Version 9 (modified by 13 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
GSoC Student Application Template
- Basic & Contact information
- Project description
- Motivation & Experience
- Time planning & Commitment
- Team Spirit
Basic & Contact information
- Full Name:
- Preferred Name / Nickname:
- Age:
- Address of Residence:
- E-mail:
- Phone number (incl. international prefix):
- Other means of contact (Jabber, Skype, etc.):
- University / College:
- Study Program / Specialization:
- What year are you in at the University / College:
Project description
- Please describe your idea for your GSoC project. Be as specific as possible, include suggested timeline with milestones.
Motivation & Experience
- Why did you choose HelenOS?
- What made you suggest the above project?
- What past experience in this area do you have? Be as specific as possible, provide pointers for reference.
- Can you name some of the most difficult challenges that you had to cope with in your previous experience in this area?
- Why should we assign the project to you?
- Will you be willing to work on the project even after Google Summer of Code 2012 is over and the project can be extended in an interesting way?
Time planning & Commitment
- Do you plan to do something else as a summer job besides working on your GSoC project?
- Do you plan to move to another place during the program?
- Will there be moments when you will not be able to work on your GSoC project?
- Will there be moments when you will not be able to communicate with us?
- Please name any other factors that may have an impact on your performance and your commitment to your GSoC project.
Team spirit
- Have you read our Tips for (not only) Students, especially the Coding tips and Social interaction tips?
- Do you identify yourself with the principles listed in our Tips for (not only) Students?
- In your opinion, what does an ideal interaction between a mentor and the student look like?
- In your opinion, what does an ideal interaction between the HelenOS community and the student look like?
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for help on using the wiki.