= HelenOS Camp 2012 = == When == * Aug 13 - Aug 19 * Duration flexible, ideally 5 whole days + 1 day for arrivals and 1 day for departures == Where == * Sumava * Around this focal point: [http://www.biofarmavojetice.cz/kontakt.html] == Accommodation == == Attendees == Add your name below if you would like to join the camp and you have not ruled yourself out based on no merit. * Jakub Jermar (JJ) * Jiri Svoboda (JS) * Vojtech Horky (VH) * Martin Decky (MD) * Maurizio Lombardi (ML) * Martin Sucha (MS) == HelenOS-related ideas for what to do == * open tickets == Leisure time ideas for what to do == * Movies * Hiking * Tour of local pubs