- 16:33 Changeset in mainline [33fc3ae]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Do not leak a fun_node_t reference in devman_add_function() when …
- 08:17 Changeset in mainline [94694a4]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add new audio-pcm category and register sb16/pcm in this categgory.
- 07:59 Changeset in mainline [ce047249]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Rename audio nodes: (mixer, dsp) ⇒ (control, pcm).
- 07:58 Changeset in mainline [68d1313]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- drv/audio/sb16: Fix debug comment mismatch.
- 07:46 Changeset in mainline [90f05b0f]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Rename audio pcm interface.
- 07:23 Changeset in mainline [0336354a]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Makefile: Build and use recording app.
- 07:22 Changeset in mainline [e1b7e36]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- app: Add recording application. Untested: qemu does not …
- 21:50 Changeset in mainline [5d3d75a5]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- removed dead (commented) code from previous revisions, now appending …
- 17:54 GSoC2012WeeklyReports edited by
- (diff)
- 16:56 Ticket #389 (Devman crashes after repeated add/remove.) updated by
- I am wondering if this behavior, as documented by the attached core …
- 13:33 Ticket #384 (Synchronize device tree transitions) updated by
See also changed
- 13:32 Ticket #389 (Devman crashes after repeated add/remove.) updated by
See also changed
- 21:26 Changeset in mainline [a3ab774]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libdrv/audio,drv/audio/sb16: Update and implement recording interface. …
- 21:25 Changeset in mainline [ef246b9]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- dplay: Close file on exit.
- 00:27 Changeset in mainline [0d56712]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- workq: Added magic cookie integrity checks. Fixed test workqueue1.
- 22:39 Ticket #389 (Devman crashes after repeated add/remove.) updated by
- I've just uploaded devman.tar.bz2 which contains two ia32 coredumps …
- 14:51 Changeset in mainline [cc51c27]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 14:50 Changeset in mainline [96606fe]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- completely recoded splitting function
- 14:17 Changeset in mainline [9b3d999]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- drv/auid/sb16: Refactor debug output.
- 14:11 Changeset in mainline [c5c65b6]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- app/dplay: Refactoring. Ouput + sign instead of one line.
- 14:07 Changeset in mainline [6be06d0]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libdrv,audio pcm: Fix sending number of buffer parts.
- 13:31 Changeset in mainline [8a64e81e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- workq: Add work queues: allow blocking work items, queuing items from …
- 13:06 Changeset in mainline [518dd43]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- thread: thread_ready() new prefers cpus where thread last ran. Added …
- 13:04 Changeset in mainline [46a5b37]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- synch: Condvars can now wait with spinlocks and not just a mutex.
- 13:01 Changeset in mainline [ef1603b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- adt: list_foreach_safe() enables item removal while traversing a list.
- 12:58 Changeset in mainline [d70fc74]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- smp_call: Minor fixes and comments.
- 23:31 Changeset in mainline [68e005d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- dplay: There is one more event after sending the stop command.
- 23:23 Changeset in mainline [2afae0e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- drv/audio/sb16: Fix debug output.
- 22:54 Changeset in mainline [9fa0111d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add const qualifiers.
- 22:32 Changeset in mainline [7ed5153b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Typo fix.
- 22:17 Changeset in mainline [bb4c141c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- drv/audio/sb16: minor debug changes.
- 22:17 Changeset in mainline [9d5244f]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- app/dplay: Use event interface properly.
- 22:16 Changeset in mainline [7364c6ee]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libdrv,audio: Fix sending of shared memory flags. Fix calling buffer …
- 21:06 Changeset in mainline [4bbfb93]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libdrv/audio: Remove optical separators.
- 21:01 Changeset in mainline [e941bf8]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- audio/sb16: Remove optical separators.
- 20:52 Changeset in mainline [124f9bd]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- audio/sb16: Remove newlines from debug messages.
- 20:48 Changeset in mainline [4bec78f]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- dplay: Update to use new interface. Ugly and broken, but compiles fine.
- 20:23 Changeset in mainline [725d038]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Mainline changes.
- 19:32 Changeset in mainline [7ca22e5]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- drv/audio/sb16: Accept event session and send USER_METHOD on playback …
- 19:31 Changeset in mainline [8de7ef2]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libdrv,audio: Add event callback creation to audio iface.
- 17:25 Changeset in mainline [f8608f2]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libdrv,audio: Be a bit more verbose about buffer setup.
- 13:21 Changeset in mainline [f6bc83a]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Send log messages only when they are read
- 12:59 Changeset in mainline [e1eda1e9]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- USB debug redirected to standard system log
- 12:59 Changeset in mainline [1b46b77]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add simple log viewer
- 12:58 Changeset in mainline [f47c70d4]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Smoke test for logger
- 12:57 Changeset in mainline [1f2dd20]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Start working on logger service The logger service is started …
- 22:41 Changeset in mainline [5e4f22b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- When sending an IPI, wait for its successful delivery.
- 20:36 Lab edited by
- (diff)
- 20:05 Changeset in mainline [bb4c9fca]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Reverse the condition which ends the loop in cross_call().
- 19:35 Changeset in mainline [72e1d6eb]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge from lp:~jakub/helenos/mm.
- 19:12 Changeset in mainline [e943ecf]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add read_barrier()'s to pt_mapping_find(). This is to prevent a …
- 14:04 KnowledgeArticles edited by
- Add link to printf (diff)
- 14:03 Printf created by
- Initial commit
- 13:18 USB edited by
- Several links (diff)
- 09:58 Camp2012 edited by
- (diff)
- 09:27 UDF edited by
- Add command for creating empty disk (diff)
- 22:30 GSoC2012WeeklyReports edited by
- (diff)
- 21:31 Changeset in mainline [7d68da80]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add a write memory barrier also to ht_mapping_insert().
- 15:17 Camp2012 edited by
- (diff)
- 13:41 Changeset in mainline [2f7042e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Make sb16 and audio tools essential.
- 12:31 Changeset in mainline [00006e0]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- audio: Allow client to specify buffer size.
- 08:23 GSoC2012WeeklyReports edited by
- (diff)
- 22:28 Changeset in mainline [609a417]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add write memory barriers to pt_mapping_insert() so that setting a new …
- 22:25 GCCPort edited by
- update project status (diff)
- 22:21 GCCPort edited by
- new status of libgmp, libmpfr, and libmpc (diff)
- 22:19 Changeset in mainline [0d8269b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add macros for setting the present bit in PTEs separately.
- 20:55 Changeset in mainline [1f8c11f]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- smp_call: Added kernel test.
- 20:54 Changeset in mainline [d71331b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- smp_call: Moved content of arch header to generic header.
- 20:27 Changeset in mainline [d802671d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 16:29 Changeset in mainline [9432f08]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Process all TLB messages or until TLB_INVL_ALL is reached. - …
- 05:18 Changeset in mainline [2ee1ccc]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- smp_call: initial unicast version for ia32, amd64.
- 23:54 Changeset in mainline [49e6c6b4]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- ipi: Added support for unicast IPI on amd64, ia32.
- 21:48 StructuredBinaryData edited by
- elaborate on future language ideas (diff)
- 15:32 Changeset in mainline [1f092d9]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merged changes from mainline.
- 15:31 Changeset in mainline [e6a78b9]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes.
- 14:37 Changeset in mainline [bd250b0f]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fix ia32/amd64 essential build.
- 13:46 Changeset in mainline [ea150dc6]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- sb16: Add pio ranges to irq code.
- 13:04 Changeset in mainline [722912e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fix mainline merge breakage.
- 13:02 Changeset in mainline [6843a9c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes Trivial conflicts.
- 10:40 Changeset in mainline [0bbd13e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- isa: Fix memory leaks. function name is str_duped
- 19:52 UDF edited by
- Proper formatting of commands, add links (diff)
- 18:28 UDF edited by
- (diff)
- 08:03 GSoC2012WeeklyReports edited by
- (diff)
- 22:21 StructuredBinaryData edited by
- update to reflect new commits (diff)
- 22:11 Camp2012 edited by
- Update Camp2012 with preliminary data (diff)
- 20:34 Changeset in mainline [349e510d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes
- 20:32 Changeset in mainline [02dcb20]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: add test files and comment support
- 20:10 Changeset in mainline [600f5d1]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: add composition, ascii, and zero_terminated
- 03:35 Changeset in mainline [978ccaf1]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: various cleanup and tweaks
- 22:42 Ticket #463 (The presence of the ISA bus driver and the USB HC drivers hangs the ...) updated by
Owner, Status changed
- 22:41 Ticket #451 (kernel panic when running tester malloc1/2 on 4-way SMP) closed by
- duplicate: I think this family of panics is in fact a duplicate of #396. First, …
- 22:23 GSoC2012WeeklyReports edited by
- Add respective dates for each week. (diff)
- 19:56 Changeset in mainline [04a7435f]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: add the struct transform
- 05:46 GSOC edited by
- Add link to repositories (diff)
- 05:44 Repositories edited by
- Link to UDF page (diff)
- 05:44 GSOC edited by
- Links to UDF and GCC port pages (diff)
- 22:15 UDF created by
- UDF file system server
- 22:05 GSoC2012WeeklyReports edited by
- (diff)
- 19:45 Ticket #389 (Devman crashes after repeated add/remove.) updated by
- I am attaching a simple script (batch) that reproduces the bug in an …
- 13:59 GSoC2012WeeklyReports edited by
- (diff)
- 19:24 Changeset in mainline [f2da0bb]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: use reference counting for nodes
- 18:44 Changeset in mainline [0d1a8fd]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: allow primitive transforms in scripts
- 17:32 Changeset in mainline [03b2b2c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: add working but useless script parser.
- 19:55 Changeset in mainline [02020dc]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 19:53 Changeset in mainline [d510ac01]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fixed bug with different sizes in writing file on extents
- 18:24 Changeset in mainline [da0fef6]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: port to Linux and allow choosing a data source
- 19:56 FajtlRegressions edited by
- remove probably misguided observation (diff)
- 19:54 Lab edited by
- fix link (diff)
- 18:04 FajtlRegressions edited by
- IA64 regression bisected (diff)
- 17:15 Changeset in mainline [baf8fbb]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- improve the chance of toolchain successfully compiling on less …
- 06:28 GSoC2012WeeklyReports edited by
- (diff)
- 05:40 StructuredBinaryData edited by
- various tweaks (diff)
- 05:32 Changeset in mainline [d5070ef]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: transforms and uint32le_transform
- 23:53 Repositories edited by
- Zdenek's FUSE repository (diff)
- 10:49 Changeset in mainline [380553c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 10:48 Changeset in mainline [2616a75b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- one bugfix + some debugging output
- 23:59 Ticket #396 (tester malloc1 sometimes fails) closed by
- fixed: Ok, I think I can explain the mechanism of this corruption, at last! …
- 23:52 Changeset in mainline [f22dc820]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Honour the prohibition of migration also in thread_ready().
- 23:03 Changeset in mainline [8b36bf2]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes
- 21:03 StructuredBinaryData edited by
- add description of project and initial design (diff)
- 16:18 Changeset in mainline [6eef3c4]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- cleanup thread_create() and thread_t structure - remove 'flag' …
- 12:59 Ticket #464 (FPU preserved registers not preserved across fibril switches) created by
- To make it possible for two fibrils to do floating point math without …
- 11:54 Changeset in mainline [abfc9f3]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- cstyle
- 11:45 Changeset in mainline [f97f1e51]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- unify slab cache naming scheme (according to the type name)
- 09:30 Ticket #396 (tester malloc1 sometimes fails) updated by
I noticed the amd64 version of
function … - 09:16 Ticket #396 (tester malloc1 sometimes fails) updated by
- This might not at all be a memory management related bug. The bug is …
- 21:50 Changeset in mainline [d23d911]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add DNS resolver stub.
- 21:29 Changeset in mainline [22cec678]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- bump GCC to 4.7.1
- 15:00 Ticket #189 (DNS resolver) updated by
Status, Owner changed
- 14:22 Repositories edited by
- Add missing links (diff)
- 11:09 Changeset in mainline [06d85e5]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Most of comments modified by current coding style
- 10:39 GSoC2012WeeklyReports edited by
- (diff)
- 10:36 GCCPort created by
- 09:55 Changeset in mainline [9a487cc]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 09:49 Changeset in mainline [49c94a3]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- fixed bug in algorithm for delete big files
- 08:36 Repositories edited by
- (diff)
- 08:32 GSoC2012WeeklyReports edited by
- (diff)
- 00:47 Changeset in mainline [79d74fe]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rcu: initial files with dummy functions.
- 16:00 DeveloperDocs/TCPIP edited by
- Fix DNS RFC number (diff)
- 15:54 DeveloperDocs/TCPIP edited by
- Add links to DNS and DHCP specs (diff)
- 12:20 UsersGuide/Networking edited by
- Add nterm section (diff)
- 12:17 UsersGuide/CommandReference edited by
- Add nterm (diff)
- 12:16 ReleaseNotes/0.5.0 edited by
- remcons and nterm (diff)
- 22:11 Changeset in mainline [75b9c3d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Remove category ID from loc output.
- 22:10 UsersGuide/Networking edited by
- loc show-cat iplink output (diff)
- 22:03 Changeset in mainline [a3fcfba]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- In loc print server name instead of handle.
- 22:02 Ticket #449 (devctl and locinfo should print driver and server names) closed by
- fixed
- 22:01 Ticket #449 (devctl and locinfo should print driver and server names) updated by
- Fixed in mainline,1524 and mainline,1525. The …
- 21:44 Changeset in mainline [3f57fb7]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- In devctl print driver name for child of each function (and not the …
- 21:31 Changeset in mainline [375e501]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fix async_forget(). The reply to a forgotten message was being …
- 16:19 Changeset in mainline [1d4024cf]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 14:22 FajtlRegressions created by
- Create 0.5.0 regression page to ease testing before the release
- 14:17 Codenames edited by
- Sushi won't happen (diff)
- 13:17 Changeset in mainline [2902e1bb]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- add support for variable uspace stack size create individual address …
- 13:16 Changeset in mainline [faba839]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- use symbolic values for address space constants
- 12:54 DeveloperDocs/IEEE802_11 edited by
- DS implementation paper (diff)
- 12:02 DeveloperDocs/IEEE802_11 edited by
- Linux Wireless Wiki and FreeBSD docs (diff)
- 11:50 DeveloperDocs edited by
- WLAN Link (diff)
- 11:49 DeveloperDocs/IEEE802_11 created by
- Wireless LAN Docs
- 11:39 DeveloperDocs edited by
- Stuff moved out to subpages (diff)
- 11:35 DeveloperDocs/Peripherals created by
- Peripherals Docs
- 11:31 DeveloperDocs/CPUArch created by
- CPU Architecture Docs
- 11:30 DeveloperDocs/TCPIP created by
- TCP/IP Networking Docs
- 09:01 Ticket #456 (Cannot receive and send over TCP/UDP at the same time) updated by
See also changed
- 09:00 Ticket #441 (netecho cannot be killed) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in mainline,1521. TCP and UDP recv[from]() now work …
- 22:09 Changeset in mainline [32d19f7]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Make UDP reception asynchronous using receive fibril.
- 22:08 Ticket #456 (Cannot receive and send over TCP/UDP at the same time) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in mainline,1521. Added a receive fibril for the UDP …
- 11:29 GSoC2012WeeklyReports edited by
- (diff)
- 10:29 GSoC2012WeeklyReports edited by
- Fix tracking of Julia's second report. (diff)
- 09:23 Ticket #413 (Port GNU Compiler Collection (gcc) to HelenOS) updated by
- Development branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~vivek-cs-iitr/helenos/gcc
- 16:00 GSoC2012WeeklyReports created by
- Start page aggregating GSoC students' weekly reports
- 15:31 GSOC edited by
- (diff)
- 15:30 GSOC edited by
- (diff)
- 18:16 Ticket #456 (Cannot receive and send over TCP/UDP at the same time) updated by
- I was mistaken, accept in TCP works asynchronously. Only UDP needs …
- 10:13 Changeset in mainline [33f9670]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 20:13 Changeset in mainline [652b776]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 19:12 Meetings edited by
- cancel the meeting on Jun 9 (diff)
- 12:59 Changeset in mainline [491f773]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- add out-of-source-tree building tool
- 12:58 Changeset in mainline [c573e0f]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- make sure we copy content (not links potentially) when installing GRUB
- 07:02 Changeset in mainline [8375d0eb]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: add Doxygen comments
- 17:00 Changeset in mainline [5c925ce]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: make blobs a type of node
- 11:33 Meetings edited by
- update for June (diff)
- 09:11 DeveloperDocs edited by
- Add IPv6 links (diff)
- 09:03 Changeset in mainline [34ab31c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Cosmetic reordering of page protection bits.
- 08:53 Changeset in mainline [306f0de]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Make kernel identity on ia32 use global mapping for its entire range.
- 04:03 Changeset in mainline [5f679702]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: simplification
- 21:13 Changeset in mainline [520acaf]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes
- 21:12 Changeset in mainline [11b9ad7]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: tree API and JSON/Python printing
- 22:04 Camp2012 edited by
- Add myself (diff)
- 20:45 Changeset in mainline [e1e4192]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes
- 15:09 Changeset in mainline [85a4350]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 15:08 Changeset in mainline [840e227]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- added debug error messages and modified delete orphan function (will …
- 15:05 Changeset in mainline [ca47f656]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- excluded functions working with orphans - not needed by driver actually
- 15:03 Changeset in mainline [4059a28]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- adjusted supported features
- 15:02 Changeset in mainline [da9f220d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- missing comments added
- 15:01 Changeset in mainline [79b5bc9]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- very malicious bug in binary search algorithm
- 12:36 Ticket #50 (Kconsole better tab completion) updated by
Owner, Status changed
- 16:43 Changeset in mainline [2689a0b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Remove long unmaintained support for building with suncc.
- 19:26 Changeset in mainline [3123d2a]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- trivial changes (error code reporting, messages)
- 19:23 Changeset in mainline [2f90b46]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- trivial condition change
- 19:22 Changeset in mainline [b39b5cb]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- trivial changes (error code reporting, messages)
- 19:20 Changeset in mainline [1b054a6f]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- trivial changes (error code reporting, messages)
- 19:17 Changeset in mainline [50ad3f3]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- trivial changes (error code reporting, messages)
- 19:14 Changeset in mainline [b16e77d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- trivial changes (error code reporting, messages)
- 19:12 Changeset in mainline [1038a9c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- cstyle (no change in functionality)
- 19:09 Changeset in mainline [a47f522]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- trivial changes (error code reporting, messages)
- 19:07 Changeset in mainline [d92c1ca]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- cstyle (no change in functionality)
- 19:06 Changeset in mainline [b713ff80]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- cstyle (no change in functionality)
- 19:00 Changeset in mainline [77ad86c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- cstyle (no change in functionality)
- 18:55 Changeset in mainline [4e5dabf]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- cstyle (no change in functionality)
- 09:09 Changeset in mainline [4585bda]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 00:04 Changeset in mainline [50985c34]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: create file blobs from fds and FILE*s
- 17:33 Changeset in mainline [db675dd]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- print more informative messages about init tasks, the loader and the …
- 16:54 Changeset in mainline [6abb346]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- add support for 2-way parallel compilation (for machines with less memory)
- 15:41 Repositories edited by
- Add repositories of GSOC 2012 participants (diff)
- 04:01 Changeset in mainline [5c5c346a]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: file blobs
- 20:36 Changeset in mainline [4b16422]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes
- 16:41 Changeset in mainline [692be1ae]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- print elf_load() return value if CONFIG_LOG is set
- 12:52 Ticket #215 (Need 'interrupt task' functionality) updated by
See also changed
- 12:52 Ticket #449 (devctl and locinfo should print driver and server names) updated by
See also changed
- 12:51 Ticket #217 (Need a way to detach devices) updated by
See also changed
- 12:48 Ticket #156 (Improve support for non-xterm terminal emulators) updated by
See also changed
- 01:11 Changeset in mainline [ce683ed3]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- bithenge: add blobs created from memory buffers
- 09:07 Ticket #383 (USB device removal) updated by
See also changed
- 09:05 Ticket #415 (Convert the ATA block device driver into a regular DDF driver) updated by
See also changed
Until #447 is resolved, removing the non-DDF ATA driver will prevent …
- 14:26 Ticket #414 (Graceful system shutdown) updated by
- The key point here is determining which parts of the system need to be …
- 09:56 Changeset in mainline [fb04cd90]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- checks by mount operation
- 23:17 Changeset in mainline [f7e69f5]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes
- 04:15 Changeset in mainline [1923501]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: use separate functions instead of casts.
- 03:49 Changeset in mainline [743ce51]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: various fixes and style.
- 21:15 Ticket #430 (Loader crashes when 'Strip binaries' is used) updated by
- Some things appear to be wrong with the stripped file: […]
- 20:42 Ticket #430 (Loader crashes when 'Strip binaries' is used) updated by
For the loader binary, and for the loader binary alone,
prints … - 16:00 Changeset in mainline [d0c9b4b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- fixed bug in releasing extents
- 16:00 Changeset in mainline [fa3704d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- missing dependency
- 15:30 Changeset in mainline [8ad5470]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 14:24 Changeset in mainline [a33706e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bdsh/cat can read from stdin as well
- 14:22 Changeset in mainline [a58bc8b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Console does not send special keys on its VFS interface Also, …
- 12:08 ReleaseNotes/0.5.0 edited by
- Let MSIM link to the HelenOS wiki article instead (diff)
- 11:57 UsersGuide/CommandReference/msim created by
- Add article for msim
- 11:45 UsersGuide/CommandReference edited by
- Add msim (diff)
- 05:25 Changeset in mainline [a54bd98]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Bithenge: binary blobs. - Create binary blobs from random-access or …
- 12:03 Changeset in mainline [df3f85f]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge GSOC-originated patches Merge from …
- 23:57 Changeset in mainline [0a0e6e7]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: add some comments
- 21:57 Changeset in mainline [8fde078]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: add support to the CLOCK_GET_BOOTTIME request
- 10:31 Changeset in mainline [67435b1]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Make tools work with Python 3 again
- 06:18 Ticket #463 (The presence of the ISA bus driver and the USB HC drivers hangs the ...) updated by
Further investigation reveals that a new instance of
hangs …
- 09:19 Ticket #463 (The presence of the ISA bus driver and the USB HC drivers hangs the ...) updated by
- It looks like the ISA and USB HC drivers merely create a suitable …
- 06:14 ReleaseNotes/0.5.0 edited by
- Link to MSIM home page (diff)
- 06:11 Ticket #401 (Port MSIM MIPS simulator) closed by
- fixed: Great!
- 12:50 Ticket #463 (The presence of the ISA bus driver and the USB HC drivers hangs the ...) updated by
Summary changed
Interestingly enough, if I exclude the USB host controller drivers and …
- 15:36 ReleaseNotes/0.5.0 edited by
- MSIM ported (diff)
- 14:48 Ticket #463 (The presence of the ISA bus driver and the USB HC drivers hangs the ...) updated by
Summary changed
- 14:48 Ticket #463 (The presence of the ISA bus driver and the USB HC drivers hangs the ...) updated by
Summary changed
This indeed seems to be a problem of the ISA driver. Keeping the ISA …
- 11:52 Ticket #401 (Port MSIM MIPS simulator) updated by
Priority, Keywords, Status, Owner changed
Merged as changeset:mainline,1501. Still remains to implement the tab … - 11:31 Changeset in mainline [c196671]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge MSIM simulator port (#401) Merged from …
- 08:14 Changeset in mainline [c4b0317]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes
- 21:09 Changeset in mainline [eb083ad]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- merge mainline changes
- 17:56 Changeset in mainline [3e67ab1]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Based on popular vote, move websrv back into /app.
- 11:41 Ticket #463 (The presence of the ISA bus driver and the USB HC drivers hangs the ...) updated by
- Yes. Therefore I would not call it a regression. It is simply a bug in …
- 10:03 Ticket #463 (The presence of the ISA bus driver and the USB HC drivers hangs the ...) updated by
- Guessing the problem may be related to the fact that the ISA bridge …
- 06:38 Ticket #434 (USB mass storage writes not flushed) updated by
- From SCSI SBC perspective the direct-access block device is allowed to …
- 20:35 Ticket #463 (The presence of the ISA bus driver and the USB HC drivers hangs the ...) created by
- mainline,1376 changed the ISA-bridge match ID from the …
- 09:17 Camp2012 edited by
- (diff)
- 20:16 Changeset in mainline [2bd578a]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fix assignment inside assert.
- 20:11 Ticket #462 (Assignment instead of comparison in sbi) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in mainline,1499 and in upstream as well.
- 19:59 UsersGuide/CommandReference edited by
- loc and inet renaming (diff)
- 19:58 UsersGuide/Networking edited by
- Update for inet and loc renaming/improvements (diff)
- 19:53 ReleaseNotes/0.5.0 edited by
- Utility renaming (diff)
- 19:51 Changeset in mainline [ce1836e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge renaming and other improvements.
- 18:12 Camp2012 edited by
- (diff)
- 13:28 Changeset in mainline [15b794d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 13:27 Changeset in mainline [8060341a]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- filesystem code comments
- 04:47 StructuredBinaryData edited by
- Fix headings. (diff)
- 04:45 StructuredBinaryData edited by
- Add requirements, interesting formats, misc. ideas, and more existing … (diff)
- 17:34 Ticket #462 (Assignment instead of comparison in sbi) created by
- In [browser:mainline/uspace/app/sbi/src/stype.c#L654 …
- 15:29 Camp2012 edited by
- (diff)
- 19:48 ToMerge edited by
- update branches (diff)
- 13:39 Ticket #458 (Deadlocks when memory management is under pressure) closed by
- fixed: Ok, closing as fixed. Please file a new ticket if a new issue occurs.
- 11:33 Changeset in mainline [8f6bffdd]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Jumping over words in edit with ctrl+arrow (thx Tobias Börtitz) This …
- 11:13 Changeset in mainline [4b82445]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes
- 10:50 Camp2012 edited by
- Add myself (diff)
- 10:29 Changeset in mainline [68f57e1]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes
- 10:01 Changeset in mainline [bf9e6fc]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Detect duplicate address names.
- 09:43 Changeset in mainline [f8dbc12]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add headers to inet listings.
- 09:30 Changeset in mainline [4e7637a]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add show-cat subcommand to loc which lists services in a given category.
- 08:56 Changeset in mainline [32d96e1]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Rename app/locinfo to app/loc, srv/loc to srv/locsrv.
- 08:47 Changeset in mainline [b4ec1ea]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Rename app/inetcfg to app/inet, srv/inet to srv/inetsrv. …
- 07:45 Changeset in mainline [26b6789]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Make websrv a server-style binary.
- 07:00 Ticket #452 (amd64 cores do not contain valid register information) updated by
- The ability to write amd64 register state was added in …
- 21:48 Ticket #389 (Devman crashes after repeated add/remove.) updated by
- The crash as captured by the screenshot occurred here: […] …
- 21:48 Changeset in mainline [422af2b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Properly wrap getopt* in libposix
- 19:55 Changeset in mainline [6df2202]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libusb: Fix assertion.
- 19:27 Ticket #389 (Devman crashes after repeated add/remove.) updated by
- sry for double attachment, server has been acting weird for me today. …
- 19:01 Ticket #389 (Devman crashes after repeated add/remove.) updated by
- I can reproduce on latest mainline and qemu kvm 1.0.1 Number of …
- 14:58 Ticket #389 (Devman crashes after repeated add/remove.) updated by
- Jano, could you try to reproduce it for one more time? We seem to be …
- 14:56 Ticket #394 (Running trace causes assert in generlic/malloc.c) closed by
- worksforme: Closing as not reproducible and a lack of more detailed information.
- 14:54 Ticket #457 (ping -r timeout handling) updated by
Milestone changed
Based on the 0.5.0 release bug court ruling, retargetting to 0.5.1. - 14:54 Ticket #456 (Cannot receive and send over TCP/UDP at the same time) updated by
Milestone changed
Based on the 0.5.0 release bug court ruling, retargetting to 0.5.1. - 14:54 Ticket #434 (USB mass storage writes not flushed) updated by
Milestone changed
Based on the 0.5.0 release bug court ruling, retargetting to 0.5.1. - 14:53 Ticket #384 (Synchronize device tree transitions) updated by
Milestone changed
Based on the 0.5.0 release bug court ruling, retargetting to 0.5.1. - 14:53 Ticket #341 (Divide error panic in delay loop calibration during boot) updated by
Milestone changed
Based on the 0.5.0 release bug court ruling, retargetting to 0.5.1. - 14:52 Ticket #268 (Running "while true; do echo prd | nc -u localhost 8080; done" hangs ...) updated by
Milestone changed
Based on the 0.5.0 release bug court ruling, retargetting to 0.5.1. - 14:52 Ticket #441 (netecho cannot be killed) updated by
Milestone changed
Based on the 0.5.0 release bug court ruling, retargetting to 0.5.1. - 12:03 Changeset in mainline [f2eece1]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 10:48 Changeset in mainline [84c86819]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Transmit ASCII BS for backspace. Display entire received buffer in one …
- 09:41 Changeset in mainline [0d67e16]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Might as well terminate nterm when other side closes the connection.
- 09:39 Changeset in mainline [7c912b6]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fix delivery of end-of-connection condition.
- 09:34 Changeset in mainline [d67dfdc]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Avoid blocking callpaths in TLB shootdown sequences. - In …
- 15:45 Ticket #461 (No interrupts for uspace on real hardware when SMP enabled) updated by
- Snippet from my /proc/iomem: fec00000-ffffffff : reserved …
- 15:40 NavigatingInSources edited by
- (diff)
- 15:37 NavigatingInSources created by
- 15:20 Camp2012 edited by
- Add myself (diff)
- 15:16 KnowledgeArticles edited by
- (diff)
- 15:13 Camp2012 created by
- Start HelenOS Camp 2012 planning page
- 15:12 Camps edited by
- (diff)
- 11:37 Ticket #456 (Cannot receive and send over TCP/UDP at the same time) updated by
- In mainline,1491 I put in a fix/hack in TCP socket …
- 11:06 Changeset in mainline [01a7aa1]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add a trivial network terminal application.
- 10:33 Changeset in mainline [9094c0f]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fix recv[from]() with small user buffer.
- 09:44 Changeset in mainline [d786dea9]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Use a receive fibril in TCP socket provider to make reception …
- 09:15 Meetings edited by
- Update venue of tomorrow's meeting. (diff)
- 09:05 Ticket #458 (Deadlocks when memory management is under pressure) updated by
- So far, after mainline,1489, I only noticed hangs and …
- 08:43 Ticket #461 (No interrupts for uspace on real hardware when SMP enabled) updated by
It may be a good idea to look into
on Linux and see if … - 08:17 Ticket #461 (No interrupts for uspace on real hardware when SMP enabled) updated by
- AFAIK the uspace APIC driver is still a bit simplified. It can handle …
- 07:49 Ticket #461 (No interrupts for uspace on real hardware when SMP enabled) updated by
- After some tedious bisecting with no result I finally remembered about …
- 07:47 Ticket #365 (Changing LED status bricks A4Tech keyboard) updated by
Milestone changed
- 07:47 Ticket #365 (Changing LED status bricks A4Tech keyboard) closed by
worksforme: I can no longer reproduce this as of mainline,1490. Yay
- 17:43 Lab edited by
- Add ThinkPad X220 to our lab. (diff)
- 08:47 Changeset in mainline [81a7858]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- more comments, now missing very small number of comments
- 07:28 Changeset in mainline [bed78cb]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 22:51 Changeset in mainline [fce7b43]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fix build.
- 22:22 Lab edited by
- Update last known working revision for GTA02 (diff)
- 19:27 Changeset in mainline [af42a2b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Put back includes in libposix (unbreak binutils build) Apparently, …
- 14:29 ContemplatedPlatforms edited by
- (diff)
- 14:28 ContemplatedPlatforms edited by
- Add Raspberry Pi to our list of contemplated platforms (diff)
- 14:06 Ticket #416 (Port HelenOS/arm32 to BeagleBoard) updated by
- Adding the repo URLs: bzr://krabicka.net/orome/helenos/bbxm …
- 12:14 Ticket #461 (No interrupts for uspace on real hardware when SMP enabled) updated by
- This is the revision I tested, I did not claim it was broken by this …
- 09:46 Ticket #461 (No interrupts for uspace on real hardware when SMP enabled) updated by
- Is it actually related to mainline,1487? I don't see any …
- 09:38 Ticket #461 (No interrupts for uspace on real hardware when SMP enabled) updated by
Summary changed
- 09:32 Ticket #365 (Changing LED status bricks A4Tech keyboard) updated by
- Yup, that's the one. …
- 09:24 Ticket #461 (No interrupts for uspace on real hardware when SMP enabled) updated by
Description changed
- 09:23 Ticket #461 (No interrupts for uspace on real hardware when SMP enabled) created by
- As of mainline,1487, no USB devices work for me at all on bare metal …
- 10:54 Ticket #458 (Deadlocks when memory management is under pressure) updated by
- In mainline,1489, I merged a couple of fixes that ensure …
- 10:50 Ticket #459 (Failed assertion on cpu.timeoutlock spinlock) closed by
- fixed: Fix merged in mainline,1489.
- 10:47 Changeset in mainline [8264867]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge from lp:~jakub/helenos/mm.
- 10:43 Changeset in mainline [8d2d308f]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Examine the lock→guard in irq_spinlock_trylock() only when the lock …
- 10:21 Ticket #365 (Changing LED status bricks A4Tech keyboard) updated by
- Tried to test it, but as of mainline,1487, no USB devices …
- 10:18 Changeset in mainline [311929ec]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Print stack traces when looping on a spinlock or an active mutex is …
- 10:18 Changeset in mainline [99d05e1]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Straighten inverse configuration logic.
- 09:32 Changeset in mainline [905721b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- mem_avail_mtx is an active mutex and needs to be IRQ-safe.
- 09:31 Changeset in mainline [4d194be]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Convert slab_cache_t's maglock into an IRQ spinlock as it is taken …
- 09:27 Ticket #460 (Extend devctl with driver management) created by
- Currently on a running system if I feel like a driver was not attached …
- 09:20 Changeset in mainline [ddb56be]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Convert slab_cache_t's slablock into an IRQ spinlock as it is taken …
- 08:34 Changeset in mainline [c8d0f9e5]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add assertions to stress the fact that the slab allocator spinlocks …
- 08:20 Ticket #455 (TCP uses threads in an unsupported way) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:20 Ticket #455 (TCP uses threads in an unsupported way) updated by
- Replying to svoboda: > How would that be possible? …
- 08:18 Changeset in mainline [88a6819]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Use fibrils instead of threads for background work in TCP.
- 08:17 Ticket #455 (TCP uses threads in an unsupported way) closed by
- fixed
- 08:17 Ticket #455 (TCP uses threads in an unsupported way) updated by
- How would that be possible? Shouldn't the net effect of this be just …
- 08:03 Changeset in mainline [5b26747]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- More comments - mostly by filesystem operations
- 04:57 StructuredBinaryData edited by
- Requirements and Existing Tools (diff)
- 16:14 Ticket #459 (Failed assertion on cpu.timeoutlock spinlock) updated by
Milestone changed
- 16:08 Ticket #455 (TCP uses threads in an unsupported way) updated by
- I actually suspect this may be causing TCP hangs. When running tester …
- 13:49 Ticket #459 (Failed assertion on cpu.timeoutlock spinlock) updated by
I think
should not draw any conclusions from … - 12:56 Ticket #459 (Failed assertion on cpu.timeoutlock spinlock) created by
- When trying to reproduce bugs #396 and #458, following assertion was …
- 10:03 Ticket #452 (amd64 cores do not contain valid register information) updated by
Couldn't this be related to the move of the shared stuff under
? - 09:14 Ticket #396 (tester malloc1 sometimes fails) updated by
- So we are in a situation when two entities write to one physical …
- 09:02 Ticket #365 (Changing LED status bricks A4Tech keyboard) updated by
Milestone changed
- 09:01 Ticket #458 (Deadlocks when memory management is under pressure) updated by
Status changed
- 09:01 Ticket #451 (kernel panic when running tester malloc1/2 on 4-way SMP) updated by
Status changed
- 09:01 Ticket #396 (tester malloc1 sometimes fails) updated by
Status changed
- 09:00 Ticket #4 (HelenOS/sparc64 unstable with CONFIG_TSB) updated by
Milestone changed
- 09:00 Ticket #436 (Cursor not always visible during movement) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:59 Ticket #314 (Debugging information lost for some aborts) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:56 Ticket #300 (Spurious interrupt on Phenom X4 (quad core)) updated by
Milestone changed
Can we get this retested, please? - 08:55 Ticket #231 (Two CPUs in critical section under Qemu/ia32/SMP) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:55 Ticket #294 (Soft hang during boot on ia32) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:36 Ticket #451 (kernel panic when running tester malloc1/2 on 4-way SMP) updated by
- I created a dedicated ticket (#458) for the deadlock bug.
- 08:35 Ticket #458 (Deadlocks when memory management is under pressure) created by
As of mainline,1486, running
tester malloc1
and kconsole'stest *
, … - 08:08 Ticket #457 (ping -r timeout handling) updated by
Component changed
- 08:06 Ticket #456 (Cannot receive and send over TCP/UDP at the same time) updated by
Component changed
- 08:05 Ticket #452 (amd64 cores do not contain valid register information) updated by
- I was able to reproduce this with both current GDB and GDB 6.7a, so it …
- 07:59 Ticket #457 (ping -r timeout handling) created by
- Handling timeouts in ping is not implemented for the repeated (-r) …
- 07:56 Ticket #456 (Cannot receive and send over TCP/UDP at the same time) updated by
Description changed
- 07:55 Ticket #456 (Cannot receive and send over TCP/UDP at the same time) created by
- The socket client code for recv()/accept() works in a non-blocking …
- 07:39 Ticket #455 (TCP uses threads in an unsupported way) updated by
Priority changed
tcp_rqueue_thread needs to run in background. It could be achieved …
- 19:34 Changeset in mainline [25ebfbd]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Make slab_mag_cache_t's spinlock IRQ safe. - slab_cache_destroy() was …
- 18:31 Ticket #455 (TCP uses threads in an unsupported way) created by
creates an instance of the … - 17:27 Changeset in mainline [1295a1da]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Make the ra_arena_t spinlock IRQ save. - The lock is currently being …
- 13:29 Ticket #454 (HelenOS/mips32/gxemul crashes during boot) created by
- As of mainline,1486, the default barebone GXemul build crashes early …
- 12:17 Ticket #453 (HelenOS/mips32/msim crashes during boot) created by
- As of mainline,1486, I am getting the following panic on the barebone …
- 08:56 Changeset in mainline [3169f3b0]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- syntax error fix
- 08:15 Changeset in mainline [2add9ec]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- some i-node comments
- 04:39 StructuredBinaryData edited by
- add a few tools and an outline (diff)
- 04:21 StructuredBinaryData edited by
- fix broken syntax (diff)
- 04:17 StructuredBinaryData edited by
- list several tools (diff)
- 15:39 Changeset in mainline [2226cc3]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Superblock comments
- 13:24 Changeset in mainline [caed0279]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fix computation of the address increment between two PTL0 entries. …
- 08:21 Changeset in mainline [ee04c28]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Remove obsolete comment.
- 08:12 Changeset in mainline [c6588ce]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes.
- 12:31 Ticket #357 (Get rid of strtok() and strtok_r()) updated by
Status, Owner, Component changed
- 12:30 Changeset in mainline [738b549]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Rewrote bdsh/mkdir (includes #357)
- 11:40 Changeset in mainline [b00255a]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Use bool and more descriptive variable names
- 11:31 Changeset in mainline [35a35651]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Previous work-dir handling only in Bdsh, not in libc
- 10:57 Changeset in mainline [f2b3d3e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes
- 10:41 Changeset in mainline [1a23f6e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes
- 09:45 Changeset in mainline [6efb4d2]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Reorganize HelenOS specific files for MSIM
- 09:27 Changeset in mainline [7360332]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Do not dump ASCI escape sequences by default
- 08:55 Meetings edited by
- (diff)
- 08:54 Meetings edited by
- Date of next meeting (diff)
- 17:32 Changeset in mainline [9fc72fb3]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- added TODOs for comments and first part of superblock comments
- 08:40 DiffFromUnix edited by
- Details on the 'no serial terminals', copied from ticket #440 (diff)
- 23:54 Ticket #396 (tester malloc1 sometimes fails) updated by
- I managed to reproduce this on amd64. The function which causes the …
- 20:01 Ticket #452 (amd64 cores do not contain valid register information) updated by
- I did, the result is pretty much the same with some slight difference …
- 12:42 Ticket #452 (amd64 cores do not contain valid register information) updated by
- Note, you are using your system's native GDB x86_64-linux-gnu. Did you …
- 10:28 Ticket #451 (kernel panic when running tester malloc1/2 on 4-way SMP) updated by
Keywords changed
- 10:23 Ticket #396 (tester malloc1 sometimes fails) updated by
Keywords changed
- 09:45 Ticket #301 (Spurious interrupts in Bochs during boot) updated by
Milestone changed
I can't even get Bochs 2.4.6 to boot our 17MiB image.iso. Untargetting. - 07:58 Changeset in mainline [e40ece98]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 07:46 Ticket #452 (amd64 cores do not contain valid register information) created by
While working on #396,
generated a coredump for which gdb … - 04:09 GSOC edited by
- link to StructuredBinaryData (diff)
- 04:08 StructuredBinaryData edited by
- (diff)
- 04:01 StructuredBinaryData created by
- 18:36 Ticket #451 (kernel panic when running tester malloc1/2 on 4-way SMP) updated by
- What we see here is a failed assertion which suggests that the kernel …
- 17:48 Ticket #451 (kernel panic when running tester malloc1/2 on 4-way SMP) created by
- Running some concurrent instances of "tester malloc1" and "tester …
- 15:53 Ticket #430 (Loader crashes when 'Strip binaries' is used) updated by
The problem seems to be in stripping the
binary. Ifloader
… - 14:53 Ticket #450 (can not build PCC & binutils with manual configuration) updated by
- Updated the guide to make it more clear. For building release files …
- 14:52 UsersGuide/CompilingFromSource edited by
- More details on release building (diff)
- 14:51 Changeset in mainline [d21e935c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Ask to include development files even when the root filesystem is FAT.
- 14:49 UsersGuide/CompilingFromSource edited by
- Note about building release files (diff)
- 14:37 Ticket #450 (can not build PCC & binutils with manual configuration) closed by
- invalid: I am afraid you misunderstood what make release does. It does not use …
- 14:24 Ticket #450 (can not build PCC & binutils with manual configuration) created by
- I follow the build guide at …
- 13:01 Changeset in mainline [f061e404]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Print "\t" properly on framebuffers where number of columns is not …
- 10:30 Ticket #413 (Port GNU Compiler Collection (gcc) to HelenOS) updated by
Milestone changed
- 09:44 Ticket #389 (Devman crashes after repeated add/remove.) updated by
Keywords changed
Interestngly, removing a hub with an attached devices was survived by … - 09:19 Ticket #103 (Running some of the kernel tests leaks memory) closed by
- worksforme: Interestingly, the latest mainline does not exhibit this problem. I …
- 08:58 Ticket #364 (Possible NULL pointer dereference in async.c) updated by
Milestone changed
Retargeting as this is not a regression from previous release. - 08:56 Ticket #410 (Can't have more than 1GiB of memory on ppc32) updated by
Milestone changed
Retargeting as this is not a regression from previous release. - 08:55 Ticket #365 (Changing LED status bricks A4Tech keyboard) updated by
- Is this still reproducible?
- 08:54 Ticket #269 (Characters must be written atomically to the console) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:53 Ticket #34 (Replace the functionality of LOW_4GiB macro) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:53 Ticket #297 (TICK ticks ahead of TICK_COMPARE) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:52 Ticket #383 (USB device removal) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:52 Ticket #312 (Coredumps should contain register state) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:51 Ticket #217 (Need a way to detach devices) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:51 Ticket #249 (arm32 load/store decoder is too limited) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:50 Ticket #248 (i8042 kernel driver should be more robust) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:50 Ticket #120 (Some HelenOS code breaks strict aliasing rules) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:50 Ticket #32 (ppc32: use proper permissions on pages) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:49 Ticket #328 (LLVM 2.9 build of ia32 fails in CONTEXT_SAVE_ARCH_CORE) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:48 Ticket #387 (The APIC driver needs to get information about the IO APIC from the kernel) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:48 Ticket #388 (There is more to mapping IRQs to IO APIC pins) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:47 Ticket #421 (Non-anomymous DMA allocation needs to trigger on-demand mapping) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:46 Ticket #423 (DMA allocations need to survive address space destruction) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:46 Ticket #422 (DMA allocator needs to support range and alignment specification) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:45 Ticket #28 (Autotooling, generated offsets) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:45 Ticket #309 (async_data_read_finalize returns EOK even with NULL data and nonzero size) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:44 Ticket #355 (Revive Doxygen reference) updated by
Type, Milestone changed
- 23:17 Ticket #413 (Port GNU Compiler Collection (gcc) to HelenOS) updated by
Cc, Status, Owner changed
- 18:46 Ticket #396 (tester malloc1 sometimes fails) updated by
- Hi Maurizio, can you still reproduce this on top of the current …
- 23:05 Ticket #389 (Devman crashes after repeated add/remove.) updated by
- I used qemu usb_add/del in my experiment. I would repeatedly …
- 21:33 Ticket #389 (Devman crashes after repeated add/remove.) updated by
- Could you please provide a small how-to reproduce? I tried to issue …
- 21:30 Ticket #407 (HelenOS/ppc32 broken on latest Qemu) closed by
- notadefect: Mark, thanks for working on this and for creating both QEMU patches. I …
- 21:00 Ticket #337 (ppc32 fb server failed assert in memory allocator) closed by
- worksforme: I am closing this as the issue does not seem reproducible. Please file …
- 20:57 Ticket #394 (Running trace causes assert in generlic/malloc.c) updated by
- Can the submitter be more clear on how to reproduce this with the …
- 16:22 Changeset in mainline [c5bff3c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- More mainline changes.
- 13:18 Changeset in mainline [a8b8086]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- date: update the usage() message
- 02:30 Ticket #317 (Structured binary data editor) updated by
Cc, Status, Owner changed
- 19:44 Changeset in mainline [76983ff]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Remove unneeded include.
- 16:00 Ticket #449 (devctl and locinfo should print driver and server names) created by
- devctl and locinfo output would be more informative if they included …
- 15:56 Ticket #448 (Forced vs. non-forced administrative device removal) created by
- Similar to an unmount operation, administrative device removal (devctl …
- 15:27 Changeset in mainline [296ef5d6]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Part of inode comments
- 12:59 Ticket #401 (Port MSIM MIPS simulator) updated by
- Please merge this to mainline. Further improvements (like TTY …
- 10:26 DiffFromUnix edited by
- No serial terminals, no X (diff)
- 10:17 UsersGuide/QuickStart edited by
- Mention 80486 (diff)
- 10:11 UsersGuide/CommandReference edited by
- Add some missing apps (diff)
- 09:59 UsersGuide/CommandReference edited by
- Renaming. networking (diff)
- 09:48 UsersGuide edited by
- Tasks, monitoring description (diff)
- 09:42 UsersGuide edited by
- Fix links (diff)
- 09:41 UsersGuide/TasksMonitoring created by
- Start page
- 09:29 UsersGuide edited by
- Networking section is not a stub anymore (diff)
- 09:28 UsersGuide/Networking edited by
- Ping, websrv, remcons (diff)
- 17:08 Ticket #447 (Boot from persistent file system) updated by
Description changed
- 16:47 Ticket #447 (Boot from persistent file system) created by
- Currently we always boot HelenOS from the initial ram disk (initrd). …
- 19:35 Changeset in mainline [291af81]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- missing getters and setters in superblock, many function missing yet
- 18:14 Changeset in mainline [bc03679]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 15:38 Changeset in mainline [af7e3d3]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: add some comments, cstyle
- 11:31 Changeset in mainline [fa18523]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: move tm_sanity check() from the rtc driver to the date …
- 11:11 Changeset in mainline [6a3808e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: rename the registers bit-masks to make the code more readable
- 16:15 Changeset in mainline [b1bd89ea]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- get rid of net/modules.{c|h}
- 13:57 Ticket #446 (High memory corrodes memory reservations) created by
- Memory reservations were introduced before the physical memory was …
- 13:38 ReleaseNotes/0.5.0 edited by
- Mention related tickets. (diff)
- 13:35 Ticket #445 (slab_reclaim() holds a spinlock when making calls to frame allocator) created by
holds a spinlock when making calls to frame … - 13:26 Ticket #444 (Low-level ipc_forget()) created by
function instructs the userspace async framework … - 13:06 Ticket #443 (IPC hangup should awaken blocked clients) updated by
Description changed
- 13:05 Ticket #443 (IPC hangup should awaken blocked clients) created by
- There is a difference between the behavior on IPC_M_PHONE_HUNGUP for …
- 12:52 Ticket #393 (Async single connection per session) updated by
- Replying to svoboda: >if you kill the client, the server …
- 12:41 Ticket #393 (Async single connection per session) updated by
- As evidenced by #441 (netecho cannot be killed) there is another …
- 09:19 Ticket #441 (netecho cannot be killed) updated by
- For example, with #393 (Async single connection per session) it would …
- 22:51 Changeset in mainline [7719958]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- merge mainline changes
- 22:40 Changeset in mainline [3293a94]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- merge libc time improvements from "time-helenos" branch
- 22:35 Changeset in mainline [d3e3a71]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libc: move difftime() from libposix to libc
- 22:28 Changeset in mainline [56b308e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libc: move ctime() from libposix to libc
- 22:23 Changeset in mainline [f6cb995]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libc: move localtime() from libposix to libc
- 22:14 Changeset in mainline [8219eb9]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libc: move asctime() from libposix to libc
- 21:54 Changeset in mainline [5b3394c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libc: move gmtime() from libposix to libc
- 21:42 Changeset in mainline [c2b0e10]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libc: move mktime() and strftime() from libposix to libc, remove the …
- 21:40 GSOC edited by
- Add GSoC 2012 students, mentors and projects (diff)
- 21:04 Changeset in mainline [cb948777]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libposix: cstyle
- 20:32 Changeset in mainline [4cade47]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- cherry-pick changes from the time-helenos branch
- 17:37 Changeset in mainline [32fef47]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- remove obsolete stuff
- 16:01 Changeset in mainline [ee3b6150]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- I-node allocator comments, hash comments, part of the extent comments
- 14:57 Changeset in mainline [6773ff3]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 14:00 Changeset in mainline [6aae539d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rename IPC_M_CONNECT_ME to IPC_M_CLONE_ESTABLISH * the term itself …
- 11:39 ReleaseNotes/0.5.0 edited by
- Note about renaming binaries (diff)
- 21:56 Changeset in mainline [f7cbc6f]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Rename s3c24xx driver binaries to full intended names.
- 21:50 Changeset in mainline [a5c82bb9]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- NIC no longer needs to support non-Ethernet frames.
- 14:46 Changeset in mainline [f8b6d34c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- libc: move the tm struct from libposix to libc
- 14:06 Changeset in mainline [86e81a9]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- fix typo in lib/posix/time.c
- 13:11 Changeset in mainline [728d771]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- next part of comments on extent code
- 20:54 Changeset in mainline [cb7056a]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- comments on getters and setters used for extent structure
- 14:23 Changeset in mainline [2d1f7a21]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 11:05 Changeset in mainline [d3a8e47]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rename clip to clipboard
- 09:23 Changeset in mainline [50b581d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Replace the async_wait_for(msg, NULL) pattern in the error paths with …
- 19:57 UsersGuide/RunningInVirtualBox edited by
- (diff)
- 18:59 UsersGuide/RunningInVirtualBox edited by
- Update VirtualBox networking. (diff)
- 17:32 Ticket #442 (First UDP datagram not received by netecho) closed by
- notadefect: The problem is not reproducible with QEMU 1.0.1, but it is …
- 15:17 UsersGuide/Networking edited by
- Update section on configuration. (diff)
- 14:50 UsersGuide/RunningInQEMU edited by
- Link to NetworkBridging document. (diff)
- 14:48 NetworkBridging edited by
- Update the document to reflect the recent changes in HelenOS … (diff)
- 12:48 UsersGuide/Networking edited by
- Added links to networking sections of system emulator pages (diff)
- 11:42 UsersGuide/RunningInQEMU edited by
- Some QEMU networking options (diff)
- 10:05 UsersGuide edited by
- Add more intermediate sections (diff)
- 09:54 UsersGuide/Networking edited by
- Add intro (diff)
- 09:53 Changeset in mainline [d37d500e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 09:51 Changeset in mainline [bae2a79e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Comments and some simple modifications of code for work with directory …
- 09:48 Changeset in mainline [0d520a2]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- tcp_sock_connection() and udp_sock_connection() need to clean up when …
- 08:48 Changeset in mainline [341b515]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Yet another POSIX header includes bool.h
- 08:43 Changeset in mainline [dfac604]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- completed comments for directory index
- 08:40 Changeset in mainline [097f421]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Enable va_copy even for userspace
- 08:08 Changeset in mainline [1d4262e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 07:32 Changeset in mainline [a7a7f8c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes
- 21:35 Changeset in mainline [606c369]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Replace loopback NIC with a loopback IP link provider.
- 20:17 Ticket #441 (netecho cannot be killed) updated by
- Actually the problem is little worse - it is the typical problem with …
- 15:12 UsersGuide edited by
- (diff)
- 15:11 UsersGuide/Networking created by
- 15:07 UsersGuide edited by
- fix link (diff)
- 15:07 UsersGuide edited by
- Linkify networking (diff)
- 11:05 Ticket #442 (First UDP datagram not received by netecho) updated by
- After some investigation, this is beginning to look as if QEMU gw …
- 10:04 Ticket #442 (First UDP datagram not received by netecho) created by
- As of mainline,1474, running HelenOS in QEMU using the …
- 08:57 Changeset in mainline [e6f6260]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- next part of directory index comments
- 08:41 Ticket #441 (netecho cannot be killed) updated by
Owner, Status changed
The functions tcp_sock_connection() and udp_sock_connection() are … - 06:25 Ticket #441 (netecho cannot be killed) created by
- As of mainline,1474, after starting: […] and …
- 06:15 Ticket #268 (Running "while true; do echo prd | nc -u localhost 8080; done" hangs ...) updated by
- Now the command does not hang (I had to use -w 0 option with my …
- 23:12 Changeset in mainline [ad2718d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- date: improve comments and bad parameter format detection
- 21:46 Changeset in mainline [0885f7e]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- date: check for unrecognized parameters.
- 21:08 Changeset in mainline [80445cf]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- mfs: fix some error messages
- 21:08 Changeset in mainline [013d0d7]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- mfs: fix some comments
- 21:08 Changeset in mainline [7769ec9]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- mfs: cstyle
- 20:55 Changeset in mainline [49ff5f3]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- merge mainline changes
- 20:31 Changeset in mainline [e341110]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- date: add support to the -h option (prints an help message)
- 20:31 Changeset in mainline [a44b58c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: improved tm structure sanity check
- 20:10 Changeset in mainline [bfc5577a]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: fix CLOCK_DEV protocol
- 08:32 Changeset in mainline [db8fb43]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- comments for getters and setters in dir index
- 08:13 Changeset in mainline [f22d5ef0]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Copyright update
- 07:41 Changeset in mainline [5f67cd61]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- updated crc comments
- 07:32 Changeset in mainline [0c37135]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 07:18 Changeset in mainline [3d93289a]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- comments for block group functions
- 06:10 Ticket #439 (SLIP IP link provider) updated by
Type changed
- 00:18 Changeset in mainline [f4ebaf3c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- date: Let the user set current date/time
- 00:17 Changeset in mainline [e5fbe06]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: Check the rtc epoch in rtc_tm_sanity_check()
- 21:06 Changeset in mainline [f004318]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: some minor fixes - Fix a comment - return the sanity check …
- 21:05 Ticket #440 (Serial terminal emulation/deemulation library) updated by
See also changed
- 21:04 Ticket #319 (Input method for character terminals) updated by
See also changed
- 21:02 Changeset in mainline [63920b0]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Remove last vestiges of /cfg/net.
- 20:56 Ticket #426 (Realtek RTL8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver) updated by
Component changed
- 20:54 Ticket #439 (SLIP IP link provider) updated by
Component changed
- 20:53 Ticket #276 (Socket client creates callback connections) closed by
- notadefect: I stand corrected. It has been established that there is nothing wrong …
- 20:51 Ticket #268 (Running "while true; do echo prd | nc -u localhost 8080; done" hangs ...) updated by
- Might want to retest this since we have a new network stack. Note that …
- 20:48 Ticket #191 (Tools for manual network configuration) closed by
fixed: Fixed as part of work on #405. The
utility allows you to … - 16:12 Ticket #440 (Serial terminal emulation/deemulation library) created by
- In the world of UNIX-like operating systems command-line applications …
- 16:04 Ticket #291 (Invalid mnemonics and documentation in IP protocol) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in mainline,1471 by virtue of replacing the old …
- 15:51 Ticket #439 (SLIP IP link provider) created by
- SLIP is a protocol for transmitting IP packets over serial lines. It …
- 15:50 Ticket #432 (Rock Ridge extension in cdfs) updated by
Type, Milestone changed
- 15:48 Ticket #426 (Realtek RTL8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver) updated by
Type, Milestone changed
- 15:45 Ticket #405 (Networking stack overhaul) closed by
- fixed: The TCP/IP stack rewrite was merged in mainline,1471 and …
- 10:21 Changeset in mainline [64a617f]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- backport printf fixes to kernel and boot
- 09:19 ReleaseNotes/0.5.0 edited by
- Internet stack rewrite (diff)
- 07:38 Changeset in mainline [96c0b7b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Remove debug dumps of frame contents.
- 07:13 Changeset in mainline [b1213b0]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge internet stack rewrite (IP+ICMP, UDP, IP over Ethernet).
- 06:39 Changeset in mainline [06a1d077]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Start network services automatically.
- 06:33 Changeset in mainline [69a93df7]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Move network-related servers to srv/net.
- 20:08 Changeset in mainline [d76a329]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fix cstyle.
- 19:13 Changeset in mainline [f76696f]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge from lp:~wtachi/helenos/top.
- 09:39 Changeset in mainline [7b16549]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- comments for bitmap functions
- 07:11 Changeset in mainline [7fda2e0]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fix xfer_size computation.
- 07:04 Changeset in mainline [7f95c904]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Prototype datagram reassembly.
- 23:32 Changeset in mainline [074324f1]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: Check the epoch of the rtc and fix the tm structure if needed.
- 22:52 Changeset in mainline [709476f4]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: fix bug when setting the "month" rtc register
- 22:36 Changeset in mainline [2703b824]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: add support to the clock_dev_time_set() operation
- 19:44 Changeset in mainline [f6af126]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: force the rtc to operate in 24h mode (it should be active by default).
- 15:24 Changeset in mainline [80d3f846]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: check for leap years
- 15:03 Ticket #428 (Continuous integration) updated by
Milestone changed
- 08:21 Changeset in mainline [b8d6783]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- top: allow choosing column to sort by
- 07:42 Changeset in mainline [f682f5a]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- top: use generic handling for tables - each table has a name, …
- 06:18 Changeset in mainline [94f6df7]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- fix printf %s when precision > string length
- 01:19 Changeset in mainline [6484602]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- top: improve help screen and add missing keys
- 01:09 Changeset in mainline [2d37006]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- top: make warnings more visible - warnings stay on screen for 2–3 …
- 22:39 Changeset in mainline [d517c5b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- top: redraw immediately on mode change
- 18:08 Changeset in mainline [a8a0d43]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: inhibit updates, write the cmos registers and then restore normal …
- 17:48 Changeset in mainline [4358513]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- comments for block allocator
- 17:16 Changeset in mainline [d2f5148]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- ew additional comments
- 17:12 Changeset in mainline [1df3f57a]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- one hotfix in mount + finished doxy comments
- 16:45 Changeset in mainline [cf72943]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: fix RTC_MASK_UPDATE and add some comments
- 16:29 Changeset in mainline [b6d7b7c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- debugged block appending to extent + directory index initialization
- 14:51 Changeset in mainline [1170ea3c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Initial implementation of rtc_time_set() - Add rtc_tm_sanity_check() …
- 14:00 Changeset in mainline [831507b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 08:12 Changeset in mainline [1db6dfd]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fix starving IPC problem Check for incoming IPC regardless of expired …
- 07:59 Changeset in mainline [3191c01]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add test demonstrating IPC starving This test shows that intensive …
- 07:58 Changeset in mainline [aeeddeb]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fix missing initializer
- 21:13 ReleaseNotes/0.5.0 edited by
- Mention mkfat.py's support of LFN (diff)
- 20:58 Ticket #400 (mkfat.py does not support LFN) closed by
- fixed: The last missing pieces were integrated in mainline,1461 …
- 20:50 Changeset in mainline [22a8a9b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge from lp:~jakub/helenos/fs.
- 20:43 Ticket #181 (Need a way to wait for a reply "asynchronously") updated by
Milestone changed
- 20:43 Ticket #181 (Need a way to wait for a reply "asynchronously") closed by
fixed: mainline,1463 introduced
and …
- 20:40 Changeset in mainline [ab9f443]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Use async_forget() in two error paths when waiting for the answer can …
- 20:23 Changeset in mainline [95060d5b]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: introduce support to 12h mode of operation
- 20:21 Changeset in mainline [47c9a8c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Small improvements in the async framework. - Provide functions for …
- 15:09 Changeset in mainline [87608a5]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- replace illegal 8+3 characters with underscore to be consistent with …
- 14:50 Changeset in mainline [3e72e41]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- merge mkfat.py improvements
- 14:50 Changeset in mainline [7751ff1]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- improve FAT16 LFN creation support * add proper support for non-ASCII …
- 14:46 Changeset in mainline [4f4cae1]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- cstyle
- 11:55 Meetings edited by
- Update venue of tomorrow's meeting, add 500 to the list of HelenOS pubs. (diff)
- 07:41 Changeset in mainline [90f067d9]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add filtering of ANSI escape sequences to msim
- 06:36 Changeset in mainline [9b0a6b4]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes
- 05:57 Changeset in mainline [e61aa80]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Implement stdin polling for msim
- 15:54 Changeset in mainline [bb8f69d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- rtc: add support to the dev_remove driver operation
- 14:21 Ticket #438 (Indexed sequence ADT) created by
- A sequence (list) is an ordered collection of elements. The elements …
- 14:21 Changeset in mainline [85f2064]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge mainline changes
- 12:16 Changeset in mainline [1fff583]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- comments
- 07:00 ReleaseNotes/0.5.0 edited by
- Czechism (diff)
- 03:03 Changeset in mainline [7eb033ce]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- not debugged version of dir index initialization
- 18:48 Changeset in mainline [81ee87cd]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- missing functions
- 18:23 Changeset in mainline [01b0262]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 17:43 Changeset in mainline [ee685630]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Add framebuffer support for bbmx (amdm37x/omap37).
- 17:25 Changeset in mainline [179f6f2]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Only use armv4 code for uspace. armv7-a breaks stuff on bbxm: …
- 16:18 Changeset in mainline [49a736e2]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fix march and related defines on beagleboardxm.
- 15:37 Changeset in mainline [c127e1c]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Mainline changes.
- 13:01 Changeset in mainline [d11a181]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- finally unbreak the ARM EABI division and modulo wrappers
- 12:42 Changeset in mainline [0e56575d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- cstyle
- 11:44 ReleaseNotes/0.5.0 edited by
- Link to shell redirection section (diff)
- 11:26 ReleaseNotes/0.5.0 edited by
- Simple bullet points shall not end with period (diff)
- 09:32 ReleaseNotes/0.5.0 edited by
- USB corrections (diff)
- 05:52 Changeset in mainline [347768d]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Fragmentation of outgoing datagrams, default link MTU.
- 21:55 Changeset in mainline [2ce8d95]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- number modification
- 20:02 Changeset in mainline [f2a3e57]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- Merge with mainline
- 20:01 Changeset in mainline [82cb6768]lfnserialticket/834-toolchain-updatetopic/msim-upgradetopic/simplify-dev-export by
- debugged version of splitting root extent node
- 15:24 Ticket #407 (HelenOS/ppc32 broken on latest Qemu) updated by
- I've just updated the above Launchpad ticket with an update on where …
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.