Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#188 closed enhancement

Enhancement of libc implementation — at Initial Version

Reported by: Martin Decky Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 0.5.0
Component: helenos/lib/c Version: mainline
Keywords: gsoc10, gsoc11 Cc:
Blocker for: Depends on:
See also:


Implement a reasonable large subset of standard C and POSIX functions in HelenOS libc.

Currently the standard C and POSIX functions implemented in HelenOS are a small subset of all functions defined by the relevant standards. Usually a new function is implemented only when it is needed.

This project targets the implementation of a large (almost complete) subset of the functions defined by the relevant standards in advance, not on demand. The behaviour of the functions might slightly differ from the standardized behaviour in cases where it doesn't fit to the entire architecture of HelenOS, but generally the behaviour should be reasonably close to glibc or any other mature libc implementation.

What Gains and Benefits will this bring?
The ease of porting applications from Linux or other operating systems is currently limited by the limited subset of libc functions already implemented. This project should allow to port many standard-conforming applications from other operating systems easily and the ported applications should run reasonably without any extensive modifications.
Required skills
A successful applicant will have good skills of programming in the C language and the ability to survive in a non-standard non-POSIX application environment.

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