= Project meetings = We meet regularly every second Thursday in a month, shortly after 19:00 at some place in Prague (watch the mailing list for a notice). The meetings are open to anyone interested in HelenOS and we especially welcome students working on HelenOS-related projects, theses and assignments. These are some of the places where we have met in the past (yes they are all pubs): * [http://www.ukasparka.cz/EN_01_news.php U Kašpárka] * [http://www.reckarestaurace.cz Zorbas] * [http://www.jamapub.cz/pub/pub/mainmenu/mainpage/ JÁMA] * [http://www.carosello.cz/en Carosello] (no !WiFi despite advertised, tap water for CZK 20) * [http://www.restauraceuzpevacku.com/ U Zpěváčků] * [http://www.bruselska.cz/uwebru U Wébrů] * [http://www.bohemiabagel.cz/locations.php#holsovice Bohemia Bagel Holešovice] * [http://www.bohemiabagel.cz/locations.php#oldtown Bohemia Bagel Old Town] * [http://www.malostranska-beseda.cz Malostranská beseda Café / Restaurant] * [http://www.500restaurant.cz/kontakty/ 500 Restaurant] * [http://lokal-ubilekuzelky.ambi.cz/en/ Lokál U Bílé kuželky] * [http://www.grandcafeorient.cz/index.php?lang=en Grand Cafe Orient] * [http://www.bruxx.cz/cz Bruxx] * [http://www.vinohradskyparlament.cz/en Vinohradský Parlament] * [http://www.pizzeria-komin.cz/kontakt-adresa/ Pizzeria Komín] == Next meeting == * When: Thursday November 12 2015, shortly after 19:00 CEST * Where: TBD