Files | |
file | align.h |
file | arch.h |
file | atomic.h |
file | bitops.h |
file | byteorder.h |
file | config.h |
file | context.h |
file | cpu.h |
file | elf.h |
file | errno.h |
file | fpu_context.h |
file | func.h |
file | macros.h |
file | memstr.h |
file | panic.h |
file | preemption.h |
file | print.h |
file | printf_core.h |
file | putchar.h |
file | cap.h |
file | ipi.h |
file | smp.h |
file | sort.h |
file | stackarg.h |
file | stdarg.h |
file | symtab.h |
file | copy.h |
file | sysarg64.h |
Wrapper for explicit 64-bit arguments passed to syscalls. | |
file | syscall.h |
file | sysinfo.h |
file | test.h |
file | typedefs.h |
file | userspace.h |
file | cpu.c |
CPU subsystem initialization and listing. | |
file | elf.c |
Kernel ELF loader. | |
file | func.c |
Miscellaneous functions. | |
file | memstr.c |
Memory string operations. | |
file | sort.c |
Sorting functions. | |
file | preemption.c |
Preemption control. | |
file | printf.c |
file | printf_core.c |
Printing functions. | |
file | snprintf.c |
file | sprintf.c |
file | vprintf.c |
file | vsnprintf.c |
file | vsprintf.c |
file | cap.c |
Capabilities control. | |
file | ipi.c |
Generic IPI interface. | |
file | copy.c |
Copying between kernel and userspace. | |
file | syscall.c |
Syscall table and syscall wrappers. | |
file | sysinfo.c |
Data Structures | |
struct | the |
struct | atomic |
struct | init_task_t |
struct | init_t |
struct | config_t |
struct | cpu |
struct | elf32_header |
struct | elf64_header |
struct | elf32_segment_header |
struct | elf64_segment_header |
struct | elf32_section_header |
struct | elf64_section_header |
struct | elf32_symbol |
struct | elf64_symbol |
struct | printf_spec |
struct | va_list |
struct | symtab_entry |
struct | sysarg64_t |
union | sysinfo_item_val |
struct | sysinfo_item |
struct | sysinfo_rettype |
struct | vsnprintf_data |
Defines | |
#define | ALIGN_DOWN(s, a) ((s) & ~((a) - 1)) |
#define | ALIGN_UP(s, a) (((s) + ((a) - 1)) & ~((a) - 1)) |
#define | CPU THE->cpu |
#define | THREAD THE->thread |
#define | TASK THE->task |
#define | AS THE->as |
#define | PREEMPTION_DISABLED THE->preemption_disabled |
#define | THE ((the_t *)(get_stack_base())) |
#define | fnzb(x) fnzb32(x) |
#define | CONFIG_MEMORY_SIZE (8 * 1024 * 1024) |
#define | CONFIG_INIT_TASKS 32 |
#define | context_set(c, _pc, stack, size) |
#define | context_save(c) context_save_arch(c) |
#define | EV_CURRENT 1 |
#define | ET_NONE 0 |
#define | ET_REL 1 |
#define | ET_EXEC 2 |
#define | ET_DYN 3 |
#define | ET_CORE 4 |
#define | ET_LOPROC 0xff00 |
#define | ET_HIPROC 0xffff |
#define | EM_NO 0 |
#define | EM_SPARC 2 |
#define | EM_386 3 |
#define | EM_MIPS 8 |
#define | EM_MIPS_RS3_LE 10 |
#define | EM_PPC 20 |
#define | EM_PPC64 21 |
#define | EM_SPARCV9 43 |
#define | EM_IA_64 50 |
#define | EM_X86_64 62 |
#define | EI_MAG0 0 |
#define | EI_MAG1 1 |
#define | EI_MAG2 2 |
#define | EI_MAG3 3 |
#define | EI_CLASS 4 |
#define | EI_DATA 5 |
#define | EI_VERSION 6 |
#define | EI_OSABI 7 |
#define | EI_ABIVERSION 8 |
#define | EI_PAD 9 |
#define | EI_NIDENT 16 |
#define | ELFMAG0 0x7f |
#define | ELFMAG1 'E' |
#define | ELFMAG2 'L' |
#define | ELFMAG3 'F' |
#define | ELFCLASSNONE 0 |
#define | ELFCLASS32 1 |
#define | ELFCLASS64 2 |
#define | ELFDATANONE 0 |
#define | ELFDATA2LSB 1 |
#define | ELFDATA2MSB 2 |
#define | EE_OK 0 |
#define | EE_INVALID 1 |
#define | EE_MEMORY 2 |
#define | EE_INCOMPATIBLE 3 |
#define | EE_UNSUPPORTED 4 |
#define | EE_IRRECOVERABLE 5 |
#define | SHT_NULL 0 |
#define | SHT_PROGBITS 1 |
#define | SHT_SYMTAB 2 |
#define | SHT_STRTAB 3 |
#define | SHT_RELA 4 |
#define | SHT_HASH 5 |
#define | SHT_DYNAMIC 6 |
#define | SHT_NOTE 7 |
#define | SHT_NOBITS 8 |
#define | SHT_REL 9 |
#define | SHT_SHLIB 10 |
#define | SHT_DYNSYM 11 |
#define | SHT_LOOS 0x60000000 |
#define | SHT_HIOS 0x6fffffff |
#define | SHT_LOPROC 0x70000000 |
#define | SHT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff |
#define | SHT_LOUSER 0x80000000 |
#define | SHT_HIUSER 0xffffffff |
#define | SHF_WRITE 0x1 |
#define | SHF_ALLOC 0x2 |
#define | SHF_EXECINSTR 0x4 |
#define | SHF_MASKPROC 0xf0000000 |
#define | STB_LOCAL 0 |
#define | STB_GLOBAL 1 |
#define | STB_WEAK 2 |
#define | STB_LOPROC 13 |
#define | STB_HIPROC 15 |
#define | STT_NOTYPE 0 |
#define | STT_OBJECT 1 |
#define | STT_FUNC 2 |
#define | STT_SECTION 3 |
#define | STT_FILE 4 |
#define | STT_LOPROC 13 |
#define | STT_HIPROC 15 |
#define | PT_NULL 0 |
#define | PT_LOAD 1 |
#define | PT_DYNAMIC 2 |
#define | PT_INTERP 3 |
#define | PT_NOTE 4 |
#define | PT_SHLIB 5 |
#define | PT_PHDR 6 |
#define | PT_LOPROC 0x70000000 |
#define | PT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff |
#define | PF_X 1 |
#define | PF_W 2 |
#define | PF_R 4 |
#define | ENOENT -1 |
#define | ENOMEM -2 |
#define | ELIMIT -3 |
#define | EREFUSED -4 |
#define | EFORWARD -5 |
#define | EPERM -6 |
#define | EHANGUP -7 |
#define | EEXISTS -8 |
#define | EBADMEM -9 |
#define | ENOTSUP -10 |
#define | EADDRNOTAVAIL -11 |
#define | ETIMEOUT -12 |
#define | EINVAL -13 |
#define | EBUSY -14 |
#define | is_digit(d) (((d) >= '0') && ((d)<='9')) |
#define | is_lower(c) (((c) >= 'a') && ((c) <= 'z')) |
#define | is_upper(c) (((c) >= 'A') && ((c) <= 'Z')) |
#define | is_alpha(c) (is_lower(c) || is_upper(c)) |
#define | is_alphanum(c) (is_alpha(c) || is_digit(c)) |
#define | is_white(c) (((c) == ' ') || ((c) == '\t') || ((c) == '\n') || ((c) == '\r')) |
#define | min(a, b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) |
#define | max(a, b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) |
#define | PA_overlaps(x, szx, y, szy) overlaps(KA2PA(x),szx,KA2PA(y), szy) |
#define | panic(format,) panic_printf("Kernel panic: " format, ##__VA_ARGS__); |
#define | EOF (-1) |
#define | CAP_CAP (1<<0) |
#define | CAP_MEM_MANAGER (1<<1) |
#define | CAP_IO_MANAGER (1<<2) |
#define | CAP_PREEMPT_CONTROL (1<<3) |
#define | CAP_IRQ_REG (1<<4) |
#define | va_start(ap, lst) |
#define | va_arg(ap, type) (*((type *)((ap).last + ((ap).pos += sizeof(type) ) - sizeof(type)))) |
#define | va_copy(dst, src) dst=src |
#define | va_end(ap) |
#define | va_start(ap, last) __builtin_va_start(ap, last) |
#define | va_arg(ap, type) __builtin_va_arg(ap, type) |
#define | va_end(ap) __builtin_va_end(ap) |
#define | va_copy(dst, src) __builtin_va_copy(dst,src) |
#define | MAX_SYMBOL_NAME 64 |
#define | SYSINFO_VAL_VAL 0 |
#define | false 0 |
#define | true 1 |
#define | EBUFSIZE 32 |
#define | __PRINTF_FLAG_PREFIX 0x00000001 |
#define | __PRINTF_FLAG_SIGNED 0x00000002 |
#define | __PRINTF_FLAG_ZEROPADDED 0x00000004 |
#define | __PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTALIGNED 0x00000010 |
#define | __PRINTF_FLAG_SHOWPLUS 0x00000020 |
#define | __PRINTF_FLAG_SPACESIGN 0x00000040 |
#define | __PRINTF_FLAG_BIGCHARS 0x00000080 |
#define | __PRINTF_FLAG_NEGATIVE 0x00000100 |
#define | PRINT_NUMBER_BUFFER_SIZE (64+5) |
Typedefs | |
typedef atomic | atomic_t |
typedef __u64 | elf_xword |
typedef __s64 | elf_sxword |
typedef __u32 | elf_word |
typedef __s32 | elf_sword |
typedef __u16 | elf_half |
typedef __u32 | elf32_addr |
typedef __u32 | elf32_off |
typedef __u64 | elf64_addr |
typedef __u64 | elf64_off |
typedef __u32 | cap_t |
typedef __builtin_va_list | va_list |
typedef sysinfo_item_val | sysinfo_item_val_t |
typedef sysinfo_item | sysinfo_item_t |
typedef __native(* | sysinfo_val_fn_t )(sysinfo_item_t *root) |
typedef __native(* | sysinfo_subinfo_fn_t )(const char *subname) |
typedef sysinfo_rettype | sysinfo_rettype_t |
typedef short | bool |
typedef unsigned long | size_t |
typedef unsigned long | count_t |
typedef unsigned long | index_t |
typedef unsigned long long | task_id_t |
typedef cpu_info | cpu_info_t |
typedef cpu | cpu_t |
typedef cpu_arch | cpu_arch_t |
typedef task | task_t |
typedef enum state | state_t |
typedef thread | thread_t |
typedef context | context_t |
typedef fpu_context | fpu_context_t |
typedef timeout | timeout_t |
typedef runq | runq_t |
typedef spinlock | spinlock_t |
typedef mutex | mutex_t |
typedef semaphore | semaphore_t |
typedef rwlock | rwlock_t |
typedef enum rwlock_type | rwlock_type_t |
typedef condvar | condvar_t |
typedef waitq | waitq_t |
typedef futex | futex_t |
typedef buddy_system | buddy_system_t |
typedef buddy_system_operations | buddy_system_operations_t |
typedef as_area | as_area_t |
typedef as | as_t |
typedef link | link_t |
typedef the | the_t |
typedef chardev | chardev_t |
typedef enum cmd_arg_type | cmd_arg_type_t |
typedef cmd_arg | cmd_arg_t |
typedef cmd_info | cmd_info_t |
typedef istate | istate_t |
typedef void(* | iroutine )(int n, istate_t *istate) |
typedef hash_table | hash_table_t |
typedef hash_table_operations | hash_table_operations_t |
typedef btree_node | btree_node_t |
typedef btree | btree_t |
Enumerations | |
enum | qualifier_t { PrintfQualifierByte = 0, PrintfQualifierShort, PrintfQualifierInt, PrintfQualifierLong, PrintfQualifierLongLong, PrintfQualifierNative, PrintfQualifierPointer } |
Functions | |
void | the_initialize (the_t *the) |
void | the_copy (the_t *src, the_t *dst) |
void | arch_pre_main (void) |
void | arch_pre_mm_init (void) |
void | arch_post_mm_init (void) |
void | arch_pre_smp_init (void) |
void | arch_post_smp_init (void) |
void | calibrate_delay_loop (void) |
ipl_t | interrupts_disable (void) |
ipl_t | interrupts_enable (void) |
void | interrupts_restore (ipl_t ipl) |
ipl_t | interrupts_read (void) |
static void | atomic_set (atomic_t *val, long i) |
static long | atomic_get (atomic_t *val) |
static int | fnzb32 (__u32 arg) |
static int | fnzb64 (__u64 arg) |
static __u64 | __u64_byteorder_swap (__u64 n) |
static __u32 | __u32_byteorder_swap (__u32 n) |
int | context_save_arch (context_t *c) |
void | context_restore_arch (context_t *c) __attribute__((noreturn)) |
static void | context_restore (context_t *c) |
void | cpu_init (void) |
void | cpu_list (void) |
void | cpu_arch_init (void) |
void | cpu_identify (void) |
void | cpu_print_report (cpu_t *m) |
int | elf_load (elf_header_t *header, as_t *as) |
char * | elf_error (int rc) |
void | fpu_context_save (fpu_context_t *) |
void | fpu_context_restore (fpu_context_t *) |
void | fpu_init (void) |
void | fpu_enable (void) |
void | fpu_disable (void) |
void | halt (void) |
size_t | strlen (const char *str) |
int | strncmp (const char *src, const char *dst, size_t len) |
void | strncpy (char *dest, const char *src, size_t len) |
__native | atoi (const char *text) |
static int | overlaps (__address s1, size_t sz1, __address s2, size_t sz2) |
void * | _memcpy (void *dst, const void *src, size_t cnt) |
void | _memsetb (__address dst, size_t cnt, __u8 x) |
void | _memsetw (__address dst, size_t cnt, __u16 x) |
void | panic_printf (char *fmt,...) __attribute__((noreturn)) |
void | preemption_disable (void) |
void | preemption_enable (void) |
int | printf (const char *fmt,...) |
int | sprintf (char *str, const char *fmt,...) |
int | snprintf (char *str, size_t size, const char *fmt,...) |
int | vprintf (const char *fmt, va_list ap) |
int | vsprintf (char *str, const char *fmt, va_list ap) |
int | vsnprintf (char *str, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list ap) |
int | printf_core (const char *fmt, struct printf_spec *ps, va_list ap) |
void | putchar (const char ch) |
void | cap_set (task_t *t, cap_t caps) |
cap_t | cap_get (task_t *t) |
__native | sys_cap_grant (sysarg64_t *uspace_taskid_arg, cap_t caps) |
__native | sys_cap_revoke (sysarg64_t *uspace_taskid_arg, cap_t caps) |
void | ipi_broadcast (int ipi) |
void | ipi_broadcast_arch (int ipi) |
void | smp_init (void) |
void | bubblesort (void *data, count_t n, size_t e_size, int(*cmp)(void *a, void *b)) |
void | qsort (void *data, count_t n, size_t e_size, int(*cmp)(void *a, void *b)) |
int | int_cmp (void *a, void *b) |
int | __u32_cmp (void *a, void *b) |
int | __u16_cmp (void *a, void *b) |
int | __u8_cmp (void *a, void *b) |
char * | get_symtab_entry (__native addr) |
__address | get_symbol_addr (const char *name) |
void | symtab_print_search (const char *name) |
int | symtab_compl (char *name) |
int | copy_from_uspace (void *dst, const void *uspace_src, size_t size) |
int | copy_to_uspace (void *dst_uspace, const void *src, size_t size) |
int | memcpy_from_uspace (void *dst, const void *uspace_src, size_t size) |
int | memcpy_to_uspace (void *uspace_dst, const void *src, size_t size) |
void | sysinfo_set_item_val (const char *name, sysinfo_item_t **root, __native val) |
void | sysinfo_dump (sysinfo_item_t **root, int depth) |
void | sysinfo_set_item_function (const char *name, sysinfo_item_t **root, sysinfo_val_fn_t fn) |
void | sysinfo_set_item_undefined (const char *name, sysinfo_item_t **root) |
sysinfo_rettype_t | sysinfo_get_val (const char *name, sysinfo_item_t **root) |
__native | sys_sysinfo_valid (__native ptr, __native len) |
__native | sys_sysinfo_value (__native ptr, __native len) |
void | test (void) |
void | userspace (uspace_arg_t *uarg) __attribute__((noreturn)) |
static int | segment_header (elf_segment_header_t *entry, elf_header_t *elf, as_t *as) |
static int | section_header (elf_section_header_t *entry, elf_header_t *elf, as_t *as) |
static int | load_segment (elf_segment_header_t *entry, elf_header_t *elf, as_t *as) |
void | _qsort (void *data, count_t n, size_t e_size, int(*cmp)(void *a, void *b), void *tmp, void *pivot) |
void | _bubblesort (void *data, count_t n, size_t e_size, int(*cmp)(void *a, void *b), void *slot) |
SPINLOCK_INITIALIZE (printflock) | |
static int | isdigit (int c) |
static int | printf_putnchars (const char *buf, size_t count, struct printf_spec *ps) |
static int | printf_putstr (const char *str, struct printf_spec *ps) |
static int | printf_putchar (int c, struct printf_spec *ps) |
static int | print_char (char c, int width, __u64 flags, struct printf_spec *ps) |
static int | print_string (char *s, int width, int precision, __u64 flags, struct printf_spec *ps) |
static int | print_number (__u64 num, int width, int precision, int base, __u64 flags, struct printf_spec *ps) |
int | vprintf_write (const char *str, size_t count, void *unused) |
int | vsnprintf_write (const char *str, size_t count, struct vsnprintf_data *data) |
static __native | sys_io (int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) |
static __native | sys_debug_enable_console (void) |
__native | syscall_handler (__native a1, __native a2, __native a3, __native a4, __native id) |
static sysinfo_item_t * | sysinfo_find_item (const char *name, sysinfo_item_t *subtree) |
static sysinfo_item_t * | sysinfo_create_path (const char *name, sysinfo_item_t **psubtree) |
Variables | |
config_t | config |
init_t | init |
cpu_t * | cpus |
atomic_t | haltstate |
spinlock_t | printflock |
symtab_entry | symbol_table [] |
char | memcpy_from_uspace_failover_address |
char | memcpy_to_uspace_failover_address |
cpu_t * | cpus |
static char * | error_codes [] |
atomic_t | haltstate = {0} |
static char | digits_small [] = "0123456789abcdef" |
static char | digits_big [] = "0123456789ABCDEF" |
syshandler_t | syscall_table [SYSCALL_END] |
sysinfo_item_t * | _root = NULL |
show big characters Definition at line 55 of file printf_core.c. Referenced by print_number(), and printf_core(). |
align to left Definition at line 52 of file printf_core.c. Referenced by print_char(), print_number(), print_string(), and printf_core(). |
number has - sign Definition at line 56 of file printf_core.c. Referenced by print_number(), and printf_core(). |
show prefixes 0x or 0 Definition at line 49 of file printf_core.c. Referenced by print_number(), and printf_core(). |
always show + sign Definition at line 53 of file printf_core.c. Referenced by print_number(), and printf_core(). |
signed / unsigned number Definition at line 50 of file printf_core.c. Referenced by print_number(), and printf_core(). |
print space instead of plus Definition at line 54 of file printf_core.c. Referenced by print_number(), and printf_core(). |
print leading zeroes Definition at line 51 of file printf_core.c. Referenced by print_number(), and printf_core(). |
Align to the nearest lower address.
Definition at line 45 of file align.h. Referenced by anon_page_fault(), elf_page_fault(), phys_page_fault(), sys_futex_sleep_timeout(), sys_futex_wakeup(), sys_physmem_map(), used_space_insert(), and used_space_remove(). |
Align to the nearest higher address.
Definition at line 53 of file align.h. Referenced by _memcpy(), _slab_cache_create(), bitmap_clear_range(), bitmap_set_range(), elf_frame_free(), elf_page_fault(), hw_map(), io_perm_bitmap_install(), load_segment(), and main_bsp(). |
Definition at line 49 of file arch.h. Referenced by answer_preprocess(), as_area_destroy(), as_area_resize(), as_destroy(), as_get_size(), as_page_fault(), as_switch(), phys_page_fault(), sys_as_area_create(), sys_as_area_destroy(), sys_as_area_resize(), sys_futex_sleep_timeout(), and sys_futex_wakeup(). |
CAP_CAP allows its holder to grant/revoke arbitrary privilege to/from other tasks. Definition at line 58 of file cap.h. Referenced by sys_cap_grant(), and sys_cap_revoke(). |
CAP_IO_MANAGER allows its holder to access I/O space to other tasks. Definition at line 70 of file cap.h. Referenced by ddi_iospace_enable(). |
CAP_IRQ_REG entitles its holder to register IRQ handlers. Definition at line 80 of file cap.h. Referenced by sys_ipc_register_irq(), and sys_ipc_unregister_irq(). |
CAP_MEM_MANAGER allows its holder to map physical memory to other tasks. Definition at line 64 of file cap.h. Referenced by ddi_physmem_map(). |
CAP_PREEMPT_CONTROL allows its holder to disable/enable preemption. Definition at line 75 of file cap.h. Referenced by sys_preempt_control(). |
Save register context. Save current register context (including stack pointers) to context structure. Note that call to context_restore() will return at the same address as the corresponding call to context_save(). This MUST be a macro, gcc -O0 does not inline functions even if they are marked inline and context_save_arch must be called from level <= that when context_restore is called.
Definition at line 68 of file context.h. Referenced by scheduler(), thread_create(), and waitq_sleep_timeout_unsafe(). |
Value: Definition at line 44 of file context.h. Referenced by main_ap(), scheduler(), and thread_create(). |
Definition at line 49 of file cpu.h. Referenced by main_ap(), and scheduler(). |
Definition at line 50 of file errno.h. Referenced by ipc_irq_register(). |
Definition at line 46 of file sort.c. Referenced by bubblesort(), and qsort(). |
Definition at line 115 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(). |
Definition at line 113 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(), and load_segment(). |
Definition at line 114 of file elf.h. Referenced by load_segment(). |
ELF error return codes Definition at line 112 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(), load_segment(), section_header(), segment_header(), and task_run_program(). |
Definition at line 116 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(), load_segment(), and segment_header(). |
Definition at line 49 of file errno.h. Referenced by ipc_irq_register(). |
Definition at line 44 of file errno.h. Referenced by ipc_call(), process_answer(), and sys_ipc_forward_fast(). |
Definition at line 46 of file errno.h. Referenced by answer_preprocess(), ipc_call(), ipc_cleanup_call_list(), and process_answer(). |
Definition at line 79 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(). |
Definition at line 80 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(). |
ELF identification indexes Definition at line 75 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(). |
Definition at line 76 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(). |
Definition at line 77 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(). |
Definition at line 78 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(). |
Definition at line 81 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(). |
Definition at line 54 of file errno.h. Referenced by thread_join_timeout(). |
ELF file classes |
ELF data encoding types |
ELF magic number Definition at line 90 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(). |
Definition at line 91 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(). |
Definition at line 92 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(). |
Definition at line 93 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(). |
Definition at line 42 of file errno.h. Referenced by process_request(), request_preprocess(), sys_io(), sys_ipc_register_irq(), and sys_ipc_unregister_irq(). |
ELF machine types |
Definition at line 40 of file errno.h. Referenced by as_area_destroy(), as_area_resize(), as_area_share(), ddi_iospace_enable(), ddi_iospace_enable_arch(), ipc_call(), sys_cap_grant(), sys_cap_revoke(), sys_futex_sleep_timeout(), sys_futex_wakeup(), sys_ipc_answer(), sys_ipc_answer_fast(), sys_ipc_call_sync(), sys_ipc_call_sync_fast(), sys_ipc_forward_fast(), sys_ipc_hangup(), and task_kill(). |
Definition at line 41 of file errno.h. Referenced by as_area_share(), ddi_iospace_enable_arch(), ddi_physmem_map(), sys_io(), and sys_thread_create(). |
Definition at line 51 of file errno.h. Referenced by as_area_resize(), and as_area_share(). |
Definition at line 45 of file errno.h. Referenced by as_area_resize(), as_area_share(), copy_from_uspace(), copy_to_uspace(), ddi_iospace_enable(), ddi_physmem_map(), request_preprocess(), sys_cap_grant(), sys_cap_revoke(), sys_preempt_control(), and task_kill(). |
Definition at line 52 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(). |
ELF types |
current ELF version Definition at line 45 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_load(). |
Definition at line 38 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 65 of file bitops.h. Referenced by _slab_cache_create(), _zone_merge(), fb_init(), malloc(), zone_conf_size(), zone_construct(), and zone_merge(). |
Definition at line 39 of file macros.h. Referenced by active_read_key_pressed(), and key_pressed(). |
Definition at line 43 of file macros.h. Referenced by parse_argument(). |
Definition at line 46 of file macros.h. Referenced by cmd_register(), and parse_cmdline(). |
Definition at line 40 of file symtab.h. Referenced by cmdtab_compl(), parse_int_arg(), and symtab_compl(). |
Definition at line 45 of file macros.h. Referenced by bitmap_clear_range(), bitmap_set_range(), kconsole(), and parse_int_arg(). |
Definition at line 57 of file macros.h. Referenced by main_bsp(). |
Definition at line 187 of file elf.h. Referenced by load_segment(). |
Definition at line 186 of file elf.h. Referenced by elf_frame_free(), and load_segment(). |
Program segment attributes. Definition at line 185 of file elf.h. Referenced by load_segment(). |
Buffer big enought for 64 bit number printed in base 2, sign, prefix and 0 to terminate string.. (last one is only for better testing end of buffer by zero-filling subroutine) Definition at line 58 of file printf_core.c. Referenced by print_number(). |
Definition at line 174 of file elf.h. Referenced by segment_header(). |
Definition at line 180 of file elf.h. Referenced by segment_header(). |
Definition at line 175 of file elf.h. Referenced by segment_header(). |
Definition at line 173 of file elf.h. Referenced by segment_header(). |
Definition at line 179 of file elf.h. Referenced by segment_header(). |
Definition at line 176 of file elf.h. Referenced by segment_header(). |
Program segment types Definition at line 172 of file elf.h. Referenced by segment_header(). |
Definition at line 178 of file elf.h. Referenced by segment_header(). |
Definition at line 177 of file elf.h. Referenced by segment_header(). |
ELF section flags |
ELF section types |
Definition at line 42 of file config.h. Referenced by get_stack_base(). |
Symbol binding |
Symbol types |
Definition at line 67 of file sysinfo.h. Referenced by sysinfo_create_path(), and sysinfo_dump(). |
Definition at line 68 of file sysinfo.h. Referenced by sysinfo_create_path(), sysinfo_dump(), and sysinfo_find_item(). |
Definition at line 64 of file sysinfo.h. Referenced by sysinfo_dump(), and sysinfo_set_item_function(). |
Definition at line 65 of file sysinfo.h. Referenced by sysinfo_create_path(), sysinfo_dump(), sysinfo_get_val(), and sysinfo_set_item_undefined(). |
Definition at line 63 of file sysinfo.h. Referenced by sysinfo_dump(), sysinfo_get_val(), and sysinfo_set_item_val(). |
Definition at line 65 of file arch.h. Referenced by main_ap(), main_bsp_separated_stack(), preemption_disable(), preemption_enable(), scheduler(), and scheduler_separated_stack(). |
Definition at line 39 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 55 of file stackarg.h. Referenced by printf_core(). |
Definition at line 58 of file stackarg.h. Referenced by klog_vprintf(). |
Definition at line 59 of file stackarg.h. Referenced by klog_printf(), klog_vprintf(), printf(), snprintf(), and sprintf(). |
Value: (ap).pos = sizeof(lst); \ (ap).last = (__u8 *) &(lst) Definition at line 51 of file stackarg.h. Referenced by klog_printf(), printf(), snprintf(), and sprintf(). |
Definition at line 75 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 76 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 41 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 94 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 95 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 73 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 72 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 82 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 85 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 84 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 86 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 68 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 56 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 44 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 52 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 49 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 51 of file typedefs.h. |
32-bit ELF data types. These types are specific for 32-bit format. |
64-bit ELF data types. These types are specific for 64-bit format. |
ELF data types These types are found to be identical in both 32-bit and 64-bit ELF object file specifications. They are the only types used in ELF header. |
Definition at line 57 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 70 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 92 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 91 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 45 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 89 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 88 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 78 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 64 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 61 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 66 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 67 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 65 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 43 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 63 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 54 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 47 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 53 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 80 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 55 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 59 of file typedefs.h. |
Definition at line 69 of file typedefs.h. |
Enumeration of possible arguments types.
Definition at line 65 of file printf_core.c. |
Definition at line 50 of file byteorder.h. |
Definition at line 38 of file byteorder.h. |
Bubblesort Apply generic bubblesort algorithm on supplied data, using pre-allocated buffer.
Definition at line 160 of file sort.c. References memcpy(). Referenced by _qsort(), and bubblesort(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Copy block of memory Copy cnt bytes from src address to dst address. The copying is done word-by-word and then byte-by-byte. The source and destination memory areas cannot overlap.
Definition at line 60 of file memstr.c. References ALIGN_UP. |
Fill block of memory Fill cnt bytes at dst address with the value x. The filling is done byte-by-byte.
Fill block of memory Fill cnt words at dst address with the value x. The filling is done word-by-word.
Quicksort Apply generic quicksort algorithm on supplied data, using pre-allocated buffers.
Definition at line 96 of file sort.c. References _bubblesort(), and memcpy(). Referenced by qsort(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 140 of file amd64.c. References config, config_t::cpu_active, debugger_init(), syscall_setup_cpu(), vesa_init(), vesa_present(), and zone_merge_all(). Referenced by main_ap(), and main_bsp_separated_stack(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 170 of file amd64.c. References i8042_init(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 98 of file amd64.c. References AMD_CPUID_EXTENDED, AMD_EXT_NOEXECUTE, AMD_NXE_FLAG, clean_AM_flag(), clean_IOPL_NT_flags(), config, config_t::cpu_active, cpu_setup_fpu(), cpuid(), cpu_info::cpuid_edx, exc_register(), INTEL_CPUID_STANDARD, INTEL_FXSAVE, INTEL_SSE2, panic, pm_init(), set_efer_flag(), tlb_shootdown_ipi(), and VECTOR_TLB_SHOOTDOWN_IPI. Referenced by main_ap(), and main_bsp_separated_stack(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 159 of file amd64.c. References acpi_init(), config, config_t::cpu_active, and memory_print_map(). Referenced by main_bsp_separated_stack(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Convert ascii representation to __native Supports 0x for hexa & 0 for octal notation. Does not check for overflows, does not support negative numbers
Definition at line 159 of file func.c. Referenced by cmd_set4(), and parse_int_arg(). |
Definition at line 49 of file atomic.h. References atomic::count. Referenced by _getc(), _slab_reclaim(), find_best_thread(), halt(), kcpulb(), phone_alloc(), sched_print_list(), scheduler(), scheduler_separated_stack(), slab_print_list(), spinlock_unlock(), task_print_list(), and thread_ready(). |
Definition at line 44 of file atomic.h. References atomic::count. Referenced by halt(), handle_exception(), ipc_irq_register(), ipc_phone_init(), spinlock_initialize(), spinlock_unlock(), task_create(), and thread_init(). |
Bubblesort wrapper This is only a wrapper that takes care of memory allocation for storing the slot element for generic bubblesort algorithm.
Definition at line 133 of file sort.c. References _bubblesort(), EBUFSIZE, free(), and malloc(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 175 of file amd64.c. Referenced by main_ap(), and main_bsp_separated_stack(). |
Get capabilities.
Definition at line 72 of file cap.c. References task::capabilities, interrupts_disable(), interrupts_restore(), spinlock_lock, and spinlock_unlock(). Referenced by ddi_iospace_enable(), ddi_physmem_map(), sys_cap_grant(), sys_cap_revoke(), sys_ipc_register_irq(), sys_ipc_unregister_irq(), and sys_preempt_control(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Set capabilities.
Definition at line 54 of file cap.c. References task::capabilities, interrupts_disable(), interrupts_restore(), spinlock_lock, and spinlock_unlock(). Referenced by sys_cap_grant(), and sys_cap_revoke(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Restore register context. Restore previously saved register context (including stack pointers) from context structure. Note that this function does not normally return. Instead, it returns at the same address as the corresponding call to context_save(), the only difference being return value. Note that content of any local variable defined by the caller of context_save() is undefined after context_restore().
Definition at line 86 of file context.h. References context_restore_arch(). Referenced by main_ap(), scheduler(), and scheduler_separated_stack(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Referenced by context_restore(). |
Copy data from userspace to kernel. Provisions are made to return value even after page fault. This function can be called only from syscall.
Definition at line 61 of file copy.c. References ASSERT, EPERM, interrupts_disable(), interrupts_restore(), memcpy_from_uspace(), overlaps(), and THREAD. Referenced by code_from_uspace(), sys_cap_grant(), sys_cap_revoke(), sys_io(), sys_iospace_enable(), sys_ipc_answer(), sys_ipc_call_async(), sys_ipc_call_sync(), sys_sysinfo_valid(), sys_sysinfo_value(), and sys_thread_create(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Copy data from kernel to userspace. Provisions are made to return value even after page fault. This function can be called only from syscall.
Definition at line 102 of file copy.c. References ASSERT, EPERM, interrupts_disable(), interrupts_restore(), memcpy_to_uspace(), overlaps(), and THREAD. Referenced by sys_task_get_id(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 131 of file cpu.c. References AMD_CPUID_EBX, AMD_CPUID_ECX, AMD_CPUID_EDX, CPU, cpuid(), has_cpuid(), info, INTEL_CPUID_EBX, INTEL_CPUID_ECX, INTEL_CPUID_EDX, VendorAMD, VendorIntel, and VendorUnknown. Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Initialize CPUs Initialize kernel CPUs support. Definition at line 59 of file cpu.c. References config, config_t::cpu_active, config_t::cpu_count, cpus, frame_alloc, FRAME_ATOMIC, FRAME_KA, FRAME_PANIC, list_initialize(), malloc(), memsetb(), panic, PFN2ADDR(), RQ_COUNT, spinlock_initialize(), and STACK_FRAMES. Referenced by main_ap(), and main_bsp_separated_stack(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
List all processors. Definition at line 100 of file cpu.c. References config, config_t::cpu_count, cpu_print_report(), cpus, and printf(). Referenced by cmd_cpus(), and kinit(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 160 of file cpu.c. References cpu::arch, cpu_arch::family, cpu::frequency_mhz, cpu::id, cpu_arch::model, printf(), cpu_arch::stepping, cpu_arch::vendor, and vendor_str. Referenced by cpu_list(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Print error message according to error code.
Definition at line 120 of file elf.c. References ASSERT, and error_codes. |
ELF loader
Definition at line 70 of file elf.c. References EE_INCOMPATIBLE, EE_INVALID, EE_OK, EE_UNSUPPORTED, EI_CLASS, EI_DATA, EI_MAG0, EI_MAG1, EI_MAG2, EI_MAG3, EI_VERSION, ELF_CLASS, ELF_DATA_ENCODING, ELF_MACHINE, ELFMAG0, ELFMAG1, ELFMAG2, ELFMAG3, ET_EXEC, EV_CURRENT, and segment_header(). Referenced by task_run_program(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Return position of first non-zero bit from left (i.e. [log_2(arg)]). If number is zero, it returns 0 Definition at line 45 of file bitops.h. Referenced by fnzb64(). |
Definition at line 57 of file bitops.h. References fnzb32(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Restore FPU (mmx,sse) context using fxrstor instruction Definition at line 50 of file fpu_context.c. Referenced by before_thread_runs(). |
Save FPU (mmx, sse) context using fxsave instruction Definition at line 41 of file fpu_context.c. Referenced by scheduler(). |
Set the TS flag to 1. If a thread accesses coprocessor, exception is run, which does a lazy fpu context switch. Definition at line 100 of file cpu.c. Referenced by before_thread_runs(). |
Definition at line 112 of file cpu.c. Referenced by before_thread_runs(). |
Definition at line 58 of file fpu_context.c. Referenced by before_thread_runs(). |
Return address that corresponds to the entry Search symbol table, and if there is one match, return it
Definition at line 111 of file symtab.c. References __u64_le2host, NULL, strlen(), symbol_table, and symtab_search_one(). Referenced by cmd_call0(), cmd_call1(), cmd_call2(), cmd_call3(), cmd_set4(), and parse_int_arg(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Return entry that seems most likely to correspond to argument. Return entry that seems most likely to correspond to address passed in the argument.
Definition at line 53 of file symtab.c. References __u64_le2host, symtab_entry::address_le, and symbol_table. Referenced by cmd_call0(), cmd_call1(), cmd_call2(), cmd_call3(), cmd_print_breakpoints(), exc_print_cmd(), handle_exception(), and print_info_errcode(). |
Halt wrapper Set halt flag and halt the cpu. Definition at line 54 of file func.c. References atomic_get(), atomic_set(), CPU, cpu_halt(), haltstate, interrupts_disable(), kconsole(), and printf(). Referenced by cmd_halt(), and scheduler(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Referenced by _getc(), _rwlock_read_lock_timeout(), _rwlock_write_lock_timeout(), _slab_cache_create(), _slab_free(), answer_preprocess(), as_area_create(), as_area_destroy(), as_area_resize(), as_area_share(), as_destroy(), as_get_size(), as_switch(), breakpoint_add(), breakpoint_del(), cap_get(), cap_set(), copy_from_uspace(), copy_to_uspace(), ddi_iospace_enable(), ddi_physmem_map(), delay(), find_best_thread(), frame_alloc_generic(), frame_free(), frame_reference_add(), halt(), ipc_irq_cleanup(), ipc_irq_register(), ipc_irq_unregister(), ipc_wait_for_call(), kcpulb(), kinit(), ktaskclnp(), ktaskgc(), printf_core(), ptl0_create(), rwlock_read_unlock(), rwlock_write_unlock(), sched_print_list(), scheduler(), semaphore_initialize(), slab_alloc(), slab_cache_destroy(), slab_print_list(), sys_cap_grant(), sys_cap_revoke(), sys_futex_sleep_timeout(), sys_futex_wakeup(), task_create(), task_kill(), task_print_list(), thread_create(), thread_detach(), thread_exit(), thread_join_timeout(), thread_print_list(), thread_ready(), thread_register_call_me(), timeout_register(), timeout_unregister(), userspace(), waitq_interrupt_sleep(), waitq_sleep_prepare(), waitq_wakeup(), zone_merge(), zone_print_list(), zone_print_one(), and zones_add_zone(). |
Referenced by cushion(), and find_best_thread(). |
Referenced by thread_create(). |
Referenced by _getc(), _rwlock_read_lock_timeout(), _rwlock_write_lock_timeout(), _slab_cache_create(), _slab_free(), answer_preprocess(), as_area_create(), as_area_destroy(), as_area_resize(), as_area_share(), as_get_size(), as_switch(), breakpoint_add(), breakpoint_del(), cap_get(), cap_set(), copy_from_uspace(), copy_to_uspace(), ddi_iospace_enable(), ddi_physmem_map(), delay(), frame_alloc_generic(), frame_free(), frame_reference_add(), ipc_irq_cleanup(), ipc_irq_register(), ipc_irq_unregister(), ipc_wait_for_call(), kcpulb(), ktaskclnp(), ktaskgc(), ptl0_create(), rwlock_read_unlock(), rwlock_write_unlock(), scheduler(), semaphore_initialize(), slab_alloc(), slab_cache_destroy(), slab_print_list(), sys_cap_grant(), sys_cap_revoke(), sys_futex_sleep_timeout(), sys_futex_wakeup(), task_create(), task_kill(), thread_create(), thread_detach(), thread_exit(), thread_join_timeout(), thread_ready(), thread_register_call_me(), timeout_register(), timeout_unregister(), waitq_interrupt_sleep(), waitq_sleep_finish(), waitq_sleep_prepare(), waitq_wakeup(), and zone_merge(). |
Broadcast IPI message Broadcast IPI message to all CPUs.
Definition at line 55 of file ipi.c. References config, config_t::cpu_active, config_t::cpu_count, and ipi_broadcast_arch(). Referenced by tlb_shootdown_ipi_send(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Referenced by ipi_broadcast(). |
Checks c for a digit.
Definition at line 82 of file printf_core.c. Referenced by printf_core(). |
Load segment described by program header entry.
Definition at line 165 of file elf.c. References ALIGN_UP, AS_AREA_CACHEABLE, as_area_create(), AS_AREA_EXEC, AS_AREA_READ, AS_AREA_WRITE, EE_INVALID, EE_MEMORY, EE_OK, EE_UNSUPPORTED, elf_backend, PAGE_SIZE, PF_R, PF_W, and PF_X. Referenced by segment_header(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Referenced by copy_from_uspace(). |
Referenced by copy_to_uspace(). |
Return true if the interlvals overlap. Definition at line 49 of file macros.h. Referenced by _zone_merge(), as_area_resize(), check_area_conflicts(), copy_from_uspace(), copy_to_uspace(), used_space_insert(), zone_create(), and zones_add_zone(). |
Increment preemption disabled counter. Definition at line 45 of file preemption.c. References THE. Referenced by atomic_lock_arch(), spinlock_trylock(), and sys_preempt_control(). |
Decrement preemption disabled counter. Definition at line 52 of file preemption.c. Referenced by spinlock_trylock(), spinlock_unlock(), and sys_preempt_control(). |
Print one formatted character
Definition at line 149 of file printf_core.c. References __PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTALIGNED, and printf_putchar(). Referenced by printf_core(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Print number in given base Print significant digits of a number in given base.
Definition at line 239 of file printf_core.c. References __PRINTF_FLAG_BIGCHARS, __PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTALIGNED, __PRINTF_FLAG_NEGATIVE, __PRINTF_FLAG_PREFIX, __PRINTF_FLAG_SHOWPLUS, __PRINTF_FLAG_SIGNED, __PRINTF_FLAG_SPACESIGN, __PRINTF_FLAG_ZEROPADDED, digits_big, digits_small, PRINT_NUMBER_BUFFER_SIZE, printf_putchar(), and printf_putstr(). Referenced by printf_core(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Print one string
Definition at line 179 of file printf_core.c. References __PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTALIGNED, NULL, printf_putchar(), printf_putnchars(), printf_putstr(), and strlen(). Referenced by printf_core(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 37 of file printf.c. References va_end, va_start, and vprintf(). Referenced by _getc(), acpi_madt_parse(), btree_print(), buddy_system_structure_print(), clever_readline(), cmd_add_breakpoint(), cmd_call0(), cmd_call1(), cmd_call2(), cmd_call3(), cmd_continue(), cmd_del_breakpoint(), cmd_desc(), cmd_help(), cmd_print_breakpoints(), cmd_set4(), cmdtab_compl(), configure_via_rsdt(), configure_via_xsdt(), cpu_list(), cpu_print_report(), desc_help(), exc_print_cmd(), fb_init(), halt(), handle_exception(), ipc_print_task(), kconsole(), kcpulb(), madt_intr_src_ovrd_entry(), main_bsp_separated_stack(), memory_print_map(), page_fault(), parse_cmdline(), parse_int_arg(), print_info_errcode(), sched_print_list(), scheduler_separated_stack(), slab_print_list(), symtab_compl(), symtab_print_search(), sysinfo_dump(), task_print_list(), thread_print_list(), version_print(), zone_buddy_print_id(), zone_print_list(), and zones_add_zone(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Print formatted string. Print string formatted according to the fmt parameter and variadic arguments. Each formatting directive must have the following form: % [ FLAGS ] [ WIDTH ] [ .PRECISION ] [ TYPE ] CONVERSION
All other characters from fmt except the formatting directives are printed in verbatim.
< counter of printed characters < used to store return values from called functions < base in which will be parameter (numbers only) printed < argument value < byte size of integer parameter TODO: unimplemented qualifiers: t ptrdiff_t - ISO C 99 Definition at line 459 of file printf_core.c. References __PRINTF_FLAG_BIGCHARS, __PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTALIGNED, __PRINTF_FLAG_NEGATIVE, __PRINTF_FLAG_PREFIX, __PRINTF_FLAG_SHOWPLUS, __PRINTF_FLAG_SIGNED, __PRINTF_FLAG_SPACESIGN, __PRINTF_FLAG_ZEROPADDED, interrupts_disable(), isdigit(), print_char(), print_number(), print_string(), printf_putnchars(), printflock, PrintfQualifierByte, PrintfQualifierInt, PrintfQualifierLong, PrintfQualifierLongLong, PrintfQualifierNative, PrintfQualifierPointer, PrintfQualifierShort, spinlock_lock, and va_arg. Referenced by vprintf(), and vsnprintf(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Print one character to output
Definition at line 136 of file printf_core.c. References printf_spec::data, and printf_spec::write. Referenced by print_char(), print_number(), and print_string(). |
Print count chars from buffer without adding newline
Definition at line 108 of file printf_core.c. References printf_spec::data, and printf_spec::write. Referenced by print_string(), printf_core(), and printf_putstr(). |
Print string without added newline
Definition at line 118 of file printf_core.c. References count, printf_spec::data, NULL, printf_putnchars(), strlen(), and printf_spec::write. Referenced by print_number(), and print_string(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Quicksort wrapper This is only a wrapper that takes care of memory allocations for storing the pivot and temporary elements for generic quicksort algorithm. This function _can_ sleep
Definition at line 64 of file sort.c. References _qsort(), EBUFSIZE, free(), and malloc(). Referenced by acpi_madt_parse(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Process section header.
Definition at line 214 of file elf.c. References EE_OK. |
Process segment header.
Definition at line 135 of file elf.c. References EE_OK, EE_UNSUPPORTED, load_segment(), PT_DYNAMIC, PT_HIPROC, PT_INTERP, PT_LOAD, PT_LOPROC, PT_NOTE, PT_NULL, PT_PHDR, and PT_SHLIB. Referenced by elf_load(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Referenced by main_bsp_separated_stack(). |
Definition at line 38 of file snprintf.c. References va_end, va_start, and vsnprintf(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
printf spinlock |
Definition at line 37 of file sprintf.c. References va_end, va_start, and vsprintf(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Compute length of given zero terminated string.
Definition at line 89 of file func.c. Referenced by clever_readline(), cmd_desc(), cmd_register(), cmdtab_compl(), cmdtab_search_one(), get_symbol_addr(), insert_char(), kconsole(), parse_cmdline(), print_string(), printf_putstr(), symtab_compl(), and symtab_search_one(). |
Compare two NULL terminated strings Do a char-by-char comparison of two NULL terminated strings. The strings are considered equal iff they consist of the same characters on the minimum of their lengths and specified maximal length.
Definition at line 113 of file func.c. Referenced by cmd_desc(), cmd_register(), cmdtab_search_one(), kconsole(), and parse_cmdline(). |
Copy NULL terminated string. Copy at most 'len' characters from string 'src' to 'dest'. If 'src' is shorter than 'len', '' is inserted behind the last copied character.
Definition at line 141 of file func.c. Referenced by clever_readline(), cmdtab_compl(), parse_int_arg(), and symtab_compl(). |
Symtab completion
Definition at line 153 of file symtab.c. References MAX_SYMBOL_NAME, name, printf(), strlen(), strncpy(), symbol_table, and symtab_search_one(). Referenced by clever_readline(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Find symbols that match parameter and prints them Definition at line 132 of file symtab.c. References __u64_le2host, printf(), symtab_entry::symbol_name, symbol_table, and symtab_search_one(). Referenced by cmd_call0(), cmd_call1(), cmd_call2(), cmd_call3(), cmd_set4(), cmd_symaddr(), and parse_int_arg(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Grant capabilities to a task. The calling task must have the CAP_CAP capability.
Definition at line 97 of file cap.c. References CAP_CAP, cap_get(), cap_set(), copy_from_uspace(), ENOENT, EPERM, interrupts_disable(), interrupts_restore(), spinlock_lock, spinlock_unlock(), TASK, task_find_by_id(), tasks_lock, and sysarg64_t::value. Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Revoke capabilities from a task. The calling task must have the CAP_CAP capability or the caller must attempt to revoke capabilities from itself.
Definition at line 142 of file cap.c. References CAP_CAP, cap_get(), cap_set(), copy_from_uspace(), ENOENT, EPERM, interrupts_disable(), interrupts_restore(), spinlock_lock, spinlock_unlock(), TASK, task_find_by_id(), tasks_lock, and sysarg64_t::value. Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Tell kernel to get keyboard/console access again Definition at line 88 of file syscall.c. References arch_grab_console(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Print using kernel facility Some simulators can print only through kernel. Userspace can use this syscall to facilitate it. Definition at line 61 of file syscall.c. References copy_from_uspace(), printf_spec::data, ELIMIT, ENOMEM, free(), malloc(), PAGE_SIZE, and putchar(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 281 of file sysinfo.c. References ASSERT, copy_from_uspace(), free(), malloc(), NULL, sysinfo_get_val(), and sysinfo_rettype::valid. Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 295 of file sysinfo.c. References ASSERT, copy_from_uspace(), free(), malloc(), NULL, sysinfo_get_val(), and sysinfo_rettype::val. Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Dispatch system call Definition at line 95 of file syscall.c. References klog_printf(), SYSCALL_END, syscall_table, TASK, task_kill(), THREAD, and thread_exit(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 75 of file sysinfo.c. References ASSERT, malloc(), sysinfo_item::name, sysinfo_item::next, NULL, sysinfo_item::subinfo, sysinfo_item::subinfo_type, SYSINFO_SUBINFO_NONE, SYSINFO_SUBINFO_TABLE, SYSINFO_VAL_UNDEFINED, sysinfo_item::table, and sysinfo_item::val_type. Referenced by sysinfo_set_item_function(), sysinfo_set_item_undefined(), and sysinfo_set_item_val(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 215 of file sysinfo.c. References _root, sysinfo_item::name, sysinfo_item::next, NULL, printf(), sysinfo_item::subinfo_type, SYSINFO_SUBINFO_NONE, SYSINFO_SUBINFO_TABLE, SYSINFO_VAL_FUNCTION, SYSINFO_VAL_UNDEFINED, SYSINFO_VAL_VAL, sysinfo_item::table, sysinfo_item::val, and sysinfo_item::val_type. Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 43 of file sysinfo.c. References sysinfo_item::name, sysinfo_item::next, NULL, sysinfo_item::subinfo, sysinfo_item::subinfo_type, SYSINFO_SUBINFO_TABLE, and sysinfo_item::table. Referenced by sysinfo_get_val(). |
Definition at line 256 of file sysinfo.c. References _root, NULL, sysinfo_find_item(), SYSINFO_VAL_UNDEFINED, SYSINFO_VAL_VAL, sysinfo_item::val, sysinfo_rettype::val, sysinfo_item::val_type, and sysinfo_rettype::valid. Referenced by sys_sysinfo_valid(), and sys_sysinfo_value(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 185 of file sysinfo.c. References _root, NULL, sysinfo_create_path(), SYSINFO_VAL_FUNCTION, sysinfo_item::val, and sysinfo_item::val_type. Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 201 of file sysinfo.c. References _root, NULL, sysinfo_create_path(), SYSINFO_VAL_UNDEFINED, and sysinfo_item::val_type. Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 170 of file sysinfo.c. References _root, NULL, sysinfo_create_path(), SYSINFO_VAL_VAL, sysinfo_item::val, and sysinfo_item::val_type. Referenced by clock_counter_init(), fb_init(), and klog_init(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Copy THE structure Copy the source THE structure to the destination THE structure.
Definition at line 70 of file the.c. Referenced by main_ap(), scheduler(), and scheduler_separated_stack(). |
Initialize THE structure Initialize THE structure passed as argument.
Definition at line 54 of file the.c. References the::as, the::cpu, NULL, the::preemption_disabled, the::task, and the::thread. Referenced by main_ap(), main_bsp_separated_stack(), and thread_create(). |
Enter userspace Change CPU protection level to 3, enter userspace. Definition at line 48 of file userspace.c. References gdtselector, interrupts_disable(), PL_USER, THREAD_STACK_SIZE, UDATA_DES, uspace_arg::uspace_entry, uspace_arg::uspace_stack, uspace_arg::uspace_uarg, and UTEXT_DES. Referenced by uinit(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 49 of file vprintf.c. References NULL, printf_core(), and vprintf_write(). Referenced by printf(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 41 of file vprintf.c. References putchar(). Referenced by vprintf(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 90 of file vsnprintf.c. References printf_spec::data, printf_core(), and vsnprintf_write(). Referenced by klog_vprintf(), snprintf(), and vsprintf(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Write string to given buffer. Write at most data->size characters including trailing zero. According to C99, snprintf() has to return number of characters that would have been written if enough space had been available. Hence the return value is not number of really printed characters but size of the input string. Number of really used characters is stored in data->len.
Definition at line 57 of file vsnprintf.c. References vsnprintf_data::len, memcpy(), vsnprintf_data::size, and vsnprintf_data::string. Referenced by vsnprintf(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 37 of file vsprintf.c. References vsnprintf(). Referenced by sprintf(). Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Definition at line 40 of file sysinfo.c. Referenced by sysinfo_dump(), sysinfo_get_val(), sysinfo_set_item_function(), sysinfo_set_item_undefined(), and sysinfo_set_item_val(). |
Global configuration structure. Definition at line 90 of file main.c. Referenced by _slab_reclaim(), arch_post_mm_init(), arch_pre_mm_init(), arch_pre_smp_init(), cpu_init(), cpu_list(), frame_init(), ipi_broadcast(), kcpulb(), kinit(), main_ap(), main_bsp(), main_bsp_separated_stack(), make_magcache(), page_arch_init(), pm_init(), sched_print_list(), thread_ready(), tlb_shootdown_start(), and zone_create(). |
Definition at line 52 of file cpu.c. Referenced by cpu_init(), cpu_list(), kcpulb(), kinit(), sched_print_list(), and tlb_shootdown_start(). |
Definition at line 52 of file cpu.c. Referenced by cpu_init(), cpu_list(), kcpulb(), kinit(), sched_print_list(), and tlb_shootdown_start(). |
Big hexadecimal characters Definition at line 76 of file printf_core.c. Referenced by print_number(). |
Small hexadecimal characters Definition at line 75 of file printf_core.c. Referenced by print_number(). |
Initial value: { "no error", "invalid image", "address space error", "incompatible image", "unsupported image type", "irrecoverable error" } Definition at line 51 of file elf.c. Referenced by elf_error(). |
Halt flag Definition at line 46 of file func.c. Referenced by _getc(), halt(), handle_exception(), and scheduler(). |
Halt flag Definition at line 46 of file func.c. Referenced by _getc(), halt(), handle_exception(), and scheduler(). |
Initial user-space tasks Definition at line 95 of file main.c. Referenced by frame_init(), main_bsp(), main_bsp_separated_stack(), and zone_create(). |
Label within memcpy_from_uspace() that contains return -1. |
Label within memcpy_to_uspace() that contains return -1. |
Referenced by printf_core(). |
Referenced by get_symbol_addr(), get_symtab_entry(), symtab_compl(), and symtab_print_search(). |
Definition at line 114 of file syscall.c. Referenced by syscall_handler(). |