
Version 19 (modified by Jakub Jermář, 7 years ago) ( diff )


One stop shop for all HelenOS documentation.



Note that these theses and papers do not necessarily reflect the current state of HelenOS. In some cases, the theses may contain obsolete information or represent work that has never been integrated into the mainline HelenOS.

Doctoral theses

  • Martin Děcký: Application of Software Components in Operating System Design, MFF UK, 2015, (read on-line, pdf)

Master theses

Bachelor theses


  • Martin Děcký: A Road to a Formally Verified General-Purpose Operating System (read on-line, pdf)
    published in the Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems (federated with CompArch 2010), Springer (LNCS 6150), ISBN 978-3-642-13555-2, June 2010
  • Jakub Jermář: Implementation of filesystem in HelenOS operating system (in Czech, read on-line, pdf)
    published in the Proceedings of the 32nd EurOpen.CZ Conference, Rožmberk nad Vltavou, Czech Republic, May 2008
  • Martin Děcký: Component-based General-purpose Operating System (read on-line, pdf)
    published in Proceedings of WDS'07, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2007



  • Martin Děcký, HelenOS – Operating System Built of Microservices, 2017 (pdf, video)

Avast TechTalks



D3S seminar


NPRG023 Software projects

NPRG023 is a subject at MFF UK in which a group of students works on a larger software project in the span of several months.

The following documents, although containing comprehensive coverage of various areas of HelenOS, relate to older revisions of HelenOS or obsolete development branches. While the principal information is usually still correct, the implementation details might dramatically differ from the current state of the HelenOS source tree. Reader's consideration is required.

  • Ondřej Hlavatý, Jan Hrach, Jaroslav Jindrák, Petr Mánek, Michal Staruch, HelenOS USB 3.x Stack, Software project, MFF UK, 2018 (read-online, pdf)
  • Zdeňek Bouška, Jiří Michalec, Radim Vansa, Jan Záloha, HelenOS Networking, Software project, MFF UK, 2011 (read-online, pdf)
  • Matúš Dekánek, Vojtech Horký, Matej Klonfar, Ľuboš Slovák, Ján Veselý, USB subsystem in HelenOS, Software project, MFF UK, 2011 (html, pdf)
  • Jakub Jermář, Ondřej Palkovský, Martin Děcký, Jakub Váňa, Josef Čejka, Sergey Bondari, HelenOS 0.2.0 Design Documentation, Software project, MFF UK, 2006, (html, pdf)
  • Jakub Jermář, Ondřej Palkovský, Martin Děcký, Jakub Váňa, Josef Čejka, Sergey Bondari, HelenOS 0.2.0 User Manual, Software project, MFF UK, 2006, (pdf)
  • Jakub Jermář, Ondřej Palkovský, Martin Děcký, Jakub Váňa, Josef Čejka, Sergey Bondari, HelenOS 0.2.0 Project Documentation, Software project, MFF UK, 2006, (pdf)
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