= Release Notes for HelenOS mainline = '''Note:''' This document is a draft describing a future HelenOS release and is subject to change. The software described here has not been released yet. To get these latest and greatest features now, check out our Git master. (But you will also get the latest bugs). HelenOS ''version (codename) '' was released on ''date''. This document contains a summary of changes made to HelenOS since release previous release. == Special Notes for this Release == == Features Introduced in This Release == === General === * HelenOS build for 486 CPU works correctly again * HelenOS works correctly in {{{Qemu -M isapc}}} === Kernel === * Fixed ia32 kernel deadlocking during boot if lazy FPU context switching is disabled during build * Fixed km_unmap_unaligned() trying to unmap the entire kernel ASID - fixes kernel test mapping1 on sparc64 == User Interface == * Menu can be navigated more quickly using the keyboard thanks to accelerator keys support === Services and Drivers === * Graphical mode is now used for Qemu/sun4u thanks to improved driver support * HelenOS in Qemu -M isapc now correctly falls back to EGA text mode * Correctly detect that the Qemu SuperVGA adapter does not support linear frame buffer in this case * Fixed graphical console not displaying correctly in resolutions greater than 1024x768 * Fixed some platforms shipping all (i.e. even irrelevant) drivers === File Systems === === Networking === * Fixed {{{netecho}}} failing to send any messages === Applications === === Libraries === === Miscellaneous === == Regressions in This Release == * For the list of regressions since the previous release, see this [query:keywords=codename_regression report]. * Notable regressions == Fixed Logged Bugs & Enhancements == * For the list of all logged defects fixed in this release, see this [query:status=closed&resolution=fixed&milestone=release&type=defect report]. * For the list of all logged enhancements integrated in this release, see this [query:status=closed&resolution=fixed&milestone=release&type=enhancement report]. == Known Bugs == * For the list of known bugs still not fixed in this release, see this [report:3 report]. * For the list of all open tickets, see this [report:1 report].