Change History for StructuredBinaryData

Version Date Author Comment
23 13 years Sean Bartell replace with link to Bithenge
22 13 years Sean Bartell Better expressions implemented
21 13 years Sean Bartell More future features.
20 13 years Sean Bartell Outer struct access is complete
19 13 years Sean Bartell Document bit blobs and add future features
18 13 years Sean Bartell Document flow control syntax
17 13 years Vojtech Horky Make the source code example more visible
16 13 years Sean Bartell Explain referencing counting and move parameters.
15 13 years Vojtech Horky Make longer code-samples more visible (no inlining)
14 13 years Sean Bartell explain parameters better
13 13 years Sean Bartell add some detail about parameters
12 13 years Sean Bartell elaborate on future language ideas
11 13 years Sean Bartell update to reflect new commits
10 13 years Sean Bartell various tweaks
9 13 years Sean Bartell add description of project and initial design
8 13 years Sean Bartell Fix headings.
7 13 years Sean Bartell Add requirements, interesting formats, misc. ideas, and more existing …
6 13 years Sean Bartell Requirements and Existing Tools
5 13 years Sean Bartell add a few tools and an outline
4 13 years Sean Bartell fix broken syntax
3 13 years Sean Bartell list several tools
2 13 years Sean Bartell
1 13 years Sean Bartell