amsg_t Struct Reference

Data Fields

awaiter_t wdata
int done
ipcarg_t retval

Detailed Description

Definition at line 116 of file async.c.

Field Documentation

awaiter_t wdata

Definition at line 117 of file async.c.

Referenced by async_wait_for(), async_wait_timeout(), and reply_received().

int done

If reply was received

Definition at line 119 of file async.c.

Referenced by async_wait_for(), async_wait_timeout(), and reply_received().

ipc_call_t* dataptr

Pointer where the answer data is stored

Definition at line 120 of file async.c.

Referenced by reply_received().

ipcarg_t retval

Definition at line 122 of file async.c.

Referenced by async_wait_for(), async_wait_timeout(), and reply_received().

Generated on Sun Jun 18 18:12:47 2006 for HelenOS Userspace (ppc32) by  doxygen 1.4.6