Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
arp_deviceARP address map
arp_globalsARP global data
arp_headerARP protocol header
arp_protoARP protocol specific data
char_mapCharacter string to integer map item
device_statsDevice usage statistics
dp_rcvhdrType definition of the receive header
dyn_fifoDynamic first in first out positive integer queue
eth_deviceEthernet device map
eth_globalsEthernet global data
eth_headerEthernet header
eth_header_lsapEthernet header IEEE 802.3 + 802.2 extension
eth_header_snapEthernet header IEEE 802.3 + 802.2 + SNAP extensions
eth_ieee_lsapEthernet header Link Service Access Point extension
eth_preambleEthernet header preamble
eth_protoEthernet protocol specific data
eth_snapEthernet header SNAP extension
eth_statEthernet statistics
ether_addrEthernet address type definition
hostentStructure returned by network data base library
icmp_echoEcho specific data
icmp_globalsICMP global data
icmp_headerInternet control message header
icmp_replyICMP reply data
in6_addrINET6 address
in_addrINET address
iovec_tType definition of the input/output vector
ip_globalsIP global data
ip_headerInternet header
ip_netifIP network interfaces
ip_optionInternet option header
ip_protoIP protocol specific data
ip_routeIP route specific data
ipv4_pseudo_headerInternet version 4 pseudo header
measured_stringCharacter string with measured length
module_structModule map
net_globalsConfiguration settings
netifPresent network interface device
netif_deviceNetwork interface device specific data
netif_globalsNetwork interface module skeleton global data
nildummy_deviceDummy nil device map
nildummy_globalsDummy nil global data
nildummy_protoDummy nil protocol specific data
packetPacket header
packet_dimensionPacket dimension
sockaddrSocket address
sockaddr_inINET socket address
sockaddr_in6INET6 socket address
socketSocket specific data
socket_client_globalsSocket client library global data
socket_coreSocket core
socket_portBound port sockets
tcp_globalsTCP global data
tcp_headerTransmission datagram header
tcp_max_segment_size_optionMaximum segment size TCP option
tcp_operationTCP operation data
tcp_optionTransmission datagram header option
tcp_socket_dataTCP socket specific data
tcp_timeoutTCP reply timeout data
udp_globalsUDP global data
udp_headerUser datagram header

Generated on Thu Mar 11 20:48:26 2010 for Networking and TCP/IP stack for HelenOS system by  doxygen 1.6.1