Changeset 040e4e9 in mainline for generic/src/debug/print.c

2006-04-27T18:27:01Z (19 years ago)
Jakub Jermar <jakub@…>
lfn, master, serial, ticket/834-toolchain-update, topic/msim-upgrade, topic/simplify-dev-export

Improve doxygen comments for printf().

1 edited


  • generic/src/debug/print.c

    r9179d0a r040e4e9  
    83 /** Print one string without appending '\n' to the end.
     83/** Print one string without appending newline to the end.
    8484 *
    8585 * Do not use this function directly - printflock is not locked here.
    356356/** Print formatted string.
    357357 *
    358  * Print string formatted according to the @fmt parameter
     358 * Print string formatted according to the fmt parameter
    359359 * and variadic arguments. Each formatting directive
    360360 * must have the following form:
    361  * % [ flags ] [ width ] [ .precision ] [ type ] conversion
    362  *
    363  * FLAGS:
    364  * #    Force to print prefix.
    365  *      For conversion %o the prefix is 0, for %x and %X prefixes are 0x and 0X and for conversion %b the prefix is 0b.
    366  * -    Align to left.
    367  * +    Print positive sign just as negative.
    368  *   (space)    If the printed number is positive and '+' flag is not set, print space in place of sign.
    369  * 0    Print 0 as padding instead of spaces. Zeroes are placed between sign and the rest of the number.
    370  *      This flag is ignored if '-' flag is specified.
    371  *
    372  * WIDTH:
     361 *
     362 *      \% [ FLAGS ] [ WIDTH ] [ .PRECISION ] [ TYPE ] CONVERSION
     363 *
     364 * FLAGS:@n
     365 * "#"  Force to print prefix.
     366 *      For conversion \%o the prefix is 0, for %x and \%X prefixes are 0x and 0X
     367 *      and for conversion \%b the prefix is 0b.
     368 *
     369 * "-"  Align to left.
     370 *
     371 * "+"  Print positive sign just as negative.
     372 *
     373 * " "  If the printed number is positive and "+" flag is not set, print space in
     374 *      place of sign.
     375 *
     376 * "0"  Print 0 as padding instead of spaces. Zeroes are placed between sign and the
     377 *      rest of the number. This flag is ignored if "-" flag is specified.
     378 *
     379 * WIDTH:@n
    373380 * Specify minimal width of printed argument. If it is bigger, width is ignored.
    374  * If width is specified with a '*' character instead of number, width is taken from parameter list.
    375  * And integer parameter is expected before parameter for processed conversion specification.
    376  * If this value is negative its absolute value is taken and the '-' flag is set.
    377  *
    378  * PRECISION:
     381 * If width is specified with a "*" character instead of number, width is taken from
     382 * parameter list. And integer parameter is expected before parameter for processed
     383 * conversion specification. If this value is negative its absolute value is taken
     384 * and the "-" flag is set.
     385 *
     386 * PRECISION:@n
    379387 * Value precision. For numbers it specifies minimum valid numbers.
    380388 * Smaller numbers are printed with leading zeroes. Bigger numbers are not affected.
    381389 * Strings with more than precision characters are cut off.
    382  * Just as with width, an '*' can be used used instead of a number.
    383  * An integer value is then expected in parameters. When both width and precision are specified using '*',
    384  * first parameter is used for width and second one for precision.
    385  *
    386  * TYPE:
    387  * hh   signed or unsigned char
    388  * h    signed or usigned short
    389  *      signed or usigned int (default value)
    390  * l    signed or usigned long int
    391  * ll   signed or usigned long long int
    392  * z    __native (non-standard extension)
    393  *
    394  *
    395  * CONVERSIONS:
    396  *
    397  * %    Print percentage character itself.
     390 * Just as with width, an "*" can be used used instead of a number.
     391 * An integer value is then expected in parameters. When both width and precision
     392 * are specified using "*", the first parameter is used for width and the second one
     393 * for precision.
     394 *
     395 * TYPE:@n
     396 * "hh" Signed or unsigned char.@n
     397 * "h"  Signed or usigned short.@n
     398 * ""   Signed or usigned int (default value).@n
     399 * "l"  Signed or usigned long int.@n
     400 * "ll" Signed or usigned long long int.@n
     401 * "z"  __native (non-standard extension).@n
     402 *
     403 *
     404 * CONVERSION:@n
     405 * %    Print percentile character itself.
    398406 *
    399407 * c    Print single character.
    402410 *
    403411 * P, p Print value of a pointer. Void * value is expected and it is printed in hexadecimal notation with prefix
    404  * (as with %#X or %#x for 32bit or %#X / %#x for 64bit long pointers).
     412 *      (as with \%#X or \%#x for 32bit or \%#X / \%#x for 64bit long pointers).
    405413 *
    406414 * b    Print value as unsigned binary number. Prefix is not printed by default. (Nonstandard extension.)
    414422 * X, x Print hexadecimal number with upper- or lower-case. Prefix is not printed by default.
    415423 *
    416  * All other characters from @fmt except the formatting directives
     424 * All other characters from fmt except the formatting directives
    417425 * are printed in verbatim.
    418426 *
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