= Release Notes for HelenOS mainline = '''Note:''' This document is a draft describing a future HelenOS release and is subject to change. The software described here has not been released yet. To get these latest and greatest features now, check out our [https://github.com/HelenOS/helenos Git master]. (But you will also get the latest bugs). HelenOS ''version (codename) '' was released on ''date''. This document contains a summary of changes made to HelenOS since release previous release. == Special Notes for this Release == == Features Introduced in This Release == === General === * Updated toolchain used to build the OS * GCC 13.2 (from 8.2) * Binutils 2.41 (from 2.31.1) === Kernel === === User Interface === * Added a Start menu to the taskbar * Windows can now be minimized (and unminimized) * Active window is now highlighted in the taskbar * Added system menu to make WM functions accessible via keyboard (use F10, arrow keys) * Added generic list control (in addition to file list) * Menu entries can now be disabled * Menus will pop up above the menu bar if the do not fit below * Menus will not be obscured by taskbar * Support for [UsersGuide/MultiSeat multple seats] (i.e. multi-seat) * Fixed menu accelerator keys not working when Caps Lock is enabled === Services and Drivers === * In addition to Ctrl-key and Shift-key, serial console now supports Alt-key combinations * Useful e.g. for opening menus === File Systems === === Networking === === Applications === * New UI and command-line display configuration utilities ({{{display-cfg}}} and {{{disp}}}) for configuring seats * New {{{ofw}}} command-line utility for printing the !OpenFirmware device tree (only on ppc32 and sparc64) * Taskbar no longer requires window management service to start (i.e. you can use it when system is running in console mode) * GFX Demo improvements * Quit more promptly * Only quit on Ctl-Q or Escape, not just on any key (e.g. Alt) * Handle keyboard events in console mode ({{{gfxdemo console}}}) * Detect screen size in console mode (instead of assuming 80x25) * Downsize window when running with text UI ({{{gfxdemo -d cons@ ui}}}) === Libraries === * {{{loc_server_register()}}} can be called more than once * So that more components in one task can independently register services * Added complementary function {{{loc_server_unregister()}}} * New library {{{libofw}}} for enumerating the !OpenFirmware device tree * A number of IPC protocol and I/O related stuff moved out of {{{libc}}} into separate libraries * {{{ipctest}}} * {{{corecfg}}} * {{{clipboard}}} * {{{console}}} (client + server code) * {{{input}}} (kbd_event, pos_event, KBDEV, MOUSEEV) * {{{output}}} (charfield, chargrid, color, concaps) === Miscellaneous === == Regressions in This Release == * For the list of regressions since the previous release, see this [query:keywords=codename_regression report]. * Notable regressions == Fixed Logged Bugs & Enhancements == * For the list of all logged defects fixed in this release, see this [query:status=closed&resolution=fixed&milestone=release&type=defect report]. * For the list of all logged enhancements integrated in this release, see this [query:status=closed&resolution=fixed&milestone=release&type=enhancement report]. == Known Bugs == * For the list of known bugs still not fixed in this release, see this [report:3 report]. * For the list of all open tickets, see this [report:1 report].