ip_header.h File Reference

IP header and options definitions. More...

#include <byteorder.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
Include dependency graph for ip_header.h:
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Data Structures

struct  ip_header
 Internet header. More...
struct  ip_option
 Internet option header. More...
struct  ipv4_pseudo_header
 Internet version 4 pseudo header. More...


#define IP_COMPUTE_FRAGMENT_OFFSET_HIGH(length)   ((((length) / 8u) &0x1F00) >> 8)
 Returns the fragment offest high bits.
#define IP_COMPUTE_FRAGMENT_OFFSET_LOW(length)   (((length) / 8u) &0xFF)
 Returns the fragment offest low bits.
#define IP_COMPUTE_HEADER_LENGTH(length)   ((uint8_t) ((length) / 4u))
 Returns the IP header length.
#define IP_FRAGMENT_OFFSET(header)   ((((header)->fragment_offset_high << 8) + (header)->fragment_offset_low) * 8u)
 Returns the fragment offest.
#define IP_HEADER_CHECKSUM(header)   (htons(ip_checksum((uint8_t *)(header), IP_HEADER_LENGTH(header))))
 Returns the IP packet header checksum.
#define IP_HEADER_DATA_LENGTH(header)   (IP_TOTAL_LENGTH(header) - IP_HEADER_LENGTH(header))
 Returns the actual IP packet data length.
#define IP_HEADER_LENGTH(header)   ((header)->header_length * 4u)
 Returns the actual IP header length in bytes.
#define IP_TOTAL_LENGTH(header)   ntohs((header)->total_length)
 Returns the actual IP packet total length.
IP flags definitions

 Fragment flag field shift.
 Fragmented flag field shift.
 Don't fragment flag value.
 Last fragment flag value.
 May fragment flag value.
 More fragments flag value.


typedef struct ip_header ip_header_t
 Type definition of the internet header.
typedef ip_header_tip_header_ref
 Type definition of the internet header pointer.
typedef struct ip_option ip_option_t
 Type definition of the internet option header.
typedef ip_option_tip_option_ref
 Type definition of the internet option header pointer.
typedef struct ipv4_pseudo_header ipv4_pseudo_header_t
 Type definition of the internet version 4 pseudo header.
typedef ipv4_pseudo_header_tipv4_pseudo_header_ref
 Type definition of the internet version 4 pseudo header pointer.

Detailed Description

IP header and options definitions.

Based on the RFC~791.

Generated on Thu Mar 11 20:45:59 2010 for Networking and TCP/IP stack for HelenOS system by  doxygen 1.6.1