should have assert.h defect minor 0.7.1 helenos/unspecified
#682 C library should have a NO_TRACE macro enhancement minor 0.7.1 helenos/unspecified
#683 Clang build is broken on some architectures Jiří Zárevúcky defect minor 0.7.1 helenos/unspecified
#692 Assembler warnings on IA64 defect minor 0.7.1 helenos/lib/c
#693 Assembler warnings on MIPS defect minor 0.7.1 helenos/unspecified
#694 Assembler warnings on sparc64/niagara defect minor 0.7.1 helenos/unspecified
#695 e1000_link_restart() needs to be double-checked/tested defect minor 0.7.1 helenos/drv/e1k
#706 async_usleep vs fibril_usleep vs thread_usleep Jiri Svoboda enhancement minor 0.7.2 helenos/unspecified
#707 Some code creates threads instead of fibrils enhancement minor helenos/unspecified
#709 Enable to cope with missing libraries automatically enhancement minor 0.7.2 helenos/unspecified
#716 Broken UI in edit with long filename Jiri Svoboda defect minor 0.7.2 helenos/app/edit
#717 nic prints error for ne2k defect minor 0.7.2 helenos/drv/ne2k
#733 ext4fs should be able to report the volume label Jiri Svoboda enhancement minor 0.8.0 helenos/fs/ext4fs
#734 Devman should probe alternative matches enhancement minor 0.8.0 helenos/unspecified
#800 aarch64 boot crashes without explanation when init files are uncompressed Petr Pavlu defect minor helenos/boot/arm64
#818 e1k driver appears to claim the wrong interrupt defect minor 0.11.1 helenos/drv/e1k
#819 Async hangs up twice Jiri Svoboda defect minor 0.11.1 helenos/lib/c
#822 /srv/hid/display killed due to an exception at program counter 0xfffffffffffffffd. defect minor helenos/gui
#844 sparc64/ultra kernel cannot output to serial console in Qemu defect minor 0.12.1 helenos/unspecified
#874 Incorrect blocking chain printed by fibril deadlock detector Jiri Svoboda defect minor 0.14.2 helenos/unspecified
#29 Unify infinite lops Martin Decky enhancement trivial helenos/unspecified
#43 Switch between virtual terminals using Alt+Fn enhancement trivial 0.14.2 helenos/srv/console
#252 Change default CROSS_PREFIX to /usr/local/cross enhancement trivial 0.5.0 helenos/unspecified
#291 Invalid mnemonics and documentation in IP protocol defect trivial 0.5.0 helenos/net/inet
#510 Switching between Virtual Console using F1-F11 key defect trivial 0.6.0 helenos/unspecified
#579 printf does not implement the qualifier for ptrdiff_t Jakub Jermář defect trivial 0.7.0 helenos/lib/c
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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