arch.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  the


#define CPU   THE->cpu
#define THREAD   THE->thread
#define TASK   THE->task
#define AS   THE->as
#define PREEMPTION_DISABLED   THE->preemption_disabled
#define THE   ((the_t *)(get_stack_base()))


void the_initialize (the_t *the)
void the_copy (the_t *src, the_t *dst)
void arch_pre_main (void)
void arch_pre_mm_init (void)
void arch_post_mm_init (void)
void arch_pre_smp_init (void)
void arch_post_smp_init (void)
void calibrate_delay_loop (void)
ipl_t interrupts_disable (void)
ipl_t interrupts_enable (void)
void interrupts_restore (ipl_t ipl)
ipl_t interrupts_read (void)

Detailed Description

Definition in file arch.h.

Generated on Sun Jun 18 16:39:28 2006 for HelenOS Kernel (ia32) by  doxygen 1.4.6