task Struct Reference

Public Member Functions


Data Fields

char * name
link_t th_head
task_id_t taskid
bool accept_new_threads
count_t refcount
cap_t capabilities
answerbox_t answerbox
phone_t phones [IPC_MAX_PHONES]
atomic_t active_calls
task_arch_t arch
mutex_t futexes_lock
btree_t futexes

Detailed Description

Task structure.

Definition at line 49 of file task.h.

Member Function Documentation


Task lock.

Must be acquired before threads_lock and thread lock of any of its threads.

Field Documentation

bool accept_new_threads

If this is true, new threads can become part of the task.

Definition at line 63 of file task.h.

Referenced by task_create(), task_kill(), and thread_create().

atomic_t active_calls

Active asynchronous messages. It is used for limiting uspace to certain extent.

Definition at line 72 of file task.h.

Referenced by task_create().

answerbox_t answerbox

Communication endpoint

Definition at line 70 of file task.h.

Referenced by task_create().

task_arch_t arch

Architecture specific task data.

Definition at line 76 of file task.h.

Referenced by ddi_iospace_enable_arch(), task_create_arch(), and task_destroy_arch().

as_t* as

Address space.

Definition at line 59 of file task.h.

Referenced by task_create(), and task_destroy().

cap_t capabilities

Task capabilities.

Definition at line 67 of file task.h.

Referenced by cap_get(), cap_set(), and task_create().

btree_t futexes

B+tree of futexes referenced by this task.

Definition at line 83 of file task.h.

Referenced by task_create(), and task_destroy().

mutex_t futexes_lock

Serializes access to the B+tree of task's futexes. This mutex is independent on the task spinlock.

Definition at line 82 of file task.h.

Referenced by task_create().

thread_t* main_thread

Pointer to the main thread.

Definition at line 57 of file task.h.

Referenced by task_create(), and thread_create().

char* name

Definition at line 56 of file task.h.

Referenced by task_create().

phone_t phones[IPC_MAX_PHONES]

Definition at line 71 of file task.h.

Referenced by ipc_print_task(), and task_create().

count_t refcount

Number of references (i.e. threads).

Definition at line 65 of file task.h.

Referenced by task_create(), task_kill(), and thread_create().

task_id_t taskid

Unique identity of task

Definition at line 60 of file task.h.

Referenced by task_create(), and task_kill().

link_t th_head

List of threads contained in this task.

Definition at line 58 of file task.h.

Referenced by task_create(), task_kill(), and thread_create().

Generated on Sun Jun 18 16:42:05 2006 for HelenOS Kernel (ia32) by  doxygen 1.4.6