The scenarios contain the following shortcuts:
g for the quest system, HelenOS in Qemu
h for the host system
n for the NET application
e for echo echo application run in HelenOS
g netstart
h wine net.exe (->n) (or net.exe)
n set address and port, BuiltinUDP protocol
n send some data (an ARP will be generated and the original packet gets lost)
n send some data (the port is unreachable and the packet is discarded)
g echo -p 8080 -c 3 -v (->e)
g prints Listening
n send some data
e prints received data
h prints reply
n click disconnect
n set :8081 port
n send some data
n click disconnect
n set :8080 port
count-1 times:
n send some data
e prints received data
h prints reply
e prints Exiting
e quits
n send some data (the port is unreachable and the packet is discarded)
ICMP echo to
g netstart
g ping (->p)
g prints ARP request for
g prints ARP reply from
p prints timeouted
p prints round trip time
p prints round trip time
p quits
ICMP echo to
g netstart
g ping (->p)
p prints round trip time
p prints round trip time
p prints round trip time
p quits
ICMP with no internet on the host system (!)
g netstart
g ping (->p)
g prints ARP request for
g prints ARP reply from
p prints timeouted
p prints destination unreachable
p prints destination unreachable
p quits