Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of HowToFileABug

2010-07-24T18:22:14Z (15 years ago)
Jakub Jermář


  • HowToFileABug

    v3 v4  
    11= How to file a bug =
    3 As in any other complex software system, there will inevitably be bugs in the HelenOS source code (unless we can formally prove the opposite). It is therefore essential for people who run into them to make sure the bug is actually known to the developers and that all potentially relevant information that can help to root-cause the bug is available. This is best achieved by filing a ticket in our bug tracking database. Below follows a list of tips for filing the most useful bug reports:
     3As in any other complex software system, there will inevitably be bugs in the HelenOS source code (unless we can formally prove the opposite). It is therefore essential for people who run into them to make sure the bug is actually known to the developers and that all potentially relevant information that can help to root-cause the bug is available. This is best achieved by filing a ticket in our bug tracking database.
    5   * Check the existing tickets to see whether the problem you are going to log is a new bug or a duplicate of an already known issue
    6     * For duplicates, you can try to improve the original bug report by providing additional information
    7     * For new bugs, continue with the following points.
     5Below follows a list of tips for filing the most useful bug reports, but before filing one, please check the existing tickets to see whether the problem you are going to log is a new bug or a duplicate of an already known issue. For duplicates, you can try to improve the original bug report by providing additional information. For new bugs, continue with the following points.
    9   * Pick a descriptive ```Synopsis```
    10     * '''bad''': ''HelenOS is broken''
     7  * Pick a descriptive ```Summary```
     8    * '''bad''': ''HelenOS has bugs''
    119    * '''good''': ''page_ht_lock mutex taken while tlblock spinlock held''
    12   * Try to avoid creating multi-tickets
     10  * Avoid creating multi-tickets
    1311    * '''bad''': ''Fix problem XYZ on amd64, arm32, ia32, ia64, mips32, ppc32 and sparc64''
    14     * Instead, consider filing separate tickets for all the above architectures. This will make it easier to track progress on each architecture separately.
     12    * Instead, consider filing separate tickets for all of the above architectures. This will make it easier to track progress on each architecture separately.
    1513  * Categorize the new bug using fitting ```Type```, ```Component``` and ```Version``` fields
    1614  * In the first comment section, provide a concise and complete problem statement