![]() |
Data Structures | |
struct | socket |
Socket specific data. More... | |
struct | socket_client_globals |
Socket client library global data. More... | |
struct | socket_port |
Bound port sockets. More... | |
struct | socket_core |
Socket core. More... | |
Files | |
file | socket.h |
Socket application program interface (API). | |
file | socket_codes.h |
Socket codes and definitions. | |
file | socket_client.c |
Socket application program interface (API) implementation. | |
file | socket_core.c |
Socket common core implementation. | |
file | socket_core.h |
Socket common core. | |
file | socket_messages.h |
Socket messages. | |
Defines | |
Initial received packet queue size. | |
Maximum received packet queue size. | |
Initial waiting sockets queue size. | |
Maximum waiting sockets queue size. | |
#define | SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (1 * 1000 * 1000) |
Default timeout for connections in microseconds. | |
#define | SOCKET_ID_TRIES 100 |
Maximum number of random attempts to find a new socket identifier before switching to the sequence. | |
#define | SOCKET_ID_TRIES 100 |
Maximum number of random attempts to find a new socket identifier before switching to the sequence. | |
Initial size of the received packet queue. | |
Maximum size of the received packet queue. | |
Initial size of the sockets for acceptance queue. | |
Maximum size of the sockets for acceptance queue. | |
Listening sockets' port map key. | |
Typedefs | |
typedef enum sock_type | sock_type_t |
Socket types. | |
typedef int32_t | socklen_t |
Type definition of the socket length. | |
typedef struct socket | socket_t |
Type definition of the socket specific data. | |
typedef socket_t * | socket_ref |
Type definition of the socket specific data pointer. | |
typedef struct socket_core | socket_core_t |
Type definition of the socket core. | |
typedef socket_core_t * | socket_core_ref |
Type definition of the socket core pointer. | |
typedef struct socket_port | socket_port_t |
Type definition of the socket port. | |
typedef socket_port_t * | socket_port_ref |
Type definition of the socket port pointer. | |
Enumerations | |
enum | sock_type { SOCK_STREAM = 1, SOCK_DGRAM = 2, SOCK_RAW = 3 } |
Socket types. More... | |
Socket client messages. More... | |
Functions | |
INT_MAP_DECLARE (sockets, socket_t) | |
Sockets map. | |
INT_MAP_IMPLEMENT (sockets, socket_t) | |
static int | socket_get_tcp_phone (void) |
Returns the TCP module phone. | |
static int | socket_get_udp_phone (void) |
Returns the UDP module phone. | |
static sockets_ref | socket_get_sockets (void) |
Returns the active sockets. | |
static int | socket_generate_new_id (void) |
Tries to find a new free socket identifier. | |
void | socket_connection (ipc_callid_t iid, ipc_call_t *icall) |
Default thread for new connections. | |
int | socket_send_data (int socket_id, ipcarg_t message, ipcarg_t arg2, const void *data, size_t datalength) |
Sends message to the socket parent module with specified data. | |
void | socket_initialize (socket_ref socket, int socket_id, int phone, services_t service) |
Initializes a new socket specific data. | |
void | socket_destroy (socket_ref socket) |
Clears and destroys the socket. | |
int | recvfrom_core (ipcarg_t message, int socket_id, void *data, size_t datalength, int flags, struct sockaddr *fromaddr, socklen_t *addrlen) |
Receives data via the socket. | |
int | sendto_core (ipcarg_t message, int socket_id, const void *data, size_t datalength, int flags, const struct sockaddr *toaddr, socklen_t addrlen) |
Sends data via the socket to the remote address. | |
int | socket_bind_insert (socket_ports_ref global_sockets, socket_core_ref socket, int port) |
Binds the socket to the port. | |
void | socket_destroy_core (int packet_phone, socket_core_ref socket, socket_cores_ref local_sockets, socket_ports_ref global_sockets, void(*socket_release)(socket_core_ref socket)) |
Destroys the socket. | |
int | socket_port_add_core (socket_port_ref socket_port, socket_core_ref socket, const char *key, size_t key_length) |
Adds the socket to a socket port. | |
static int | socket_generate_new_id (socket_cores_ref local_sockets, int positive) |
Tries to find a new free socket identifier. | |
INT_MAP_IMPLEMENT (socket_cores, socket_core_t) | |
GENERIC_CHAR_MAP_IMPLEMENT (socket_port_map, socket_core_ref) | |
INT_MAP_IMPLEMENT (socket_ports, socket_port_t) | |
void | socket_cores_release (int packet_phone, socket_cores_ref local_sockets, socket_ports_ref global_sockets, void(*socket_release)(socket_core_ref socket)) |
Destroys local sockets. | |
int | socket_bind (socket_cores_ref local_sockets, socket_ports_ref global_sockets, int socket_id, void *addr, size_t addrlen, int free_ports_start, int free_ports_end, int last_used_port) |
Binds the socket to the port. | |
int | socket_bind_free_port (socket_ports_ref global_sockets, socket_core_ref socket, int free_ports_start, int free_ports_end, int last_used_port) |
Binds the socket to a free port. | |
int | socket_create (socket_cores_ref local_sockets, int app_phone, void *specific_data, int *socket_id) |
Creates a new socket. | |
int | socket_destroy (int packet_phone, int socket_id, socket_cores_ref local_sockets, socket_ports_ref global_sockets, void(*socket_release)(socket_core_ref socket)) |
Destroys the socket. | |
int | socket_reply_packets (packet_t packet, size_t *length) |
Replies the packet or the packet queue data to the application via the socket. | |
socket_core_ref | socket_port_find (socket_ports_ref global_sockets, int port, const char *key, size_t key_length) |
Finds the bound port socket. | |
void | socket_port_release (socket_ports_ref global_sockets, socket_core_ref socket) |
Releases the socket port. | |
int | socket_port_add (socket_ports_ref global_sockets, int port, socket_core_ref socket, const char *key, size_t key_length) |
Adds the socket to an already bound port. | |
INT_MAP_DECLARE (socket_cores, socket_core_t) | |
Sockets map. | |
GENERIC_CHAR_MAP_DECLARE (socket_port_map, socket_core_ref) | |
Bount port sockets map. | |
INT_MAP_DECLARE (socket_ports, socket_port_t) | |
Ports map. | |
Variables | |
static struct socket_client_globals | socket_globals |
Socket client library global data. | |
Socket application programming interface | |
| |
int | socket (int domain, int type, int protocol) |
Creates a new socket. | |
int | bind (int socket_id, const struct sockaddr *my_addr, socklen_t addrlen) |
Binds the socket to a port address. | |
int | listen (int socket_id, int backlog) |
Sets the number of connections waiting to be accepted. | |
int | accept (int socket_id, struct sockaddr *cliaddr, socklen_t *addrlen) |
Accepts waiting socket. | |
int | connect (int socket_id, const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, socklen_t addrlen) |
Connects socket to the remote server. | |
int | closesocket (int socket_id) |
Closes the socket. | |
int | send (int socket_id, void *data, size_t datalength, int flags) |
Sends data via the socket. | |
int | sendto (int socket_id, const void *data, size_t datalength, int flags, const struct sockaddr *toaddr, socklen_t addrlen) |
Sends data via the socket to the remote address. | |
int | recv (int socket_id, void *data, size_t datalength, int flags) |
Receives data via the socket. | |
int | recvfrom (int socket_id, void *data, size_t datalength, int flags, struct sockaddr *fromaddr, socklen_t *addrlen) |
Receives data via the socket. | |
int | getsockopt (int socket_id, int level, int optname, void *value, size_t *optlen) |
Gets socket option. | |
int | setsockopt (int socket_id, int level, int optname, const void *value, size_t optlen) |
Sets socket option. | |
Address families definitions | |
| |
#define | AF_UNSPEC 0 |
Unspecified address family. | |
#define | AF_UNIXL 1 |
Unix domain sockets address family. | |
#define | AF_LOCAL 1 |
POSIX name for AF_UNIX address family. | |
#define | AF_INET 2 |
Internet IP Protocol address family. | |
#define | AF_AX25 3 |
Amateur Radio AX.25 address family. | |
#define | AF_IPX 4 |
Novell IPX address family. | |
#define | AF_APPLETALK 5 |
AppleTalk DDP address family. | |
#define | AF_NETROM 6 |
Amateur Radio NET/ROM address family. | |
#define | AF_BRIDGE 7 |
Multiprotocol bridge address family. | |
#define | AF_ATMPVC 8 |
ATM PVCs address family. | |
#define | AF_X25 9 |
Reserved for X.25 project address family. | |
#define | AF_INET6 10 |
IP version 6 address family. | |
#define | AF_ROSE 11 |
Amateur Radio X.25 PLP address family. | |
#define | AF_DECnet 12 |
Reserved for DECnet project address family. | |
#define | AF_NETBEUI 13 |
Reserved for 802.2LLC project address family. | |
#define | AF_SECURITY 14 |
Security callback pseudo AF address family. | |
#define | AF_KEY 15 |
PF_KEY key management API address family. | |
#define | AF_NETLINK 16 |
Alias to emulate 4.4BSD address family. | |
#define | AF_PACKET 17 |
Packet family address family. | |
#define | AF_ASH 18 |
Ash address family. | |
#define | AF_ECONET 19 |
Acorn Econet address family. | |
#define | AF_ATMSVC 20 |
ATM SVCs address family. | |
#define | AF_SNA 22 |
Linux SNA Project (nutters!) address family. | |
#define | AF_IRDA 23 |
IRDA sockets address family. | |
#define | AF_PPPOX 24 |
PPPoX sockets address family. | |
#define | AF_WANPIPE 25 |
Wanpipe API Sockets address family. | |
#define | AF_LLC 26 |
Linux LLC address family. | |
#define | AF_CAN 29 |
Controller Area Network address family. | |
#define | AF_TIPC 30 |
TIPC sockets address family. | |
#define | AF_BLUETOOTH 31 |
Bluetooth sockets address family. | |
#define | AF_IUCV 32 |
IUCV sockets address family. | |
#define | AF_RXRPC 33 |
RxRPC sockets address family. | |
#define | AF_MAX 34 |
Maximum address family. | |
Protocol families definitions | |
| |
Unspecified protocol family. | |
#define | PF_UNIXL AF_UNIXL |
Unix domain sockets protocol family. | |
#define | PF_LOCAL AF_LOCAL |
POSIX name for AF_UNIX protocol family. | |
#define | PF_INET AF_INET |
Internet IP Protocol protocol family. | |
#define | PF_AX25 AF_AX25 |
Amateur Radio AX.25 protocol family. | |
#define | PF_IPX AF_IPX |
Novell IPX protocol family. | |
AppleTalk DDP protocol family. | |
Amateur Radio NET/ROM protocol family. | |
Multiprotocol bridge protocol family. | |
ATM PVCs protocol family. | |
#define | PF_X25 AF_X25 |
Reserved for X.25 project protocol family. | |
#define | PF_INET6 AF_INET6 |
IP version 6 protocol family. | |
#define | PF_ROSE AF_ROSE |
Amateur Radio X.25 PLP protocol family. | |
#define | PF_DECnet AF_DECnet |
Reserved for DECnet project protocol family. | |
Reserved for 802.2LLC project protocol family. | |
Security callback pseudo AF protocol family. | |
#define | PF_KEY AF_KEY |
PF_KEY key management API protocol family. | |
Alias to emulate 4.4BSD protocol family. | |
Packet family protocol family. | |
#define | PF_ASH AF_ASH |
Ash protocol family. | |
Acorn Econet protocol family. | |
ATM SVCs protocol family. | |
#define | PF_SNA AF_SNA |
Linux SNA Project (nutters!) protocol family. | |
#define | PF_IRDA AF_IRDA |
IRDA sockets protocol family. | |
#define | PF_PPPOX AF_PPPOX |
PPPoX sockets protocol family. | |
Wanpipe API Sockets protocol family. | |
#define | PF_LLC AF_LLC |
Linux LLC protocol family. | |
#define | PF_CAN AF_CAN |
Controller Area Network protocol family. | |
#define | PF_TIPC AF_TIPC |
TIPC sockets protocol family. | |
Bluetooth sockets protocol family. | |
#define | PF_IUCV AF_IUCV |
IUCV sockets protocol family. | |
#define | PF_RXRPC AF_RXRPC |
RxRPC sockets protocol family. | |
#define | PF_MAX AF_MAX |
Maximum protocol family. | |
Socket option levels definitions | |
Thanks to BSD these must match IPPROTO_xxx | |
#define | SOL_IP 0 |
IP socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_ICMP 1 |
ICMP socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_TCP 6 |
TCP socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_UDP 17 |
UDP socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_IPV6 41 |
IPV socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_ICMPV6 58 |
ICMPV socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_SCTP 132 |
SCTP socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_UDPLITE 136 |
UDP-Lite (RFC 3828) socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_RAW 255 |
RAW socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_IPX 256 |
IPX socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_AX25 257 |
AX socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_ATALK 258 |
ATALK socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_NETROM 259 |
NETROM socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_ROSE 260 |
ROSE socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_DECNET 261 |
DECNET socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_X25 262 |
X25 socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_PACKET 263 |
PACKET socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_ATM 264 |
ATM layer (cell level) socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_AAL 265 |
ATM Adaption Layer (packet level) socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_IRDA 266 |
IRDA socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_NETBEUI 267 |
NETBEUI socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_LLC 268 |
LLC socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_DCCP 269 |
DCCP socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_NETLINK 270 |
NETLINK socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_TIPC 271 |
TIPC socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_RXRPC 272 |
RXRPC socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_PPPOL2TP 273 |
PPPOL socket option level. | |
#define | SOL_BLUETOOTH 274 |
BLUETOOTH socket option level. | |
Socket specific message parameters definitions | |
| |
#define | SOCKET_SET_SOCKET_ID(answer) (int *) &IPC_GET_ARG1(answer) |
Sets the socket identifier in the message answer. | |
#define | SOCKET_GET_SOCKET_ID(call) (int) IPC_GET_ARG1(call) |
Returns the socket identifier message parameter. | |
#define | SOCKET_SET_READ_DATA_LENGTH(answer) (int *) &IPC_GET_ARG1(answer) |
Sets the read data length in the message answer. | |
#define | SOCKET_GET_READ_DATA_LENGTH(call) (int) IPC_GET_ARG1(call) |
Returns the read data length message parameter. | |
#define | SOCKET_GET_BACKLOG(call) (int) IPC_GET_ARG2(call) |
Returns the backlog message parameter. | |
#define | SOCKET_GET_OPT_LEVEL(call) (int) IPC_GET_ARG2(call) |
Returns the option level message parameter. | |
#define | SOCKET_GET_DATA_FRAGMENT_SIZE(call) (size_t) IPC_GET_ARG2(call) |
Returns the data fragment size message parameter. | |
#define | SOCKET_SET_DATA_FRAGMENT_SIZE(answer) (size_t *) &IPC_GET_ARG2(answer) |
Sets the data fragment size in the message answer. | |
#define | SOCKET_SET_ADDRESS_LENGTH(answer) (socklen_t *) &IPC_GET_ARG3(answer) |
Sets the address length in the message answer. | |
#define | SOCKET_GET_ADDRESS_LENGTH(call) (socklen_t) IPC_GET_ARG3(call) |
Returns the address length message parameter. | |
#define | SOCKET_SET_HEADER_SIZE(answer) (int *) &IPC_GET_ARG3(answer) |
Sets the header size in the message answer. | |
#define | SOCKET_GET_HEADER_SIZE(call) (int) IPC_GET_ARG3(call) |
Returns the header size message parameter. | |
#define | SOCKET_GET_FLAGS(call) (int) IPC_GET_ARG4(call) |
Returns the flags message parameter. | |
#define | SOCKET_GET_OPT_NAME(call) (int) IPC_GET_ARG4(call) |
Returns the option name message parameter. | |
#define | SOCKET_GET_DATA_FRAGMENTS(call) (int) IPC_GET_ARG5(call) |
Returns the data fragments message parameter. | |
#define | SOCKET_GET_NEW_SOCKET_ID(call) (int) IPC_GET_ARG5(call) |
Returns the new socket identifier message parameter. |
#define AF_APPLETALK 5 |
AppleTalk DDP address family.
#define AF_ASH 18 |
Ash address family.
#define AF_ATMPVC 8 |
ATM PVCs address family.
#define AF_ATMSVC 20 |
ATM SVCs address family.
#define AF_AX25 3 |
Amateur Radio AX.25 address family.
#define AF_BLUETOOTH 31 |
Bluetooth sockets address family.
#define AF_BRIDGE 7 |
Multiprotocol bridge address family.
#define AF_CAN 29 |
Controller Area Network address family.
#define AF_DECnet 12 |
Reserved for DECnet project address family.
#define AF_ECONET 19 |
Acorn Econet address family.
#define AF_INET 2 |
Internet IP Protocol address family.
Referenced by inet_ntop(), inet_pton(), ip_deliver_local(), ip_netif_initialize(), ip_prepare_icmp(), ip_process_packet(), and main().
#define AF_INET6 10 |
IP version 6 address family.
Referenced by inet_ntop(), inet_pton(), and main().
#define AF_IPX 4 |
Novell IPX address family.
#define AF_IRDA 23 |
IRDA sockets address family.
#define AF_IUCV 32 |
IUCV sockets address family.
#define AF_KEY 15 |
PF_KEY key management API address family.
#define AF_LLC 26 |
Linux LLC address family.
#define AF_LOCAL 1 |
POSIX name for AF_UNIX address family.
#define AF_MAX 34 |
Maximum address family.
#define AF_NETBEUI 13 |
Reserved for 802.2LLC project address family.
#define AF_NETLINK 16 |
Alias to emulate 4.4BSD address family.
#define AF_NETROM 6 |
Amateur Radio NET/ROM address family.
#define AF_PACKET 17 |
Packet family address family.
#define AF_PPPOX 24 |
PPPoX sockets address family.
#define AF_ROSE 11 |
Amateur Radio X.25 PLP address family.
#define AF_RXRPC 33 |
RxRPC sockets address family.
#define AF_SECURITY 14 |
Security callback pseudo AF address family.
#define AF_SNA 22 |
Linux SNA Project (nutters!) address family.
#define AF_TIPC 30 |
TIPC sockets address family.
#define AF_UNIXL 1 |
Unix domain sockets address family.
#define AF_UNSPEC 0 |
Unspecified address family.
#define AF_WANPIPE 25 |
Wanpipe API Sockets address family.
#define AF_X25 9 |
Reserved for X.25 project address family.
AppleTalk DDP protocol family.
#define PF_ASH AF_ASH |
Ash protocol family.
ATM PVCs protocol family.
ATM SVCs protocol family.
#define PF_AX25 AF_AX25 |
Amateur Radio AX.25 protocol family.
Bluetooth sockets protocol family.
Multiprotocol bridge protocol family.
#define PF_CAN AF_CAN |
Controller Area Network protocol family.
#define PF_DECnet AF_DECnet |
Reserved for DECnet project protocol family.
Acorn Econet protocol family.
#define PF_INET6 AF_INET6 |
IP version 6 protocol family.
Referenced by main().
#define PF_IPX AF_IPX |
Novell IPX protocol family.
#define PF_IRDA AF_IRDA |
IRDA sockets protocol family.
#define PF_IUCV AF_IUCV |
IUCV sockets protocol family.
#define PF_KEY AF_KEY |
PF_KEY key management API protocol family.
#define PF_LLC AF_LLC |
Linux LLC protocol family.
POSIX name for AF_UNIX protocol family.
#define PF_MAX AF_MAX |
Maximum protocol family.
Reserved for 802.2LLC project protocol family.
Alias to emulate 4.4BSD protocol family.
Amateur Radio NET/ROM protocol family.
Packet family protocol family.
PPPoX sockets protocol family.
#define PF_ROSE AF_ROSE |
Amateur Radio X.25 PLP protocol family.
RxRPC sockets protocol family.
Security callback pseudo AF protocol family.
#define PF_SNA AF_SNA |
Linux SNA Project (nutters!) protocol family.
#define PF_TIPC AF_TIPC |
TIPC sockets protocol family.
Unix domain sockets protocol family.
Unspecified protocol family.
Wanpipe API Sockets protocol family.
#define PF_X25 AF_X25 |
Reserved for X.25 project protocol family.
#define SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (1 * 1000 * 1000) |
Default timeout for connections in microseconds.
Referenced by socket_get_tcp_phone(), and socket_get_udp_phone().
#define SOCKET_GET_ADDRESS_LENGTH | ( | call | ) | (socklen_t) IPC_GET_ARG3(call) |
Returns the address length message parameter.
[in] | call | The message call structure. |
Referenced by accept(), and recvfrom_core().
#define SOCKET_GET_BACKLOG | ( | call | ) | (int) IPC_GET_ARG2(call) |
Returns the backlog message parameter.
[in] | call | The message call structure. |
Referenced by tcp_process_client_messages().
#define SOCKET_GET_DATA_FRAGMENT_SIZE | ( | call | ) | (size_t) IPC_GET_ARG2(call) |
Returns the data fragment size message parameter.
[in] | call | The message call structure. |
Referenced by accept(), sendto_core(), and socket_connection().
#define SOCKET_GET_DATA_FRAGMENTS | ( | call | ) | (int) IPC_GET_ARG5(call) |
Returns the data fragments message parameter.
[in] | call | The message call structure. |
Referenced by socket_connection(), tcp_process_client_messages(), and udp_process_client_messages().
#define SOCKET_GET_FLAGS | ( | call | ) | (int) IPC_GET_ARG4(call) |
Returns the flags message parameter.
[in] | call | The message call structure. |
Referenced by tcp_process_client_messages(), and udp_process_client_messages().
#define SOCKET_GET_HEADER_SIZE | ( | call | ) | (int) IPC_GET_ARG3(call) |
Returns the header size message parameter.
[in] | call | The message call structure. |
#define SOCKET_GET_NEW_SOCKET_ID | ( | call | ) | (int) IPC_GET_ARG5(call) |
Returns the new socket identifier message parameter.
[in] | call | The message call structure. |
Referenced by tcp_process_client_messages().
#define SOCKET_GET_OPT_LEVEL | ( | call | ) | (int) IPC_GET_ARG2(call) |
Returns the option level message parameter.
[in] | call | The message call structure. |
#define SOCKET_GET_OPT_NAME | ( | call | ) | (int) IPC_GET_ARG4(call) |
Returns the option name message parameter.
[in] | call | The message call structure. |
#define SOCKET_GET_READ_DATA_LENGTH | ( | call | ) | (int) IPC_GET_ARG1(call) |
Returns the read data length message parameter.
[in] | call | The message call structure. |
Referenced by recvfrom_core().
#define SOCKET_GET_SOCKET_ID | ( | call | ) | (int) IPC_GET_ARG1(call) |
Returns the socket identifier message parameter.
[in] | call | The message call structure. |
Referenced by socket_connection(), tcp_process_client_messages(), and udp_process_client_messages().
#define SOCKET_ID_TRIES 100 |
Maximum number of random attempts to find a new socket identifier before switching to the sequence.
#define SOCKET_ID_TRIES 100 |
Maximum number of random attempts to find a new socket identifier before switching to the sequence.
Referenced by socket_generate_new_id().
Initial size of the sockets for acceptance queue.
Initial waiting sockets queue size.
Referenced by socket_initialize().
Initial size of the received packet queue.
Initial received packet queue size.
Referenced by socket_initialize().
Listening sockets' port map key.
Referenced by socket_bind_insert(), tcp_process_listen(), tcp_process_packet(), and udp_process_packet().
Maximum waiting sockets queue size.
Referenced by socket_connection().
Maximum size of the sockets for acceptance queue.
Maximum size of the received packet queue.
Maximum received packet queue size.
Referenced by socket_connection(), tcp_queue_received_packet(), and udp_process_packet().
#define SOCKET_SET_ADDRESS_LENGTH | ( | answer | ) | (socklen_t *) &IPC_GET_ARG3(answer) |
Sets the address length in the message answer.
[out] | answer | The message answer structure. |
Referenced by tcp_process_client_messages(), and udp_process_client_messages().
#define SOCKET_SET_DATA_FRAGMENT_SIZE | ( | answer | ) | (size_t *) &IPC_GET_ARG2(answer) |
Sets the data fragment size in the message answer.
[out] | answer | The message answer structure. |
Referenced by tcp_process_client_messages(), and udp_process_client_messages().
#define SOCKET_SET_HEADER_SIZE | ( | answer | ) | (int *) &IPC_GET_ARG3(answer) |
Sets the header size in the message answer.
[out] | answer | The message answer structure. |
Referenced by tcp_process_client_messages(), and udp_process_client_messages().
#define SOCKET_SET_READ_DATA_LENGTH | ( | answer | ) | (int *) &IPC_GET_ARG1(answer) |
Sets the read data length in the message answer.
[out] | answer | The message answer structure. |
Referenced by tcp_process_client_messages(), and udp_process_client_messages().
#define SOCKET_SET_SOCKET_ID | ( | answer | ) | (int *) &IPC_GET_ARG1(answer) |
Sets the socket identifier in the message answer.
[out] | answer | The message answer structure. |
Referenced by tcp_process_client_messages(), and udp_process_client_messages().
#define SOL_ATALK 258 |
ATALK socket option level.
#define SOL_ATM 264 |
ATM layer (cell level) socket option level.
#define SOL_AX25 257 |
AX socket option level.
#define SOL_BLUETOOTH 274 |
BLUETOOTH socket option level.
#define SOL_DCCP 269 |
DCCP socket option level.
#define SOL_DECNET 261 |
DECNET socket option level.
#define SOL_ICMP 1 |
ICMP socket option level.
#define SOL_ICMPV6 58 |
ICMPV socket option level.
#define SOL_IP 0 |
IP socket option level.
#define SOL_IPV6 41 |
IPV socket option level.
#define SOL_IPX 256 |
IPX socket option level.
#define SOL_IRDA 266 |
IRDA socket option level.
#define SOL_LLC 268 |
LLC socket option level.
#define SOL_NETBEUI 267 |
NETBEUI socket option level.
#define SOL_NETLINK 270 |
NETLINK socket option level.
#define SOL_NETROM 259 |
NETROM socket option level.
#define SOL_PACKET 263 |
PACKET socket option level.
#define SOL_PPPOL2TP 273 |
PPPOL socket option level.
#define SOL_RAW 255 |
RAW socket option level.
#define SOL_ROSE 260 |
ROSE socket option level.
#define SOL_RXRPC 272 |
RXRPC socket option level.
#define SOL_SCTP 132 |
SCTP socket option level.
#define SOL_TCP 6 |
TCP socket option level.
#define SOL_TIPC 271 |
TIPC socket option level.
#define SOL_UDP 17 |
UDP socket option level.
#define SOL_UDPLITE 136 |
UDP-Lite (RFC 3828) socket option level.
#define SOL_X25 262 |
X25 socket option level.
typedef enum sock_type sock_type_t |
Socket types.
typedef socket_core_t* socket_core_ref |
Type definition of the socket core pointer.
typedef struct socket_core socket_core_t |
Type definition of the socket core.
typedef socket_port_t* socket_port_ref |
Type definition of the socket port pointer.
typedef struct socket_port socket_port_t |
Type definition of the socket port.
typedef socket_t* socket_ref |
enum sock_type |
enum socket_messages |
Socket client messages.
Creates a new socket.
Binds the socket.
Creates a new socket.
Accepts an incomming connection.
Connects the socket.
Closes the socket.
Sends data via the stream socket.
Sends data via the datagram socket.
Receives data from the stream socket.
Receives data from the datagram socket.
Gets the socket option.
Sets the socket option.
New socket for acceptence notification message. |
New data received notification message. |
New socket data fragment size notification message. |
Accepts waiting socket.
Blocks until such a socket exists.
[in] | socket_id | Socket identifier. |
[out] | cliaddr | The remote client address. |
[in] | addrlen | The address length. |
References accept_lock, accept_signal, accepted, blocked, data_fragment_size, dyn_fifo_pop(), dyn_fifo_value(), ENOTSOCK, free, socket_client_globals::lock, NET_SOCKET_ACCEPT, phone, service, socket_generate_new_id(), SOCKET_GET_ADDRESS_LENGTH, SOCKET_GET_DATA_FRAGMENT_SIZE, socket_get_sockets(), socket_globals, socket_id, and socket_initialize().
Referenced by main().
Binds the socket to a port address.
[in] | socket_id | Socket identifier. |
[in] | my_addr | The port address. |
[in] | addrlen | The address length. |
References NET_SOCKET_BIND, and socket_send_data().
Referenced by main().
int closesocket | ( | int | socket_id | ) |
Closes the socket.
[in] | socket_id | Socket identifier. |
References blocked, EINPROGRESS, ENOTSOCK, ERROR_DECLARE, ERROR_PROPAGATE, socket_client_globals::lock, NET_SOCKET_CLOSE, phone, service, socket_destroy(), socket_get_sockets(), socket_globals, and socket_id.
Referenced by main().
Connects socket to the remote server.
[in] | socket_id | Socket identifier. |
[in] | serv_addr | The remote server address. |
[in] | addrlen | The address length. |
References EDESTADDRREQ, NET_SOCKET_CONNECT, and socket_send_data().
GENERIC_CHAR_MAP_DECLARE | ( | socket_port_map | , | |
socket_core_ref | ||||
) |
Bount port sockets map.
The listening socket has the SOCKET_MAP_KEY_LISTENING key identifier whereas the other use the remote addresses.
GENERIC_CHAR_MAP_IMPLEMENT | ( | socket_port_map | , | |
socket_core_ref | ||||
) |
int getsockopt | ( | int | socket_id, | |
int | level, | |||
int | optname, | |||
void * | value, | |||
size_t * | optlen | |||
) |
Gets socket option.
[in] | socket_id | Socket identifier. |
[in] | level | The socket options level. |
[in] | optname | The socket option to be get. |
[out] | value | The value buffer to be filled. |
[in,out] | optlen | The value buffer length. The maximum length is read. The actual length is set. |
References ENOTSOCK, socket_client_globals::lock, NET_SOCKET_GETSOCKOPT, NO_DATA, phone, service, socket_get_sockets(), socket_globals, and socket_id.
INT_MAP_DECLARE | ( | socket_ports | , | |
socket_port_t | ||||
) |
Ports map.
The key is the port number.
INT_MAP_DECLARE | ( | socket_cores | , | |
socket_core_t | ||||
) |
Sockets map.
The key is the socket identifier.
INT_MAP_DECLARE | ( | sockets | , | |
socket_t | ||||
) |
INT_MAP_IMPLEMENT | ( | socket_ports | , | |
socket_port_t | ||||
) |
INT_MAP_IMPLEMENT | ( | socket_cores | , | |
socket_core_t | ||||
) |
INT_MAP_IMPLEMENT | ( | sockets | , | |
socket_t | ||||
) |
int listen | ( | int | socket_id, | |
int | backlog | |||
) |
Sets the number of connections waiting to be accepted.
[in] | socket_id | Socket identifier. |
[in] | backlog | The maximum number of waiting sockets to be accepted. |
References ENOTSOCK, socket_client_globals::lock, NET_SOCKET_LISTEN, phone, service, socket_get_sockets(), socket_globals, and socket_id.
Referenced by main().
int recv | ( | int | socket_id, | |
void * | data, | |||
size_t | datalength, | |||
int | flags | |||
) |
Receives data via the socket.
[in] | socket_id | Socket identifier. |
[out] | data | The data buffer to be filled. |
[in] | datalength | The data length. |
[in] | flags | Various receive flags. |
References NET_SOCKET_RECV, and recvfrom_core().
int recvfrom | ( | int | socket_id, | |
void * | data, | |||
size_t | datalength, | |||
int | flags, | |||
struct sockaddr * | fromaddr, | |||
socklen_t * | addrlen | |||
) |
Receives data via the socket.
[in] | socket_id | Socket identifier. |
[out] | data | The data buffer to be filled. |
[in] | datalength | The data length. |
[in] | flags | Various receive flags. |
[out] | fromaddr | The source address. |
[in,out] | addrlen | The address length. The maximum address length is read. The actual address length is set. |
References NET_SOCKET_RECVFROM, NO_DATA, and recvfrom_core().
Referenced by main().
int recvfrom_core | ( | ipcarg_t | message, | |
int | socket_id, | |||
void * | data, | |||
size_t | datalength, | |||
int | flags, | |||
struct sockaddr * | fromaddr, | |||
socklen_t * | addrlen | |||
) |
Receives data via the socket.
[in] | message | The action message. |
[in] | socket_id | Socket identifier. |
[out] | data | The data buffer to be filled. |
[in] | datalength | The data length. |
[in] | flags | Various receive flags. |
[out] | fromaddr | The source address. May be NULL for connected sockets. |
[in,out] | addrlen | The address length. The maximum address length is read. The actual address length is set. Used only if fromaddr is not NULL. |
References blocked, dyn_fifo_pop(), dyn_fifo_value(), ENOTSOCK, free, socket_client_globals::lock, NO_DATA, phone, receive_lock, receive_signal, received, service, SOCKET_GET_ADDRESS_LENGTH, SOCKET_GET_READ_DATA_LENGTH, socket_get_sockets(), socket_globals, and socket_id.
Referenced by recv(), and recvfrom().
int send | ( | int | socket_id, | |
void * | data, | |||
size_t | datalength, | |||
int | flags | |||
) |
Sends data via the socket.
[in] | socket_id | Socket identifier. |
[in] | data | The data to be sent. |
[in] | datalength | The data length. |
[in] | flags | Various send flags. |
References NET_SOCKET_SEND, and sendto_core().
int sendto | ( | int | socket_id, | |
const void * | data, | |||
size_t | datalength, | |||
int | flags, | |||
const struct sockaddr * | toaddr, | |||
socklen_t | addrlen | |||
) |
Sends data via the socket to the remote address.
Binds the socket to a free port if not already connected/bound.
[in] | socket_id | Socket identifier. |
[in] | data | The data to be sent. |
[in] | datalength | The data length. |
[in] | flags | Various send flags. |
[in] | toaddr | The destination address. |
[in] | addrlen | The address length. |
References EDESTADDRREQ, NET_SOCKET_SENDTO, and sendto_core().
Referenced by main().
int sendto_core | ( | ipcarg_t | message, | |
int | socket_id, | |||
const void * | data, | |||
size_t | datalength, | |||
int | flags, | |||
const struct sockaddr * | toaddr, | |||
socklen_t | addrlen | |||
) |
Sends data via the socket to the remote address.
Binds the socket to a free port if not already connected/bound.
[in] | message | The action message. |
[in] | socket_id | Socket identifier. |
[in] | data | The data to be sent. |
[in] | datalength | The data length. |
[in] | flags | Various send flags. |
[in] | toaddr | The destination address. May be NULL for connected sockets. |
[in] | addrlen | The address length. Used only if toaddr is not NULL. |
References data_fragment_size, ENOTSOCK, header_size, socket_client_globals::lock, NO_DATA, phone, sending_lock, service, SOCKET_GET_DATA_FRAGMENT_SIZE, socket_get_sockets(), socket_globals, and socket_id.
Referenced by send(), and sendto().
int setsockopt | ( | int | socket_id, | |
int | level, | |||
int | optname, | |||
const void * | value, | |||
size_t | optlen | |||
) |
Sets socket option.
[in] | socket_id | Socket identifier. |
[in] | level | The socket options level. |
[in] | optname | The socket option to be set. |
[in] | value | The value to be set. |
[in] | optlen | The value length. |
References NET_SOCKET_SETSOCKOPT, and socket_send_data().
int socket | ( | int | domain, | |
int | type, | |||
int | protocol | |||
) |
Creates a new socket.
[in] | domain | The socket protocol family. |
[in] | type | Socket type. |
[in] | protocol | Socket protocol. |
References accepted, data_fragment_size, dyn_fifo_destroy(), EPFNOSUPPORT, EPROTONOSUPPORT, ERROR_CODE, ERROR_DECLARE, ERROR_OCCURRED, ESOCKTNOSUPPORT, free, header_size, IPPROTO_TCP, IPPROTO_UDP, socket_client_globals::lock, NET_SOCKET, NET_SOCKET_CLOSE, PF_INET, received, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_RAW, SOCK_STREAM, socket_generate_new_id(), socket_get_sockets(), socket_get_tcp_phone(), socket_get_udp_phone(), socket_globals, and socket_initialize().
Referenced by main().
int socket_bind | ( | socket_cores_ref | local_sockets, | |
socket_ports_ref | global_sockets, | |||
int | socket_id, | |||
void * | addr, | |||
size_t | addrlen, | |||
int | free_ports_start, | |||
int | free_ports_end, | |||
int | last_used_port | |||
) |
Binds the socket to the port.
The address port is used if set, a free port is used if not.
[in] | local_sockets | The local sockets to be searched. |
[in,out] | global_sockets | The global sockets to be updated. |
[in] | socket_id | The new socket identifier. |
[in] | addr | The address to be bound to. |
[in] | addrlen | The address length. |
[in] | free_ports_start | The minimum free port. |
[in] | free_ports_end | The maximum free port. |
[in] | last_used_port | The last used free port. |
Referenced by tcp_process_client_messages(), and udp_process_client_messages().
int socket_bind_free_port | ( | socket_ports_ref | global_sockets, | |
socket_core_ref | socket, | |||
int | free_ports_start, | |||
int | free_ports_end, | |||
int | last_used_port | |||
) |
Binds the socket to a free port.
The first free port is used.
[in,out] | global_sockets | The global sockets to be updated. |
[in,out] | socket | The socket to be bound. |
[in] | free_ports_start | The minimum free port. |
[in] | free_ports_end | The maximum free port. |
[in] | last_used_port | The last used free port. |
Referenced by tcp_connect_core(), and udp_sendto_message().
int socket_bind_insert | ( | socket_ports_ref | global_sockets, | |
socket_core_ref | socket, | |||
int | port | |||
) |
Binds the socket to the port.
The SOCKET_MAP_KEY_LISTENING key identifier is used.
[in] | global_sockets | The global sockets to be updated. |
[in] | socket | The socket to be added. |
[in] | port | The port number to be bound to. |
References socket_port::count, ERROR_CODE, ERROR_DECLARE, ERROR_OCCURRED, free, socket_port::map, socket_core::port, SOCKET_MAP_KEY_LISTENING, and socket_port_add_core().
void socket_connection | ( | ipc_callid_t | iid, | |
ipc_call_t * | icall | |||
) |
Default thread for new connections.
[in] | iid | The initial message identifier. |
[in] | icall | The initial message call structure. |
References accept_lock, accept_signal, accepted, data_fragment_size, dyn_fifo_push(), ENOTSOCK, ERROR_CODE, ERROR_DECLARE, ERROR_OCCURRED, socket_client_globals::lock, NET_SOCKET_ACCEPTED, NET_SOCKET_DATA_FRAGMENT_SIZE, NET_SOCKET_RECEIVED, receive_lock, receive_signal, received, sending_lock, SOCKET_GET_DATA_FRAGMENT_SIZE, SOCKET_GET_DATA_FRAGMENTS, SOCKET_GET_SOCKET_ID, socket_get_sockets(), socket_globals, SOCKET_MAX_ACCEPTED_SIZE, and SOCKET_MAX_RECEIVED_SIZE.
Referenced by socket_get_tcp_phone(), and socket_get_udp_phone().
void socket_cores_release | ( | int | packet_phone, | |
socket_cores_ref | local_sockets, | |||
socket_ports_ref | global_sockets, | |||
void(*)(socket_core_ref socket) | socket_release | |||
) |
Destroys local sockets.
Releases all buffered packets and calls the release function for each of the sockets.
[in] | packet_phone | The packet server phone to release buffered packets. |
[in] | local_sockets | The local sockets to be destroyed. |
[in,out] | global_sockets | The global sockets to be updated. |
[in] | socket_release | The client release callback function. |
Referenced by tcp_process_client_messages(), and udp_process_client_messages().
int socket_create | ( | socket_cores_ref | local_sockets, | |
int | app_phone, | |||
void * | specific_data, | |||
int * | socket_id | |||
) |
Creates a new socket.
[in,out] | local_sockets | The local sockets to be updated. |
[in] | app_phone | The application phone. |
[in] | specific_data | The socket specific data. |
[in,out] | socket_id | The new socket identifier. A new identifier is chosen if set to zero (0) or negative. A negative identifier is chosen if set to negative. |
Referenced by tcp_process_client_messages(), tcp_process_listen(), and udp_process_client_messages().
int socket_destroy | ( | int | packet_phone, | |
int | socket_id, | |||
socket_cores_ref | local_sockets, | |||
socket_ports_ref | global_sockets, | |||
void(*)(socket_core_ref socket) | socket_release | |||
) |
Destroys the socket.
If the socket is bound, the port is released. Releases all buffered packets, calls the release function and removes the socket from the local sockets.
[in] | packet_phone | The packet server phone to release buffered packets. |
[in] | socket_id | The socket identifier. |
[in,out] | local_sockets | The local sockets to be updated. |
[in,out] | global_sockets | The global sockets to be updated. |
[in] | socket_release | The client release callback function. |
void socket_destroy | ( | socket_ref | socket | ) |
Clears and destroys the socket.
References accepted, dyn_fifo_destroy(), dyn_fifo_pop(), received, socket_get_sockets(), and socket_id.
Referenced by closesocket(), tcp_close_message(), tcp_process_listen(), tcp_release_after_timeout(), and udp_process_client_messages().
void socket_destroy_core | ( | int | packet_phone, | |
socket_core_ref | socket, | |||
socket_cores_ref | local_sockets, | |||
socket_ports_ref | global_sockets, | |||
void(*)(socket_core_ref socket) | socket_release | |||
) |
Destroys the socket.
If the socket is bound, the port is released. Releases all buffered packets, calls the release function and removes the socket from the local sockets.
[in] | packet_phone | The packet server phone to release buffered packets. |
[in] | socket | The socket to be destroyed. |
[in,out] | local_sockets | The local sockets to be updated. |
[in,out] | global_sockets | The global sockets to be updated. |
[in] | socket_release | The client release callback function. |
References socket_core::accepted, dyn_fifo_destroy(), dyn_fifo_pop(), socket_core::port, pq_release(), socket_core::received, socket_core::socket_id, and socket_port_release().
static int socket_generate_new_id | ( | socket_cores_ref | local_sockets, | |
int | positive | |||
) | [static] |
Tries to find a new free socket identifier.
[in] | local_sockets | The local sockets to be searched. |
[in] | positive | A value indicating whether a positive identifier is requested. A negative identifier is requested if set to false. |
References count, and SOCKET_ID_TRIES.
static int socket_generate_new_id | ( | void | ) | [static] |
Tries to find a new free socket identifier.
References count, socket_get_sockets(), and SOCKET_ID_TRIES.
Referenced by accept(), and socket().
static sockets_ref socket_get_sockets | ( | void | ) | [static] |
Returns the active sockets.
References free, socket_globals, and socket_client_globals::sockets.
Referenced by accept(), closesocket(), getsockopt(), listen(), recvfrom_core(), sendto_core(), socket(), socket_connection(), socket_destroy(), socket_generate_new_id(), and socket_send_data().
static int socket_get_tcp_phone | ( | void | ) | [static] |
Returns the TCP module phone.
Connects to the TCP module if necessary.
References bind_service_timeout(), SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, socket_connection(), socket_globals, and socket_client_globals::tcp_phone.
Referenced by socket().
static int socket_get_udp_phone | ( | void | ) | [static] |
Returns the UDP module phone.
Connects to the UDP module if necessary.
References bind_service_timeout(), SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, socket_connection(), socket_globals, and socket_client_globals::udp_phone.
Referenced by socket().
void socket_initialize | ( | socket_ref | socket, | |
int | socket_id, | |||
int | phone, | |||
services_t | service | |||
) |
Initializes a new socket specific data.
[in,out] | socket | The socket to be initialized. |
[in] | socket_id | The new socket identifier. |
[in] | phone | The parent module phone. |
[in] | service | The parent module service. |
References accept_lock, accept_signal, accepted, dyn_fifo_initialize(), phone, receive_lock, receive_signal, received, sending_lock, service, socket_id, SOCKET_INITIAL_ACCEPTED_SIZE, and SOCKET_INITIAL_RECEIVED_SIZE.
Referenced by accept(), and socket().
int socket_port_add | ( | socket_ports_ref | global_sockets, | |
int | port, | |||
socket_core_ref | socket, | |||
const char * | key, | |||
size_t | key_length | |||
) |
Adds the socket to an already bound port.
[in] | global_sockets | The global sockets to be updated. |
[in] | port | The port number to be bound to. |
[in] | socket | The socket to be added. |
[in] | key | The socket key identifier. |
[in] | key_length | The socket key length. |
Referenced by tcp_process_listen().
int socket_port_add_core | ( | socket_port_ref | socket_port, | |
socket_core_ref | socket, | |||
const char * | key, | |||
size_t | key_length | |||
) |
Adds the socket to a socket port.
[in,out] | socket_port | The socket port structure. |
[in] | socket | The socket to be added. |
[in] | key | The socket key identifier. |
[in] | key_length | The socket key length. |
References socket_port::count, ERROR_CODE, ERROR_DECLARE, ERROR_OCCURRED, free, socket_core::key, socket_core::key_length, and socket_port::map.
Referenced by socket_bind_insert().
socket_core_ref socket_port_find | ( | socket_ports_ref | global_sockets, | |
int | port, | |||
const char * | key, | |||
size_t | key_length | |||
) |
Finds the bound port socket.
[in] | global_sockets | The global sockets to be searched. |
[in] | port | The port number. |
[in] | key | The socket key identifier. |
[in] | key_length | The socket key length. |
Referenced by tcp_process_listen(), tcp_process_packet(), tcp_release_after_timeout(), tcp_timeout(), and udp_process_packet().
void socket_port_release | ( | socket_ports_ref | global_sockets, | |
socket_core_ref | socket | |||
) |
Releases the socket port.
If the socket is bound the port entry is released. If there are no more port entries the port is release.
[in] | global_sockets | The global sockets to be updated. |
[in] | socket | The socket to be unbound. |
Referenced by socket_destroy_core().
int socket_reply_packets | ( | packet_t | packet, | |
size_t * | length | |||
) |
Replies the packet or the packet queue data to the application via the socket.
Uses the current message processing fibril.
Referenced by tcp_recvfrom_message(), and udp_recvfrom_message().
int socket_send_data | ( | int | socket_id, | |
ipcarg_t | message, | |||
ipcarg_t | arg2, | |||
const void * | data, | |||
size_t | datalength | |||
) |
Sends message to the socket parent module with specified data.
[in] | socket_id | Socket identifier. |
[in] | message | The action message. |
[in] | arg2 | The second message parameter. |
[in] | data | The data to be sent. |
[in] | datalength | The data length. |
References ENOTSOCK, socket_client_globals::lock, NO_DATA, phone, service, socket_get_sockets(), socket_globals, and socket_id.
Referenced by bind(), connect(), and setsockopt().
struct socket_client_globals socket_globals [static] |
Socket client library global data.
Referenced by accept(), closesocket(), getsockopt(), listen(), recvfrom_core(), sendto_core(), socket(), socket_connection(), socket_get_sockets(), socket_get_tcp_phone(), socket_get_udp_phone(), and socket_send_data().